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Does NBR really matter if the sister is still beaming with brocon energy? Sure, being related by blood is ideal, but if the siblings are highly compatible with each other then isn't that just as good?


I mean it's probably more ideal because you won't get fucked up genetic retard baby.


Sibling breeding has negligible impact on genetic health


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PS: This is about 2D incest.


It's only acceptable if the NBR revelation does not come as a relief or liberation.


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NBR is only good when both parties deny their lack of relation and actively pursue a sibling relationship. The most popular examples I can think of are Miyu and Tsukihi. This pretty much requires that they be raised together as siblings since early childhood. In these cases the NBR represents a crisis in their relationship and by overcoming it and staying the path, the fake relationship can become more real than the real thing.

Ironic image considering Kirino only got into incest games to deal with her desire to fuck her real brother.


They should do it the other way around, where the blood-relatedness is an eleventh-hour surprise that makes the relationship so much more real.


No, that's defeats the whole point. The appeal of incest is that you're building upon a pre-existing relationship. Even in Oedipus the reveal didn't change their relationship, it just exposed his sins.


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Can you imagine if you had two characters that not only weren't blood related, but didn't have a preexisting familial relationship either?


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NBR? Isn't that for hipsters?


Everyone knows half-sibling romance is the best.


I like it when siblings who don't know they are siblings end up together, dating all that, and then find out they're actually siblings. One of them is panicking and wants to run away while the other still wants to hold on to the relationship and has to do everything she can to get her partner back.
It's like incest without the incest. Perfectly rational to keep going.

I like it even more when it's just straight up incest incest from two siblings living together though. They love each other so much they just can't hold back anymore. Cute...


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I agree


Stop posting, Kaga.


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spending a wild time in the coze zone

Considering how many kimoota get upset over "fake" sisters, being fine with NBR might actually be a hipster thing.


Good trips.
I think the real attraction to these incestual/pseudo incestual relationships is the conflict based on the taboo itself. If they just act like a regular couple then it's a frivolous detail that does nothing other than to check a box. Whether you're blood related or not doesn't matter all that much, it's about their relationship as siblings and how love may play around that.


has anyone been keeping up with binetsu kuukan by aoki ume
its not brocon energy exactly, rather a tsundere thing, but i think it supports OP's point. if the energy's there it's almost as good as real incest


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from reading the first seven chapters they do share a close space that leads to interactions much more intimate than those of a regular schoolmate, which clearly contributes to it

i wonder though, what made ume write a yuricutie third wheel? very weird stuff


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It is not unprecedented.


dude I would write a yuricutie third wheel
shabs deserve it


the destroyer of le shabine lesbiche...... all gaylies shall be romanced.............


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I don't like this at all


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It's only natural for Sae's unrivaled megane charm to enthral both boys and girls alike.

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