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File:979cac308af30cb2ed65f9406f….gif (782.89 KB,508x372)


Zippyshare will shut down by the end of this month.
I think the impact is limited since it's meant as temporary file hosting, but a small number of files have survived for much longer due to continued downloads.
If you know some old files you want on Zippyshare like those on some DDL sites, download them now.

On the other hand, if Mediafire was to go down, the impact would be much larger since lots of files on it are now over a decade old. The same can be said for Mega due to the huge amount of files shared on it.


Yeah Mediafire going down would be apocalyptic for older downloads. But I think every time I've seen a zippyshare link to something it's always been accompanied by a variety of other links to other similar sites so the impact should be fairly limited. Although it'll suck that one of the better dl sites is out of the picture.


File:[Rom & Rem] Urusei Yatsura….jpg (266.77 KB,1920x1080)

Yeah, I've said it before that mediafire is the backbone of so much stuff. If and when it dies a huge part of the old internet dies with it. The uploads are still there like 15 years later. It's such an important thing for people trying to find older things, like custom patches for games, mods, and tons of other stuff


The Internet's fate is ephemeral, and temporary. Because, technology is not eternal. The only thing that is eternal is you. I guess that's what Lain was all about.


I'm still mad about the shutdown of megaupload, that really was a catastrophic loss considering it made %4 of total internet traffic at its peak. Used to download so many games from there...


Let’s make this the graveyard thread…
Imgur joins the rank of several other free image hosts before it. They will delete anonymous uploads (explicitly mentioning old images too) and nsfw contents starting from May 15:

Lots of old images will be deleted, including old forum posts, and some archives like 4archive.org which hosts images there. Archive everything while you still can.


Imgur wanted to be a social media platform sooo bad


Yeah, I’m surprised that it managed to hold this long


Was imgur intended to be a permanent media repository? I always thought of it as "the Reddit image host" until Reddit started hosting their own images and then Imgur became a pseudo-social media site after that, like >>107131 said.

I'm not surprised that they're deleting old content because that didn't seem like the purpose of the site, it was more for sharing something that will be forgotten about a month later.

It's a shame to see the nsfw crackdown though.




Imgur allows embedding images on third party websites so lots of forum posts and some websites use it to embed images. That's what makes it different from other image sharing social media sites, especially since other services that allow embedding all went bust, like tinypic that was commonly used on forums.


i made sure to download all my imgur uploads a while back though i think some still had been deleted over the years


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So it seems that RarBG has suddenly shut down today. This kinda sucks because it was the best place to get torrents for western TV and Movies. Not sure where to go to now for my torrents, but I guess I'll have to see about getting into PTP or something.

I know /qa/ is more interested in anime and more eastern stuff, but if you are affected how are you going to deal with its collapse?


It sucks. But I think Bitsearch and iDope can still find western stuff easily.
Really, you can find almost anything public by using Weboasis hard enough but I fear about the future of piracy


My hopes for the future of piracy is that it returns to being more of an in-the-know thing where people that do their due diligence in finding where to get stuff are rewarded and it's not insanely easy for norms to just get whatever. Since the only real big threat to piracy is becoming mainstream since that puts a huge spotlight on it.


I dont know how likely that is to happen again with how keeping things in the know often is considered a faux pa


I have started a physical library since bookzz and ebookee died also, I recommend you do so if you can for the medium you're passionate about if it can be controlled through copyright in your country


what was the pic


Piracy being mainstream isn't about people being able to find pirate sites, it's about how many are content using legal services. Everybody knows they can Google something and watch it for free, but they also have a dozen streaming site accounts shared between their friends and family letting them watch whatever without having to worry about "doing the wrong thing."


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Omegle has died.



File:[SubsPlease] Hoshikuzu Tel….jpg (257.6 KB,1920x1080)

Any idea what he means by "attacks"? People have been showing strangers their /jp/s there since the beginning so it must be something else. Is it illegal stuff?


stress and country legislation. having to defend his product from people who want to prevent avenues of crime being done through buisness operations


Aside from the obvious issues, the site was swamped with scambots


It's illegal for a significant portion of the population to show anyone their /jp/s online.


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the courage to post my big fat /jp/

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