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File:R-1707875753224.jpg (326.83 KB,1200x1600)


Apparently the most important part of a skincare routine is sunscreen, even indoors.


File:[SubsPlease] Dosanko Gal w….jpg (224.22 KB,1920x1080)

I see...
But why indoors?


UV can't go through glass...



>UVA is everywhere. UVA accounts for up to 95 percent of the UV radiation reaching the earth. These rays maintain the same level of strength during daylight hours throughout the year. This means that during a lifetime, we are all exposed to a high level of UVA rays.
>UVA can penetrate windows and cloud cover.


File:Fishing_Hat_Dark_Gray_112….webp (49.75 KB,1120x1120)

It's kind of funny if you look at the UV protection hats. Some of them make you look like a ninja or some kind of villain. I don't know why the hell someone would make one in black since if you're wearing something light then you're probably dealing with heat, but whatever.
Wear it inside and you can be Anonymous when you're anonymous


why isnt sunscreen on your skin every day a bad thing


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (259.52 KB,1920x1080)

Good thing I live in a basement.


every single time this is posted it feels like you're trying to choke someone


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (400.48 KB,1920x1080)



File:R-1708396871913.png (Spoiler Image,3.77 MB,2308x2780)

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