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File:__adepta_sororitas_warhamm….jpg (351.28 KB,1254x885)


Just finished the main campaign for Space Marine 2 and it was almost great. I liked the first one and this game felt like I was playing a sequel that released only a few years after the first one, in a good way, for about 85% of the game. My primary complaint, the main campaign content feels too short for a $60 game. I finished it in 9hrs on the 2nd highest difficulty. Also the ending of the campaign felt half baked compared to the rest of the game; not that it was terrible but it become a lot cheesier and the story beats seemed like the authors were working on time budget and had to wrap things up.

I wished the tomb world was more awoken and we got to fight the necrons too. There's an audio log, collectable that even suggests as much should be happening.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

Cool beans.
Yeah, I can't really justify spending that much money on such a short game. Stuff should be a few dozen hours at least.


It does have multiplayer as well, that would get you some more time and value out of the game.
I'm not interested in the game so I won't play it and I don't know if the multiplayer would be good though.


File:a18468b9407c3de92af500bac7….jpg (1.74 MB,3840x2160)

If the game was $30 maybe $40 I would say it's well worth the price, since there are still 6 coop side-missions and pvp to do. But $60 is a lot to stomach for a game like this.
If the roadmap is to believed (I wouldn't ever trust one of these), there should be more single player content in a year. So it might be best to wait a year and see how things turn out if the price doesn't drop.


File:Commissar.webp (109.56 KB,254x384)

I just purged this shab.


I bit this shab before >>133250 purged it.


On the first week of release


File:tson equipment (lore accur….png (871.71 KB,1410x1420)

Thousand Sons as the antagonists were neat, nice to see something other than Khorne or Nurgle again.
Shame Imurah wasn't a lore accurate femboy.


Xenos species sidelined by chaos again. Other than that it looked fine, I'd have to grab it on a steep sale though. Multiplayer doesn't sell for me.

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