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File:New_year_kimono_are_cute.jpg (216.87 KB,1400x2048)


What are you Resolutions, goals and hopes in the coming year? Some of mine include;
>fasting between Christmas day and the day after New Years
>spending more time with my Grandmother and parents
>finishing a project I've been working on for 2 years
>contributing more to other people's projects
>hopefully making a steady income to live on from projects I've been maintaining for free for years. I'm finally going to start asking for donations like everyone else
>running everyday until I can go 5 miles without stopping or taking breaks
>talking with my neighbors more often and helping them out where I can
>making amends for things I did in the past and people I hurt with my actions (think My Name is Earl). List is pretty short but I want to make amends anyway
>visiting dead friend's parents more often to let them know their children were good people and helped/saved me at the lowest time in my life
>trying to take it easy more often
>quitting smoking (already down to 10 a day from 2 packs daily plus I roll my own now)
>starting my own business (rabbit+chicken farming)
>attending more community/social events like church on Sunday and dances and what-not to help with my social anxiety which is the result of isolation and the fact that I no longer take drugs to mask it
>visiting my mother and sister for the first time in 8 years. Want to see Mom's new house and my sister's apartment. Want to be more involved with their lives beyond just talking on the phone a couple of times a year.
>Helping my Dad out more often in his wood shop which has become his main daily activity since he retired a year ago.
>Learning a couple of new languages (Thai and Korean)

What about you guys? Anything you're going to try to work on in the next year? What are you goals for the future?


That's so many things to do, I am impressed.


Who are you quoting?




My resolutions are to learn to drive, get to a healthy weight and get a j*b I can tolerate


My resolution is to get better at reaching out and talking to people so that I can try and make better connections and actually be useful to the things I like.


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I am going to work on my anger a lot more.


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>get to a healthy weight
This is always a good one, ganbare anon!


>fasting between Christmas day and the day after New Years
have you done this before? I did it last year, only drinking teas during that time. I kept getting lightheaded after standing up and basically went between the computer chair and the bed. At the end of it I slowly eased back into eating with a vanilla yoggy in the evening.


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fuck off


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That's a rather abstract resolution


The vaguer your goals are the easier they are to start


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You can always try getting a head start on your goals!


Out all of these quitting smoking and learning Korean will be the hardest. You should also look into pro help for your social anxiety. Good luck!


Why's korean hard?


>start asking for donations
Terrible resolution.


He ontributes a lot and its normal in projects like that


Who is he, your boyfriend?


don't be a rude freak


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die rude friki


calling me a rude freak... I'll tell you something---that runs in the family ;)


Same goals as before, return to uni, keep learning Jap, and work more on mah books.
That'd be cute.


That's actually a pretty good resolution that more people making things others enjoy should be doing. There's a hesitancy in people that provide free services for others to ask for anything in return because their work should be free, or they feel immoral for some reason or another. But in this world where we need money to live there is always a good reason to ask for some kindness to be thrown your way if people feel they have the means to.


My main one is to move to a new town. Other than that mainly just to lose some weight, eat healthier, and start learning some useful skills to fully get by on my own.


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I already know my resolution should be to stop being a hikikomori so maybe I won't become a wizard soon, but I don't have the courage for that so I'm not going to make it my resolution.
Perhaps the path of a wizard is the most noble one.


get a job
move out
not die


get meds so that I can focus better and actually accomplish the goals I set out to


>running everyday until I can go 5 miles without stopping or taking breaks
Do it on a track or sand. I used to run often but never that hard and ended up with some knee issues and plantar fasciatis in my right foot. Running pavement that long everyday can do damage.


Once you start taking money for something, you will start catering to the people giving you money. Whether it's because of obligation or simply a desire to keep the cash flowing, you lose a degree of personal control over decisions. If you need to monetize to survive, it's better to create a clear payment system where people know what they're buying and you have a more reliable offering.


I really didn't want to do it but the fact is I need to eat and there aren't any jobs where I live. I'm kind of stuck here for the next several years at least. Been trying to find any kind of employment here for 2 years. I've burned through all my savings and had to start cutting out meals about 6 months ago to survive.

My plan was to have itemized list of what the donations were spent on. Everything from gasoline, to bills, to food. Which is something I haven't seen anyone else bother to do. Most people take the money and spend it on a bunch of crap and beg for more.

To be fair I'm actually providing a real service and have been for 25 years. It isn't like I'm making stupid videos and calling it "content" or anything.

But yes I agree with everything you're saying.


-finally finish my bachelor's
-start boxing
-start driving again
All I got.


>-start boxing
Why not a different martial art? I understand that boxing is rather harmful as far as contact sports go, with its head injuries and all that.


this year's resolution: become mahiro-chan!!


I already did Judo for some time, I dunno. Just felt like it ever since I watched Megalobox.


I acquired more head injuries from playing hockey, riding motorcross and a short stint at high school football than I did from boxing. At least with boxing you have head gear and padded gloves. Despite wearing a helmet for all those other sports I got constant concussions from regular play/riding.

I think concussion risks are overblown in the modern sporting world and have ruined a lot of fun activities. But perhaps I'm just mad because they were considered a regular part of play when I was coming of age and now that I'm older I can't prove they are the reason why I'm suffering from so many issues.

No one cares about people with concussions unless they're making millions of dollars a year playing some pro sport. All of us that have the same damage are told to suck it up or accused of faking it. Brain injury is the one disability you can't see. So people tend to not believe people that have that damage without documentation.

I gave up on seeking help for it. They can't do anything for it anyway.


I dunno man, that sounds kinda awful... I do get the sentiment, stuff like mountaineering can kill you yet it's undeniably a unique and irreplaceable experience. But for combat there's a lot of ways to go about it and some won't wound you as much as others, that's why I was asking.
Although if it's because of Megalobox then there is no shikata, I respect that.


- lose weight
- post more often
- learn to draw
- reduce my anime & game backlog
- code some side project


I'm going to bump this thread next year and ask if anyone's lost weight.


I have been very very sedentary and it's probably the cause of me feeling depressed, no energy and brain fog.
Those things have killed most media enjoyment for the past year or a bit longer. So I want to exercise more.
I want to learn JP too maybe, but it's impossible as I am.


Get a social hobby and engage in it regularly
Take my job more seriously instead of just hoping I never get called out for half-assing it
Cook more


I know I should stay in my lane, but please take a multivitamin, fish oil and magnesium, that will help a lot


I got a cellphone for christmas that has a google-free android OS on it, so my resolution is to be off google services by June.


Oh, and actually do stuff I both like and dislike instead of just procrastinating using the internet


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In 2024 I will become an anime girl


No please don't. I take a multivitamin already but I'm going to try the others


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I'm not even so much worried about the brain damage to be honest, it's not like I'm a professional heavy weight who will get pummeled daily, I mainly worry about damage to the eyes. I w*rk as an ophthalmologist's scribe and we recently had a patient who was just messing around with a friend and a single punch with a boxing glove to the eye give him an orbital blowout fracture. That can uhh cause pretty bad permanent damage if it's not treated quickly. Would give me an excuse to wear a eyepatch, though.


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- play video games
- watch anime
- read manga
- post on kissu
- flick my manween



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