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File:[SubsPlease] Sokushi Cheat….jpg (352.98 KB,1920x1080)


What do you do in this situation?


The entire existence of this place is stupid. Who the fuck thinks that imprisoning a world-ending threat won't make it angry? They one-sidedly decided that he could only kill via eye contact. How the fuck did they get that idea?
Why does the robot even recognize the request to be led out?
If I learned of the existence of that place, unfortunately I'd be too paranoid about being assassinated by this rogue government organization to quit. But I'd sure want to distance myself from these morons.


I think the idea was to appease Yogiri and keep him in a more ignorant and peaceful environment for his entire life until he died of old age. If the robot is sort of like the android from the beginning of the episode then it has its own will in a sense as well and knows that it can be killed by disobeying him.


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (261.58 KB,1920x1080)

I have no idea what's going on. My answer is uhh... post a bun


Appease him by imprisoning him?
Keep him ignorant by recruiting a random woman to teach him and have her figure out his lessons?
And using a needlessly self-aware smart robot that would rather protect its own life than shut the facility down as it should? (when a much simpler and cheaper machine would do its actual job just as well)


I think the idea was more to not make him feel like he's imprisoned and try to avoid having him have reason to want to get out. Also wouldn't letting him roam free above ground have potential for even more calamity if the wrong people messed with him or he developed bad ideas about people? Having a caregiver that can connect with him and keep him grounded to the earth seems like the best option since it allows him a favorable view of some humans so that he won't kill all humans. The robot thing is dumb though.


They could have just imprisoned a bunch of other kids and caretakers with him. The kids would be just as ignorant of their imprisonment as he, while the caretakers would know better than to speak of things they shouldn't.
It breaks their human rights, but then, he is a world ending threat.

Alternatively, if they really trust that he can only kill by sight, weld the door shut for good and leave him alone in there. If they want to be humane, keep him company via robots and feed him via meals served conveyor belt sushi style.


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (269.96 KB,1920x1080)

>They could have just imprisoned a bunch of other kids and caretakers with him
What if some of those kids grew scared or formed cliques exclusionary of him while they were growing up.


Good caretakers can stop that sort of thing from happening.


Considering they are researchers, I think the point is to research him and not just contain him. The researchers don't seem overly disdainful of him, more like how we would treat a lion, if we never saw a lion before. They want him to be in a "natural habitat" not just be contained.


bun bun

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