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What are the best live action and 2d stuff about otaku culture or being an otaku?


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I'm extremely biased, but for 2D manga about being an Otaku I love Shinozaki-san Ki wo Ota Shika ni!
It features a cute and trendy, but also studious girl. She misses out on the beginning of the school year and is afraid of ending up friendless so she befriends the Otaku gals in her class despite hating Otaku and her only experience with Otaku being her fat older brother who she seems to despise.


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Poor kimoota onii-chan...


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This may sound cynical, but in my opinion, the best thing about otaku culture is that its piracy is not internationally pursued.
It also pertains to my interests in many ways - though it is not alone in that - but for somebody as incompetent and lazy as I, to be able to just thoughtlessly search for and download otaku-related stuff is something that I truly appreciate.
I know you can get set up to do the same with western stuff. But without a private community, I do not feel confident downloading western stuff anymore, and I can't socialize enough to get into a private community, and I can't even bring up the energy to follow the simple guides that are sometimes posted.
Last year, Baldur's Gate III came out, and it should be something that really pertains to my interests. (a friend that I haven't talked to for some 10 years even sent me a few messages asking me about it)
Under normal circumstances, I would buy it without hesitation. But it just feels so far outside of my sphere of activity that I am not sure if I'll ever get around to playing it.

It says something about me that this post contains no mention of anything that is actually related to otaku culture.
I am gomenasai.


As much as I like the end product I've never been someone interested in the actual creators, sociological stuff or seeing it romanticized with fictional accounts. I think it works best if there's a side character or something that's into it that makes references, but that's about it.


welcome to the nhk maybe
i've only seen a bit of it


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The first season of Genshiken is really good—made me wish my school had an anime club (with actual wotaku). The second season focuses way more on the characters and less on otaku culture, and the third one is mostly a romance anime with an (almost) all-fujo cast, so naturally the otaku stuff is more geared towards women in that one.




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You called?


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>The first season of Genshiken is really good—made me wish my school had an anime club (with actual wotaku)
In terms of highschool mine had one in like 2014 before it became flooded with ironics 2 years after. That aside, before that happened my anime club didn’t have too many hardcore fans, many of them were a bit casual. I don’t remember that many shonen fans though, they were all nice. But I still felt alienated from mine. Guess that’s what happens when you’re a niche in a niche(?) That aside, I’ll stick with the manga instead of watching season 2 for now.

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