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Q: Why is Spy x Family s2 better than 1?
A: Because it's the Yor season

Seriously, I can't get enough of this cutie draped in crimson. Not to mention the way the spy gags are interwoven into the plotline without breaking the flow, or how competent this more serious story is for what on the surface looks like a mainly comedy anime. It's an absolute love letter to the genre and I in turn love it, and relish in the popularity it's found itself. How about /qa/, are you enjoying the increased screentime for best girl?


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Yor is old and busted.


dumb ojisan loving gaki


The current massacre makes for an interesting contrast to the first season which I'd say was way more driven by Anya's schooling and Loid's spy stunts, while in this arc it's just the bodyguard mission and nothing else. Now they've physically taken a back seat with their vacation tickets, and I think part of what makes Yor look a lot cooler now is that she's switched places with Loid in terms of being aware of the situation. She's not exactly getting development, her character so far seems the same to me, but she is getting the screen time she deserved and that's very nice.


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I wouldn't say that she's not getting any development. The entire arc so far has been focused on her recognizing her role as a directionless machine and finding reason within herself to continue as an assassin. It's also her coming to terms with how she may actually see her family as more than just a cover.


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loli yor sees your argument, and makes a compelling counter



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I have to agree. My memory isn't the best when it comes to remembering episodes of stuff, but I don't remember Yor getting as much screen time featuring her job. She's a superhuman assassin, but it was rare that it actually had shown why apart from some cutaways here or there.
Episode 8 (33) was also quite a bit bloodier than I was expecting. I've liked her since the beginning of the show, but it was more about seeing potential. The cute mom/violent assassin thing is a nice dichotomy, like some sort of gap moe thing but I don't actually think it qualifies.
This clip doesn't do a good job of showing her doing crazy stuff, but I liked the theme of this moment.

Yeah, I think it counts as development. Her waking up to the feeling of protecting something instead of simply killing targets is nice. It's not the deepest thing, but it's there.


yor is not exactly a deep person. Her life is her brother, her job and her cover. She's a sperg who has to see things differently now


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Good thing I love killer spergs.


attack of the killer spergs


It's gonna depend on the outcome imo, on whether she changes her approach to all that stuff or not.


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I'm glad we've all come to the same conclusion and Yor is our collective favorite. You know how you can tell? Yor gets a serious thread on /qa/ whereas Becky gets a throwaway one on /jp/ (the smelly board).
Indeed, let's all stop to appreciate Yor for a moment.


They're two different audiences


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I really, really like how SxF does misunderstandings.
It's not just a matter of setting up some jokes, you have multiple people in the same space actively trying to accomplish different things and constantly speculating, extrapolating this or that, for both srs and comedy. And really, that's why Anya's telepathic power stands out: she's not powerful like Yor or resourceful like Loid, she's just a regular child that constantly misunderstands stuff, but she's able to gather tons of information that others don't have any access to.

Take the whole sequence in the vacation arc (ep 31/32) where Yor has to fight against the chain guy in the hallway: first, from afar Anya picks up on Barnaby's intent to kill his targets, but she doesn't want Loid to find out because she thinks it'll cause a breakup, so she exploits his goal of keeping her happy by making him buy more souvenirs.
Then, when the fight begins, Yor's immediate goal is to dispose of the guy as fast as possible without making too much of a scene, and especially to not be seen by her family. So Anya feigns ignorance, pretending she doesn't know it's Yor and telling everyone it's just a performance. It works wonderfully.

And from last week's episode: Becky wants to make Loid fall in love with her, Loid wants to get info out of Becky, and Yor wants everyone to be safe and sound, while Anya is more of a bystander. But Becky doesn't know that they don't know she's trying to court Loid, and generally doesn't understand what she's doing, so she keeps trying to escalate her seduction attempts.
After she comes clean with her plan and tells Yor about it, Becky gets the idea that Loid likes strong women, so she goes and tries to achieve a high score in the strength test. Yor simply thinks that she's trying to get the prize, and so wrecks the machine. Becky then misinterprets Loid's shock as proof of his attraction, and thus the mission ends with Yor giving her some martial training. I expect that to be brought up again in the future.


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Why is Yor so shit? She ruined the whole season.


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That's a good way of putting it. Seeing the story from a variety of angles is a good strength of the show. Classic comedy stuff that also plays into the seriousness.

You got a lot of guts posting that here. Yor was a great highlight of the season.

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