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File:ARTS11_topImg_sp.png (137.22 KB,541x749)


Less than a month left for ARTS11.

Are you planning to go? What releases are you looking forward to?

The previous day, there is also a concert by ButaOtome, Sekkenya and Reirou no Hydrangea: https://tiget.net/events/326809


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I would go if I had 2hu friends.


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I'd want to but I don't have enough saved up to be making frequent flights to Japan yet and I'm already going to comiket next summer.

What I'm hoping for most is another Patchouli book by Flanvia.


Alice stop trying to seduce me, I'm not going to rape you.


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It's definitely something I'd visit and plan a trip to Japan around if I were to ever visit Japan. Or Futaket, you know, just to make sure to collect every Yukari artistic work.
I hear summer events in Japan are a nightmare of sweat and heat, so I'd probably stick to autumn or winter for sure. Well, if I could tolerate crowds. I think the VR comiket stuff they have (had?) are pretty cool, especially when you get your own offline local copy of the booths.
Uhh, what was I saying again? Oh, yeah, Restaisai is cool, but just not something I'd ever attend.

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