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How do I stop becoming jaded? Every time I find a new hobby or interest, after I spend enough time with it I inevitably encounter the "community" surrounding it and become exposed to people and ideas that make me disgusted with the thing I initially liked. I'm beginning to believe that the only correct solution is to avoid developing an attachment to anything beyond a surface level interest.


This was my experience literally everytime trying to integrate myself into game general threads back when I 4chan'd
The regulars there almost always just respond to themselves and it's about people not the game oftentimes.


That's just how the internet is, it's full of bad and annoying people.

I don't really interact with such communities much anyway, I don't think it's important or useful but I guess it depends on the hobby or interest. If you wanted to play table top games or Dungeons and Dragons I guess you would have to interact with the community.


Just focus on what you enjoyed originally. Or even on the people you do like, or do you loathe them all? What kind of interests do you even have where the community is "inevitable"? Sportsball?


>the only correct solution is to avoid developing an attachment to anything
That's what Buddha's been telling you.

That's why generals are so hated, they're circlejerks that block out real discussion of something. It's why /v/ has better, more on-topic threads about games than the /vg/ thread dedicated to them and why any show that gets more than one, maybe two, airing day threads on /a/ becomes impossible to talk about.


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Well... avoid the situations that bother you? I guess if there's a group setting and you like some of the people but not most of them, try to talk to them in PMs or something? Exchange emails? Most of these problems seem related to twitter and discord so maybe just avoid those places like I do unless you need resources/download links.


Kissu doesn't have PMs or an email field.


I know you're being a smartass, but it does have email via the options field


join the kissu steam chat and make a channel




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Switch to being Wooby


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You can put an email into any field that allows for arbitrary text entry, that doesn't make it an email field. [email protected]


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But I never mentioned an email field...


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I fully get what you mean. As an example I wanted to get into Helldivers so I could play with my friends, and then Sony did its thing and soured me on it. It had nothing to do with the actual quality of the game and I'm only vindicated for "dodging the bullet" when more shit happens that I get dripfed through word of mouth and games """news""" outlets. What I want to avoid is locust behavior where I jump from one thing to the next getting my enjoyments worth before it falls apart and dies. Seen that happen with AI services and is a good lesson on how callous the average Anon is. Just because time changes and things come and go doesn't mean you cant hold onto something or another.

Everything is unfortunately so impersonal these days, online spaces being the worst. People are aggressive or derisive, falling back onto tribal behavior and refusing to see alternative points, arguments about a topic are more often than not two retards screaming past each other. Argue for a different point of view and they'll dogpile you with whatever buzzword gets people mad. I see this a lot with Touhoufags, I have no problem following the blacktewi.png philosophy of respecting headcanon, but there's always fags who want to make their vision of how things are the only one.

If it's a multiplayer game you're invariably screwed since there's no getting around interacting with other people unless you have friends to pull in and suffer with you. When you do want to discuss it; either to get better at [thing] or learn more about it. You seek out existing forums or start new threads or posts on the topic. This runs into the risk of reading into the rabbit hole through no fault of your own and can lead to what you spoke about. And just posting blindly goes against the "lurk moar" philosophy and invariably some asshat is going to come out of the woodworks because of some unspoken verboten thing you did.

From what I found the best thing is to avoid chans and similar, just get stuff from the OP. They have information and things like mods or whatnot that is nowhere else, but they're just as likely to be holding onto old community drama and namefags because moderation just doesn't exist and keeping threads on topic requires too much effort. They will do anything but talk about the hobby. If that's not good enough there are entire groups of sad people who make it their job in life to make whatever community they've attached to worse and make people like you jaded and resent it, like Warhammer on /tg/.

It goes to hell when you notice that the hobby is the community or trolling the community over the actual material you came for in the first place. At which point there's nothing there for you, scrape what you can and go somewhere else.


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>there's always fags who want to make their vision of how things are the only one
Can't be a Touhou fan without hating fellow fans.
I jest, but anyone entering a huge community like 2hu ought to anticipate these obsessive-types. It's just a matter of how much bullshit you're willing to put up with just to seek out nuggets of good discussion. Personally 4/jp/ still has decent enough threads to keep me coming back despite all the stagnant lore arguments and imagedumps. It's fun in an aggravating way.


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>From what I found the best thing is to avoid chans and similar, just get stuff from the OP.
Sounds like you're talking about general threads, and that's 100% true.
For non-generals it depends on the subject matter and which board of course. For 4chan and boards with similar volatile/ruleless nature the trick is to only visit the threads when it's new or something changes with it. It means the people in the thread are focused on the subject, which becomes less true as time passes. It's a shame that it's temporary thing, as you can find some cool people in those threads that you then walk away from due to the nature of anonymity and temporary subjects.

People could also use better imageboards like kissu! (and invite other people to it, this is something I'm trying to get better at doing since I feel unusual pressure when doing it on places like 4chan) It does become difficult to discuss niche things without the hundreds of thousands of users of other websites, so the best solution is to bulk up the numbers of the places you'd prefer to talk about things.


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>invite other people to it
I don't know how to do that without coming off as an obnoxious advertiser. Being annoying about it probably makes people not want to post on other imageboards.


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I just do it when the topic of altchans comes up since then it's just a recommendation to people who want to go elsewhere but don't know of any that aren't total shit.


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Yeah, exactly. But, there's really no way around it. I think if you seem sincere enough and it seems topical instead of just the carpetbombing ad spam that most people expect it's probably fine. I know I've missed opportunities to do it before because it feels so awkward, but really there's no way around it.


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>Can't be a Touhou fan without hating fellow fans
There's retards I like and there's fags I don't like, but it's like that with any community. Sometimes I see a post that just makes my blood boil, and I thought long and hard about why that is and concluded it is because they're so profoundly retarded it gives me conniptions. No matter how much I wanted to prove them wrong I know I shouldn't reply because they're one of three or four autists that endlessly refute point per point and there is no arguing with their brand of circular logic.

See there's an art to making decent 2hu lore threads, you just cant start it off with the typical bait like our boy here who did absolutely nothing wrong because aforementioned fags will shit up the thread, at least on 4/jp/ anyway. Some of the better ones were about more esoteric parts that didn't have much source material to go off of, things brought up in one liners and fighting game vs quotes. Like how feng shui factors into the magic cosmology since everyone has an element (Marisa is water, Yukari is earth, etc.) or about what makes Cirno different from other fairies and how her power of ice is technically controlling heat. Stuff that brings actual discussion and speculation instead of saying X printwork is retconnec/noncanon to invalidate opposing arguments.


What's the backstory behind that image??? I don't understand.


Also, why would people think that there were print works that are not cannon?


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Off topic two hoe lore sperging, gomenasai OP:
One note villain who is notable for being one of few to die on screen. The context is a Fortune Teller believed Humans were absolutely fucked in Gensokyo and so he rejected his Humanity and turned himself into a Youkai. In his genius he manifested within earshot of the Shrine Maiden Reimu and she saw him standing behind the body of her friend. Long story short she chases him out, he gives his monologue, and tells Reimu that she should let him go because 'trust me bro' he won't hurt anyone. To his surprise she didn't buy it and exterminated him. You can read the chapter here for the fuller context: https://mangadex.org/chapter/db650e2b-d4a3-43c6-95b8-ea617f257c5c
The filename is just a funny jab at his nativity and the joke that he didn't do anything wrong is sarcasm.
The argument is based on retcons. The portrayal in earlier printworks don't match up 1:1 to the later printworks. One example is that PMiSS (Perfect Memento in Strict Sense) mentions that there are Youkai exterminators and that Reimu is just the most notable and spellcard rules allows weak Humans to challenge Youkai, but we don't see any exterminators other than our protagonists; so 'obviously' earlier works like PMiSS must no longer be canon and Humans are no more than helpless cattle quaking in fear.


I still don't get it. I don't see why that's bait or what's controversial about it.

That's not a retcon. First of all, Akyuu is not a 100% reliable source and doesn't know everything. Secondly, Gensokyo is a big place, thirdly Reimu is of course the protagonist so naturally we will see her and not other exterminators and fourth and finally, most Youkai are not as strong as the Youkai that cause incidents and that Reimu has to fight in the ganmes so most exterminators probably aren't as strong as Reimu either and most of that kind of thing is probably fairly unremarkable. Kind of like how when Reimu(or Marissa) kills Youkai in the printworks it is fairly unremarkable.

If that's the biggest 'retcon' that people can find then I would say Touhou lore is actually fairly consistent.


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can't relate at all either i embrace it or let it go but i've never grown bitter or jaded from it
was looking through all of 4chan's boards back on september 7 and on /jp/ I SAW IT and thought they wouldn't get the reference but now returning to the thread it turns out they did
>I must admit recently there's not been a lot of interesting threads
very obviously written two weeks ago
still unsure whether someone not on the know would get that pissu is a nickname
ps good number
>notable for being one of few to die on screen


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We all know the real reason why the Fortune Teller got killed was because he didn't turn himself into a cute girl.

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