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File:[SubsPlease] Rurouni Kensh….jpg (313.6 KB,1920x1080)


The new rurouni kenshin looks flippin GOOD (Although not on the level of Tsuioku good but that's impractical). Which is nice for me because depending on how much they adapt this is probably up in my top 3 greatest battle shounens of all time. Would be amazing if this goes beyond just re-adapting what the anime already covered and properly doing justice to the later manga arcs because that's the greatest fault of the original IMO. Although the new OP is definitely no sobakasu..... It's hard to top a 10/10 opening I wish the new one was at least comparable...


Anyways, with this I kinda wonder what /qa/ thinks about the uptick in higher budget remakes of older anime? I find it a bit worrying because of the precedent Hollywood set with it, but everything so far has been pretty quality (This, Urusei Yatsura, Mahoujin Guru Guru come to mind). Also as a positive it seems that these new remakes, if source material has updated since the original, are doing more the Brotherhood style of remake in which they adapt the source material more accurately and to its conclusion instead of just being an advertisement. In a way I think I'd actually prefer more of these since I hate the way so many older anime are just sitting in the "next season never" bin and if a full remake is what's needed to see them adapted to finish then so be it. I will happily eat up the Spice and Wolf remake if that's what'll be done as well.


Dororo was also great, and I haven't seen it myself but I hear Dai no Daibouken was pretty fantastic.


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Oh, yeah I remmember hearing that too. But I haven't played DQ so I haven't watched it in case I ever want to try it.

That also reminds me that there was the Gegege no Kitarou that people really liked with the well updated Neko Musume. But not sure if that really counts because that's always being remade.


This one is the most tragic because it's trying to adapt the material that the original anime never covered so it's fucking it up for anyone that may have an interest in trying in the future. I'd be happy if at least this got a memorial remake...


I like them. The anime they are based on are of course quite old and that makes it hard or people like me who did not watch them as a kid to get into so making a newer updated version for the current generation makes sense.

And for the most part they are enjoyable, Guru Guru, Dororo, Kino no Tabi, Space Battleship Yamato, Legends of the Galactic Heroes etc are good. Though not all are, I think when they try to remakes them in 3dCG they turn out quiet bad, I really wanted to watch Berserk and Fist of the North Star but the remakes are awful, I'd probably be better of watching the older versions.


Berserk already got the movie remakes of the Golden Age arc.


somewhere in a parallel universe
there is a Berkserk: Lost Children OVA


Done by A-team DEEN


As a general rule I dislike remakes since they invite a culture of stifled creativity and generally lack the artistic passion that made the original memorable. However, most of these are re-adaptations of manga or novels rather than remakes of old anime, which is a bit different, and are able to be more confident investing in a classic story which helps with animation quality and faithfulness to the original. It may partly be because I wasn't into anime as a kid and so fit into the target audience better, but I generally have been enjoying them.

I still think the axiom of "only remake what you couldn't get right the first time" applies, though. Die Nueue These is a perfectly fine and more faithful adaptation of LotGH, but the OVAs were so fantastic in their presentation of the story that there was no hope of living up to it.


The new Urusei Yatsura's OP got flippin 14 MILLION views on youtube, I think it was pretty successful.


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It deserves far more. It was really a fantastic, uh, reboot? Is what what you'd call it? Whatever it is, it was easily one of the best shows of the year and very high production values and excellent humor, with some touching moments, too.
The Urusei Yatsura thing was everything I hoped it would be, as it's different yet still what you would expect. If everything was done this well then I'd say the world would be okay with endless reboots/remakes/whatever it is.


I'm a novelty seeker. And effort spent on remakes is effort not spent on new stuff. So I'm against remakes in principle for that reason. But I don't hold so strongly to it in practice, if it's good then it's good and I'll watch it.


>The new rurouni kenshin looks flippin GOOD
A shame that the same can't be said about how it sounds. The OST in this new version is serviceable at best, but maybe that's just my bias coming into play from having watched the original and its soundtracks being one of my favorites of all time. I don't know how to express it as a musical smarty would, but the tension and impact are extremely lacking. Also it doesn't really feel like it has anything unique to it, it's just battle music. Really, they should've just repurposed the old OST and maybe done remasters at most.


Although, if there's one thing I'll give credit to the new one in terms of OST... It doesn't play this fucking song every single other minute whenever something slightly emotional happens. One of the worst parts of the original.


The worst part is that it's a really good OST on its own, and you'd never think that you'd get annoyed of it. But I remember them swapping from whatever was playing to it so many times that I got sick of it at one point. Maybe memory serves me wrong, but I feel that at one point they switched to it twice in the same scene.


I know its chiefly a comedy series, but how do you not lose motivation to engage with UY when the manga spoiled who would win very early


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Because I adore the characters and don't really care too much about the end goal as I do the characters and the situations they get themselves into. Who cares that it's filler if you're having fun? Not like there's always some grand meaning to everything.

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