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Does it upset you when characters you like are mistreated in doujinshi? How much do you sympathize with them and how invested do you need to be before it starts bothering you?


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>Does it upset you when characters you like are mistreated in doujinshi?

>How much do you sympathize with them and how invested do you need to be before it starts bothering you?
Well, it depends on the context of the story and what you count as being "mistreated". Generally, though, I would say that I sympathize with characters a lot and don't like to see any sort of mistreatment be it emotional abuse or coercion, cheating, physical abuse... It actually bothers me quite a bit that there isn't a "coercion" tag. At any rate, all that stuff bothers me and I purposely filter it so I don't have to see it.


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Well, yeah? This seems like an easy 'yes' answer. It's easy when it bothers me because I'm bothered when new or unknown characters are mistreated, too.
I don't understand people who use their talents to create ugliness.


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Yes, but only if I feel like it tarnishes their character. I hate when any semblance of what makes the character themself is disregarded to simply make another sex object that's no different from if they were just another placeholder girl. At least if you go for the corruption route have a good in-universe reason that somewhat canonically explains how they fall.

Although the amount of degradation I feel is ok with a character varies widely for the ones I like. For instance I don't really like much Kino or Utena H, but for Illya and the other Pryllas most anything they do I feel fine with since they're already so slutty.


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I think I'm the opposite. I can read about Arisu being corrupted into a sex pet by a Dark P and be totally fine with it, but when she says "please don't cheat on me" and then P goes and fucks the other idols it bothers me. Maybe it's because her being relatively in-character makes me empathize more. Maybe it's that a more lovey-dovey setup drags out my morals. Or maybe it's the whiplash from a presumed self-insert doing something I never ever do.

Also, the Prillyas being sluts is pure fanon. Sure, Silver Link and GO pander to it, but they are all canon pure. Kuro is the only one you could even remotely consider slutty and she only does what she needs to survive while her heart belongs to Onii-chan. There's only maybe two kaleid liner doujins in existence that actually keep them in character, though.


Honestly I just don't read those kinds of Doujinshi, but if I did, you have to remember its just someone else interpenetration of a character. So it's just fanfiction at the end of the day. Like fucking relax.


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Interspecies penetration


>How much do you sympathize with them

is it just me or does anyone even sympathize with any characters whether be in doujinshi or any form of media. isn't it kinda weird to have a emotional connection to a fictional character? the only time i see it as okay is if the reader can relate or share traits with a character.


>isn't it kinda weird to have a emotional connection to a fictional character?
no that's the entire basis on which fiction exists as enjoyable material


i see characters more like how chess players see chess pieces. they drive the story to further. without the chess pieces there is only the board, without the characters there is only the background. or atleast that's how i see it, thought everybody had the same mindset


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Do you happen to be a witch?


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Not being able to comprehend or relate to other people emotions is a prime autistic trait. Evidently this extends to fictional media as well.


really wish yandex wasn't broken for me so I could find the source for this panel...


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With idols, ehhhhhh.... we dont know what they're really like, and I doubt most would like P for reasons other than social climbing would either


Norms draw hard lines between reality and fiction because they're used to reciprocity in relationships. It's not that they can't comprehend the emotions present on screen, it's that they can't understand why you would care that much. Developing emotional attachments to people who don't exist is internet autismo territory. Even something as basic as romance options in RPGs just bewilders some people.

Extrapolate tags. You know the character, you know the language, that's all you need here.


The opposite of autistic is not a normalfag. Normal, well-adjusted, neurotypical people can very easily have an emotional attachment to a fictional character. Do you really think all those people who like books, movies, and TV shows couldn't care less about the characters themselves and only care about the plot? That's ridiculous. That's so far from normal it's obscene to suggest!

By contrast it is precisely the neurodivergent, the autistic, that might not care about the personhood or emotions of a given character -- let alone even be able to comprehend said character's thoughts. I honestly think the word autistic has been watered down so heavily that people online who think of themselves as outcasts who have niche hobbies think of themselves as autistic when they're really just poorly socialized and introverted.


yes, although it helps that none of it is canon


That's why I didn't say "autistic" or "neurotypical."


You are still wrong in your interpretation of how norms approach media. You literally said, "[Norms view] developing emotional attachments to people who don't exist [as] internet autismo territory". Your intent could not be clearer.


It's not always bad to see characters in a different light. Yesterday I found fanarts which depicted a scene in a cult classic game in a much more extreme manner than I remember it; there are indeed mature themes in that game for kids but it's up to the viewer to evaluate the degree of danger and fear the characters feel in that scene.
But I feel mostly disappointed by characters being mistreated, even if it's due to the artist being well-intentioned yet technically unskilled. The only positive thing to take from it is to cherish the original more, having feelings of overprotection for them.


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That makes sense to a degree. Villains aren't villains if they don't perform villainy against innocent people. But, if you can't empathize with the characters I feel like you're missing a major part of the experience.
As for the autism thing, this is supposedly why people on the spectrum can find it easier to relate to fiction such as anime or even video game characters like Sonic. Emotions are very obvious with the exaggerated facial expressions and other visual cues, and often times there's even music to contribute to the scene. 2D characters are far easier to understand and I'd even say normal people find it relaxing and refreshing to see such obvious and apparent communication.


Some fandoms are better at it than others, like the most depraved and mean-spirited stuff comes from idols and magical girls, but like FATE fans make it unrealistic in the setting (the FATE GO MC would never get NTR'd because of their command seals, for example) and Pokemon fans think very tame stuff is dark corruption (if pokephilia is not involved, that is, but that feels like a separate fanbase).

In a lot of settings, the edgy/meanness becomes absurd and then funny and kind of ruins the eroticism of a lot of works. Like a school festival where the theme is sex with fat old men, c'mon, that's hilarious not sexy.


A lot of beast NTR is absurdist, like that one fsn doujin where medusa cuties shirou with a horse and she has a stable in her room.

It's hard to really talk about in terms of characters you like being mistreated, the really mean-spirited hentai are often originals.


Adding a new tag at this point is a gigantic pain the ass, it took almost a decade for the small_penis tag to be added to differentiate between small dick and big dick shotas, for example.
Something as debatable as "coercion" is never going to be added because of how hard that could be to tag, the relationship tags cause enough flame wars as it is.


Plus, dubious_consent should be added first


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Don't use the thread to talk about your gross fetish. Please understand that people hate that stuff and you should keep it to yourself.


Dubious consent is really what I meant, yeah. There's a lot of lolicon doujins like that in particular and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth...


>FATE GO MC would never get NTR'd because of their command seals
In the VN, Medea kills her master and hooks up with another guy. The treatment of command spells like perfect obedience is what is unrealistic in the setting. Debunking this is one of the fist things the VN does. It's wrong to lump the gacha players with the rest of the Fate fans.

Plus, NTR almost always relies on the MC being ultimately passive about it. You don't need magic spells to demand your partner be faithful or stab the person who stole them.



>Plus, NTR almost always relies on the MC being ultimately passive about it.

To be fair, most are completely unaware of it.


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Yeah I actively avoid works that degrade and don't respect characters I actually like. Sex can still be ok but it needs to be in a way that doesn't twist the character into some sort of perverse amalgamation of the author's own desires and fetishes instead of the character.


>Plus, NTR almost always relies on the MC being ultimately passive about it

Because if they do anything about it, it becomes revenge which is a different appeal altogether, but a lot of authors deep into the fetish make it revenge in a way because of the humiliation and sometimes life ruination that happens to the unfaithful partner


I like when the MC gets revenge in NTR stories in creative ways.


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Agreed. If the content is just out of character then it's not good to begin with unless you're there for the fetish presented. One NTR/Mindbreak/Gangrape/etc. book is the same as another but with different characters and start conditions presented.
Unfortunately morbid curiosity bites me and I read a few pages to see what the premise is, and unsurprisingly I get bothered by it. There's no attempt at comedy, it's just poor taste at that point.


>but with different characters and start conditions
That's a vital part of it, though. Seeing Azure mind broken and begging her mistress for more is hot because she started out as an upright paragon of justice determined to fight the very thing that she eventually gave in to. A couple being torn apart has more impact if there's more build-up to it and investment in it, just like with vanilla books.


I agree with this.

kimo. die. freak.


They don't bother with that build-up anymore because the bait and switch doesn't work in the modern day


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Tangentially related, but the more I enjoy a series, the less inclined I am to interact with the lewd-focused part of the fanbase. Not out of prudishness, more the fact that a lot of their discussion is filled with what you mentioned and doesn't go beyond surface level for obvious reasons.
But I can respect hornyposters that do their research and weave the source material into their smut, even if it isn't my thing.


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Love reading canon Touhou manga
Love tardsperming to boobhus


>Love tardsperming to boobhus
And what do they think of that?


But if you only lewd series you aren't familiar with or don't enjoy, you only add to the mass of surface level horniness. You should strive to put affection and understanding into your lewdposting.


>Does it upset you when characters you like are mistreated in doujinshi?
I don't dislike it. Sometimes I'm in the mood to see a girl be tormented. When you like a girl, you want to see all sides of her, not just when she's happy.


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>you only add to the mass of surface level horniness
True, but the breadth of well-informed stuff vs generic lewd is so wide that I think it's unreasonable to disregard the latter. Affectionate + in-character sex is great. But sometimes a wank is just a wank, and good art of some random girl you stumbled across will suffice.
That's why original characters are best.

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