There's always exceptions in language and fact is 99% of people say gif so it is gif.
Anyone who tries to claim it's actually jif because the dumb creator said so is a hopelessly autistic contrarian who should not be taken seriously.
I've used the soft g version for decades and I'm not about to change my ways because of some half-baked argument about linguistics.
The only time I've heard someone say gif out loud is in the context of arguing how it should be pronounced.
>>137048I like stinky hairy armpit no bra french shabes
Oh noo! I forgot how I pronounce it. I think it's gif but I might say jif as well.
Hard G. Soft G is foolishness beyond compare!
honestly, I've never met anyone in real life who used soft G GIF, not even people who are actually technologically literate
>>137048Wasn't it confirmed it was gif that sounded like "jiff"?