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File:pantsu_cap000023.png (2.26 MB,1920x1080)


Hello again. I made this request twice last year but no one had the time. I'm making it again hoping someone wants to be the hero we need.

We are working towards this year's Christmas present for anon: A "restored" version of Onimai that will have many improvement's over last years' release. A revised English translation, corrected color, many scenes that were "censored" on the BD restored to the TV version and many other things. One thing I _really_ want to include is a restored panty shot from episode 2. But so far I haven't been able to get anyone willing to edit/redraw these 30 or so frames. I am dumping these frames again with corrected colors/chroma today in the hopes that someone will rise to the challenge.

This archive has all the frames (and a few on either side) of the censored pantsu shot. It's the typical modern day "black void" pantsu shot being used in most modern anime. We would like to restore it to what it was intended to be. If you're willing please let us know. You have a chance here to insert your own little easter egg (perhaps a cute picture of a rabbit?) on the pantsu.

Link to archive: https://files.catbox.moe/c9u1al.7z

They are in uncompressed .bmp RGB32 format. I ask that you please do not change the color space and return them in the same image format if possible. If these are not workable for you let me know and I will try to dump them in whatever image format you prefer. Whatever you send back is going to have to be re-inserted into the episode itself and converted back to YV12 color space. I've attempted to properly convert them to RGB32 for you. If I fucked up do let me know. They are 123MB in .7z compressed archive and will uncompress to about 500MB. Please be mindful not to rename any of the files. As the number is linked to frame numbers on my end!

There are only about 20-30 frames total that need to be edited. The rest are duplicates or appear before or after the pantsu would.

Thanks for your attention!


I just had a look again. In this archive the frames that need editing start about frame 8 (08.bmp) and go to frame 38-40 (38-40.bmp). However, the vast majority are duplicates. So there are only about 10 images in total that need to be drawn.

Of course, the artist might disagree and want to put in a bit of extra effort. But to my eye this should be sufficient to produce a proper pantsu shot. Which will only be on screen for about 1 second. But if you're going to do something you should do it right, no?

I'm hopeful someone will finally deliver. This year's archive release has at least 8 people working on it in various roles. It should be the "definite edition" of Onimai for many years to come. As it'll be superior to the Blurays. Since I'm spending a lot of time correcting production errors that weren't fixed on the BDs and including a bunch of extras we didn't have time to include last year.

Again, thanks to whomever can help. Also thanks to whoever seeded a torrent I needed for another show a couple of weeks ago. I don't think I ever got around to thanking you after I leeched it and ran. I'm all-in on Onimai and finishing a seasonal show at the moment. But I'll be working on that after the holidays.


File:01737-score_9,_score_7_up,….png (1.72 MB,1248x1608)

Hmmm... I was the guy that messed around with AI a little bit for this a while ago and I'll see what I can do in a few days maybe. The problem is with AI is consistency, so someone with actual drawing talent would of course be far superior to me. The other problem is that I'm terribly lazy and also need to do some stuff IRL over the next couple weeks which is unusual for me. AI still struggles with hands and stuff, but there sure is a lot of data of pantsu and butts.


File:C-1727342938024.png (73.79 KB,986x504)

The leg line's still there in at least this frame... (its 07)


Why were the underpants removed form the BD?
Also, I know nothing about this kind of thing so maybe this is silly but if the TV release still has the underpants then couldn't you cut them out of the TV release and then upscale or edit them and put them into the BD?


File:haha.png (1.86 MB,1920x1080)

They were never in the TV/WEB versions either. As for cutting I'm already doing a lot of that. The process of restoring the colors is taking them from various WEB sources. I have to use ABEMA and CR rips and splice stuff because one has higher bitrate than the other in some places and CR censored a lot of scenes. But it isn't foolproof. See picture. This is the result of a BD change so the colors from my homemade uncensored WEBRip don't exactly align to the BD's. I'm having to go through frame-by-frame to catch stuff like this. Thankfully, a Japanese guys produced a list of changes in the BD that were fixes for production errors. So that gets me in the ballpark.

Fixing colors is a combination of the above plus finding these areas. For these portions I have to cut out the sequence of frames from both sources. Then generate histograms for both. Then I can use an old filter that I thankfully still had the source code for and ported to x64 myself. I can use it to adjust BD's colors to match WEB/TV for these scenes with minor changes they made to fix errors on the BD.

The panty shot was censored in production to appease the mass market because that's a big no-no now. Odd in a show with onsen and bath scenes I know. But that's the world we live in now.

If I could draw I would fix them myself and draw cute pantsu. But its never been my strong suit. Hence why I took up a hobby working on other people's art instead of my own.

My hope was this might encourage people to restore black void panty shots in other stuff. A couple of games I play were censored in this way and there is a long list of anime just from the last couple of years that refused to show panty shots or had characters with magic skirts. They've really been uptight about this stuff for the last 5 years or so. It's jarring to watch a mid-late 2000s anime with 10 pantsu shots per scene then switch to a seasonal show where the best you'll get is a long shot that barely shows anything.

Yeah that's why I made sure to include some on either side. I wasn't sure where someone would want to start. The black void makes sense sometimes. The start of this sequence is one of those cases. But once the skirt is flying up into the air there really should be panties.

If I were doing it I might sneak in a "mihari" label somewhere. Since he's wearing his sister's clothes which means he's wearing her pantsu. Unless she went out and bought him some before drugging him. In the manga that is never shown or mentioned. She even notices that he's not wearing "their panties" in one chapter when he pisses himself at school and another girl lends him some. A pretty highly detailed still shot of pink panties are shown in episode 1. Which could serve as a good template to copy. But in-universe by episode 2 he's changed outfits 3 or 4 times so he's probably not wearing those anymore. Since Mihari is pretty anal about hygiene and schedule by the end of episode 1 and she lays out his outfits everyday.


File:pantsu.png (1.55 MB,1920x1080)

Aforementioned pantsu from episode 1


File:swimsuitOP.png (1.46 MB,1920x1080)

Another obvious error of color transfer. OP has two. ED has one. Then episode 1 itself has several changes to the glow effects in Mahrio's bedroom. In total there are about 50 or 60 changes from TV->BD to fix production errors. Most of them are stuff like this where a piece of clothing was excluded or draw incorrectly.

The vast majority aren't on screen very long. But they can't be fixed by simple splicing due to things being added/removed. So each and every one has to be cut out and have histrograms generated. Then I can compute the changes between the colors of each frame and apply them to the BD.

I could do the whole color restoration like that but it isn't perfect and is more error prone than simply taking chroma from a WEB source. But these little areas have to be addressed. Nothing is ever simple. All this could be avoided if they'd simply produce Blurays properly. I don't know why they insist on being retarded.

I still need the German BD if anyone has it. I finally got the audio from the disc but I still need the video. I want to check if a couple of badly encoded scenes from the Japanese BD were fixed in the German version by dumb luck. There are a couple of places where I'm going to have to splice in frames from the WEB version because the codec barfed hard when they ran the BD encodes. One scene in particular looks really bad.

If you're wondering. The error in pic related is on screen for exactly 2 frames. Which is about 1/8th of a second.


>The panty shot was censored in production to appease the mass market because that's a big no-no now.
Well hopefully with how much of a sales success both it and Mahoako were we'll start to see a resurgence of those shots since obviously the market wants them and is willing to reward good productions that don't shy away from what's supposedly 'mass appeal'.


File:BDChroma.png (2.52 MB,1920x1080)

It occurred to me that showing the difference between the BD itself and my corrected color version might be a good idea. Pic related is straight from the BD. Next post will have the modified version.

I am hopeful the industry might go back to its roots but I know better than to bank on it. We saw with both of these shows that the western distributors couldn't help themselves. With Onimai they censored several scenes and ruined their translation on purpose (and even went as far as bragging about doing it). With MahoAko they simply refused to carry the show at all. Which goes to show they don't give a damn about money.

The crazy thing is outside of the American market they were willing to carry both. Onimai got a proper translation in all languages but English and only mild censorship in some regions (much less than the American version at least). MahoAko was carried everywhere and even got a dub in several languages that I've heard was decent but I won't judge something in a language I can't speak. It also got very mild censorship in select regions.

What I find odd is with shows like this the people claiming to hate them and demanding censorship is the same group that insists it be involved in the western distribution. It's like asking a bunch of hardcore devout Christians to get a death metal album and a season of something like South Park ready for release. It makes no sense and the only reason such people would want anything to do with a show like this is to push an agenda.


File:MergedChroma.png (2.5 MB,1920x1080)

Here is the fixed color version. Note that this isn't anywhere near what I would release. Most of the filtering I use has been displayed to allow for quick seeking to search out errors. So it isn't a perfect merge. With my usual filter chain for this show I can only process about 4fps with the CPU pegged at 100%. I need to clean up the noise and correct some minor errors in the WEB sources I'm using before taking the color from it. But this serves as a good example. In other words. All the noise, banding, blockyness etc. from the low bitrate WEB releases hasn't been corrected. It has also been overlaid on the artificial injected grain on the BD.

You may not be able to tell the difference on a monitor that hasn't been calibrated correctly. Basically, colors look less vivid due to some filtering they applied before sending the masters out for BD pressing. It's most noticeable on shades of red/pink.


File:34153368_p0.jpg (459.47 KB,800x1200)

When it comes to things like this, I always just hold faithful that the free market will sort things out. No matter how much investment money an agenda gets, capitalism always comes out on top. With somebody somewhere eventually asking why there's an unprofitable money sink which has no current or future monetary purpose, and with the amount of money being lost across the board I think those questions will come sooner rather than later.


i'll help once i learn how to draw

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