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File:board-tans.png (61.64 KB,238x318)


I miss board-tans. I find it sad that the board this one belongs to abandoned her. If you try to post her on her home board now the people using it will call you an outsider.

Who's your favorite board-tan?


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There was a time when we could still have fun. Finding art work of Polina is really really hard now. The only reason I still have this and the few other images of her is because I saved them a long time ago.

I really miss OS-tans to. Now they're all overly commercialized ad campaigns. Back in the day they were organic creations of their respective communities.


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Can't go to sleep without posting Nanami. She's cute and I liked that fact that old OS-tans boobs were tied directly to the amount of RAM they consumed. Although Nanami is a few years late to be designed that way.


Hm, never really thought about it much. The nijuira maids are cool, I guess. Oh, and the OS-tans, yeah. I've thought that it would be cool for kissu to have one, but it really needs to arise organically and I don't really think it's something people think of lately.
It has the steep requirement of artists to draw them, too.


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This one is actually from 8chan, isn't it? The 8-shaped glasses indicate it so.


The only board-tan that I liked was /qa/ and /v/. especially /v/ 2011-2013, it was a very charming board and goddamn if I don't miss those times.


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Very observant of you! Yes the -tan in the OP was created right around the time when that board split into multiple sub-boards. There were actually board-tans for nearly all of them. I just spent about 10 minutes searching through a directory filled with old images I saved from back then looking for one in particular. It featured Polina kicking the leftist board-tan in the ass and telling her to get out.

There were many more. The one for the Monarchy-tan was really really cute. Some Fascist offshoot of that board was really cute too. Perhaps I can find some of them later on another HDD. For now here is a chibi Polina-tan to ride you over.

I really miss that time and place. There were so many good active small boards if you looked past the few popular ones. One in particular I really liked. It was called /32/ and was for discussion of psycho-politics.

I really miss those times and the early days after the first exodus. The times after the second exodus were also really fun up until about 2016/2017. Even after that it was still fun if you knew where to look or had already been a lurker of the smaller off-shoot boards for awhile. Quality of discussion was really high and there were actually more than 5-10 people using them.

I'll try to find some more -tans from my archives tonight and post them.


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With how varied our tastes are, a Kissu-tan would probably look like a fat Moetron with glasses.


File:OSwaifu.jpeg (184.03 KB,706x1000)

>It has the steep requirement of artists to draw them, too.
One of the strange things compared to even just a few years ago is the extreme lack of artists lurking around even on smaller boards. Up until 2019 or so there were people doing art for even obscure boards on alt-chans with like 5 total users. Now I rarely see anyone creating OC.


They're all on twitter.


Twitter isn't the main issue. I refuse to use it. Actually, I can't use it and most other platforms now because of the registration requirements.

The issue is artists have figured out they can monetize their work and refuse to draw for free anymore. But that was possible even in the era I'm talking about. They were doing it back then but they were still giving things away for free on imageboards. The issue is all the places where OC was being posted in the 2010-2019 era were shut down just before the world went on lock down. They basically forced everyone out of them and back into controlled platforms. Which has stifled all creativity.


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I think 4chan being increasingly hostile to OC might have a lingering effect.
/ic/ is a crab bucket, /i/ is molasses, and most boards with dedicated drawthreads suffer from bot requests or attention whoring. Some resort to stealth art threads to avoid typical drama, and even those get axed pretty frequently. Couple that with more recent stuff ("AI invalidates human artists" shitflinging, twitter art=clout mindset) and it's no wonder anons are discouraged from posting art for fun nowadays.


people who make things want to be rewarded. /ic/ posters are trying to get the reward of superiority to others or get better at their job. /i/ getting no replies doesn't help


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Kissu has had a few over the years, but they're uhh, hmm... well, a bit uhh... mentally different. Kind of reminiscent of a Japanese artist that has a bad day and purges everything. It was cool to see their talent at work when they were around.


Really? I find the opposite. Even on a small site like this there are people that talk about being artists and art related things like drawing tablets. I don't know if they are any good though.

I think artists are still on imageboards, they just don't create much OC but that could be for a number of reasons. It could even be that they are too good and have art profiles and followings on Pixiv or Twitter and would be recognised if they did make OC.


just think of something you like or hate and MAKE SOMETHING
it is that fucking simple retards
you're so fucking used to being fed everything you enjoy you dont even try and prefer to piss away your time bitching that you cant find the funnies anymore or can only find them deeper in the bellies of your harddrives
i beg of you TRY SOMETHING dont post about trying TRY


wtf no I hate glasses


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I am not an artist. At least not with pen and tablets. I create different kind of art. This problem isn't limited to just drawing though. I've seen a huge change in the creation of OC in all forms of art. No one releases software anymore without a built-in donation button and constant nagging to use it. One of my favorite applications re-designed the entire GUI last year (made it worse) and now imposes limits on the features if you don't "donate".

It's a kuso webapp and I can easily get around this problem. But most can't. Oh and no one uses the wiki or forum anymore. It's all on discord now locked behind a wall.


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this is the official thread-tan of the thread


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It's cold, huh?


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thread-tan getting really into tf2

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