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File:soremachi.jpg (299.47 KB,853x1200)


I've legitimately never heard anyone say anything about about this manga.

Is there anything else as beloved as Soremachi?


File:1656641884193.png (155.1 KB,400x400)

How'd you find it if you never heard anyone say anything about it?


File:1547066337735.png (30.52 KB,288x338)

I have said things about this manga.


I've heard of many things that people never say things about


File:So I answer your question ….png (964.22 KB,755x1203)

I meant to say "I've never heard anyone say anything bad"


File:67652524_p0.jpg (3.36 MB,2872x3669)

Hakumei to Mikochi is another manga I have never heard anyone say anything about. Inoffensive slice of life stuff tend to not get much backlash unless it's popular enough to attract the attention of trolls and loud contrarians.


I had plan to stream the anime here at some point, but never really found the motivation for it. I think it might be to sleepy to do a long one.
SoL manga isn't really something that gets my attention in general.


File:1534462307427.jpg (221.07 KB,1280x720)

Yeah it's definitely the type of anime you only want to watch 1 or 2 episodes of at a time. It loses its iyashikei effect if you watch too much at once.

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