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File:[SubsPlease] Tokidoki Boso….jpg (116.67 KB,1280x720)


Never apologize. Never back down. Insist on your correctness until the bitter end.


File:1585890970272.png (6.92 KB,300x300)

I'm sorry, I won't ever apologise again!


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (222.3 KB,1920x1080)

You're supposed to have a pout off to settle differences and/or establish hierarchy


This reminded me of when I was reading this Japanese guys commentary on when he would work with a Polish girl doing a stay and he basically said "Slavic women seem to be really stubbornly prideful"


as a wise man once said, "never pass up the opportunity to escalate a minor disagreement into life changing violence"


File:[SubsPlease] Tokidoki Boso….jpg (272.38 KB,1920x1080)

Two can play at that game.


File:[SubsPlease] Tokidoki Boso….jpg (74.66 KB,1280x720)

And the game is incest.


File:[ASW] Tokidoki Bosotto Rus….png (4.68 MB,1920x1080)



File:[ASW] Tokidoki Bosotto Ru….webm (2.92 MB,1080x1920)

I wish she was the MC and the story was about her trying to get in Onii-chan's pants. The other girls are just whatever.


Yup. Lots of anime that have mistaken who their main character should be this season...

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