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I am convinced that cell phones have reached a level where they can read the end user's mind without relying on verbal or typed in data. Some examples that have happened to me recently;

I was sleeping in the middle of the day like a NEET when I was woken by a loud bang. I thought something had fallen on the house so I ran out the back door to check. Nothing was there. I went back to sleep for several hours.

When I woke up I went in the bathroom and saw that my shower curtain bar had fallen again. Which explained the loud bang (this happens often). I took my old phone in there with me so I could read shitposts while shitting as I do everyday. I ended up watching some youtube videos.

What is youtube shilling to me in the ads?
>Click here to get list of local roofers and roof repair tips!

Back around Christmas my father came over which is rare. I see him maybe once a month now. He didn't come into the house we were just talking on my porch for maybe 2 minutes. I mentioned to him that I'd been looking at buying a simulator wheel+gearbox+pedals and thinking about getting started with playing iRacing. Which is a pay-for subscription service for sim racing.

On Christmas day we all met at my Grandmother's house for breakfast and dinner. My Dad mentioned to me that since that conversion his phone had been shilling ads to him for Sim racing gear and steering wheels. I didn't have my phone on me at the time we were talking on my porch and he said his was in his car.

A couple of days ago the temperature dropped really low in our area and I had the heater turned down because the bill gets high if I run it too much when the temperature is below freezing outside. I was laying on the couch watching videos and shitposting with my old smart phone that hasn't had service in years (can only use wifi). I had two blankets covering me and my head under the covers because it's warmer that way. What does youtube start shilling?
>Click here to find local HVAC repairman in your area! Don't freeze this winter get your heat fixed now!

This last one I can understand. The camera is watching all of the time and it noticed I was bundled up. Still spooky.

Another one that happened recently. I was again using the phone. My teeth weren't looking the best because they'd gotten stained from something I'd eaten and I was being kind of nasty and hadn't brushed that day. So I was doing that thing where I quickly covered them with my lips when smiling because I was embarrassed about it despite no one being around.

Youtube starts shilling me ads for local dentists. Which I don't need for cleanings since I do those at home now (I scrape stains off a few times a year using wooden toothpicks. Works fine).

There are many many other examples of this I can give about smart phones doing spooky things. I don't notice this stuff unless I use phones because all my desktops and laptops run full adblocking. But the ads I get from that old smart phone and my set-top device under the TV (which I can block ads on) have basically been mind reading devices for the last several years. Even if I don't speak around them and take care to cover up the cameras they know exactly what I'm thinking about before I search for it and the ads start shilling me things I haven't ever entered into a device on my local network.

This year I guessed correctly what all my family members were buying me for Christmas because I am their /tech/ support and regularly use their LANs. If I connect to their LANs and allow ads to come through I can see what the botnet is shilling to them. Which is always related to whatever they've been thinking about recently. I spooked my Grandmother and father this year because I knew what were in those boxes before I open them. I even correctly guessed the novelty gift that my Uncle bought me.


Another one. This one happened back around 2016/2017.

My friend and I were driving several hours north to pick up something I bought and really didn't need (a Neo-Geo big red arcade cabinet). The place we were picking it up from what in the middle of nowhere and required driving several hours through isolated mountain country roads. As such I was using the GPS on my smart phone to help guide us. At the time it still had cell service.

The phone is sitting between us on the center console. As I am very paranoid type of person the phone had been de-googled and all the voice search features were fully disabled in software. They were supposed to be anyway.

As usual on a long road trip my friend and I got to talking about /x/ subjects and other sp00ky things. Somehow we got on the subject of mass surveillance. My friend isn't much into /tech/ and he often times asks me about /tech/ stuff because I am the local authority on such things in our friend group.

Anyway, I start telling him about the old Snowden leaks and how the NSA has a list of keywords they listen for in all communications. I was telling him how you can say those keywords around cell phones and get the device/person flagged for closer inspection. I start rambling off a list of keywords like
>bomb, president, praise Allah
and a few more I can't remember now.

Suddenly the phone responds back;

My friend gives me that "wtf" look and thinks I was messing with him somehow. I'm giving him the same look back and wondering if he somehow turned on voice search without my noticing. But then I remembered the software for that function wasn't even installed because I'd compiled and installed my ROM. I was never able to make voice search function on the phone ever again despite trying everything I could think of. The only way I could re-enable it was re-installing the stock ROM.

I got the impression that someone in the NSA was fucking with us for the lelz.

I had a similar thing happen a year or so ago. I was reading about people that had assassinated past presidents of the USA and people that had assassinated other world leaders. This was back around the time Abe got shot. In the middle of my research the phone died despite having 80+% charge. I rebooted and never had a problem with the battery like that again. I got the impression that someone remotely rebooted it just to send me a message to stop reading about such things.

While I'm rambling about it. A few years back my workstation with a recent Intel processor booted itself. It has the Intel ME of course. I'd been sitting in meditation for several hours and the room I was in didn't have any hot mics or cameras in it. Phone was in another room on the other side of the house.

The desktop computer fired up on its own like someone had booted it remotely over the network (which is a feature of the Intel ME check the specs). It went through POST and came up to password prompt to decrypt the boot SSD. Someone tried to enter a password three times. They failed. I got up to walk over to the PC. As soon as I got out of my chair the PC shut down by itself. I could see network activity for that machine on the switch. It was lit up blinking like a Christmas tree. No idea where the activity was coming from. When I grepped through the router logs they'd been wiped. I wonder if it was the Government or some cracker that managed to figure out the undocumented opcodes in the newer Intel CPUs.

Crazy thing is I'd run ME cleaner on that machine and everything related to network boot in the BIOS had been disabled since the day I originally built it.


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It's a coincidence that you made this thread. (not) This may or may not be related but recently I've been thinking about aliens (saw a doc) and when I looked at my search bar the other day I saw this. Very strange right? Well, the same night I fired up an episode of YRYR S2 E3 and this is the first thing I see...


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is this! I'm convinced there has to be something more to this than just coincidence. Since when is UFOs even referenced in anime anyway? It's extremely rare.


About a week ago I decided to listen to Gorillaz's Clint Eastwood song for the first time in probably 20 years. Later that day my friend came over to play fighting games with me. We got bored after a few hours so I switched over to the TV app. I have access to a family members' DirecTV account.

Anyway, we were watching the History channel while eating supper. I'd just finished telling my friend that I'd listened to the song when a commercial for some MMO game came on. Guess what song it was using in the ad.

I have this uncanny ability to predict the most useless things about the future. I wish I could put it to use for something useful. But it's always something like this.


Some of that could be attributed to an effect similar to that of full moons, where whenever something strange happens on a regular day people don't associate that with anything but whenever it's a full moon they associate it with the full moon and think that is causing it even when statistically there is no difference.

But also my uncle says that mobile phones are always listening to peoples conversations and will make recommendations based on that, but he is a politics weirdo so take that how you will.


It's more likely that these examples were searched for or even maybe lingered on too long on social media, rather than active listening (which I am aware is a thing, but I doubt cell phones are doing it, but Alexas and stuff like that definitely are).


It's easy to prove cell phones are always listening. That's how the voice search functions works. But I'm convinced they've gone even beyond that. I think they can read minds using radio. Even if they can't they can certainly track your day-to-day movements with it as wifi is the same as radar. I think that's the main reason why American ISPs stopped allowing people to buy their own modems and pushing wifi service on to end users in the last 10 or so years. Impossible to log-in to the admin side of most of those devices now. Best you can hope for is putting them in bridged mode and hoping the ISP isn't enabling the wifi radio in them anyway.

In my area you can access your own ISP account from any random customer's modem.

They've been using wifi as radar for a long time to study what people do in their houses. Several patents are listed for it and some leaked documents from the NSA discussed it. Oh and they have smart meters on everyone's houses now. Which are basically the same thing as a router. The only difference is it sends data back to home base over the power line or through the cell network instead of using a cable line.

I think about it this way. With all the shady stuff we're know they're up to we can only assume they're doing so much more. The burden of proof is on them to prove they aren't datamining us like that.


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phones remind me of devices seen in older games and movies depicting the future, like the Pip-Boy from Fallout. they are something everyone has to have with them at all times and you're seen as odd if you don't have one.


>you're seen as odd if you don't have one.
Tell me about it. I stopped carrying a cell phone about 4-5 years ago now. People get straight up offended if you tell them you don't have one. They think you're lying and attempting to ghost them.

They won't make voice calls either. If you give them your landline number they will txt it then be offended you didn't return txts you couldn't receive. Same is true of social media. If you don't use it they think you're lying and have a hidden account.

I deleted facebook years ago after spending over a week running a script to delete all the posts I had made. I mostly used it for family/friend events and such. I was never really a heavy user. To this day I still have people get angry about the fact that I'm not returning messages or RSVPing events they invite me to. When I tell them I don't have an account they get mad and accuse me of lying. It took me awhile to figure this out but facebook is still maintaining a shadow account in my name. It has been sitting there for years collecting friends and messages. Just in case I ever submit and decide to log back in.

The account was supposed to be deleted. I went through the formal legal process and everything. They were also supposed to send me a DVD with all my personal information on it when I closed the account. Of course it never showed up in the mail despite sending multiple legal requests for it.


If people are trying to text you, just get a jmp.chat number.

I'm weaning off cell phones myself, and I give that number to people I do not trust. Telegram and Whatsapp with a prepaid number help as well.


I just don't bother with such people now. If they aren't willing to call or show up and knock on the door they aren't worth my time. Instead of 250 fake friends I now have 10 real friends. Of those 10 real friends about 3-4 of them hang out fairly often. That's plenty of friends to occupy my time and have fun with.

Nothing worth reading was ever sent in a txt message. When I ditched the cell phone I figured that out pretty fast. About the only thing I ever used it for was buying pot and such things. Which aren't things I should have been doing in the first place.

The only reason I continue to have a landline is to talk to family. Even then I only use it maybe 3 times a year to talk to my mother who lives out of state.

Oh and the best part is my job can no longer get in touch with me at all hours of the day and night. They call the landline and I return their messages when and if I feel like it. The old
>sorry he stepped out and won't be back for awhile
excuse is very useful.


How the fuck are you getting ads to begin with?
Why are you using services that give you ads on your personal device?
Do you like being marketed too? Is it a fetish? You actively choose to be marketed at by these corporations who are stealing data from you at this very moment, fucked up man.


>The burden of proof is on them to prove they aren't datamining us like that.
What no it isn't. That's not how burden of proof works

Too green


I haven't read into the extent of cell phone monitoring, but the crazy part of this corporate datamining industry is that they are open with you if you can comprehend (or find) the privacy policies. for modern smartphones, the developers of grapheneOS are quite aware of what they do with a radio being on the board so that network controls are ineffective in stopping tracking if they really want to monitor you. Mind reading is likely not possible yet or if it is it's not widespread but the burden of proof doesn't really come into play here because both the companies themselves and people who work on mitigation of that tracking. It is more likely cookies and things like that are telling on you than actual voice listening.

That being said, most people who are interested in privacy are doing it for >>118116 -like reasons, it's more about avoiding corporate datamining for marketing than a government or LE, which I imagine are the only ones who would use your cellular network to target you.

Like in vid-related's point about email, if you are doing something that the state or other powerful adversaries should not see, do not do it on a mobile phone, the average privacy conscious user probably isn't on the radar of even LLE.


>How the fuck are you getting ads to begin with?
Devices where you can't run third party web browser with plug-ins leave you no viable way to block ads on youtube. Which is the only place where I can see such ads. I got an AppleTV with my ISP subscription and from time to time I use it to watch youtube. Usually not for very long though because the ads are annoying.

Sometimes I enable them to see how bad the tracking has gotten.

>What no it isn't. That's not how burden of proof works
It says right in the privacy policy that they're datamining us in every way possible. Companies that have done every evil thing in the book aren't going to suddenly stop out of good faith.

The Snowden leaks proved they were up to everything we suspected going all the way back to the late 90s. People called everyone crazy for suspecting it. Then it was proven. Now people either do not care or still claim your crazy no matter how much proof you post.

So yes. The burden of proof is on them. As we know they're up to shady stuff all of the time. This is like claiming I need to prove a drug dealer isn't selling dope. When you can clearly see them on the street corners everyday.

They explicitly say they're doing it in the mile long privacy policies that no one ever bothers to read.


>Devices where you can't run third party web browser with plug-ins leave you no viable way to block ads on youtube.
Invidious exists


Yes and it's impossible to run it on AppleTV device unless you've jailbroken it. Which you can't do on AppleTVs produced after 2019 or so because they removed the USB port. Now you have to crack them open an solder directly to the PCB and I'm too lazy to deal with that.


That's cool and all, but they never said anything about mind reading or any of that stuff either way. The burden of proof is on whoever made the claim, and in this case that's you.


had a schizopost to make but i forgot

or they made me forget


to think I can't escape from kuso eye symbolism even in kissu


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