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File:20230506_024543.jpg (799.85 KB,1440x2558)


does /qa/ support their country?


Yeah, I pay taxes


Yeah, I use taxes.


the duality of men


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Let's say that I was hypothetically born in Japan. The answer is yes, overwhelmingly yes.


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I served.


I saw these dolls on 4chan this morning. I love your dolls!


Has that Nanoha always been there...


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thats fate...but nanoha just arrived yesterday


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thanks dude!


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the raising of the flag at iwo jima


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Of course I support my country. It's got the most freedom of any country on this planet, and the burgers are great. Anyone that lives here and hates it is just a euro spy in disguise trying to sow dissent because they're jealous of how great our country is compared to their inferior freedomless prisons.


Australia is a pretty good place to live by most metrics, it's a developed country with all of the things that entails(a lot of which cannot be said for the US).
But, I don't fit in with the people or the culture so I find it hard to support or feel any connection to it.


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I receive monthly tax money, but that money counts as income and gets taxed as well for some reason. Not sure how that works.


trulu inspiring, wish i was there to liberate japan and bring forth the moe age


I actively sabotage it.


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I hate my country and actively hope for its downfall


I love my country but don't have any way to support it. Shit's fucked.


I dont really care. People online are way too obsessed with countries and related identities


Yeah my thoughts too.


post pic of cat sleeping in the middle of artfully arranged figs and books and stuff


Try raiding a neighboring country. The gold and slaves you bring back will bolster the economy and weakening the regional defenses will pave the way to future territorial expansion.


The short answer is 'only when it does things I like'. I like my country, but I don't like it for its own sake, and I most certainly don't feel that I owe it anything. I support it when it does good, but I'm not going to defend it when it does bad.


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i support it so much, i've started to glow


The rootless cosmopolitans belong to no nation. All nations belong to them.


I'd say countries do in some way play a significant role in your identity. They're where you were born, raised, and learned all your customs and culture from.


And that's why they must be destroyed.


It all comes down to indoctrination, if you're self-aware enough you can revaluate everything and build your own identity.


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It depends on the era you grew up in. With the internet and globalization, nowadays it's more about what language and power bloc you come from


On the contrary, I started to identify more and more with my country the older I became. I'm fully aware of the situation, and I think it's a good thing not in spite of it.


I think that identifying more with your country as you get older is probably actually a common thing. Especially considering that voting is usually done by older individuals.


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I will when my country crops up into existence once I transcend humanity through augmentation to achieve a higher level of being and escape this weak flesh cage.


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Is there anything that one should consider when getting a shelf for figs and whatnot? Or will any shelf really just work.

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