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I am considering going on a carnivore diet. Nothing fancy, prolly just ground beef, eggs, and dairy products every day. I've tried more "balanced" diets before and I never felt any better. Lately I've been very depressed and started putting on weight, so I'm interested in seeing what life will be like cutting out carbs almost completely. I understand there are some risks because there hasn't been much research on these types of diets, but I don't really care about anything right now.



sounds like keto. consider eating fish and chicken too


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There's better ways of cutting carbs than going full meat. But I guess if you want to try it for a little bit it's not going to be too harmful. Just make sure not to keep it up too long since it lacks a fair bit of vitamins and minerals, and most importantly you don't get any fiber. Though you could use supplements for those and dietary fiber as substitutes. Just make sure you're not eating too much high cholesterol or high sodium meats as it could be unhealthy on its own as well.


I will!

I will be cutting out fiber as well. I've seen conflicting research that suggests fiber is both nessecery and completely worthless at the same time, not sure who to believe. I will see for myself.


Fiber is very useful but believe what you will. If your shits start to hurt then immediately incorporate it back into your diet.


theres soluble and insoluble fiber
idk what that means


poop going to be hard, remember my brother literally shouting when pooping after a few days of keto
though i think it was just the first poop because he continued it for a couple months and lost quite some weight (not just keto of course, joined the gym too)


Just stop eating highly processed slop and you will be good.
Food studies are financed and controlled by interest groups.


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Americans and their meme diets... There's zero need to go keto. Americans eat too much processed food. That's what you need to cut off from your diet, not carbs. And sugar as well.


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ate a meme


Avoid foods with long ingredient lists. Optimally, you'd get most of your food from the fresh produce section, but even dried beans have an ingredients list. Don't keep junk food around the house.

I don't really bother with portion control, since a sane diet with calorie logging automatically regulates the amount of food you eat. But you can google rules of thumb for portion control if you're curious.

I have the palate of a kid so I drink a fruit and vegetable smoothie every day. My parents insist that spinach cause gout so I'm compromising by using cucumbers. Berries, which can have some sour ones mixed in, end up tasting sweet when blended.

Average walking speed is between 2.0 and 3.0 miles per hour, but instead of setting the speed higher and having to run, adjust the incline. And don't trust the treadmill's estimate of calories burned.

Make it a habit to drink some water when you're hungry. Sometimes, your brain confuses thirst for hunger. Don't drink soda or juice. And try to limit alcohol or cut it out from your diet if you can.

I like to do resistance training and walking. Specifically progressive calisthenics, which you can google. Heavy negatives help too. There's also isometrics, although you have to repeat an exercise at different angles to get the full benefit and don't give results as quickly as isotonic exercise.

100% whole wheat is the best, 100% whole grain is good too. Look for that when you buy pasta or bread.

It's recommended that you get a food scale and weigh everything you eat. But I made do with calculating calories from the nutrition facts (calories per serving * number of servings in the package / how many times I'm eating this until I finish the package). And googling how many calories in a chicken breast, in an avocado, and so on.

I use BMR calculators instead of TDEE since I don't trust myself to estimate my activity level. BMR is different from BMI, which calculates how overweight you are. You probably don't have enough muscle for BMI to be inaccurate. Weigh yourself at a consistent time of day, like in the morning.

The food plate picture (MyPlate) is just the food pyramid with equal portions of all food groups. The problem with the food pyramid was that it recommended you eat a ton of whole grains, instead of consuming them in moderation, as with everything else.

Artifical sweeteners, like those found in diet soda, increase sugar cravings and appetite. So you should cut back on those in addition to sugar.


This guy is right. Listen to him. If you go meat-only be prepared to suffer with a lot of explosive diarrhea. I started getting it about 3 days into a time where I was only eating steak and eggs. Even while consuming fiber pretty heavily (I take in about 15-30 grams of pure fiber from plant material daily). I've heard a lot of other people talk about having the same problem with the meat-only diet.

What you want is a good combination of fresh veggies, some fruits, some meats and switch up the meats often (steak one night, chicken the next and some kind of fish at least once a week). You have to be careful about where you're sourcing meat from though. It's getting really hard to get good meat. I don't trust anything from grocery stores that don't have their own butcher shop. If you can buy locally from a farm. Try to avoid farm raised fish to. They aren't good to eat.

I really like tuna but I've had to stop eating it more than once a week due to concerns about mercury content. Most fish is loaded with microplastics now to. It's getting much harder to find real food. Just about everything I liked is now GMO-only. In the last year everything from my favorite small time soda pop, to the peanuts I like to the veggies in big chain grocery stores have gone GMO. I _love_ corn but it's really hard to find non-GMO corn now. I'm worried about the built-in Roundup in it.

If you have room you should consider getting some chickens. They pretty much pay for themselves within a month or so. You'll have more eggs than you could ever eat and once a bird stops laying you can slaughter them for the meat. You can also keep meat birds and egg layers together if you want to do that. This year I'm raising my own turkeys for the first time. They'll be good and fat a few months before Thanksgiving. I'll slaughter and clean them a couple of months before the holiday and put them in the freezer. Much better than a Butterball. My friend did that last year and his Thanksgiving turkey tasted amazing.

You might also consider trying small game birds like quail if you have a local grocery store that sells them. They usually come in a box of 12-24. They're really good. I also like to supplement my diet with wild game (rabbit and deer mostly) when possible. It's much better than store bought meat and has a good flavor. I'll often cut my beef burgers with deer meat at 50/50 ratio. The beef fat and the lean venison go really great together.

Another thing to consider is getting away from seed oils if you use those. I've gone back to butter, olive oil and lard. I deep fry potatoes and meat in lard now instead of seed oils. Tastes much better and much more healthy. Humans have been eating lard for thousands of years and it's proven where these new vegetable oils are known to cause cancer and other aliments. We were never intended to consume rapeseed oil and friends.

I know this has gotten long but you should also consider what you're cooking your food in. I ditched all my non-stick skillets for cast iron a couple of years back. You just have to melt some lard in your skillet to make it "non-stick" and you can also use it in the oven to cook things like corn bread and pies. Just be careful not to ruin your cast iron skillet by washing it like you would a non-stick and keeping it coated with lard at all times.

Another thing I'm working on is canning my own food like my Grandparents did. I canned some stew I made in mason jars a few months ago. It's shelf stable at room temperature. So I don't need to keep it in the freezer/fridge. I can just pop the top on the jar and re-heat it in a pot. It's really convenient. I'm also in the process of building a smoke house so I can preserve meat long term and make my own jerky. I'm also going to try making some Pemmican this year from my deer hunting exploits. It's how the Native Americans stored meat over winter. They used to sell it to the white men back before their land got stolen from them. Pemmican is a high quality source of protein and nutrients and everything else you need to survive. It stores at room temperature for months-years just fine. You can eat it and only it for months as your own food source and will probably feel better than you do now eating processed foods so often.

The main thing is to avoid fast food. Not only is it very bad for you it's way overpriced now. I gave up on eating out about 6 months ago. I used to enjoy getting a burger from a local place once in awhile but they've raised prices by several dollars and cut the amount of meat they're putting in the burgers by almost half. The chain places are even worse. You pay $10-$15 for a tray of food now and you barely get anything at all. They've cut back on the beef and chicken to the point where you're barely getting two bites even for a "double" cheeseburger. Then the fries are like half what you used to get. Its nuts.

Sorry if this is too long. I've just been into this topic of healthy eating lately. My rule of thumb: If I can eat like my Great-Grandparents did and find similar quality of food I should be okay since they both lived nearly to 100 years old. They always kept a garden, harvested wild edibles/game and kept cows, pigs, chickens, goats and sometimes sheep. They lived through the Great Depression while raising 4 children and they ate well during those times because they knew how to grow, hunt and raise their own food. They also knew how to store it through winter without the need for electricity.


>I deep fry potatoes and meat in lard now instead of seed oils
Small correction; Tallow. I use beef tallow. Here "lard" can be used interchangeably with "tallow" but I'm told that isn't true in most places. Last time I talked to someone about this they insisted lard was pig-only. Which they're probably right. But that's not how people where I grew up refer to these things.

Anyway, fried food in tallow is amazing. McDonalds' fries (used to) taste so good because they deep fried them in tallow when most other places had moved on to seed oils.

There is really no reason not to make tallow/lard. Since you're basically tossing it out if you aren't saving the drippings from when you cook beef and pork. I try to avoid pork now honestly. But it's so good and I love it. So I'm looking into raising my own pigs. We had a big scandal in my country not long ago where they got caught feeding pigs straight garbage like styrofoam plates, plastic wrappers and everything else that comes from the dumpster when people toss out half eaten food. You are what you eat as they say and I'm not fond of eating such things. Also pigs are a pretty nasty animal full of worms. So I tend to avoid eating things like pork chops now if they come from factory farmed pigs.


One last thing we've been doing: Making homemade pizza! I love pizza but all chain-stores are a rip-off and taste horrible now. I have one local place I still like but it's $25 for a large pizza that I'll eat in one sitting if I don't control myself. So I leave that as a once-in-awhile treat.

My homemade pizzas are amazing and much better than chain-store pizza. I can make a large for like $3-5 depending on what I put on it. I bought a pizza stone so I can cook them in my standard oven. But if you don't want to do that you can cook them on a regular pizza pan just fine.

Speaking of keeping a garden: Avoid "starter plants" and most seed from chain stores. I was lucky that my grandfather kept seeds for years so I had a batch of seeds he'd been breeding for years to start with. I grew some veggies and melons from "starter plants" I bought at a large bigbox store and none of those plants produced viable seeds.

I really suggest starting a melon patch if you can. I grow watermelon and cantaloupes. Cantaloupes are really easy because they fall off the vine when they're ripe and ready for harvest. Watermelon is a big harder because you have to learn through trail and error if the melon is ripe enough to cut off of the vine. I got pretty good at that over the years but every now and again I still pull on too early. You also have to be careful about watering them because you can make them burst open if you over water. They _love_ water though and will grow like weeds. One tip I can give you is to withhold water from melons about 1-3 days before you plan to harvest one. It'll make it taste much sweeter. You can also self pollinate and make melons grow on the vine where you want by taking a flower off another vine and rubbing it on a flower where you want a melon. I also suggest trimming your vines. By that I mean never have more than 2-3 melons on each vine. This forces the vine to pump everything into those few melons. If you let the vine go on its own you'll end up with 6+ small melons instead of 1-3 big nice ones. No worries about killing the vine it doesn't hurt them. It also encourages the plant to put out more vines which you can use to get more melons.

One tip I have. If you do start a melon patch make sure you either use mulch on the ground under where you want your vines to grow. The vines need something to grab on to to support themselves. You'll also want to place a piece of wood or even a box under your melons once they're of about baseball size. This isn't 100% required but it prevents them from rotting and keeps the animals off of them. Melons like a lot of heat in the ground and the mulch will help hold water in the soil. But the main reason for it is to prevent the grass from growing up around your vines. The first year I neglected to mulch and I lost so many melons simply because I couldn't see them due to the grass being so high. I also had to tip toe around due to the constant worry of snakes.

If you can stomach them I highly suggest both growing and eating snap (green) beans often. They're really good for you and taste amazing when you toss in some real butter to cook them in. They're also very easy to grow and prepare fresh from the garden. I have many fond memories of snapping beans with my Grandparents as a child. We'd also have them at least a few times a week fresh from the garden.

My Grandfather was a big fan of turnup greens. Never been my thing but he swore by them. Could always tell when he was preparing them because they made the house smell like it was full of farts. They have a awful smell but an okay taste. But they're packed with things that are part of a good diet.

I love hard boiled eggs as well. I'll boil a bunch and pickle them. They keep forever and I just grab those to snack on instead of the junk food I used to eat. I also eat a lot of cucumbers as snacks now. I let them soak in vinegar water for awhile (overnight if I can) along with a couple of other things (lately I'm trying garlic).

My next goal is to start making my own soda/cola. My guilty pleasure these days is real Coca-Cola with cane sugar. The list of ingredients on those Mexican glass bottles is very short compared to the American stuff. Replicating popular brands like Sprite, Orange Soda, Pepsi, and Coke is pretty easy. It costs almost nothing once you have the machine to carbonate water.

Oh and I'm also looking into bee keeping. I'm wanting to keep some bees so I can harvest honey for cheap. Then I plan to store that long term and try my hand at making mead. I don't drink alcohol much but when I do I prefer it to be something more on the natural side like wine and mead (honey wine). I do know how to distill liquor but I don't do it because it's illegal. Plus it's hard to find a good source of corn these days as I mentioned before.

If you aren't tired of my rants about food I could go into details about how I hunt and process wild game if you want. Again it isn't that hard. I'm also experienced with raising cattle. Which isn't as hard as you might think and doesn't require as much land as you might think.

If you're dead set on this meat-only diet I highly suggest you either raise your own livestock or get in contact with a local farmer that's running a small operation. I hear the Amish are the best around but sadly I don't live near any of their communities. But the peanut butter, beef and everything else they sell to the general population is supposed to taste amazing. People claim they can't go back to store bought meat and I believe them. Short of the Amish I suggest you check out some local farmers markets and try to locate a supplier of locally raise meat there. You want free range. Animals that got to enjoy living in the fields and ate wild grasses/bugs/all that good stuff. They always taste much better than some factory farm animal that was forced to live in filth while being forced fed commercial feed.


>If you aren't tired of my rants about food I could go into details about how I hunt and process wild game if you want.
Do it. I've been meaning to learn how to hunt for a while but I keep putting it off. Plus my family has a ton of groundhogs around that always cause trouble and I'd like to trap them and make actual use of them (and not poison them like my dad does.)
>I'm also experienced with raising cattle. Which isn't as hard as you might think and doesn't require as much land as you might think.
Funny, because my parents both raised cattle and told me it was absolute hell, so I'd like to hear what would make you say that.


When I'm not half asleep I'll try to give you a 101 on hunting. I do not suggest eating groundhogs as anything but a last resort though. If you don't want to hurt them here is a trick I use. You can trap them then release them a few miles away from where you caught them on the other side of a large river. They will not cross the river in an attempt to get back "home". They will give up and build a new home. There is a bridge near my house where I take them when I trap them because they cause a lot of damage to the foundations of our buildings. But sadly some are too smart and I end up having to wait them out and dispose of them with .22lr or 5.56mm. For years it was my job to walk around my family farm and kill them all spring-fall. I hated it. I hate killing any animal.

>Funny, because my parents both raised cattle and told me it was absolute hell, so I'd like to hear what would make you say that.
They aren't wrong. I'll give you a run down on this whenever I've had some sleep. They're very smart animals and I love them so much. But they're a huge pain in the ass to care for and you can't let yourself get attached. They always die on you or you have to trick them when you take them to slaughter. Either way it was always a sad and bad time.

Last Fall I had to shoot a cow that had been down for over 20 hours. Technically, it wasn't mine and the person that "owned" it let her lay there and suffer for an entire day. He was hoping she'd live until the morning so he could get some more milk off her since she had a young calf. Not sure how she fell. I tried for hours to get her back on her feet by myself. I pushed and pushed and she just didn't have the strength. I sat up with her until 3am and brought her water and feed. Which she eventually stopped accepting. I knew she was a goner and I wasn't going to let her suffer anymore. So I had to shoot her in the head with .22lr.

The owner never found out. He thought she died in the night on her own. I know how to shoot them in such a way that it doesn't leave a mark (hence the small caliber).

My childhood was basically waking up at 4am every morning to feed cattle then doing chores all day to keep them fed, fat and happy. Bailing hay in the middle of the summer is a hell I don't wish upon my worst enemy. I was doing that every year from the time I could walk. It's probably one of the hardest jobs on the planet. But you have to do it if your herd is going to live through winter. When I was a kid-teen we had a couple hundred head which isn't even considered a large operation anymore. Now we keep about 20 just because they help keep the weeds down around fence lines and fertilize the fields. If I ever get control (which I have been promised for years now) I plan to make some changes and try to turn the farm around. But I doubt I'll ever get the chance. These old folks seem like they want to hold on to what they've got until they die and refuse to put themselves out to pasture and let the younger generation take over. I don't get it. Their parents and grandparents weren't that way. I plan to be left nothing.

But I'll come back and actually post something useful about hunting and raising cattle sometime later today. I promise.


Uh I'm not trying to read a book here what the fuck.


How far are AI readers along anyway? Do they still sound stiff and boring?


im being forced to quit neethood but i remember using balabolka (text-to-speech) for articles. damn why must all good things come to an end ;-;


Humans are carnivores so your just eating naturally, not "going on a diet ".


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Humans are omnivores. We come from monkeys. That's what monkeys are: https://a-z-animals.com/blog/what-do-chimpanzees-eat/


Lies. Humans are facultative carnivores like canines. We need to eat primarily animals to be healthy.

Omnivore is a misclassification and purposely misleading, since we can thrive exclusively on animals. All animals must be omnivore using the same logic used to classify humans as omnivores.


>Humans are facultative carnivores like canines.
Just looking at the differences in the teeth between humans and canines should tell you that you are talking out of your ass.


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But we are not dogs.


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I wanna be your dog.


Humans use hands and sharp tools to carve up animals and protect ourselves so we don't need canine teeth. Animals with those teeth need them unlike us. They are disabled compared to humans.

There are herbivores equipped with large sharp teeth like hippos. Some herbivores of the past even had claws. Gorillas and chimps are frugivores with canine teeth…

Our digestive tract is similar enough.


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>Humans use hands and sharp tools to carve up animals and protect ourselves so we don't need canine teeth.
We did not have very different teeth when the developed tools, so that is wrong. (there has been some change in our teeth, but nothing as dramatic as the difference between dogs and men)
>Gorillas and chimps are frugivores with canine teeth…
They have fangs (which, being called the canine teeth, may have caused you to get so confused), and otherwise a pretty human-like jaw. Completely different from canines. Pic related.
You are terribly misinformed.


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Apparently I was wrong and humans are a unique thing called "cucinivores" instead:

It's because we are the only animals that cook our own food and it played a very significant part in our evolution. Otherwise the hunter-gatherer diet also consisted of nuts, berries, fruits, mushrooms, wild edible plants/vegetables, etc, not just meat.


I'm a unique thing called a "cunnyvore"


>we did not have very different teeth
Proof? and so what?

obviously the teeth argument is debunked by existence of herbivores like hippos (who also eat meat opportunistically like all herbivores but aren't considered omnivores)
never mind the relatively short human digestive tract (herbivores are very long), low stomach pH levels akin to scavengers and our inability to process fiber, and the lack of vital nutrients and nutrient density in plants that are all found in animal products
We only need to cook toxic inedible plants, which are only consumed out of desperation.
Paleo humans prioritized animals and ate heavy meat high fat diets. Otherwise how do they survive in ice age Europe?


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>Paleo humans prioritized animals and ate heavy meat high fat diets. Otherwise how do they survive in ice age Europe?
You realize there are a lot of modern hunter-gatherer populations around still and they eat a lot of plants and fruits?
>On top of that, the available ethnographic data is heavily skewed toward very northern cultures, such as Arctic cultures — since the warm-weather cultures were the first ones to get pushed out by farmers — and they do tend to eat more meat. But our ancestors’ diets were variable. Populations that lived near the ocean and moving rivers ate a lot of fish and seafood. Populations that lived in forested areas or in places rich in vegetation focused on eating plants.
Like, if you are an Inuit, then sure, your diet is going to consist mostly of meat, but that's not true for the other kinds of hunter-gatherers. It varies by environment.


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Hadzas eat a ton of berries, honey and fruit, which I assume it would be true in certain parts of Europe and MENA back then as well. There is evidence of neanderthals eating carb-heavy diets too: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/neanderthals-ate-carb-heavy-diets-potentially-fueling-brain-growth-180977723/


Diet and evolution in general can be quite complex and it naturally has many factors that go into it.

Something to keep in mind regarding humans is that we evolved from apes, so our dentition is likewise going to have evolved from apes and will be similar to them.
To compare us to something else, Both Hominids and Giant Pandas are about 2-3 million years old. Yet while Pandas are herbivores they still have dentition similar to other bears which itself is similar to other canids. Neither us nor Giant Pandas have really had enough time to evolve our dentition to be completely different and in our case our tool use would have impacted how we developed as well.

I'm not saying we were or are facultative carnivores though, given that we can't produce our own vitamin C, that's why we get Scurvy.

Hazda live in an environment quite different than Europeans would have, indeed all the surviving hunter gathers do. We would have probably eaten a higher portion of meat than they do which would explain why our skeletons are bigger than they are(the Hazda are tiny).


Just google our ancestors.
>obviously the teeth argument is debunked by existence of herbivores like hippos
Wrong again. Hippos too have herbivore teeth. Pic related.
You are confusing their weapon-part of their mouths for the food-intake part of their mouths.


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Meant to post this image.


>We would have probably eaten a higher portion of meat than they do which would explain why our skeletons are bigger than they are(the Hazda are tiny).
Inuit aren't tall either.

There's also the fact that modern Europeans don't descend from paleolithic Europeans. The genetics are completely different. Gravettians which actually lived in the ice age have very little to do with modern Europeans.


Fair point about the Inuits. Though apparently that is conserve heat(I don't know how valid that is)

The Grevettians were not that different to us and we do share a lot of DNA. Modern Europeans are a mix.
But Indo-Europeans would have also evolved in a different environment than that of surviving hunter gatherers.


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Also, that's a different topic of autism. Please don't make me reveal my archaeogenetics power level.


>I'm not saying we were or are facultative carnivores though, given that we can't produce our own vitamin C, that's why we get Scurvy.

It has been known for well more than 100 years that meat, particularly fresh meat, both cures and prevents scurvy. This evidence was well documented among many nineteenth-century Arctic explorers. Fresh meat is the key difference in a modern carnivore’s diet compared to the diets of the British sailors, which was dominated by dried, salted meat.
>Vitamin C enters your body through the intestinal tract. Interestingly, glucose can directly compete with vitamin C absorption because they share a cellular transporter. If there’s a lot of glucose in your system, vitamin C absorption is effectively inhibited. In a meat-only diet, glucose is effectively zero in the intestines; thus, vitamin C becomes more available. Interesting work coming out of the Paleo Medicina group in Hungary has shown that serum vitamin C levels are normal in patients who follow a carnivore diet. In fact, animal-derived vitamin C was more effective than similar plant-derived vitamin C for maintaining serum levels.
What about the other points I made?


>It has been known for well more than 100 years that meat, particularly fresh meat, both cures and prevents scurvy.
Do you mean raw or what? I heard Inuits do eat a lot of raw meat, but they have the perfect conditions for doing so. They can "flash-freeze" it to kill parasites. Do NOT eat sushi that isn't flash frozen by the way, or else you're going to end up with a stomach full of parasites.


>What about the other points I made?
I am not arguing that humans are not carnivores. If your definition of carnivore includes the potential for herbivore behavior, I won't argue against that. I am rejecting your claim that they are carnivores "like canines", because clearly there is a qualitative difference. Humans are much more prepared for a vegan diet than wolves are.


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Yes but also no. That's only the tip of the iceberg. Haplogroups are only useful documenting human migrations.


wouldn't mind if you talked about it


Humans and dogs actually share a pretty similar (same) diet. Hence why dogs have always been our best friends; They can eat our scraps.

Most of the bad health in people's dogs these days can be attributed to the fact that people feed their dogs garbage like dry food. Even the canned food for animals is very low quality. Before the pet food industry became a thing people just tossed their dogs left overs and parts of animals they didn't want to eat (like some organ meat, the bits left over on bones, food that would otherwise goes bad because there was no way to save it for left overs).

I never understood the "people food is bad for dogs" thing. I do understand not feeding a dog table scraps AT the table to keep them from begging. In general my dogs eat whatever I'm eating excluding fruits. They get steak, beef, pork, chicken, green beans, corn and pretty much anything else I consume. If something is sitting in the fridge about to go bad I toss it to the dogs. It costs me almost nothing to feed them this way and they're much healthier compared to the past when I fed dogs "dog food" (both dry and wet).

I refuse to feed the animals I keep anything I wouldn't eat myself.


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Hmm yes, I looked this up and you seem to be right. Wolves are carnivores but dogs are omnivores due to them adopting our diet to some extent, and they can even eat some cooked foods too since we have been feeding them that for tens for thousands of years, so they're technically cucinivores as well, but they infamously cannot eat some things we can, such as chocolate.


If a dog girl tried to buy chocolate from the store where you were manning the checkout, would you refuse to sell it to her?


i heard that dogs can stomach a bit of chocolate, but chocolate is super mega toxic to cats


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That would be a big no, because I read that chocolate can even be deadly to them, specially of the dark kind. 70%+ cocoa dark chocolate is what I eat most of the time. They say it's the most healthy kind (for humans).


What if she looks at you with big round dog eyes?
What if she calls you oniichan?


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Then I would let her taste a small amount just so she knows it's toxic for her and never eats it again.


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Human diets were opportunistic, with hunting and gathering and scavenging and so on. The human brain demands a lot of energy so meat is very beneficial, but so are nuts and seeds and sugary fruits. Ancient humans definitely benefited from eating a variety of things in order to survive since adaptation is very important.
Today people are supposed to eat a varied diet to get a variety of nutrients and amino acids and vitamins and blahblahblah. Meat-only and plant-only diets are far from ideal, but it's less harsh these days because of supplements and testing. But, it's really not a good idea.
I remember something someone said a couple decades ago that still sticks out to me. When we refer to an animal's diet it's what they eat their entire life, but for humans chasing trends they refer to it as a temporary thing, and that's a mistake. Choose and live a diet that you will keep for your entire life, but change and update it with minor changes here or there as needed. Setting schedules or limitations really isn't how it should work. "I'm going to have a ___ diet for 3 months" and so on really isn't how things should go, because you're starting something with a plan to stop it and you're not going to be able to put your heart into it. Far better to make changes slowly and build to something permanent.


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>Meat-only and plant-only diets are far from ideal, but it's less harsh these days because of supplements and testing.
True. Vegans suffer from B12 deficiency (this is something they admit themselves, they have to supplement it) and carnivores suffer from iron overload and high cholesterol levels I read. A balanced diet is ideal for humans. Ideally you should avoid processed foods because we only started eating that relatively recently and haven't had enough time to adapt to it. The way a lot of Americans do keto is definitely unhealthy, since stuff like bacon, sausages, hamburgers, fried foods, etc aren't healthy under any context. Refined and artificial sugars are the number one thing to avoid however. There's a thing called "high fructose corn syrup" present in a lot of American products and it's one of the number one causes of obesity there. You can substitute that for things like honey quite easily. I sweeten my drinks with honey and it works pretty well, specially if it's a hot drink like coffee or milk so that the honey dissolves inside it.

>Choose and live a diet that you will keep for your entire life, but change and update it with minor changes here or there as needed. Setting schedules or limitations really isn't how it should work. "I'm going to have a ___ diet for 3 months" and so on really isn't how things should go
Also true. You shouldn't have a "temporary diet" only for losing weight at the moment. You need to make actual lifestyle changes and stick with it, otherwise the weight is just going to come back.


"They" say a lot of things. The toothpaste you use everyday will kill your dog. So "they" say. But it's also super healthy for _you_ even though it's proven to contain something that lowers your IQ.

All I know is we used to have a big dumb boxer bull who liked M&Ms and ate them all of the time. He really liked it if you threw them in the air so he could jump up and snatch them.


Balanced diet = slave rations. Eat the most nutrient dense foods which are all animal based.


>But it's also super healthy for _you_
well you shouldn't eat it that's the thing


What nutrients, and which food? Liver and chicken breast? You're still gonna be missing some stuff there.


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Well, yeah, you're not supposed to eat toothpaste. I remember reading on the tubes as a kid that "if you swallow an amount more than used to brush your teeth, contact a poison control center immediately". Probably not a good idea to eat shampoo or deodorant, either.


toothpaste is a different topic because if you look at what dentists tell you it's that the 9/10 of them that recommend a certain brand also recommend the others and even not using them at all, what really matters is that you just brush your teeth
sensitivity toothpaste has extra fluoride and stuff to help, that's the one i have, and in the past when i had paper teeth doc gave me one with loads of it and it worked
but what they all have in common is the inclusion of abrasive stuff to more easily wipe away whatever is present, whitening ones have it in even greater concentrations, and this is stuff that makes sense but isn't necessarily the best for you and you can achieve good results with just a brush by itself
i'm not saying this as a conspiratard like there's a plot to sabotage your well-being by grinding down your teeth it's just something that works although you don't strictly need it


I agree with this.


Are there really people who don't know that they are supposed to spit out the foam after brushing their teeth?


All of them.
If you can't swallow something you shouldn't put it in your mouth. It still gets absorbed if you don't swallow.


The toothbrush itself is plastic and shouldn't be swallowed, so you better just stop brushing your teeth altogether.




but it IS supposed to be absorbed
by your teeth not your digestive system


I read that it's a bad idea to consume liver by the way, because it's where the toxins are processed. It's often contaminated with copper, mercury, arsenic and other heavy metals just like fish.


I am going to suck cocks and you can't stop me


I'm pretty sure that cocks and semen are sufficiently nutritious for that anon to consider them a vital part of every healthy diet.


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You're a good slug.


I switched to charcoal toothpaste and baking soda a long time ago. The fluoride thing was always funny to me considering most people consume a bunch through the water supply. But when I read about how fluoride used to be considered toxic waste which required paying big money to dump I understood what happened. Basically, when the aircraft industry took off in WW2-era they started making tons of aluminum. This process produces a lot of fluoride as a by-product. They didn't want to pay money to dump it so they started advocating that it was good for children's teeth if they put it in the water supply and toothpaste. Rest is history.

My friend used to work at our local municipal water supply for our small town. It was his job to dump fluoride into the system. When they do it they have to wear a big full body suit+mask. The stuff comes in large bags with skull and cross bones and warning labels all over it. If they're exposed they have to go through an entire protocol and follow up with doctors for years. He ended up quitting that job because he felt bad about being the one dumping the stuff into everyone's water.

I grew up with well water and didn't get hooked up to city water until well into my 20s. I kept the city water hook up on just in case but it's disconnected from my home's plumbing now. I ended up paying $10k for them to come out a dig a deep well.

I can really tell the difference between a fresh well supply of water and the crap in my town's local supply. You can taste the chemicals. Plus I'm concerned about the source of the water anyway considering it comes from a very polluted river. It was national news several years ago when something got released into it. They made a big deal about it and people from all over the country flew in to test the water. But stuff has been being dumped into it for decades since we were an old mill town. The river is so nasty you can't eat the fish that swim in it. I've pulled more than my fair share of mutant fish out of it over the years. A lot of people that go swimming in the river end up with strange chemical burns on their skin. We used to wade it in fairly often when I was a kid but now I refuse to get in it.


you can explain the situation while sounding far less paranoid
this doesn't even disagree with you, but it's not a conspiracy at all


What part of my post sounds "paranoid" and how am I promoting a "conspiracy"? How is a statement of fact a "conspiracy"?

Perhaps it's you that is paranoid since you're assuming the worst in other people. Like you know better or something. I don't need to read your link to know that it agrees with what I said. I know that everything I said is fact.


being defensive over someone challenging you, hmmmmmm


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>how am I promoting a "conspiracy"?
NTA, but in arguing that the aluminum industry "started advocating that it was good for children's teeth" in order to cut costs, you are saying that they had an "agreement for perform together a []wrongful[] act."
Pic related.

Also, I don't think you are paranoid, but
>when I read about how fluoride used to be considered toxic waste which required paying big money to dump I understood what happened.
made me pause and ponder whether to continue reading or dismiss your post as paranoid nonsense. I agree with the other guy on this: This sentence sounds paranoid.


it sounds paranoid because you treat fluoride like a wholly negative thing, a poison that was put there for nefarious purposes rather than the more complex process of some scientists using the evidence they had to fight a health crisis, which they rushed out while overstating its positive effects
you don't distinguish it from any sort of toxic waste and talk about it in the same context as mutant fish, that's a problem too

here's people from harvard quoting other studies concerned that past records came from bad practices:
and they sound as normal as ever, even the PHS lowered its recommended levels by a good amount
>It is expected that implementation of the new recommendation will lead to a reduction of approximately 25% (range: 12%–42%) in fluoride intake from drinking water alone and a reduction of approximately 14% (range: 5%–29%) in total fluoride intake.
but then you compare it to the previous post
>"They" say a lot of things. The toothpaste you use everyday will kill your dog. So "they" say. But it's also super healthy for _you_ even though it's proven to contain something that lowers your IQ.
not only is it something the above two links tackle, they can do it without needing to invoke the shadow cabal of "they"


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OP, can you give us an update? Did you start doing the carnivore/keto diet or not? And if not then what diet are you doing right now?


he tried to eat shabs but a shab ate him


Humam beings have this weird, seemingly instinctual desire to be dogs, and all-meat diets are just one of many manifestations of this.

>"They" say a lot of things
He says, only to defer to "They" two sentences later:
>even though it's proven to contain something that lowers your IQ.

>All I know is we used to have a big dumb boxer bull who liked M&Ms and ate them all of the time. He really liked it if you threw them in the air so he could jump up and snatch them.
All I know is that I know a guy who went on an all-meat diet, and he's currently balding and obese.

You should trust what you've observed to be true over what others tell you, obviously. But trying to extrapolate based on an anecdote is like trying to figure out trends base on a singular data point.


not going carnivore like OP, but I want to try not eating any processed food with preservatives and vegetable oil and lecithins and refined sugars and all of that bad stuff for maybe a month to see what happens. the problem is i don't even know what that entails. technically any meat or canned food has been "processed", even if you did so yourself, i think. i don't know. i don't know what to eat and what to avoid.


I think stuff from farms is usually fine.


You should not trust what you observe or what other tell you, you should trust science. What you observe is anecdotal and can also be skewed by the observer having an incomplete picture.

For example, my uncle is fat and balding and has been talking about how good meat only diets are and how bad carbs are for a decade or more.
But the issue with him is that he doesn't actually practise what he preaches. And while I know that, others who he doesn't know as well might take what he is saying at face value and believe that he is actually following the diet he always talks about.

Having said that though, a calorie is a calorie(more or less) so of course it's possible to be fat even if you only eat meat.


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I eat pasta and rice almost every day and I'm not fat. How do Americans explain that?


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ULTRA processed is what you should avoid more accurately. It basically means modern industrialized supermarket food.



Falling into the Ray Peat rabbit hole. I wonder how much of what he says is legit and how much is bullshit. One of his big things was eating food that would promote longevity, and yet he died at like only 82. I was surprised that he says lard is bad, apparently because (at least in the United States) pigs are fed a lot of corn and soybeans nowadays, so a lot of the toxins in those end up in the pigs' fat as well.


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My immediate issue are his citations range from 30 to 80 years old. Nutritional science has advanced a lot since then. It's true that food companies managed to change the accepted wisdom for decades and people that were saying stuff 80 years ago were proven right (like fat not being the enemy), but things have changed a lot. Many different organizations, government and private, research things constantly and the internet has connected the entire globe. Things look very iffy in an extremely active field like dietary nutrition when someone purposely avoids any information found in the past 30 years. Or is this a page from 30 years ago?
>© Ray Peat 2006.

I think the "seed oils are toxic to the body" thing comes to the wrong conclusions. If you're getting too much of it, it means you're eating lots of junk food and everyone knows that's bad for you for a host of reasons. You're eating lots of fried food, or super processed stuff with an ingredient list that takes an entire page. Are potatoes unhealthy because of potato chips? Many things are bad in excess, and sure, many "seed oils" are one of them. But, stuff like this is telling people that it's the seed oil itself and not that an extreme amount of it is used in junk food. Lots of people sing the praises of eating flax seed, but if you listen to this guy then you're ingesting poison.
Hydrogenated oils are definitely something to avoid outright. Although, this guy says seed oils are so bad that you should take the option of hydrogenated oils. Yeah, oil taken directly from corn is toxic as opposed to than corn oil that has been sent to a factory to have hydrogen bonded to its atoms to produce an artificial oil stable at room temperature. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogenated_oil
I was told hydrogenated oils were bad in a nutrition class back in like 2003 so the information was out there.

He also says fish oil is bad, so you shouldn't eat fish. Someone tell the people in Asia that soybean, sesame and fish oil is killing them prematurely at age 98. Since his fish data is from "fifty years ago" he's unaware of the actual danger of fish caused by environmental pollution accumulating in larger fish.
I'll read the vegetable page later...


>seed oils
i like the term /fit/ uses for them

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