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File:lain_bane.png (886.19 KB,569x802)


One thing I've noticed kissu never does is baneposting


Well, the lines sometimes show up (big guy, etc) but yeah as a whole I guess it doesn't. I suppose it was a bit of a thing back on 4/qa/, but maybe it just didn't have the staying power?


Nobody sets themselves for it
Love baneposting though, probably the best /tv/ meme.


Images, I honestly don't have any, and that's a big reason why. It's mostly 4u as a reply but in a very general way, like "you're gay" and responding "for you," the classic big guy I only rarely use.


Listen I think baneposting is still a good meme, need to revive it somehow.


File:shiggy manga edition.jpg (110.35 KB,596x600)

It's dead, Jim. It's like why people don't post shiggy anymore.


I miss those kinds of reaction images instead of the bullshit that we got now.

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