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File:Soredemo Machi wa Mawattei….png (492.03 KB,1109x1600)


To what length do you go to avoid spoilers?


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I kill anyone that spoils me so that they can't do it again.


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I don't.


I try not to click on threads where people are likely to be talking about parts of the story that I haven't gotten to yet. It's fun to speculate and get the big moments delivered in the most impactful way, but a good story can't be ruined by knowing what will happen and sometimes knowing the direction the series moves in later on can prevent you from wasting your time.


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I am quite anal about them and will shamelessly edit people's posts on kissu to add spoiler tags if I think people are spoiling things. The idea that you need to avoid a thread or even entire boards to avoid spoilers, which is how 4chan works, is really terrible. If you're watching something and it's not an anime original then you simply can't use /a/ (not that I would want to anyway) because of how eager people are to spoil things.
I would even put the names of shows/games and characters in the 4chanx filter to autohide posts mentioning them, although it's not a perfect system. I was able to avoid danganronpa spoiler stuff when it was new by doing this, so it was worth it when I did get around to reading it.


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Also this is why it's important to save spoiler tags for spoilers. On /a/-related boards it's customary to use spoiler tags to hide off-topic content or just to add a bit of flair to the post. This means that people are trained to always mouse over them to see the entire content of a post. So when the time comes to actually hide spoilers behind the spoiler tag people will still mouse over them by default and get spoiled anyway.


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I avoid places where I know they will be discussed instead of trying to filter my experience. Even seeing a screenshot from an episode I haven't watched makes me recoil. It's not a problem because I've never liked or used /a/. Anime is something I mostly watch for myself and discuss it when I see it elsewhere by chance.


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I kill anyone before they get the chance to spoil me.


I seek them out, actually. Fairly often, there's just so much out there that I'd rather check what's up before giving it a go:
>>>/jp/74826 >>>/jp/75268
Today I watched a movie that I knew was about altered states of consciousness and because of the context it was recommended in I thought it would be about introspective ego death shit but turns out it had a fucking caveman in it! Going out to the zoo at night and eating a fucking goat! Like fifty fucking minutes in after they experiment with the sensory deprivation water tank and the tribal shrooms in Mexico, genetic memory my ass. What a waste.


I remember reading that a certain Ancient Greek playwright had a person come in before a play and explain to the audience everything they were about to see before it started so they would better understand the story, and that Aristotle thought this was great while Nietzsche hated it, but I can't remember where or who that was.... maybe it was Sophocles...


Both Nietzsche and Aristotle predate the modern concept of spoilers, anyway.


Spoilers being a bad thing that you should avoid is a manufactured concept being propped up by TV networks and streaming services in order to convince people that they need to watch/binge shows immediately in order to boost ratings/subscriptions.

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