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File:doggy temple.jpg (194.77 KB,1288x1005)


So it has been SEVEN YEARS since the anniversary of /qa/ becoming 2D/Random and /qa/ itself is just one year short of turning a decade old. What are your fondest memories of /qa/ as that particular incarnation which led us here today? I posted the Doggy Temple thread on /jp/ which was what made me think about this in the first place: https://desuarchive.org/qa/thread/2019745/ I can see some of my posts there. I also liked the anon who called everyone faggots for not watching M.D. Geist, the Kemono Friends threads which provided a cool original spin on the /jp/ meme/catchphrase, Pocari sweat, etc. The board died in an ugly unceremonious way, but I will always treasure those moments.


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Hmm, the second Yuru Camp-themed thread. I sense a pattern. Hey wait, it's the same image!
It's strange to think that it's been so long. I think I've forgotten most of it, or at least the memory is locked away until I see something again. My thoughts of 4/qa/ are mixed because I wasn't one of the people that could relax and was instead responsible for flushing out the garbage, which became increasingly difficult as mods stepped up their restrictions (and took the board for themselves at one point of course). It's really nice to be able to take it easy here on kissu.
I agree that it was really nice that Kemono Friends happened when the 4/qa/ thing did. It's kind of ingrained into our history and KF stuff still pops up here now and then. It's just such a nice, happy thing and the "we are all friends on /qa/" is one of my favorite images even today. I kind of wonder if we should stream it again sometime.
I guess one of the things I miss is stuff that really only works in catalog mode like pic related.
I'll have to think about this more, but really I'm feeling quite happy to have moved on. My great regret is that not everyone migrated to kissu, but we've picked up new friends so that's good.


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Fuck the 2d/random era, I liked the era where Pikarifag (I lost track of him) would go into the irc and sperg out at the admins for not cleaning up /qa/.


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Yes he is the reason why /qa/ developed a culture of self-moderation in the first place. He would often take matters into his own hands since the mods wouldn't do anything about the GR15 spam. THe Pocari sweat joke is also related to him. You know, 'Pikari/Pocari'.


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>He would often take matters into his own hands since the mods wouldn't do anything about the GR15 spam
Yeah, and I was the one that encouraged him to go kvetch at the mod staff because of it.
I also miss prose too...


So like, are you 4/qa/ oldtimers a bunch of 20-somethings who had their tween/teen internet forum coming-of-age experiences on the kway, or were you already old then and now you're all 40, 50?


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I won't give my exact age, but the latter. I believe there's a mix, however.


>So like, are you 4/qa/ oldtimers a bunch of 20-somethings
I am at least.


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I will add another number to the '3' beginning at my age this year. Stop reminding me of that.

I've been using imageboards for a longass time and /qa/ felt like the final destination in my journey when it came to 4chan.


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10's kid is the cool new thing to be.


10's kids > 90's kids >>> 20's kids >>>>> 00's kids


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For me /qa/ was the revival of internet fun times after /a/ and /jp/ died, and also when I started participating in more off-board communications after regretting missing out on connecting myself to others the first time around.


oulder than the children of september


passing through threads? idk I wonder what that anon is doing now
I don't live on the internet or at least, not in their communities. I don't recognize namefags or care much about the history (drama) of the board. The only one who left an impression was Trevor because his posting style was recognizable and others kept posting about him. I didn't use 4ch much before discovering /qa/ and thought the meta discussion was interesting.
I don't have a background with /jp/ or /a/ (even though they are my main hobby, I avoid them) like many others here and I wasn't happy when this spinoff became the only alternative seeing the moderation back then. I guess that's why some left or never migrated. I also left for years but it's not like it matters or anyone notices, there can't be a real community on ibs unless some people namefag on other platforms and leave the main site users (anons) behind.


God I miss old-old /qa/, when it was a hell board and nobody really cared, mods didn't give a shit, it was just people getting into pissing matches about how much metatarded they were. Good times.
I miss the passing through threads, those were always fun.


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My fondest memories, huh?... I'm not sure, honestly. A lot of /qa/ was frankly kind of annoying. Annoying to maintain regex filters. Annoying to maintain image filters. Annoying seeing threads kept artificially alive past the point of discussion with Touhou spellcards making up more of the thread than the discussion itself...

Anyhow, I wouldn't call it my fondest memory, but what sticks out to me the most was the /qa/ freeze. It was genuinely kind of depressing seeing the board I had come to love be unceremoniously frozen. The board being unfrozen was pretty fun though.


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>I kind of wonder if we should stream it again sometime.
If we do, I think we should stream Saki as well. Dat /qa/ dream!!


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I liked the "self-moderation" that emerged from desperate users coming together. Particularly the earlier stages before irc seemed communication became more prevalent. It felt very fitting that a meta board gave rise to such an interesting interaction.
Early on there was a sort of "separation of powers" occuring. As some was just spam making threads while other(s) bumped threads and then the 4chan mods would come by and delete the spam threads. The ability for users to delete there own posts also gave rise to an interesting dynamic and some people would clean up there own posts, prevent the 4chan mods from needing to exist. This changed overtime as peoples became more coordinated and the 4chan mods seemed to get more fed up with it all. But for a while it was an interesting thing to see emerge out of the ether. Very fitting for the meta board and it got me seriously thinking about how the infrastructure/natural features of a board influence user posts and general board quality.

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