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File:[SubsPlease] Youkoso Jitsu….jpg (100.77 KB,1280x720)


What's the ideal height difference between a man and woman? Whereabouts should her head come up to?


File:[SubsPlease] Sousou no Fri….jpg (199.47 KB,1920x1080)

His face should be at her belly height or possibly a little lower.


Shoulder height is beautiful. Although differences greater that I also appreciate.
Sounds like /ss/.


tall enough to roundhouse me in the face


File:[Coalgirls]_Tsukimonogatar….jpg (101.01 KB,1280x720)

Think I read somewhere that 10cm is the ideal height difference for couples in Japan.


Well, if you read it somewhere on the internet, it must be well researched and peer-reviewed.


Academia is so bad these days it's equivalent in value


That's not exactly true, though it does now take some internet- and/or science literacy to separate the garbage from the valuable.


It depends on the study. Though anything involving relationships or similar is usually pretty bad, after all, they are not meticulously setting up their study to remove any and all variables and to cast as wide a net as possible to get an accurate view of the population as a whole. That and often studies like that aren't even done by academia but by dating websites.


The woman should be at least a head taller.


File:1.png (847.49 KB,1426x2048)


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Tall women are not cute.


the only thing rider can ride is my big


File:Hisami-san.png (252.91 KB,599x864)

You shut up!


this box is so powerful it refuses to show me its surprises


For you. SURPRISE!




File:R-1711662001989.png (207.96 KB,459x459)

Gomen gomen.


File:90a5eaecd8d7faa0bbe750a39b….jpg (232.54 KB,1280x720)

Shoulder-height to same height. Anything else is too much.


lukewarm fence sitter


how are you gonna give or receive a standing bj if you limit yourself to shoulder height


Lots of stretching beforehand


Cardboard boxes.


File:1683403372644384.jpg (119.82 KB,696x1000)


very very cute


File:45222338_p2.jpg (213.52 KB,800x625)


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