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File:[Pizza] Do It Yourself!! -….jpg (452.89 KB,1920x1080)


Do you have any tools that you like? I just bought a 'hori hori' knife because gardeners apparently swear by them. I'm not much of a DIY guy, but I'd kind of like to become one someday


I have this screwdriver that came with my cpu cooler that I really like...


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This is what a hori hori knife looks like. It's pretty cheap, $20, and supposed to do the job of multiple tools.
- The pointy part and flat edge can uproot weeds
- shovel-like shape to do some minimal digging
- Measurements so you can use it to gauge seed/plant depth
- Serrated edge for cutting stuff.

Although, I think that edge looks kind of flimsy for me to use it for cutting. Maybe it's good against smaller plants, but definitely not branches.


After I had to live in a really tiny place for a while that didn't have enough space for a kitchen, I really appreciate finally having a real oven again. I guess that's not the sort of tool you're thinking of though. Uh.
Sorry, I'm not really a tool enthusiast.

To me, it looks a bit like it's trying to be one too many things at once.
I'd rather have multiple tools each great at their singular jobs than one that's mediocre at several.
Same reason why I don't really appreciate Swiss knives.


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only tool i ever bought myself was a 19mm ratched wrench, needed that for opening stuff on a tank and we never had enough to do around


>it looks a bit like it's trying to be one too many things at once
Possibly true, but it's very basic stuff.
Hori hori knives seem more like a 'maintenance' tool whereas specialty stuff is used when you need to do a bunch of it in a row. Something like a tool for playing seeds seems quite extravagant unless it's your job. People really seem to swear by these things so I guess I'll see if I feel the same way.
I think Swiss army knives are cool, although I only have a junky one.


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I have a small multitool that I've had for a long time. The pliers/wire-cutters are pretty handy. The scissors are meh. The nail file/flathead is very useful, and I lost the tiny tweezers a long time ago :(


hi purin


I have lost my swiss army knife but it's pretty useful. It is mid at everything it does but it's useful to keep on you when you need it and that's its main function. However I dislike that it doesn't have a screwdriver. They should make a version that has a screwdriver instead of corkscrew.


Screwdrivers are pretty common attachments, I think.
As for the corkscrews... I guess the Swiss Republic is in the general wine-drinking region, so it's probably a necessity.

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