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File:1121486-lucky-star.jpg (192.87 KB,1920x1200)


It's been a while since I've actively used this site.

Something that struck me on my return was just how much more imageboard-y it had become in my absence. Posts like >>133721 contain a kind of real-lifey cynicism that I generally didn't see that much before. There's also more social media speak, although I can't find any specific examples off the top of my head. I remember someone saying "bend the knee" though. It's not a huge difference, mind you, but it's definitely there, and I don't like it.

I've also noticed that there's a lot more generals, which I'm not a fan of. A large part of what I liked about Kissu was the site's hostility to them, where you were encouraged to either make new threads for new topics. Again, not a huge increase, but it's something that stood out to me just casually browsing

I'm probably not going to stick around. Partially because of the cultural shift, but also I'm just not interested in topicless imageboards as a whole anymore, and Kissu has been very much that since pretty early in its existence.




and people will tell me that /qa/ hasn't become to generally and it's in need of fixing...


Talking to extremist oldfags on /secret/ made me realize how pointlessly autistic it is to rail against the new words, so I've become more willing to speak like the kids do.

I don't know what to do about the generals except hide them all. At least the cleanup sticks a lot longer here, except when v decides to move them all to new boards and I have to reapply them.

Ironic that you make a topicless thread to complain about a topicless board. Didn't even put a question in there.

Don't waste your time reading schizoposts. They infect you.


Complaining about the culture on a board you no longer actively post on (and admit that you wouldn't be interested in coming back to regardless) is peak oldfag behaviour. Sasuga anon.


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I resent these "Here's why you should feel bad" threads. Making people feel insecure and doubtful about whether or not they "belong" here is a very damaging thing.

A healthy imageboard gains new users over time, not just to grow but also to replace the people that leave (such as yourself). It takes time to assimilate people and this has never been a place that bans for the growing pains of people in the process of acclimating to things. The "gtfo newfag" stuff puts everyone in a worse mood and drives people away while derailing threads. User moderation by diffusing things through jokes or just moving the thread along while ignoring a minor faux pas has always been the way things are done. This is one of kissu's greatest strengths if you ask me.
Just because people aren't attacking each other over word choice or an occasional rant doesn't mean they're given tacit approval to everything being said, nor are people going to naturally agree with everything someone else says. Leading by example is 100x more effective.


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My god, more people are posting on the site from different backgrounds. The horror! Quick moderators, let's roll out and ban everyone that doesn't fit OPs specific image of who should be posting on the site! No, we shouldn't consider whatever value they have as whole individuals, are you mad? They said one bad thing, execute them immediately!


>social media speak
>bend the knee
isn't that just an idiom...


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Also, I don't even need to look at IPs to know who this is... What, you come out of hiding to have another "It begins... kissu is dying" episode where you try and wrap everyone into your ideal for the site that you admittedly don't even care about enough to actively contribute to anymore?

I used to take your word as valuable, but as time has gone on, ironically, it seems as though you've unintentionally wrapped yourself in that same cynicism you decry in the OP.(USER WAS BANNED FOR BEING WRONG)




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Unfortunately for OP, I don't conform to standards that say I should ban people I disagree with.


It's used fairly often in political speak to accuse people of submitting to authority, I guess, but the term itself is absolutely unoffensive and in normal use.


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Some epic ranting, but have you considered this?


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Don't put words into my mouth. I didn't even make this thread. I've been silently posting more frequently, but if you think so little of me!...




File:[naisho] PriPara - 06 [143….jpg (141.27 KB,789x717)

Well then I sincerely apologize! I guess that's why you can't just make assumptions like this. I'm happy that it's not you this time!


hi laala
hi laala
hi laala


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You know I was having some thoughts about meta myself. Some of the best moments I have on imageboards are right after watching a really good anime or playing a really good game that gets me really feeling it. So everyone should just play games or watch some anime and talk about them with their /qa/ friends.


You guys extrapolated a lot of things from my post that I don't actually think. >>134136 in particular assumed that I was a person that I'm pretty sure I'm not.

With that said, I will fully admit that my OP was definitely far too negative. I'm honestly not sure what kind of discussion I was expecting to result from it, but what I got really doesn't surprise me. I have a nasty tendency to give undue weight to things that make me upset, something that most certainly stems from my issues with anxiety. When I visited the site and saw a few bad posts, my instinct was "the site is shit now!", and I spat out this thread. I wasn't being objective, and I apologize.

I do think there's something to be said for the perspective of someone revisiting the site after a prolonged absence though. The site feels different to me in an intangible way, and I can't tell how much of that is actually the site changing, and how much of it is a result of me looking at the site with fresh eyes after not visiting for months on end.


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You really do sound far too much like me.


>I can't tell how much of that is actually the site changing, and how much of it is a result of me looking at the site with fresh eyes after not visiting for months on end.
many times it's a mix of both, but since you said "months" i'm leaning more towards it being a you thing
take the post you linked to: it's not something a regular would treat as representative of the site, and it doesn't take too much time to pick up on that, but i understand why you'd think that at a glance
whatever it is that the extrapolation got wrong, we've simply had too much of this kind of discussion and at this point i believe the response was warranted


this is my position too


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>right after watching a really good anime or playing a really good game that gets me really feeling it
Take this just a little further and you have the secret of why we had boards in the first place. You have hobbies you enjoy, and here's a place you can talk about those hobbies with like minded people. When you're done you go back to those hobbies, maybe with some new recs or tips: rinse and repeat. When the site itself becomes the hobby and the poster doesn't do anything but post on the site, then you also have the secret to why boards go majorly downhill in the first place.
Don't let the joy of playing games and watching anime you love be taken away from you. Don't become a cynical jaded twat. As long as you and the common user knows how to take it easy and enjoy things, you cant go wrong.


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you will never break my /qa/ spirit

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