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File:monster-energy-lovers.mp4 (356.15 KB,640x632)


Do you drink/like energy drinks?

I've noticed quite a few of the people that I talk to drink them, but I personally find them pretty gross and not all that helpful.


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I tried them once and felt like I was contracting throat cancer in real-time while it went down my throat. Never again am I touching one of those acid cans with a 10-foot pole.


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Drinking about a third of a can of simple soda with caffeine in it already gives me a feeling that I don't really like, so I have to pass on energy drinks


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I like some of them, like the one with mango or the white one.


I used to. I started taking pure caffeine pills to bypass all the sugar


Sounds dangerous...


I will usually pick up a Redbull and some chocolates when I do my shopping as a snack. But outside of that I don't really drink it.


I drink them and spend the next 4 hours wishing I hadn't. I drink a lot of coffee normally but energy drinks make me anxious


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My favourite candy


>stay up too late
>barely manage to wake up in the morning
>drink energy drink to get going
>get tired again in the afternoon
>drink another energy drink
>can't sleep at night because of the caffeine

it's a vicious cycle


Who are you quoting?


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stay up too late
barely manage to wake up in the morning
drink energy drink to get going
get tired again in the afternoon
drink another energy drink
can't sleep at night because of the caffeine



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Only drink coffee these days. Had a monster again a few weeks ago and I can't stand the sweetness anymore.


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I feel the same way about soda after having abstained from it for a couple months. Recently was having pizza and usually I think of the ideal pairing drink for it being a cool coke or something. Instead, the carbonation assaulted my mouth and was almost painful to gulp down. A nice cold Beer/Cider was much preferable.


do NOT like energy drinks
never liked fizzy super sugary drinks all that much i prefer a nice cup of tea
on topic bumper


i only ever had energy drinks when i was in college
waste of money, since caffeine doesn't really do much for me (i guess energy drinks specifically make me feel slightly more jittery but that's about it)
but yeah i don't really like them too much, would rather have water or something


>since caffeine doesn't really do much for me
Use pills to get a higher dose


i don't want to die anymore.
also i'm not in college anymore, i just take naps whenever i'm tired, so there's no need

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