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File:IMG_20240808_145758.jpg (75.74 KB,1008x467)


what the fuck happened to their necks this season


File:[Asenshi] Heya Camp - 04 [….jpg (76.81 KB,1280x720)

What am I looking for exactly? I don't know the problem


i swear their necks are substantially smaller than they were the first two seasons
is it just me?


Those necks look like they can barely support the head.


Way to out yourself as a fatneck, op.


they looked normal last season though


File:1557184961121.png (594.37 KB,751x720)

I like my women long and thin-necked.


File:[Asenshi] Yuru Camp - 06 [….png (1.14 MB,1280x720)

Are they? I think it's just pretty rare for their necks to have been shown since there were usually coats or scarfs covering them.


god i just wanna squeeze


You can't do that....


I want to have sex with all the SZS girls, holy shit.


File:033.png (50.39 KB,405x194)

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