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Archived threads: /qa/

Displaying 4 expired threads from the past 7 days

Post # Snippet  
108408 Do you play PC games with keyboard + mouse or controller? I got a PS4 controller recently and used it to play some PC games. While the controller has analog control and allows me to play games comfortably in the bed, aiming with thumbstick is unacceptable for me, and I feel less in control overall because often one button is bound to too many different actions and it's more difficult to hold multiple buttons at once which is easy on keyboard. The control layout is also limited to pre-defined se [View]
105998 New chatroom for Kissu's #qa Connected in relay to Sageru #qa [View]
108995 When was the last time you actually felt the weight of stakes in media? [View]
108745 do you have any habits or quirks about how you use your computer that other people could consider unusual? when i was younger me and my brother used to burn funny images and videos onto CDs for some reason. i also hoarded HTML pages for offline reading, but my internet is more reliable now so there's no need. i also still use RSS feeds, i guess that's unusual for some people. [View]