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If vern likes Chinese culture so much, how come he hasn't played the new Taiwanese metroidvania to show his support for their indie studios? Or does the sight of a fox make the vermin scatter?


If you want to support Chinese indie devs then there is a game called The Immortal Mayor which is a Fantasy Chinese City Sim type thing. I thought it was cool.


I don't know if The Immortal Mayor is from the mainland or from Taiwan though.


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Looks like one of those sort of cultivation type games, would you say you'd play it before others like Amazing Cultivation Simulator?

Also the game advertised itself as being inspired by Sekiro and I can certainly feel it while playing. I feel like for most other metroidvanias I can make my way around and figure things out really easily to make short work of the beginning areas. But this game is being a bit more tricky at the onset than expected. The current lab I'm in seems like a pretty big zone so not sure how long it streches for, but it has a nice aesthetic to it like some futuristic underground city that I can enjoy. The level up system is pretty neat and Sekiro-like as well (especially with crucial features like running being locked behind and upgrade...) and the "Jade" system feels very Charm-esque Hollow Knight inspired. Think I'm going to have a fair bit of fun with this one while I'm waiting for Silksong to come out at the end of the year.


It's not a Cultivation game, it's a city builder, it's something like Kingdoms and Castles.

I didn't really get very far with Amazing Cultivation Simulator, it reminds me of something like Rimworld and I didn't get very far in that either.


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Um... is it like Sim City then?


Sorry, the verm only supports the People's Republic of China and her Communist Party, can't be playing fascist "democratic" islander games.


I don't know, I never played Sim City.
It's like Stronghold but with less of an emphasis on walls and fortifications.


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Also like Sekiro you can grind out skill points and I'm really taking advantage of that because when I can grind for something I want I do it....


The enhanced blade wasn't as good as I'd thought it'd be..


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I'm really loving this game so far. The combat is fast, intense, and flows so smoothly as you get into the groove. The parry system's like your Sekiro one but instead of posture you deal "Internal Damage" that can be converted to actual damage through the use of talismans that you gain charges for via each parry. It's got a pretty forgiving window too, and if you miss the perfect parry by a bit you still gain a charge and pull off a parry but take some internal damage yourself that you'll need to heal somehow (can't kill you, however).

Certainly not the type of combat system I expected going in, but I'm ecstatic at how fun and unique it is.


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Yi's kinda hardcore...


acts tough but he secretly loves a snoof


for some reason read this initially as
¥The Immoral Mayor
and thought it was some sort of ero city builder


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Man, the combat in this game is just such a blast. Fast paced and very reactive, but the flow is constantly aggressive and the more you try to play defense the further you run the risk of getting hit, and these bosses hit like trucks. It's not unusual for there to be an attack which if you don't avoid it properly takes you from 100 to 0 in a second. It's really satisfying once you get the pattern down and are finally able to beat the boss as well since you feel like a god just slashing through their health bar and deflecting everything. Probably should go hard on Ninja Gaiden or DMC one of these days to understand that feeling even better...


yeah i can see that one red slam doing its ground waves and being a huge pain in the ass if you don't block them
great gameplay, and it looks to have a very solid color scheme with its usage of red, green, and yellow


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I really like how the story unfolds as you progress through it, not only in the sense that you find out more about Yi, but rather you find out about the events that not even Yi knew of that are a direct causation of everything. I said in >>133151 after fighting Lady Ethereal that it seemed like everyone was in hibernation because of some sort of goal of immortality, I was half-right. In actuality the reason for the sloppiness and hastily deployment of the project was not because of poor government oversight, but instead that there was a 'disease' wreaking havoc on the Solarian population and causing everyone infected to deteriorate and turn into a Tao flower that further spread the infection, and the eternal cauldron project that put everyone into hibernation was a way of allowing researches to try and develop a cure while the rest of the population slept in a dreamworld awaiting freedom from the infection.Little did they know that one of the attempts at fixing the infection was going to cause a mutation that turned them into mindless zombie-like creatures that eventually gained near-immortality thanks to their consumption of the roots of life that was shared with the collective. This infection being spread further by one of the main researchers that has taken it to be a sign of their next step in evolution. And then even more the researcher who's doing this was responsible for the disease in the first place since it was a product of her trying to make a name for herself by solving immortality and the experiment failed and produced the disease. There's quite a lot of layers that unfold one after the other I was able to figure out and guess the last two after thinking on the first a bit. But I have to appreciate the mystery-like nature of it all.

Aside from that main plotline, the rest of the interactions and story is about the remaining awake Solarians dealing with the situation at hand that has yet to be resolved after centuries, and each character is well fleshed out, including the Sol whose motivations and history are all revealed in segments after you take their seals. I was curious about the role of Shuanshuan at first, but quickly you realize that he's filling in the role of Yi's late sister and the connection makes him unable to let go and also grow fond over him during the course of the game. The little interactions through talking and giving items really develops and molds his character from one of a protected doll to a symbol of humanity's capability later (assuming you give him all the items and such, not sure what happens if you just ignore him). The others in the Pavilion have a fair bit of development as well, but I'd say that's more spoilery and best experienced on your own, I will say I was quite fond of how they'd sometimes interact with each other in events as you progress their characters more making the Pavilion feel like more of a living establishment than just some neutral hub. Yi himself seems more coldhearted and set on revenge early on, but you can see the cracks in that mask as the story moves forwards.

In addition the gameplay is just amazing. I know I already said this, but after having unlocked each Jade, the ways that you can approach combat really open up to being quite varied despite the seemingly limited arsenal. Boss fights have only gotten more complex and spectacular, and the enemy variety makes it feel such that you're not just going through the same motions again and again. The puzzle variety and depth is pretty nice too, nothing SH3 hard level, but good little brain exercises. World exploration is pretty simple and straightforwards though, not too much backtracking or really deeply hidden secrets. But, it was enough that I wouldn't count it against the game as a flaw, just not its major focus. Hollow Knight still is miles above it on that front.

Overall a really excellent game with a gripping story. Would recommend to all of /qa/. I give it a 9/Silksong


Also the final boss is fucking impossible


I've been on this boss for at least 6 hours and I can get to phase 3 semi-consistently...


This looks really fun. Been looking for something like this since I finished Hollow Knight. Parry mechanics look sexy and I'm all for the aesthetic.
My only problem is that I can't take the chinese language seriously because it sounds like onomatopoeia salad; like any tension in the story is instantly deflated when you know the guy's name is something like Ding Dong. But it's just a minor qualm and wont stop me from playing.


That was my one worry going into it too, but there's not really that much fully narrated dialogue, and the style of it is usually more Zelda-ish so I treat it like that.


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I have... improved.

That final boss (the true ending version) was so fucking hard and beyond the difficulty of anything else in the game it's not even close holy crap. THREE PHASES that are all on their own more difficult to get used to and overcome than all of the other bosses combined. I really feel accomplished now.

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