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Greetings and rabbit rabbit (you didn't remember to say it, right?)

For a bunch of reasons I can't get into this is my favorite month of the year. One of those reasons is I get more free time to work on things I enjoy.

Over the last couple of weeks I've been re-watching Moon Phase for the first time in over a decade. I grabbed the best version I could find from the usual trackers. The release I got seems to be the most popular and all of the others seem to be using the same subtitles for the English translation. I was disappointed see that the scripts being used are filled with both spelling and grammar errors. One of two per episode I can forgive. A typo that's one letter off on standard QWERTY keyboard I can forgive. But I hit a string of 3-4 episodes in a row filled with horrible errors and it was obvious to me that no one bothered to even quality check the work before pushing it out to the public. This is in addition to several other errors I've noticed in the video/audio portion along with some pacing issues in the scripts themselves.

I posted all that to propose the following;

I've been slowly working on a handful of old series (and one new one) thanks to various people from here and elsewhere that so graciously provided me with good raws for a couple of shows or volunteered to do quality checking. I haven't been able to put out much in the last few months but now that I'll have more free time I'll be pushing some stuff out soon. But I'm one man and can only do so much so quickly.

So I was curious if anywhere here would be interested in helping out with things like correcting spelling errors in scripts or watching pre-release encodes. I need people to do stuff like the following;
1) Test encodes on various set-top devices (video game consoles, firesticks, AppleTV etc)
2) Double check spelling/grammar in English subtitle scripts
3) Watch test encodes on various different software/hardware players and tell me how things work on their local mpv/mpc-hc+mad configs
4) Help track down raws (DVD, LD, BDs and VHS) that aren't as common on public sources for some older content
5) Help initially seeding releases / posting them to public trackers
6) Post list of shows/series they think could use some attention

In other words the usual work for old fansub groups. If you can do other things like typesetting, timing, and encoding that's would be much appreciated as well. I'm basically trying to see if we can get an open source group going that doesn't fall into the usual trap of the fansub drama. An anonymous group if you will.

Last year a handful of people came together and did a show together and it turned out great and ended up being a lot of fun for everyone involved despite some people attempting to ruin that. I'd like to do the same thing for some older shows. I just happened to notice Moon Phase could really use a better subtitle script and thought people here might be interested in making that happen.

Anyway, last year we all worked using public threads+email when required. Worked out fine. We do have an IRC bot but we rarely use the channel it's in for anything but uploading files to it when needed. I don't care if we release under that old group name or make up a new one. I don't care about starting a website/page or trying to build up a reputation (we can use a different group tag for each show or none at all for all I care). I'd just like to see some of this old stuff get a proper archival release for future generations. Since the people currently churning this stuff out don't seem that interested in maintaining a level of quality I feel is acceptable (on public sources at least).


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Of course when I quickly go back through some episodes looking for those errors I can't find them. But trust me. In the scripts currently circulating there are errors where "dream" is spelled "deeam" then "dweaa" the next line. Sometimes it goes on for 2-3 episodes in a row with multiple words. Along with odd use of quotes in places. How does this even make it past a spot check? There were tons of errors. I understand checking everything in a 26 episode TV anime can get boring but surely someone watched it before it got sent out for distro, right? I notice a lot of easy to avoid errors in video/audio portions of a lot of shows.

Don't get me wrong I'm happy someone tried to provide it and did it for (mostly) free. But there is always room to improve.

Basically, I wanted to see if any other a/v nerds were around here that wanted to join forces and work on some things together. Moon Phase felt like the best shot of getting interest since it could use a once over anyway.

At the moment I'm slowly working on; MahoAko, Puni-chan, BPS and a once over of Onimai's script. Along with some other shows I grabbed raws for but don't want to list now because there is too much on my plate already. A friend has been doing the bulk of the work on Onimai's scripts. It's mostly a basic script clean up. Most of this stuff already has a decent TL and the scripts just need some minor spell checking or timing/pacing once over. Others could benefit from a new encode since a better source came out since it was last done or the encode wasn't that great (but usually watchable). BPS is the exception because I need to OCR the hardsubs from an encode I did decades ago as I lost the original script files years ago.

I'd like to set some modernized standards where each release gets two "editions".

First edition would be the general release designed to play on all devices released in the last 10-15 years. It would be designed for direct play on cell phones, PCs/laptops and on home streaming servers like Jellyfin/Plex. This would be the "play anywhere" edition. Track order would be standardized to solve the every group does its own thing with audio/subtitle track order problem. Usual .ass subtitles but at least one .srt track required for compatibility with devices that can't/aren't powerful enough to render more complicated .ass stuff. Either AAC or Opus audio codec required for audio tracks. Some other misc. things (mkv container of course).

Second edition would be a (near)lossless version with uncompressed audio and/or remuxed from source audio and whichever near-lossless video codec we agree on. Idea is HQ raw for other groups in the future that might want to produce their own version. Pure archival is the goal basically with mild filtering of video when/where needed.

Scripts and everything else released would be released to public with notice that they're free to use/modify/re-release/whatever the subtitltes, video, audio and anything else included to their heart's content. Always room for improvemnt.

A final note on standards;

For a long time I've been thinking about making a subset of the mkv container (similar to webm) or just some basic rules on how things are put into mkv container for anime. There is a wide varation about where people put things and how they label them. This breaks auto detection of audio and subtitle tracks in a lot of players and on a lot of devices. No mattter what you set your player to default you usually end up in a situation where you get the first audio track (usually English these days) along with a subtitle track you didn't expect. A lot of people don't even bother to label the tracks or set the proper language for them. This results in having to mess around with changing tracks all of the time on TV based players no matter if you want Japanese+subs or English+signs only.

A lot of people even include batch scripts with their releases now to appease both sides of the dubs vs. subs folks. But you still have to check each and every release since everyone is using something different. So I've been thinking why not adopt some rules about data track orders and hope it catches on? I don't want to post a spec here now. But the jist is rules like "Original audio track is always track #10" and "English Signs+Subs is always track 21" and "Full English subtitles are always track 20" and so on. Those wide gaps in numbering are so you have room for other languages and multipe types of data in the same track types (e.g. Main Japanese Audio, English dub, then a bunch of commentary tracks). The spec wouldn't be that hard to put together it's getting people to follow it that's always the problem (hence why I thought new container format would help it along but that's a whole other can of worms in itself).

At any rate I'm fambling again. Just been giving some thought to fansubs (or just straight warez these days I guess) and wanted to see if anyone was interested in helping out or had thoughts about the general state of things. It isn't all bad of course. I've just noticed some areas where we can improve as a whole. Fansubs used to ride the bleeding edge of a/v stuff for many years. While AV1 is around and people are using it I've noticed some regressions on the whole container front as of late. Although I'll be the first to admit I don't miss ordered chapters. But I feel like we can do better than just cramming whatever we feel like into mkv and calling it good.


We had a thread about subbing stuff before, but it never really made any progress. I've done fansubbing before and would like to do it more (there are like three sequel series I need to do but lack TL help for), though I never bothered much with the encoding side of things. I don't think ambitious attempts to break the mold with how groups work is a great idea, you avoid drama by getting decent people involved and personal connections are paramount for getting people to help with projects they're not particularly invested in (it's easier to give when you know it'll let you take later).

Also, I do use a group tag and try to build a reputation, not because I attentionwhore with it, but because it helps people to know what they're getting when they grab that torrent.

>surely someone watched it before it got sent out for distro
The issue is one of time. Even a 12 episode anime takes a minimum of 6 hours per pass to QC, so unless you really, really like an anime and are in no rush to release then you want to minimize the number of times you have to go through and rewatch it. When errors get through on my releases, it's typically because I only did one pass where I was trying to fix typos, timing issues, enhance typesetting, and delocalize/tlc all at once with only some spot checks after. If you've got a pool of skilled QCers with nothing better to do than immediately spend a whole evening reviewing your release, that's great, but in my experience you're more likely to end up having to do it yourself. Compounding that is that a lot of BD subs probably just take the TV subs with some slight retiming, so all the errors that come from racing for quick releases are still there.

OniMai was okay, but do I really want to give it my undivided attention for another watch? Not really. I might give MahouAko another go just for BD changes, but I'm not in love with the idea and it's popular enough I'm inclined to leave it to other people.

So basically, I'm willing to help with checking things over and uploading/seeding, just not on Moon Phase for someone I don't owe a huge favor to.


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Wow, what an elaborate April Fool's thread!

But seriously: I can help with some of it. I'm fine doing script reading and testing out stuff, although I think my setup of Windows 10 and basic MPC-HC isn't very unusual. I'm decent enough at taking screenshots and making comparison frames so I could at least compare different encodes at different times? I'm in AB (although that's not rare here) so I could help find stuff, but my upload is 1MB so I can't really you upload much. I'm someone that really lacks motivation and drive, though, so I should say that in advance.

And yeah, Moon Phase's subs are, uh, interesting. I kind of just accept them, I guess.
Looking at my drive I have the following:
Tsukuyomi Moon Phase (DVD Dual-Audio Opus)
[mottoj] Tsukuyomi Moon Phase (R2DVD 1024x576 HEVC FLAC)
[Exiled-Destiny] Tsukuyomi Moon Phase_ (and its DVD special)
[Arigatou] Tsukuyomi Moon Phase DVD Special
月咏 (no subs on this of course)

To my untrained eyes the mottoj one looks the best, but I'm no expert.


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I can always help with some testing and grammar checking, also with initially seeding as well. Not with posting them though, didn't get my Nyaa account created in time because I didn't think it'd be something time gated.

Also if you need help tracking down old DVDs or BDs and stuff I could try my best to find stuff and acquire it. I'm fairly well off so as long as they're not insanely priced old collector marked up editions I should be able to get stuff. Also it's nothing really worth nothing right now since it's not old and probably will be one of the most available BDs, but I ordered Mahoako on prerelease if there's any interest in doing work on that.

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