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 No.100351[Last50 Posts]

Gone from Ubuntu to Debian, but Debian kind of sucks as a desktop environment (constant freezes, poor drivers and performance issues. Also issues with Steam's client)

Where do I go next?


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trending towards going back to ubuntu




Might as well try it, but likely not too different from Ubuntu


What sort of performance issues? Your choice of desktop environment might make more of a difference here than your distribution.


dude, I will be honest. I had to look up what that even meant


yeah my craptop was able to run ubuntu after i loaded xfce
before that it was slower than a snail on benzos
still not sure of what i did, just followed the instructions


This isn't a craptop. It has a Ryzen7 4000 with integrated AMD graphics.
It's entirely the fault of Debian and I shouldn't have to go out of my way to modify it's desktop environment(whatever that is) to get it to work fine


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Lightweight desktops like XFCE, LXDE,LXQT and others are great for saving ram and CPU. Personally I am more of a window manager only guy and I use i3 with Polybar its very comfy. Also yes this is being run on a PS4, I hacked it and put Linux on it and its now the best PC I own at the moment


If linux wants to ever be something beyond a microservices and server system I should not have to wory about any of this so that my 2020 PC with 8gb of ram does not lock up when I run NPM build with Steam and 20 atom tabs open!!


always assume that it does not, in fact, werk
one way or another, you will modify something however big or however small


How are you so certain that it is Debian's problem?


Because windows 10 worked perfectly fine until I switched to it. There's no reason I have to deal with system freezes because I have too many tabs open on a browser or run a software build program.

Linux is overall a completely garbage system for desktops and the only redeamable aspect is how well apt install works.
That you have to even think about how desktops work(just remove gnome LOL) in order to use it is not an advantage. It is a glaring flaw.


and yes I do have the most recent drivers installed. I can play games on it. But web streaming? Large moniters? NOPE


Did I have any of these problems on Ubuntu with my desktop? NO. Yet you retards go on and on about UBUNTU HAD PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE ON IT 20 YEARS AGO.



Clearly you have set it up incorrectly.


People say they have problems with Linux but when I use it, it goes fine for me, are people just doing more advanced things or what? I'm able to browse the internet, play games, compile software, etc just fine without any crashing or freezes


>system freezes because I have too many tabs open on a browser
That one might actually be Linux's fault (Linux is the kernel, you've read the pasta already). The way it manages running out of memory is kind of garbage. You could try installing oomkiller so your browser crashes when you open too many tabs instead of your whole system locking up.


By the way, are you on Debian stable, testing, or unstable?


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No, Windows people are just retarded and will give up on everything the moment they hit a bump in the road 1 mm tall. I had a lot more problems with my previous Windows installation than I've ever had after I switched to Debian.
OOMKiller should already be installed, have had run-ins with it a couple times without me manually installing it. I increased the amount of swap on my PC (from 0 to 4 GB) and haven't had any problems since. Though, it does take some time for the OOMKiller to kick in and crash a browser.


looks normal to me

PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"

I've been using debian for a few months now and I'm getting sick of it. It is not a desktop environment unless you hate features that come with any modern OS


That's stable. For a personal computer I would recommend using testing or unstable. You'll have way more problems on stable due to the software being so far out of date than you'll have from the software in testing or unstable not having been tested enough.


If Debian's too outdated, and you're not hellbent on wanting to stick with Debian, try Fedora. It's basically the same as Debian (at least concerning a normal user) except that you'll have to use dnf instead of apt.


been using manjaro for a while now and it's fine for anything other than most games, windows is clearly better there


Yeah, if someone is going to want to use a fork of Arch you don't want to go with Manjaro. Try Artix (no systemd), ArcoLinux, and/or if you need something more user friendly then I suggest EndeavourOS well over Manjaro. Either way, Manjaro fucking sucks.


>Either way, Manjaro fucking sucks.
Why? I used it for a while and liked it.


I was experiencing the same problem, since I didn't have oomkiller enabled. This was a major annoyance for me but it seems like it's fixed


It beats having to switch to something else so sure, I'll try and see how it is.

On Ubuntu, which tries to be a real OS instead of your hacky garbage distro, this oomkiller has, annoyingly, caused various server processes to terminate mid action, so I had assumed that Debian was the same thing.
But thinking about it, I don't think I've seen it show up in my syslog ever after switching everything to Debian.


>NPM build
I think running a build system is your problem. my Windows machine makes everything else run slow when I click the build button in Visual Studio. People write build systems and compilers assuming that you want the programs to finish their work as fast as it can possibly be done.


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Linux problem.
Not configuring their systems correctly for consumer... AKA DESKTOP... use


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Linux continuing to suck ass as a desktop environment


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The sheer ignorance of how virtual memory works in this thread is astounding. All operating systems using it including Windows and macOS have the same problem, it's not unique to linux.

Windows notepad does the same if you don't set the correct locale.


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Funny how I can do all of this in Windows without having to set anything up. If windows had an equivalent to apt-get I wouldn't ever touch this thing for how inconvinient it is.

Hey you retard.
Which locale is correct?
Why is my login screen in Japanese yet I still can't view the file?
Why is it that this works on my Windows Desktop?
Why is every "Linux can replace Windows" enthusiast such a dunce when it comes to having a functional UI that doesn't waste your time???


None of these are correct because it's not encoded with UTF-8, which you should already know if you have the slightest idea on Windows locale and encoding.
If your Windows locale isn't set to Japanese or the text isn't encoded with Shift-JIS ot UTF-8, you will get the same result and no, Windows will not figure out which is the correct encoding the text has for you.

>If windows had an equivalent to apt-get I wouldn't ever touch this thing for how inconvinient it is.
chocolatey, nuget, or WSL are better for you


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this OS is a



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No one should ever touch this OS for anything involving enjoyment


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What a fucking joke of an OS


I give up. No one who has an interest in Japanese as a foreigner should touch Linux. Just don't.


I'm guessing the text is encoded in non-UTF-8 encoding, I've noticed Microsoft (notepad at least) uses UTF-16 (or higher) by default when saving files. Maybe try changing Atom's default encoding to UTF-16 (or higher).


works on my machine


Not true, I haven't ran into any problems so far, except with archived Japanese filenames being encoded in proprietary Windows encodings, which is just Windows being Windows and nothing to do with Linux.


Oh yeah, could be a proprietary Windows encoding as well, in which case there's not much you can do I guess.


Alright. I will try and do some text reader stuff on website programs


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Well, that gets it working.

Want to see something stupid though... let me set it up for you


I tested such a file in Clion, it detected the default UTF-8 was wrong and let me select an encoding manually, I selected Shift-JIS and it worked. Never had to change locale at all.


Linux is




ugh, lets not show the website IP by accident...


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Let me just reitterate that Japanese characters do work in my text editor. But the ones I got from a certain source do this


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I don't use Linux much, so can't give any definitive advice, but have you checked through the top-bar to see if you can change the encoding (as in the attached image)?


Just download the file and get owned.


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I was able to get it working. Using Firefox, I was able to see it was encoded in Shift-JIS. While that isn't compatible by default with Sublime Text, I was able to download a package (ConvertToUTF8) that adds the functionality. While that was on Windows, you should be able to do the same on Linux (both Sublime Text and the relevant package have Linux versions, or if you like the text editor you are currently using it probably has a similar package you could install instead).


That's great that you feel like doing this, but I should just move my chair over to my windows PC and give up on ever doing something conviniently in Linux


This thread is a bunch of youngsters tinkering with Linux for the first time, huh?




I use Xubuntu and Geany. I look like I'm following the crowd, but I'm really the trendsetter.


So much rudeness ITT...


¥open in mousepad
¥tells me it's not UTF-8, asks me to select an encoding
¥select shift-JIS
¥just werks


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Ranting at computers is one of the most historical aspects of the internet


nothing was able to show me encodings...


that's some funky hacker solitaire


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The so called ideal view of linux for linux users isn't even realistic. It's an imaginary world where you can make lasers fly out of the moniter, when really it's exactly as the windows user sees it: A bunch of prompts, exactly as they delt with in the DOS era.


As the chart says, that's how windows users (you) view linux.


no, it's that it's just plain unrealistic. The MAC and the Windows viewers see reality, but Linux sees(in this order)


These are all immaterial concepts not rooted in reality


So mac is literally a children's toy? I never knew. I thought it was a desktop computer running a proprietary UNIX os.


They used to be, but the new MacOS is just a glorified iOS machine. It's a shame because OSX was a decent third option.


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How come most people use Arch linux? I thought it was supposed to be the most complicated distro to get into?


I ended up changing to Mint btw and it works perfectly. No problems


It's a good distro


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Arch is very nice if you want to setup your system just the way you want since you install it all yourself. It is very good for power users. I personally run a arch-based distro myself called Artix.


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PEBCAK: the thread
it's not really that hard if you know how to follow instructions and take good care of your system. the arch wiki is very well documented; unless you run into an extremely specific/esoteric issue chances are someone has already been there and solved it for you to copy. and also the "arch breaks all the time" meme isn't true at all: i've used the same installation for a little more than 2 years now without running into a single deal breaker issue. at most, some graphical issues that get solved on the next version a week later (this is the desktop environment fault, not arch) or the usual manual intervention that you need to do after updating, in which case the arch website will post an update literally telling you what to do. it's fool proof really.


they all come from steam deck
>In July 2021, Valve announced the Steam Deck, a handheld gaming computer. It runs SteamOS 3.0, which is based on the Arch Linux distribution with a KDE Plasma 5 desktop


Steam Deck and imageboard elitists like it



I wanted to switch to Linux and was thinking about Arch because SteamOS is based on it and I figured that would give it the most documentation on issues. I'm a little apprehensive on jumping straight into something so complex though.


Forget Linux,
use Redox


It embodies the concepts that most people seem to think of when they think of desktop Linux: Customizable, minimalist, power-user centric, very up-to-date and community-driven.
It also has by far the best Linux wiki as mentioned before. I don't even use Arch at the moment, but I still get a lot of use out of it.


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Cirno would never use Linux!!!! She knows plan9 is the strongest operating system!!! Uninstall Linux and switch to ⑨front today!! https://fqa.9front.org/fqa1.html#1.1.1


I switched off of Arch because I was tired of dealing with AUR packages and often just fiddled with it instead of actually getting things done with it. OpenSUSE is good enough


Also, Ubuntu would be good if they weren't so focused on snaps


Just switched to Endeavor+KDE from Win10. So far I like how much more customizable it is but I'm running into a lot of little issues due to not being familiar with Linux. Hopefully I start getting the hang of it soon.


I ant to talk about this more because I'm actually really enjoying it so far. I love how much customization is possible, how much crisper text it, how easy and convenient it is to install new software through a package manager, and all around how it just feels like MY computer and not Microsoft's now. I wish I had made this switch sooner.

Only disappointing thing is a couple games that I like (Tarkov and Rainbow Six Siege) don't work, but it's a small price to pay for everything else.


Just dont get too into the philosophies around it.


I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that.


in layman terms he's saying that being able to install things through the command line is better than installing through binaries.

And an added bit about how it feels like he's modifying the system rather than adding new components.


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actually, I guess the only pro of Kali is running it in a VM.


There are 2 problems with Fedora:
A) GNOME3 sucks. This issue is easily fixable by using the KDE or Xfce4 "spin".
B) This is the biggest one: you need to add the 3rd-party RPF Fusion repo to get codecs.

I vote for Linux Mint because of this (unless you can/want to install Arch, Artix (= Arch without SystemD) or Gentoo). If you want to know the prerequisite knowledge for Arch, Artix and Gentoo: https://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php (it's very good book for learning the Linux CLI/Terminal/Bash).

>Manjaro sucks
Read this => https://manjarno.snorlax.sh

Kali Linux (and Backtrack before it) at least used to be designed to be run in a VM or as a LiveCD/LiveUSB OS.


knew not to touch manjaro


Try opensuse


I had a pretty bad experience with Tumbleweed, never tried Leap though.


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Do not install Linux on your personal computers. It's free because they can't make any money selling it since no one wants to buy it. Further moar it still relies on Windows (called X11) to even run. That's theft and why hackers use it since they would be booted off Microsoft.


Use wayland already. Its current year + 7


as if i'd ever buy windows, or worse yet, anything by crapple


Ummm, it's free as in freedom, not free as in no mondey....


It was a joke post you aspies


i know, so was mine.......


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They're linux users for a reason.


Do any of the AI anime things run on Linux anymore? I only did it very early when the NAI model was leaked and it was done through Krita


yeah that's what the kissu pc's SD runs on, ubuntu


4day work week time


void linux is unironically the best linux distro if you don't want to go with the LFS route. no systemd shit, stable releases, fast and reliable package manager, has an intuitive TUI installer. why aren't you using void already?


There is nothing wrong with SystemD


>void linux
Is that alpine on steroids?


I've seen people recommend it here and there throughout the last few years. How does it compare to Ubuntu?
Keep in mind, I'm tard.


I've heard good stuff about void but what makes it better then another systemd-less distro?


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Not really. Alpine has better package manager and devuan has better package compatibility. I don't see a reason to use void over these two.


gnu is shit but busybox is even worse. runit is faster than openrc. xbps is fast and reliable
>devuan has better package compatibility
what's that supposed to mean? how did you measure that?
devuan seems like a good alternative to void although i need to research it more. it seems to be dbus free too which is also nice.


I'm thinking of switching to Void from Artix.
Devuan isn't any different from Void in terms of packages, .deb packages from other distros shouldn't be used directly. If packages are all you want just use Artix.

I don't know if the performance apk brings really matters for your average desktop.
Did you ever pick?


I have a weird complaint about Artix.
Many of the mirrors are now offline and downloads can be incredibly slow


I just use Debian/Ubuntu-based and RHEL/Fedora-based distros for the most part. Arch and other like-minded distros are fine for a desktop but I would never trust it on anything production. If you want things to just work, any of those Arch-like distros are a bad pick, in my opinion. Unless using and fixing your operating system is itself your hobby, I really don't see any reason why you shouldn't just use Ubuntu or Fedora.


I picked a year ago. I've been using void ever since and had no issues. I never had a reason to switch. My main goal is to find a decent way to switch to 9front probably using vnc or similar as it's a better operating system than GNU/Linux.


Debian yes ubuntu no


i chose manjaro because it was supposed to be noob friendly which it mostly is but updates break stuff occasionally which is annoying
the only reason to try another arch based distro whenever i reinstall is aur but i'm sure i can do without it, they'll probably have the same update problem anyway


why would you need AUR? just compile it yourself from source if it's not in your package manager


Void is damn near perfect but its a giant pain to do FDE on it. I'm a lazy guy, not so lazy I'd just install Mint but lazy enough to use void-installer


I'm currently driving MX Linux (Debian-based) for the past year, and it's been reliable the whole time. Perhaps this is because my hardware is relatively old and the programs I user are light, but it's been a pleasure to use.
I'm playing around with doing some installs on QEMU, and that's working pretty well for the most part. I've heard a bunch of good things about Void and I see its praises are sung here as well, so I may try it out at some point.


That's what the AUR is though...


Without having to trust some random user


Trust? Just open the PKGBUILD in a text editor then, it shows you what it does. Thats the way you are supposed the use the AUR anyway, even that arch team don't suggest using AUR helpers


Nerds, just use Debian for your servers and Mint for your desktop.


Or just use Debian/Devuan for everything. Its great. Nothing ever breaks!


I feel like this is sarcasm, but the only times I've had configs break on Debian is during dist-upgrades and even those are safe more often than not. I do think there are better options for desktop use, though.


I only use Devuan on the desktop because it's a SystemD free distro that requires very little maintenence


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I agree on Devuan being pretty good, it's what i would probably use on a computer with limited internet access or on an older machine.
I've been using vanilla Arch for a little over 3 years now (two different installations) and I still haven't had a single issue with packages randomly breaking after updates. And since I don't use a DE anymore I don't need to update +100 packages every week, which is nice and provides less of a surface for potential issues.
Manjaro's aim of making a rolling release "stable" by holding back packages for a week is fundamentally flawed. I've used Arch, Manjaro, EndeavourOS and Artix, and the ONLY time I've had breakages and even random kernel panics was when i used Manjaro. Now that Arch is easier than ever to install with archinstall, the fact that people still recommend Manjaro is beyond me. There are sites dedicated to listing reasons why you shouldn't use it: see https://github.com/arindas/manjarno and https://www.hadet.dev/Manjaro-Bad/ (there was another one with a big counter on top stating how many days have passed since the last time the Manjaro devs done goofed, but I couldn't find it). If you don't feel like reinstalling you could switch to their unstable branch or whatever it is that they call it. But in my experience, the closer you get to vanilla Arch the better.


Just use Endeavor if you want a noob friendly Arch.


I sometimes get frustrated with desktop linux developers. I sometimes wonder how farther they would be along if there were minimal forks


What's the problem. Mint is basically everything you need.
The server management is a bit clunky, but you get around that with bookmarks.
It's even got a paint clone pre-installed!


Xubuntu has been around longer and it's barely changed since when I started using it.


I use non-systemD distros simply because I prefer OpenRC but the anti-systemd crowd has gotten a little crazy,
https://sysdfree.wordpress.com/ has multiple posts about societal collapse
https://dev1galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?id=4986 has posts about conspiracy theories about red hat and IBM trying to fully control Linux
I don't know if I like these people...


I don't get the rationale behind this attitude more broadly, as long as its GPL or just even open source it should be OK. I know Red Hat has started doing questionable things but I think SUSE hard-forking it shows that there's not some overarching corporate conspiracy to restrict your Freedom. For goodness sake its licensed under the LGPL and the FSF distros use it!

It's weird to see it went from mission and feature creep and a large attack surface to discourse like this.


I don't think people on the internet know how to deal with loudmouthed, paranoid people. Tech enthusiast circles seem especially susceptible to the delusional hijacking the reigns of conversation, as they seem more inclined to try to reason even when dealing with someone arguing in bad faith.




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Uh... I don't get it.


Linux Foundation spends only 3.2% on the kernel itself


>conspiracy theories about red hat and IBM trying to fully control Linux
not a conspiracy. it's already happening and you have to be blind to not see it
>societal collapse
sysdfree guys are commies so they are correct about societal collapse


Tried to install Arch for the fist time today but the PC just keeps booting into UEFI no matter what I do. Getting quite fed up with it.


>it's already happening and you have to be blind to not see it
Is the most conspiracy theorist combination of words I can think of.


systemd is proof enough of what's happening. Even excluding that freedesktop is proof enough of what they're doing. If you don't understand what's going on then you aren't participating in the kernel mailing lists or the mailing lists for most distros. Gentoo deleted an entire forum recently because people were talking about systemd too much and ways to hack around it.


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Cutest girl coming through


Is this attitude why OpenBSD suddenly got a lot of interest and help and people are using it as a desktop for some reason


I think it's funny that in FOSS circles commies are tolerable and often not very vocal about their politics unless asked, often just coming off as pessimists or alarmists but in almost every other scene they're obnoxious know-it-all tankies (yes I know there are some in FOSS, but you know what I mean).


I think it's because at the end of the day they're concerned more about freedom than people in those other circles. Since lack of freedom directly effects them in several different ways. For example, having to suffer with a GPU that doesn't work right because of closed source drivers.

A lot of people are fleeing the Linux sinking ship lately so the *BSDs have gotten more interest.


What's going on with linux making everyone flee?


I'm going to try to explain this without it getting too long. Basically, the GPL license forces anyone that wants control of a project to take it completely over. Since a lot of big tech companies have started using Linux for devices like cell phones and POS terminals they had a lot of interest in determining what does and does not become standards within the greater Linux community. This led to them gaining positions of control all throughout the wider community. They've bought their way in with funding and once they obtained those positions they started pushing out alternatives and pushing in-house code (so-called bloatware). There are too many projects to list in a short post but suffice to say they've set standards and now a lot of lower level packages rely on things like polkit, dbus, systemd and many others.

There is push back against those sorts of things but such projects and the people talking about them have been banned from mailing lists and the usual forums for ideological reasons. Usually under the guise that they're being too political/are crazy/fear mongering and the usual excuses when one side wants to silence another.

One example that comes to mind is the Gentoo forums. Where for decades it was common for people to have free and open discussions about alternatives to the defaults and the community was based around user choice. On the Gentoo forums over the last 10 years or so discussion against things like systemd were run out of the technical forums. This forced people to use the general/off-topic forum for such discussion. Once they were corralled in there the foundation decided to delete that forums. The excuse they used was political discussion about Donald Trump IIRC. If you go on the mailing list you can see an employee of Google/Alphabet bragging about the fact that he pushed through that policy and got the forum deleted.

In reality what's happening is Google uses Gentoo as the base for their ChromeOS. So they've seized control of the foundation and became the main source of income for it. So what Google says goes.

Most users are not directly effected by this stuff yet because they're far downstream from what's happening and use pre-compiled binaries. But if you're building from source code and having to deal with what's happening upstream you quickly start to understand that this is becoming a huge problem. Especially if you're concerned about security or building binaries for less common platforms. For example, a lot of new software will not build or run outside of the x86-64 ecosystem at all. This was not the case just 10 years ago.

I could go into more detail if you want but this is already getting pretty long.


"Everyone" isnt fleeing, but there are serious concerns about the controlling interests forcing lock-in and Rust in the kernel causing potential copyright issues.

There's also concerns over bloat, but so far there's nothing "abandon ship" level yet but some interest in alternatives now (or even just non lock-in stuff like MX). But if you have no performance or ideological reason to do so it should be fine for now.


I wanted to add. One of the biggest problems is the fact that some software getting forced in as the new defaults requires a server farm to build in a timely manner. eg. Chromium browser engine, webkit, Firefox, and Rust are the main ones that come to mind. But there are others. Even on a top of the line desktop system such things can take hours and a lot of resources. Now imagine trying to build something like that for a low-end ARM device. A big tech company doesn't care because they have a server farm and push out binaries to all users anyway.

Another tactic we've been dealing with is a big tech company will take over a project like Xorg or OpenRC. Then they'll refuse to merge user submitted patches. Then they'll deem the project is "dead" and no one is contributing time to it. Then they'll offer to replace it with something they built in-house like Wayland or Systemd.

A year or two ago there was a bug discovered in OpenRC's implementation of tmpfiles. This bug was a two-three line fix. A user had submitted a patch to fix it two years ago. But the maintainer had refused to merge it for several years. Instead of merging the fix and pushing it downstream they decided to change the default to systemd's implementation instead. Which is now what you're running if you're running OpenRC init. If you go to look who's maintaining OpenRC and systemd packages for the Gentoo repos you'll discover the same person is in charge of both.

So this person orchestrated an excuse to change the default despite most users not wanting it on their systems. They even removed the old tmpfile package from global repos because of "security" and "lack of contributors". When they were the reason the patch was never merged in the first place. They knowingly left all users with a security exploit on their systems just to change the default.

A lot of things like that have been happening. You can't submit patches for Xorg anymore because the people pushing Wayland as the new default are the ones in charge of the Xorg repos.

It isn't "everyone" but a large part of the community has fled and not by choice. If you aren't allowed to contribute then you shouldn't act shocked when such people go somewhere else that will allow them to contribute. It's more correct to say the old users and power users are fleeing the sinking ship. Since they're the ones more directly affected by what's happening at the moment.

But it will trickle down to casual users. It's just going to take a few more years.

You're right about Rust of course. I tried to avoid bringing it up by name but it's a big problem. It pulls in random code from a bunch of third party servers and won't build on any hardware that is older than about 2013 or so. Which has left older systems with no viable webbrowser outside of txt browsers like lynx.


I think Wayland gets demonized a bit too much. The people making it are x maintainers themselves who are tired of it.


This gets parroted a lot but Xorg is a 30+ year old project and the people claiming to maintain it now haven't been in charge of it very long. If you keep up with what's getting merged and what isn't it's obvious that there is a lot of interest in maintaining Xorg. It's just the people submitting such code aren't allowed to directly contribute. It's the same situation we saw with Opentmpfiles vs systemd's implementation. Where both suffered from the same bug for years and in the case of systemd's the bug wasn't even fixed when it got switched in as the new default. I haven't checked lately (I don't run anything from systemd's repos) but it wouldn't surprise me if it still remained unfixed because those guys don't have the best track record about merging in fixes. Thankfully, I know how to patch things myself and have the time to maintain my own local repos for software they've decided isn't allowed in the global repos anymore.

Wayland has several issues. When the suckless guys are telling you it doesn't do enough you know you have a major problem. Outside of that maintaining Xorg is going to be needed going forward for the next several decades if you care about running older software and binaries. Even wayland itself requires a working Xorg server if you care about having a system that can run things like wine.

In truth the GUI should have never been part of userspace to start with. It should have been in the kernel like Plan9. A long with many other things like dbus and the stuff polkit does. But if it were in the kernel it'd be truly free and no company could control it. So we get a hodgepodge of crap instead. Something like dbus or polkit will never be truly "secure". Even wayland itself offers no real security. Most of the things deemed unsecure about xorg aren't problems either. Especially if you're building it from source and have disabled the networking functions.

Don't get me wrong I'm not singing the praises of xorg there are plenty of problems and it could use yet another re-write. But most of the things said about it are overblown and most people talking about it have never even took a peek at the source code.

I think the main issue with the Linux community (and FOSS as a whole) is the fact that at some point code stopped getting merged in based on merit. It's now all about funding, politics and appearances. If they really cared about security they wouldn't be shipping hardware we know is backdoor'ed from the factory. It's impossible to secure any consumer hardware because it's flawed by design. It has to be so they can operate their global spying rings.


They explicitly said that the difficulty of fixing X isn't the problem, but they won't do so because they intentionally want Wayland to reduce their maintenance burden, by pushing the development of the window server to 3rd party developers instead of by themselves like Xorg.

The only things they need to maintain are a bunch of XML files and even then the development of them moves at a glacial pace with endless bikeshedding.


>Basically, the GPL license forces anyone that wants control of a project to take it completely over.
Forgive my ignorance, but how exactly would switching to a *BSD solve this? From what I understand -- and maybe this has changed somewhat since I last seriously used FreeBSD -- most of the packages on *BSD were/are ported from Linux.


From my occasional usage of *BSD in the past few years, this has been a constant annoyance because drivers in particular are often missing or outdated (not to mention packages being out of date as well). When I was attempting to install TrueNAS onto one of the blades on my VRTX, I found out that TrueNAS Core lacked the requisite drivers to use the special redundant RAID cards. Meanwhile TrueNAS Scale, which is Linux-based had the necessary drivers and worked fine (although it uses RAM stupidly because OpenZFS on Linux is retarded).


I didn't say it would. *BSDs are all different so judging the OpenBSD community on what you've seen in the FreeBSD community doesn't work. It isn't like Linux where everyone is following the same standards. In BSD world every *BSD is its own OS. The kernel, base system and desktop (assuming there is one) is a complete package.

I personally dislike _all_ software licenses and copyright/IP law. I feel it holds us back. For me data is data and data like speech should be free and open.

I was simply pointing out that in GPL-land the license forces anyone that wants control over something to take over the project completely. This is why we see so many foundations and legal entities with big tech employees/owners sitting on the boards. In *BSD land a company like Sony can take the code and do whatever they want with it without giving anything back. If you own a Playstation you're running *BSD right now. In GPL land if Sony wanted that level of control they'd be forced to take over the community and determine the direction the community is going. Which is what we're seeing in Linux-land with the big players like Amazon, Google, Microsoft and many others.

One hand washes the other. Most of these big names in the FOSS community that claim to love free software and user rights only care about the paycheck. The vast majority of code getting merged into the kernel and userspace tools is being written by developers on big tech's payroll. This is very different from the situation we had when I got my start in the mid-90s.

A lot of people have bought into the propaganda and think no harm can come from code that is GPL'ed. But it isn't true. As we're seeing with a lot of projects it's becoming nearly impossible for the end users to audit and build the code. Which leaves them in the same situation they had when they were using non-GPL code. They're forced into using an un-audited binary. If you want to run a web browser on a x86-era machine right now you're forced into that because you can't build any modern browser engine on your device. Now what will happen when you're forced into using something like Rust to build your kernel? This is the way the winds have been blowing.

The FOSS community should be run more like the 2hu community is run. Where anyone is free to take code, remix it and re-release it with no fear of getting sued or their work being DMCA'ed. Sadly we don't live in a world like that.

The worst part is the vast majority of users do not care at all. They don't understand how software works and many buy a new device every year. They think you're talking nonsense when you point out that the device they bought last year is now slow because the company they bought/leased it from pushed out an update to make it slower on purpose. Hell the vast majority of people can't even operate their television without help.

It makes me so sad. We could have amazing devices doing amazing things now. But they don't want end users to be empowered like that. They want you subscribed to their server farm and cloud software services. It's more profitable for them and it gives them far more control over what end users are allowed to create and do with the hardware.

Apologies for long posts. This is kind of my thing. I wish I could do something about it but every time I've tried I've been shut down by the powers that be pretty quickly. If I had my way I'd be selling desktops and laptops running fully open source software that you could audit down to the microcode. I'd have them set-up to run all the legacy Windows and Apple stuff to. But if I attempted it they'd throw me in jail for violation of copyright law. Plus it's hard to get anyone onboard to contribute. All I can do is continue to hack around the problems as best as I can. It's a full time job to do that on my personal devices never mind supporting even a few end users.

If you care about this sort of thing the best thing you can do is learn with LFS or Gentoo. Build your own distro. I have a home server that builds binaries for all my personal devices. I run a mix of Linux for desktop/laptops/small computers along with OpenBSD for servers and firewalls. It works pretty well and once it's set-up you don't have to mess with it that often. I only have to mess with it whenever upstream decides to remove something or change a default I don't like. My local overlay has been getting very large over the last 3-5 years or so. I try to contribute pack where I can but upstream doesn't accept most of my patches anymore.

I'd point you towards a good place to learn and talk about this stuff if I could but a lot of those places have been getting shut down lately. The sysdfree guy linked about rants a lot and has his own politics. But he's not wrong in his core arguments and that blog is still a decent starting point for learning how to hack around most of the stuff you don't want/need on your Linux system. 99% of software they claim requires something like systemd will run fine without it with the right compile time options.


i wasn't really motivated much by foss ideology or privacy/security concern into using, and ultimately completely switching to linux (and i'm not overly concerned about them now either, more like, find them to be a nice thing to have), but all of this seems really concerning...


To be fair, if you have no ideological opposition to any of this and there are still no privacy issues (less easy to make sure but possible), it should be fine for end users. It should also be known that one of the most popular distros, MX, does not use SystemD by default so there's definitely some serious opposition against it. Most serious complaints about systemd are from the perspective of a server admin for example


>one of the most popular distros, MX
Distrowatch statistics is being manipulated by MX by using its website and forum viewers to generate Distrowatch page hits.


I don't think its as dire as you're making it out to be, what does Red Hat gain from controlling the init system?


Forget the fearmongering ITT, I want your opinion. I am curious about gentoo because you can change things yourself that cause distro-hopping but debian distros having everything available is too convenient. I was thinking Siduction might be a happy medium?


The point of Gentoo is no longer having to rely on people to package software for you. Because you can quickly write ebuilds to abstract away all the particulars of building each package from source. Then you can place these in an overlay so you don't have to spend much time maintaining them as they are updated. You can use USE flags in your ebuilds to exclude things you dislike or don't want on the system.

You're basically giving up a weekend of your time in exchange for never having to deal with the problems of something like Debian, Windows, or RedHat again.

The question you should be asking is;
>What does IBM and the US military/MIC gain from controlling the init system?
and it isn't an init system. It's a layer that sits between the kernel and userspace. The "it's just an init system" excuse is used solely to shut down discussion about all the other things it's doing. Like automatically pinging google's servers no matter how you configure it. Because that's hard coded into the C.

MX linux is much like default Gentoo init. Where it advertises itself as
>not using systemd as an init
then pulls in half the systemd repo to function. Because the user space tools like Gnome will not function without those. Systemd is much more than the init process. It's udev, it's polkit, it's dbus and many other things that have been shoehorned into the repos over time. Most of which used to be independent projects that didn't have hard dependencies that required building shims around them to make other tools function without them.
>Most serious complaints about systemd are from the perspective of a server admin for example
The most serious complaints are the fact that it's a gaping security exploit where the developers refuse to fix bugs for years. For example, it was possible to open a root shell on any systemd system by using a number as username. The user didn't have to exist on the system. Systemd running as PID1 would happily open a root shell to whomever attempted to log-in using a username like "1337Haxxor".

Which kind of answers you questions from before;
>What does the US military gain by having this running as PID1 on every server running Linux and all desktops running Linux?
Keep in mind by "US military" I'm including all arms of the MIC. Namely, the NSA, CIA, FBI and the other usual players.

Having easy to use software level exploits running in Ring 3 of the CPU allows them to get into systems without exposing the hardware level exploits they have in all consumer hardware. Where an entire OS you can not control is running in Ring 0/-1.

If you knew what your systems were doing behind your back you wouldn't ever touch them.


Look, if the US government and its cohorts are part of the threat model, then well... most are shit out of luck. Most users are trying to get away from corporate data harvesting when they use software like this. States are an entirely different adversary and are too powerful for most users to realistically fully protect against, but almost all users are not interesting to these powers. Even criminals. You or me or anyone reading this is not a Snowden-level threat or even on the radar of the state.

Systemd being insecure and suffering from feature creep is one thing, but the state having a backdoor... well, yeah. Most people don't bother having a librebooted device because they don't need it, a lot of the people know what their systems are doing and consider it acceptable because it's about your model and most threat models do not consider the five eyes an interested adversary.


Just close off your ssh daemon with ufw you freaks


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>Most users are trying to get away from corporate data harvesting when they use software like this. States are an entirely different adversary
Corporations like facebook and Google as the US Government under a different name. They're all wings of the same bird.

The fact that they're getting away with the hardware level backdoors and software level exploits is unacceptable. Full stop. People should be rioting in the streets over it. But people are lazy and don't care about anything but themselves. The
>you're not Snowden-tier
isn't an excuse to not care about it either. Because they're harvesting data on everyone all of the time. See pic related. There are buildings like this all over the country. In addition to the massive data centers they've been building everywhere.

doesn't matter. Your computer is constantly connecting to the internet even when it's powered off. The Intel ME/AMD PSP has networking ability even when it's "off". I've personally seen machines remotely booted by state level actors when they were shut down cold.

The libreboot BIOS isn't going to help you either when CPUs have been coming with built-in 3G modems for decades now. It's even worse on phones with the baseband processor.

100 years from now people will look back at this time in history and wonder why we didn't do anything about these problems. It's unacceptable and I'm tired of being called schizo for pointing out the elephant in the room. We've known about such exploits going all the way back to the early-mid 90s when they started shipping hidden opt codes in the CPUs and firmware blobs with their hardware. Instead of doing something about it and refusing to buy the stuff we kept accepting more and more things like that into the "open source" kernels and buying the overpriced hardware. Just look at current GPU and CPU prices. They've been re-selling the same CPUs and GPUs for over a decade now and the prices keep rising. Same thing with the software. A game in 2024 looks like a game released in the Xbox 360-era. People praise the graphics and act like it's revolutionary stuff. It's all crap. Every year everything gets a little worse and designed to break down sooner. People don't care. They keep buying the new shiny and bragging about it like it's something to be proud of.

The worst part of all is you're seen as being the odd one if you refuse to go along with the herd. If you don't carry around a Government tracking device and post on the Government's lifelog websites you're shunned by society. Just try and apply for a job in 2024 without owning a smart phone and maintaining social media accounts.


>The worst part of all is you're seen as being the odd one if you refuse to go along with the herd. If you don't carry around a Government tracking device and post on the Government's lifelog websites you're shunned by society. Just try and apply for a job in 2024 without owning a smart phone and maintaining social media accounts.

There are 2 or 3 users here who do this and don't have as many problems as you think, people think you are being disingenuous but it actually helps socialization because the people who become friends with you actually care enough to use a platform that you will use or if you're extra paranoid just come visit you.


It's not an excuse of not caring, it's more of a "nothing I can do" mentality.


>I'm tired of being called schizo for pointing out the elephant in the room
Maybe people are calling you a schizo because you act like a schizo.


I actually don't know any people who aren't aware of this at least superficially. It's mainstream to joke that each person has a federal agent assigned to them as the surveillance state's version of a guardian angel, or that you automatically get put on a list for doing something as inoffensive as watching a random video. To tons of people it's a given that your phone is listening. I could walk up to some granny on the street, ask her about it, and she'd certainly say that all the spying is a terrible thing even if the specifics seem like magic to her.

The problem is threefold: first, any kind of truly large organization is compelled to work with the government due to all the power it holds, either by incentive or coercion. It's a two-way street, see lobbying and corruption, in no way unilateral. The addition of spyware and all that is useful, they don't have any reason to not do it other than reputational damage.
Second, what can you do about it? If the company you work for is screwing you over, you can organize a strike. If you don't like what the government is doing, you can set up a variety of protests, pull a Dorner, or shoot Abe. But this is a multilayered and highly complex mess that covers the whole world, with organizations partaking in it that are totally entrenched and it's just so complicated. Going off-grid doesn't fix anything, it's not easy to scale either. You can't just make your own new hardware from nothing, the costs are enormous.
Third, people know that it's not going to ruin their lives, the Stasi or the FBI aren't going to come knocking because they said a few things the state didn't like. And they're right, they're totally right. The hypothetical drawback of being surveiled just doesn't apply to a majority of people because they're not insurrectionists or anything like that. So, the huge benefits of using these services, or the nigh impossibility of avoiding them, is weighed against something lighter than a feather, and it's accepted.

What does turn people off is seeing someone spend tons of effort into this for the reasons given above, it is indeed suspicious and downright weird. Dunno what else to tell you about it.
>CPUs have been coming with built-in 3G modems for decades now
Huh, didn't know about that one. Although this note is from from only eight years ago:


There's also a difference between using google and meta shit that are very easy to live without and using systemd or intel processors.


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bullrun and prism have been factchecked by non-schizos come on


Schizo raving has nothing to do with Linux.


moved the goalposts


a ping is not enough to fingerprint a device, you know so much but miss obvious things like that


No, I think you're purposefully derailing this thread to peddle your own fantasies and paranoia to convince others that when you actually stomped too hard and woke up your PC, it was actually the Five Eyes international cabal who remoted into your PC, because they care so much about internet weirdos. You've taken tangentially Linux related discussions, such as ideological reasons for wanting to move away from GPL and package maintainership into completely unrelated territory. I don't even necessarily think some of things you're saying are wrong. Just... Make your own fucking thread dude.


wrong person...


Not to mention, just using a golden image VM of something like whonix or openbsd would be a much more realistic way to deal with this threat model AND it would be on topic.


Update on >>118273
I got Arch working. I'm very happy with myself and learned a lot from the process. I want to install Arch on more PCs now because it was fun.


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The camel's back was broken when I updated my Alpine install and the GPU driver stopped working. And one of the previous update already broke pen tablet input.

Now all of my linux installs have converged to Devuan.


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As a linux discussion on the internet increases in length, the odds that it will devolve into political/paranoid stuff unrelated to "pure" tech talk approaches 1.

This thread is for talking about linux and nothing else. This is outside my own personal purview as an linux-agnostic idiot, but it's easy to understand how the thread was supposed to function in its first 170 or so posts. Linux is an operating system and it has programs and code and stuff, so focus on that and not political groups or nations and the other stuff like that.
I'm making some deletions in the thread to get things back on track and allow people to talk about linux again.


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>Linux is an operating system


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Oh wait, now I remember that copypasta thing. Well, you know what I mean.


I saw the deleted posts.


Pasta aside, Linux is emblematic of free software and its associated movement, which is innately political. Stallman himself tends to frustrate people by preferring to talk about the politics of free software than his technical contributions to it.


Hey thanks for deleting the post no one cared about anyway. I'm sure you've shielded the 2 or 3 people that bothered to read it from having to re-read it again. As if it was anything harmful in the first place. Thanks for proving my point I guess. Which was you aren't allowed to discuss the problems anywhere.

Now for something productive;

In the last week I figured out that a change to the kernel around version 5.4 solved the issue that systemd-logind claims to "fix". So I was able to eliminate millions of lines of buggy code on every machine I manage running Xorg while also disabling the suid bit. So now I have Xorg running as user level process and it can access the video card and input devices without hacks/workarounds like elogind. When I pointed this out on several mailing lists I was shouted down and banned of course. Because their is a political push within the community everyone to ensure no one is allowed to have a system without all this spyware installed. Most hilarious part? None of that crap ever mattered on single user systems. AKA nearly everyone using a computer outside of a large business with multiple people logging into one machine at the same time. Even there most companies give each employee their own machine so I'm not sure why they ever considered it a "bug" and "security issue" in the first place. Guess we're back to the old NSA needs access to everything argument.

Of course I don't expect people that don't understand the difference between a kernel and an OS to ever get it of understand why it's important in the first place. You want linux discussion? Fine. UNIX always sucked and the UNIX hater handbook was right.

We could have been running BTRON systems for four decades now but the old US Government managed to bully the Japanese into shutting down that project. So I guess we're stuck with this crap until the day I die.

Stay tuned for my Moe themed yet another *nix system without systemd. I plan to release it soon. I'm sure it'll be banned from the internet within a week of release and the shill bots will be deployed all over the WWW to claim it's insecure and not "modern". Happened the last time I released something to the Linux community. Couldn't even post about it on reddit. Got shut down for being "off topic" and a "systemd hater". God forbid you point out that Pottering and company couldn't program their way out of a paper bag.

Can't have fun and do it for free anymore. It must be serious bzn 24/7.

Seriously though, if you produce music or video you might have an interest in what I've been working on since it's a real-time kernel by default and I've gone through the trouble of unfucking the mess that is pipewire+JACK2+pulseaudio for you. You can even run wayland crap if you want. But I'm not sure why anyone would want to since it's pretty crappy display server.

We even have anime girl mascot!


If you want to run Xorg without *logind or the various workarounds (patched video card drivers, seatd, elogind, adding your user to input+video groups) here is how you can do it on any kernel newer than about 5.4;

When compiling your own kernel set the following option to "0"
now compile Xorg server with suid, systemd, elogind and related compile time options disabled. You're probably best off using Gentoo if you don't understand how to do it using make only.

Finally, remove your user account from the video/input/tty groups and delete the "seat" group if you were using it before.

Now you can run startx/xinit from any tty as a user level process. The kernel will allow it to open input/video devices without needing to run as root or have the suid bit set. You now have a "secure" Xorg server with the benefit of not having millions of lines of unaudited crappy code running as root at all times.

No idea if any Display Managers will work with this set-up out of the box since I do not use one. I log-in from console and run startx manually when I need a GUI. For my own distro I plan to eventually make a graphic log-in manager but it's way down the list of things to do. We prefer pretty ASCII console message at boot instead.

Be mindful to remove things like elogind from your services if you uninstall them. My distro uses s6 and I'm porting a lot of init/services to it at the moment. Whenever I finish porting more widely used stuff over I'll come back and tell you where to get it if you're interested in helping test it. It should just work if you're using an x86-64 platform. Eventually we plan to support everything back to i386 on x86 platforms. Once we've gotten it stable on x86-64 we're going to compile and release for RISC-V and PowerPC/Power9/10. In time it should support everything Gentoo currently does.

We plan to offer binhost with the option to compile software. It's based on Gentoo so ebuilds and overlays should just work provided they play nice with s6 and the rest of our defaults.


Please contribute to Slackware, Puppy or Void if you do not want systemd rather than making another distro!


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You guys need to be adults about this. Talk about linux. It's not difficult.
The rude guy(s) telling people to use other websites to talk about linux does NOT speak for kissu. Cleaning the thread up AGAIN.


I use arch btw


# pissmin > /dev/null


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>You guys need to be adults about this.
but i'm baby


just install an antivirus and use windows


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I didn't even know Windows users still used those


I stopped when I realized that using umatrix and ublock was much more efficient.


when will you learn... there's more money pumped into maintaining windows infrastructure than there is being put into promoting computer literacy...


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Trackball user detected


Holy two tone hair


Considering if I want to put arch or BSD on one of my computers over the weekend. Someone dump me some youtube videos or turorials to decide


boson image


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Where the hell is my installation helper




What desktop environment should I use


If you need that and want to use Arch just use OpenSUSE tumbleweed


Prefer a windows like interface?
Need Wayland?


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It's fine. Was being sarcastic. I just have to put Firefox on it before the stream.



Gnome or KDE then. Or sway if you want to be a 1337 hacker


Only used gnome so not going to use gnome.
Might as well try sway for the style points.

I will eventually switch to zen or another more gpu optimized kernel and I think that's a reinstall. Can kde if too hard later


Actually I want animated background wall paper sigh... I think best to pick off of that rather than experience


Everyone in gnome trying to figure out how to do it while kde has it built in...


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GNOME kinda sucks huh... the artistry and UX feel behind KDE is really nice


GNOME is good for public workstations or hybrid laptops, where you will not be customizing it much


Issue i'm having is that KDE doesn't seem to want to let my monitor go up to 60hz. I click 60, screen goes black then reappears, says 60.. close screen and reopen settings and it says 30fps


also the fonts on kissu are not correct, but I guess I have to find what I'm missing there


Can go up to 50hz, but 60hz doesn't even give me a confirmation dialogue. Maybe the monitor is actually 59hz or something and it doesn't feed that information properly into devices


On another topic it might feed into this realization I had >>>/chat/95348


we have a sigher
we have a sigher


an alerter has been spotted on the premises
everyone stay calm


a calmer has been spotted on the premises
everyone stay alert


keep your eyes sharp, there's an inverter up and about


Is there any place other than this thread to follow this project?


KDE behaves very inconsistently... there's a lot of visual bugs and stuff


6 is coming out in 1 or 2 months which will help with a lot of Wayland issues apparently


yeah, it's wayland so we'll see what happens then. It's just a recreation computer so it's not a matter of productivity or death


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Nice out of the box system monitor in KDE


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KDE's paint too is alright, but I think windows11 paint is better since it has layers now


Pinta (abandoned?) Has them


>Released February 26th, 2023
looks alive


oh wait... wrong year


[verniy@arch-verniy ~]$ winetricks settings sound=pulse
/usr/bin/winetricks: line 5065: which: command not found
od: '': No such file or directory
/usr/bin/winetricks: line 5067: which: command not found
od: '': No such file or directory
warning: You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
warning: You apppear to be using Wine's new wow64 mode. Note that this is EXPERIMENTAL and not yet fully supported. If reporting an issue, be sure to mention this.
Using winetricks 20240105 - sha256sum: 8f28985b06e9e04b5268e2aef3429b2a0f6abd4fd12c4a30472dfe66355128fa with wine-9.2 and WINEARCH=win64
Executing w_do_call sound=pulse
/usr/bin/winetricks: line 5065: which: command not found
od: '': No such file or directory
/usr/bin/winetricks: line 5067: which: command not found
od: '': No such file or directory
warning: You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
warning: You apppear to be using Wine's new wow64 mode. Note that this is EXPERIMENTAL and not yet fully supported. If reporting an issue, be sure to mention this.
Executing load_sound pulse
Setting sound driver to pulse
Executing wine C:\windows\syswow64\regedit.exe C:\windows\Temp\set-sound.reg
Executing wine C:\windows\regedit.exe C:\windows\Temp\set-sound.reg

Gaming on arch kinda sucking


Works fine for me. I use Lutris personally for non steam games and it just works and even when it doesn't it makes tweaking stuff way easier


I might just stream off of my PC using nvidia's Moonlight. People say it works well and is designed for windows to steamdeck(arch). Maybe I'll give lutris a try, but I'm also having Japanese font issues. The cost of electricity on running two computers probably outweighs the hastle of getting arch to work for this


actually it looks like my problem was just getting the audio to go to the right location. Still the Unity japanese text thing is going to be a pain i imagine.


Specifics depend on the game but for japanese locale fuckery all you really have to do set 'Locale' under System Options in the game-specific Configuration to Japanese.
Some games need you to install different fonts, that is done by simply opening winetricks and clicking through the options until you find the relevant bit. I recommend making one prefix for japanese games that way and recycling it, I basically just right click > copy on a different japanese game and redirect it to the .exe of the new game.
All of that assuming Lutris. Have fun arching.
If you run into arcane wine issues, this is your first stop.
There hasn't been a single game (ignoring hostile anti-cheat) I couldn't get running at satisfactory performance yet, despite >nvidia


probably deserves it's own thread, but this moonlight and GeForce Experience GameStream thing is pretty straighforward to setup and use. Seems like there's some possibilities with playing PC games on mobile and stuff


for example, I played some RPG maker eroge and it was clean, but we'd have to see when I put that Unity Game onto my PC.. but with wired internet it's likely going to be not IO bound


Just updated to Plasma 6. i was worried a ton of stuff would break but the only issue so far is that I can't get Steam to scale like everything else is on my display. Doesn't feel any different otherwise. I guess I'll see how Wayland plays out.


File:R-1710138600771.png (38.84 KB,414x303)

Why are people on this jihad against Ubuntu to the point of even refusing to use derivatives of it that remove the things people dont like about it


because they make money on enterprise customers and they did telemetry stuff with amazon 20 years ago


Because they don't want to deal with their bs like snaps. There's a reason why, even as Ubuntu derivate, Linux Mint still has a backup plan. I don't really have anything against Ubuntu and I'd still recommend it though.


File:10075f8e76862be103d1d4f5a4….jpg (1.48 MB,3000x1990)

Me sitting here on openSUSE waiting for plasma 6


>If you want to run Xorg without *logind or the various workarounds (patched video card drivers, seatd, elogind, adding your user to input+video groups) here is how you can do it on any kernel newer than about 5.4
5.8+ doesn't need the workaround anymore
> * As a result this fixes the following when using root-less build w/o logind
> * - startx
> * - weston
> * - various compositors based on wlroots


I think the whole "Try Ubuntu Pro beta with a free personal subscription on up to 5 machines." when you installed stuff pissed a lot of people off. Now fair enough normal people will just upgrade everything instead of using an older version of the OS and only installing security patches, but it leaves a sour taste to get ads from your OS when you're installing stuff.
I'm using Mint Ubuntu version because it doesn't give me any headache, but Mint developers are staying ahead of the curve on a potential OHSHITWTFRUDOIN ubuntu moment where they may have no choice but to abandon Ubuntu and switch over to Debian. By having a decent, even if not perfect Debian version ready at every step they would be able to quickly and efficiently move over if required. I would gladly use LMDE, but for now I have no issue with Ubuntu version so there's not much point.


File:Screenshot_20240313_182131.png (337.5 KB,1090x1182)

its here
its here


it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up
it's coming up


Yeah, I concur that it's relatively seamless, except I do feel a bit of a performance increasing using wayland. It even kept my graphical configuration without issue! If this is on a rolling distro this should be a fantastic release on fixed release distros.
It even looks like Plastik was ported over as a wm if you don't like the more rounded corners of Breeze.
It looks like KDE will be getting a donation for my tax return.
With OpenSUSE's YaST and Plasma it feels like I'm using Windows 7 forever, now I just have to hope KDE doesn't go insane like they did with 4 and I think tumbleweed should be fine for the long haul unless suse goes under


File:[Chihiro] Maou no Ore ga D….jpg (229.74 KB,1920x1080)

I suppose I have about a year and a half before I'm forced to use Linux. How much longer can I put off learning programming in the meantime before I have to start learning to use Linux...




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