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File:C-1737843664311.jpeg (326.64 KB,1280x720)


¥ let's take all the bad parts of Pikmin 3
¥ then take all the bad parts of Pikmin 2
¥ replace all the good parts with pointless RPG elements and constant overly long dialogue
¥ and stick it all together with a completely nonsensical story
¥ oh, and make sure to include a post-game mode that shows what the game could have been with good design decisions
¥ but make sure to ruin that too a few days in
What were they thinking? It's like they couldn't figure out how to make a full-length game so they just split into five different teams and stuck all the resulting minigames together to pad things out. It's super frustrating because the core gameplay is still fun and they clearly proved they could have made a much better game, but they just didn't and covered all the good stuff in as much tedium and distraction as possible.


too purple
who are you paraphrasing


File:[HorribleSubs] Two Car - 1….jpg (96.82 KB,1280x720)


I'm going to kick your ass.


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (290.53 KB,1920x1080)

The RPG-ification of gameplay elements is really weird, even though I like RPGs. I guess it's an easy way to pad out a game, and they even call it stuff like "gamification" now when they apply it to other things.


I think it's because it's something you can add to make it seem like there's more to any game and it gives a sense of progression, but it seems like it takes away more than it adds. Half the upgrades in this game are completely pointless, like a bunch of HP increases and making the stupid dog marginally better at things he's never going to be doing, a few are critical to the core gameplay and make the first bit of the game feel really awkward until you can get them, and then the rest are OP shit that negates the strategy and technique you spent the earlier bits learning. Maybe they want to have that dopamine hit from a big "side quest complete" and need a spendable resource to enable that, but when the gameplay itself is fun you don't need to encourage players to interact with it.

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