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 No.127496[Last50 Posts]

Have you watched anything neat on youtube or similar sites lately? Don't just link it, mention why you like it!
This is a re-enactment of the American Psycho dubs man scene with Weird Al and Huey Lewis. There's some very nice attention to detail and the humor is great. Somehow it's 7 years old and I never saw it.


There's this weird fluid physics add-on thingie for blender, although its interesting on its own I'm kind of interested in the text-to-speech part of the video. At parts it sounds pretty good, but then it sounds really artificial. I wonder how it can sound almost convincing at times...





10 mins on 4/qa/ vs 10 mins on kissu



it would be nice if neural regeneration allows for bettered comprehension and learning skills. being able to learn a language like a child can would be nice.


I know the cool kids of the internet hate GDQ these days and I can understand part of that, but man this really warmed my heart. This is from the one of January of this year and the commentator (not the runner) has a rather bad case of stuttering. But, he's in front of tens of thousands of people (online) live and he did it. Not only that, but you can see his friend the runner nodding and giving him as much time as he wants and then gibing some follow-ups. That's real friendship, on the internet.
Strangely enough, someone else gave a very similar comment on youtube which is really surprising since I expect the absolute worst from the place.
If the timer thing doesn't work for you, it's at 13:42.



Interesting semi-debate. Should users have access to certain different ways of consuming a piece of media, and is there a "correct way" to do so?




hooray new video


my favorite outtakes


I'm surprised with how semi-frequent fighting game stuff has been posted lately, no one has posted this yet.


Hah! A speedrun of Ring Fit Adventure. This is a good preview for me. I think I definitely want it when I get a Switch



I wonder what Kissu thinks of this video.


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It's flawed in multiple ways.

He says that while Japan does spend a reasonably large amount on defence much of that is on maintenance and then goes on a tangent about earthquakes(which actually isn't related to the budget of the military as much as one would assume or certainly as much as he does). Most nations are in a similar situation, modern military equipment costs a lot to maintain and constantly requires it, I remember reading a few years ago about how at any given time less than half the German sub force and less than half the German heavy air transport were actually operational as they either were in the process of being repaired or needed to be repaired. All advanced militaries suffer this and in Japans case it is probably likely to be a bit worse simply because they place a much larger emphasis on their navy comparative to their army than many other nations do and ships are expensive and need constant maintenance, it's long been held that in order to have one aircraft carrier you actually need three, because only a third will actually be operational at a given time.

Likewise, the industry just fine too. He mentions that the companies make less as a percentage than others do from military contracts and yes of course a lack of foreign buyers contribute but so does the simple fact that that is the way Japan is, it's made up of huge corporations that don't specialise on defence but still have a hand in it. However, Japan still actually has a defence industry which is more than can be said for a great many other nations and due to the size of their economy and manufacturing base it can easily and rapidly expand in the event of a war.

The demographic crisis is not well gone into either. He mentions that Japan started ageing before China but fails to mention that China is actually ahead of them now and ageing faster than they are, and that is by Chinese statistics which have a great many problems, the real situation is very likely to be far worse for them. He says the Japanese army is small and too old with an average age of 35, too many chiefs and not enough Indians he says, that is exactly how you want a pre war army, it's how Prussia bounced back after their defeat by the French and how Germany did so after WW1. If you have a limit on the size of your army, whether that be due to budget or the demands of a victorious nation, it is beneficial to build up an experienced core as that can serve as the nucleus of an expansion of the army if war ever does occur. But it's a moot point because war will not be fought in such huge numbers anyway, particularly not for Japan who is a naval power.

Finally he says the Japanese lack experience as well. So does everybody. Policing operations against goat herders are not experience.

In addition he leaves out a major point to all of this in that as I mentioned, Japan is a naval power. The Chinese navy is the largest in terms of numbers but it's a coastal navy with very few ships that can operated away from the coast and those that can are nothing to write home about, there blue water navy is far weaker than that of Japan(not to mention the US of course). The Chinese are an export economy and also rely heavily on energy imports that pretty much all come in through the Indian ocean while for their weak blue water navy to actually leave Chinese waters and get to that Indian ocean to protect the energy imports that their nation relies on to actually function they have to get past Japan, Taiwain, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and India and as I said, their navy is weaker. If they ever got into a war with Japan, just Japan alone, they can kiss their energy imports and their export based economy good bye.


They are not actually a pacifist nation. The fiction that they are is only skin deep and the world knows this, China knows this. You don't build up such a large ocean going navy or an indigenous defence industry in the first place if you are pacifists, you don't build up force projection assets like aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships if you are pacifists. Remember there are 4 foreign military bases in Djibouti and one of them is Japanese, you do not do this if you are pacifists. The Japanese navy is also quite active in external waters, the Japanese know what they are doing and know who their neighbours are and how they should prepare and they have plans and assets based on that.


Thank you for your reply, Anonymous. I knew a lot of the facts you mentioned piece by piece, but I hadn't put them all together as well as you did here. The video struck me as a very surface-level analysis without much backing in real understanding of geopolitics, particularly that of Japanese force-projection and maritime experience. Not to mention the complete and utter omission that the United States 7th Naval Fleet is based out of Yokosuka... Much worse is that they didn't mention the fact that the United States and Japan are in a long-standing mutual defense treaty where the US has committed to defending Japan from invasion, which in and of itself takes a massive financial burden in defense spending off of the Japanese...



I can't remember if I linked this before, but at some point I finally found a Megaman parody I had in my memory for a while. I just remembered the joke about the baseball card guy and it was annoying to search for it.
It's so good, the humor is absolutely perfect.



Wow. I guess it makes sense, but I didn't expect it to be such a heavy snow.


become based


I really, really dislike this guy, but this one, this one is okay.


anyone know that feeling when you're looking at youtube's front page for informative content ; and it's not that it's giving you bad suggestions, but you know everything they're recommending already?


kuso channel for kuso kids

not sure what you mean. could you elaborate?



seemed pretty based to me


Based on what?


based on being based of course


Based on what?


> based on being based
*based on being boson


Pumpkin dance is now a meme in Japan.


think i linked one of these videos before


what a strange video thesis


Makes sense to me. Food has become really pronounced as the conspicuous consumption choice since rich people dress like slobs these days.

This video is a series of short cartoons that aired on Nickelodeon in the 90s. It wasn't made for Nickelodeon, but I remember it from then. It's pretty great.


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Yeah... I think this is one of those issues where someone can only understand things through politics when that's not at all what the person in question was addressing. And if anything, their analysis does this weird moral posturing similar to the "anti-fat shaming" rhetoric stuff where in the process of trying to point of the absurdity of the video and person they're respond to, they try to say that "all food is good" and that we shouldn't "shame" people for eating toxic waste fast food. Like... The issue is so clearly one of tightening health laws so that companies can't just serve up sewage to people, but people always cry about personal freedom whenever suggestions like those crop up. At some point there needs to be a societal reckoning that people can't just eat whatever they want, and companies can't just feed people whatever they want, because it leads to worse health outcomes and burdens the healthcare industry with diseases that are entirely avoidable.


Ah, what a shame thought I was the first.


nice combination of things i like



someone linked this channel in #qa and I'm going to listen to this in the background






Always interesting to study about what happened with Ancient Civilizations or what they were like before they fell.


Age 4 is getting good reviews


People have terrible taste.


That thumbnail makes me want to gouge my eyes out






Huh... wouldn't have guessed this would be dangerous


Never took highschool chemistry?



interesting to see the whole process


Hah. Legend of Dragoon speedrun. Almost 11 hours. Good second monitor material.

I remember that show. Really strange and kind of really stupid, but enjoyable enough.



Found a philosophy youtube channel that's interesting to listen to. They cover a lot of modern philosophy and every video from what I can tell is directly reacting to various comments and disagreements people might have. Despite the otherwise inflammatory topics they discuss, they have a very mild-mannered and analytic approach where they refer back to the philosophical underpinnings of said topics instead of directly delving into politics. It's very refreshing to hear things from a philosophical perspective instead of a partisan political one.



People like to complain about "The Loudness Wars" a lot, but I noticed something. I downloaded a movie recently and I can barely hear the damn thing!! It's like an absurd audio snobbery reaction to the loudness wars to have audio with such "dynamic range" that you have to have your audio level set to 100% to hear the quiet parts, but then quickly set it to like 15% when a loud part happens unless you want to blast out your eardrums. What a stupid thing. I get that quiet parts should be quiet, and loud parts should be loud, but come on! There has to be a better way than forcing the end user to constantly play with their audio settings, like... I dunno... doing this crazy thing called "leveling".


when people complain about loudness wars they're talking about music, not movies. Though if they're theatre enthusiasts then they might not pitty the home TV movie watcher.


>when people complain about loudness wars they're talking about music, not movies.
yeah... well... okay.


don't make me feel like a bully... making it sound disheartened like I've caused you to give up the will to live...



It's talked a lot about how icebergs can be much larger below the surface of the water, but wow. It's hard to conceptualize that that iceberg was about 3-4 times larger below the surface than it was above. A comment I read also mentioned something interesting: the lack of waves is emblematic of the water being very very deep, since shallower water would have more visible waves forming on the surface. The sheer scale of everything is just incredible.


Would /aut/ download a car?




I like the dolls in the cabinets


¥meme channel


so weird how even in the microscopic scale there are such intricate animals


dumb ants



this guy is a major cynic who leans who on his former experience


Damn, this never occurred to me


hate this guy and his videos


Being a professional youtuber as a career means you need to have an annoying persona, it's just how it works. If you start thinking "maybe this title is too misleading" or "I should react honestly instead of being an overblown caricature" I think your profits will suffer.

Hm, I guess it's been a couple months since I praised and linked this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBbnbBWJtwsf0jLGUwX5Q3g


i really enjoy this guys art style


It reminds me of another art style, or something like that, but I can't say exactly which one... Probably some chibi form from an anime or something.
Besides that I agree it's really cute


Very cute little doll. Cool to watch them making it too.


I've got absolutely no idea how this works after watching the video, but I can visibly see that it works...


dangerous information



nice i've missed people posting his videos




This "adult swing" thing looks really cool. If I ever get the chance, I'm totally going to ride one.


They had something like this in my elementary school when I lived in Sri Lanka. Some kid walked in the way of it and busted his face. Undeveloped countries were so ghetto like that. Think I was involved in the injuries of a few kids.


what a beautiful and sad sound


Hitting kids with a giant metal box swinging around is pretty crazy. That said, even with normal swings and monkey bars where I lived when I was going to elementary school, a few kids would break an arm or leg a year, and then they'd close them off for a few weeks after telling people to be careful and seeing danger line tape strung up in front of them. Kids getting hurt is just part of growing up I guess.


Shared the previous two videos from this person before, which I found pretty phenomenal in visuals for being made by a single person, and certainly in scope and breadth of topic. I haven't watched this one yet, but I have high hopes it's just as stunning.



discord-tier social media trash.


Well I like it


then you're TRASH




cool as heck


Cool. This video reminded me of a arcade machine "ride" I used to love at an arcade near me. It was a small booth with a display in front, and there a few different "rides" you could choose from. I think one was a icy mountain railroad track, and another was a cluttered kid's room riding along a little toy race track. It was really cool.


Really cool mouse design that worked better than ball mice, but ended up falling by the wayside due to poor marketing.


Holy magic stuff is really cool


Some things never change. I learned about religious stuff playing JRPGs in the 90s, too. Although, back in my day we had to READ.


Ah yes, the power of dragon tongue


he died



Video about the size of Thylacines.



I love Michael from Vsauce.
Whatever I want to learn about he has a video on it. Such a great channel with such great videos. Sad that its dying.


nice christmas present
love jcs



I love how bored and confused many of the people in the audience look.


Model work is very relaxing to watch.


Not sure how many people would actually watch many of these, but the sheer amount of content on this speedrunning channel is crazy. It seems to mostly be tournaments of stuff, which means it's kind of repetitive to watch people play the same game over and over and over.
The most surprising thing to me is Mario Kart (SNES) tournaments. I had no idea such a thing existed.
But it also seems to have events in a way GDQ or ESA does, so you can find that on the channel, too.
Lots of good second monitor material.


For an unfinished western animation this is so good holy kuso


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Video of a bear leaving Poland and going to Belarus.
This reminds me of a cryptid that I heard about on some dumb scary story video on Youtube about wolfmen or something like that. All the stories would mention a person seeing a dark, man like figure, covered in fur with the head of a dog. It's just people seeing bears I feel.


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need to somehow get this video to all the exhentai colorizers....


The memes batman


given their body build, that was actually pretty dexterous; hope he didn't get shredded up by the wire.


It's just barbed wire. They were probably fine. Barbed wire is only good for catching clothes. Razor wire is what shreds people up.


oh wow... that's literally razor blades on wire..


Found this neat channel, it's got this playlist of "ork high culture" where they discuss philosophy and some historical figures. Dude really nails the voices, it's great.


I don't particularly care about the music, but the art is nice.


So that's what someone can do with 'vaporwave' if they have talent, huh. Impressive.
I don't understand that genre (is it considered a genre?) but there's definitely a lot of skill and effort there.


I don't think that's vaporwave...


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Are you sure? The collage of different eras clumsily smashed together seems very vaporwavey to me


They're city pop covers not actually original songs. That, said I do like wooby's city pop singing.


Saw this linked and it's kinda neat. I miss the days of casually changing TV channels, it's really not the same with youtube and the like. It'd be cool to have different channels for different anime genres and then cartoons and documentaries and stuff.
It's kinda weird how "inconvenience" can be nice and relaxing, but I guess that's nothing new


You don't often hear people take the issue of English Dubbing seriously.


Nice little underdog story


Digital companies not knowing how to make money just keeps popping up.


Underdog at the beginning and middle, yeah, but at the end it showed articles showing them cannibalizing other companies the way Facebook tried to do with them. Ehhh...


A true WWF story


Funny synth instrument


These aren't meant to make money. They're meant to create buzz and be sold


The future sure is something. Internet personalities do extreme weather reporting live from their gamer chairs.


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Example of what it looks like right now, not sure if this will be recorded or whatnot.
Kinda weird. Well, if it gets people to take this stuff seriously then you can't really complain.


Holy crap, I thought this was some low-view indie thing. But this guy's getting more live views than most top vtubers.


what the hell he's not even stormchasing
it feels like they're being cheated



So cute ^_^


This is really cool. It's a lost pilot of Kingdom Hearts made by Disney from 20 years ago that was shared for the first time a couple weeks ago. It looks like storyboard stuff as a placeholder for fluid animation, but you can see what they were going for. I'm really disappointed this was cancelled as it could have been one of the last great 2D Disney works, with perhaps a chance for some interesting hybrid West meets East style due to its IP. What a shame.
The original upload was taken down so you may want to use software to download this one to your drive, although I'm sure people will keep uploading it for a while.


Guinea pig? Guinea pig!! Oh my god :3 coconut kitty



Thought this was interesting. Apparently all of the Club Penguin clothing items and the penguins themselves were actually made in 3D and then exported with flat shading as 2D files, not dissimilar from what a lot of games have done.


Manatee cam





I can appreciate the effort this person takes in making videos, and they're clearly very skilled in editing, but I just can't enjoy them. I can't express it clearly, but the way they speak and how they describe things rubs me the wrong way.


it's the math, isn't it
i feel the same way



Real life lighting is an interesting topic.


I've never met a smart person who cant write well. These types of videos come off as coping strategies


As soon as he got into his argument, it felt sort of contrived. Basically a projection.
His most convincing point is that unmotivated teachers produce bad learning.

The best part of the video was when he wasn't saying anything, but letting other people and studies speak for him



The girl at the end kind of ruins his entire argument, as she mentions quite rightly that the language they use is used for a reason and she also says that people should think of the intended audience when they write something and write something they would understand, that is exactly what academics do, they are writing to each other.


Cat that keeps away vermin has to go because health regulation say animals can't be used for keeping away pests...

Excessive legalism stuff like this bothers me. The justification for the regulation seems to essentially boil down to, "because that's what the regulation says," instead of an actually tangible reason. Surely laying down mountains of poison week after week is more damaging to actual public health than a cat is, but I doubt some faceless bureaucrat would ever actually be able to defend the merits of whatever they're arbitrarily enforcing. Bleeeeeh.


>Cat that keeps away vermin
Thank god we have one ourselves.
That aside, I would like to say that this legalism is a necessary evil, but I actually googled what other countries do and came across this pdf from the UK:
(pdf attachment when)

The interesting thing is that at a glance it does strike me as more flexible:
>Defence recognises that there are both positive and negative aspects to having animals in the workplace.
>As a general principle, Defence does not support the bringing of pet animals into the workplace; where it is allowed, bringing them into the workplace is a privilege, and Defence personnel must treat it as such.
>The local policy decision to allow animals to be brought onto or kept on the Defence estate and which premises (including clubs etc.) rests with the CO / HoE. If animals are to be allowed, a local policy and rules should be developed and promulgated which defines...
So yeah, if I'm getting it right, it seems like it's more of a Canada thing. Interesting.


Nevermind! It already exists, thank you V.


¥ Flying planes is easy, you just point the stick where you want to go


the hell... that was a flight simulator


I've seen a few videos like this before. The radio communication is all real, although usually the timing may be changed or audio cleaned up a little. Then for visuals they'll have a flight sim to show what roughly happened, and occasionally they'll have actual flight path data available to get a better picture. The alternative I've seen is where instead they just show text with the audio, which is less engaging I suppose.


neat trick


I can't even...



I remember that.

Somehwat related, Tod's Workshop just did a relatively in-depth and accurate test on early plate armour against longbows.


Nice series




I found myself a type of sport that is actually fun to watch.


sigh wish i could swim in the worlds best wavepool


Dang, that's really cool. Unnaturally straight and uniform waves are kind of creepy


Podracing has NOTHING on this


I'm struggling to comprehend this existing. Speedrun for SNES Jeopardy. I just started watching it, but he has the answers loaded on GameFAQs, so it's just going through the motion and 'typing' the text in with the awkward console way of doing it which I really hated back then.
I can just assume he's doing it for the hell of it and doesn't do it "competitively"


I agree with him, Youtubers are idiots and it's annoying that people seem to take them at face value, I will see videos that have huge flaws in them and check the comments to see if people picked them up on it but not only do they often not pick this up but they praise the youtuber for it.
The people on Youtube are just people, on Youtube. They are not authorities in any way.
Some are better than others though and it depends on the subject I guess.

While yes I do agree with him, I also agree that he comes across as unlikeable.


if it exists it can be speedrun


very convenient timing


Youtubers call everything "a problem"


It's more clickbait because he puts forth the solution to the very problem which is being developed at the end of the video.


I've found some good "corner of eye" things to 'watch' while mostly focused elsewhere on the screen. This SpeedGaming channel has a lot of good content, but there is ZERO organization so it's an exercise in futility to navigate manually. Put in the name of a game in the search bar and hope you get lucky.
However, there's this "Really Really Long a Thon" that seems to have a lot of stuff that will provide some good entertainment, so I plan to search for that phrase after this one.


I found an interesting channel for chroma-keys


Rumi post




Love the grips..



Check this out


This guy does repairs on graphics card and it's really interesting. The buzzfeed-like humor of inserting random memes in the video is unfortunate, but it's still very enjoyable.
If nothing else, the time lapse parts are really cool. In this video, you can see one of the timelapse things at 2:54.
As GPU prices continue to climb I wonder if more people will do this stuff. We can certainly hope so.



It's weird we live in a time where things like this happen. Growing up I only thought I'd read about things like this, I think the 90s-2010s will be seen as a little golden age for the most part


I love tardcats.


Interesting 35m video about the failure of a MMORPG that no one here has likely heard of. I briefly did, but I completely forgot about it. Ah, Ultima Online is something I miss a lot.
Alas, I'm not sure if MMORPGs will ever have the RP part again.


Famous styles are so formulaic


>Ah, Ultima Online is something I miss a lot.
Have you tried Mortal Online 2?


I heard of it, or maybe the first one, but didn't pay much attention to it. I stopped following MMORPGs for my own wellbeing, really.
Looking at the Steam reviews for it, it seems they recently consolidated servers into one shared server and are planning on moving to UE5 which seems like a chaotic time for everyone involved.


You're a good slug Sanny.




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winning the algorithm


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I found a cool twitch channel. https://twitch.tv/SpeedrunHypeTV
As far as I'm aware it runs 24/7 and just does TAS speedrun videos of various older games. A TAS is a "tool assisted speedrun" in which people use savestates and probably slow motion to make the perfect possible run. There's no commentary, just game after game. It's pretty interesting second monitor material for sure.


love these videos








the qajpers are always härd


the qajoers


boson dynamics




This guy's channel seems pretty important


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If you don't want to make a thread for a video, you can put it here


This and its channel are pretty cool. It doesn't upload videos much, as is pretty standard with good channels, but what's there is great. It's good at explaining astrophysics stuff to idiots like me


This is probably one of the coolest things I've seen. According to one of the comments, "This amazing piece of engineering from 1958 was the most advanced desktop accounting machine ever built. It is programmable with fifty discrete program steps and has fifty-six 12-digit decimal registers arranged on seven drums with eight registers each. Programming is done with a board which fits on top of the carriage and distinctly shaped pieces of steel which represent one instruction. Four instructions can be executed in parallel and conditional branches and jumps are possible; the machine is Turning-complete. An optional coprocessor could be added to help with multiplication intensive programs. It is believed that over 300,000 of these machines were built from 1958 to 1983."


watched this while eating my cereals this mornig


this was a nice video. thank you for sharing fren



I really wish they would make a new Armored Core game. Armored Core is easily to the mecha genre what Ace Combat is to arcade flight games.


crazy how active this volcano is can't imagine living in indonesia with this right next to you just waiting to make a huge explosion someday

also does anyone know what causes the lightning storms inside of the eruption cloud?


>does anyone know what causes the lightning storms inside of the eruption cloud?
From what I've heard, the particles than get thrown into the air cause a lot of static electricity build-up, which then arcs to ground like lightning typically does.


super heated dust particles rubbing against eachother as they try to escape from a narrow passageway.


wouldn't mind engaging in some superheated rubbing in a narrow passageway


very important news


wish valve made more games


Can a physics nerd explain to me how surface area works?


Surface area is simply, as its name entails, the area of the surface of an object. The volume, is everything underneath the surface.


So how does a small block of Aerogel have the surface area of half a football field?


If you imagine aerogel as being like a sponge, the individual pores inside of the sponge also add to the surface area figure. Aerogel has such a great density of pores, and they are so small that the combined surface area is quite large. To draw an analogy, if you had a piece of cheese and cut it into many very thin slices, you could undoubtedly make a very long, albeit thin, continuous piece of cheese. Similar to how the pores of air contribute to the surface area of a piece of aerogel, the over all volume of something you could imagine as having a potentially very high surface area if it was drawn thin.


Finnish conference about the Japanese internet.



Not sure anyone else here is old enough to recognize this song, but it's cool to see it live.

I can never see these presentations as different from the "it's a meme you dip" kid and really that's what it boils down to.


Love this botany guy


Huh. Didn't think I would actually learn anything from this channel. Apparently metal straws are much more dangerous than they seem.


piercing needles for jewlry are hollow which helps their piercing. I guess a straw is like this too


Someone needs to call up the Queen and tell her they've found a way to get around the knife ban


Mechanical calculators are cool.



Cute cat.


Japanese dust devil.


Wasn't aware anything like this existed. Apparently in some places you can just use an app and then rent a car to use however you want. Unfortunately, it seems the US market isn't nearly as fortunate as in the Netherlands; while he showed only paying per minute, and a years worth of occasional trips costing less than a few hundred euros, in the US it seems the largest app is Turo, which you pay for having the car for a whole day, typically costing $40 at a minimum. Oh well.


I really don't like the idea. Part of the advantage of a car over Public transport is that you are the only one that uses it. You don't know how many fat, balding, sweaty, farting old men have been in those cars before you. $40 a day would end up costing more as well.


>You don't know how many fat, balding, sweaty, farting old men have been in those cars before you.
Well... He covered that in the video. For the company he talked about, the cars would regularly get cleaned and because people would rather not be fined, there's a pressure to be as clean as possible. $40 per day was just the cost of cars near by me when I checked a similar app. In the Netherlands because it's pay per minute, he showed one cross town trip that only cost a few euros. Mainly, his pitch was using a car sharing service only when necessary and then using public transit otherwise; in his case, the cost of using a car sharing service presented an advantage because there were lots of things he wouldn't have to pay for like gas, insurance, maintenance, etc.

I think it's an interesting idea.


I still would not trust it and I still would not like to sit somewhere where the sweaty old men have been just because they say they cleaned it. That's if it even can be cleaned, you can;t clean the old man sweat the seeps into the seat itself...

It's an interesting idea if you like old man sweat and you don't need a car. Sure, if you want to travel a short distance once a year with a car ant not just ride a bike that one time for some reason then I agree it makes more sense. Gas, Insurance and Maintenance would simply be added to the cost of rent itself. I don't like public transport either.


This sort of thing must have been so ominous and terrifying to people living in the far past.


It's definitely not for everyone, but it makes a lot of sense for people who live in urban areas that don't need a car -- because public transit and walking/biking alternatives are more robust -- but may need to use a car every now and then, like going to the store to pick up a piece of furniture, or taking a family day trip, or needing a car for traveling in a different city after taking a train/plane trip somewhere for business or vacation.


Why do I see science channels like Veritasium and what not making videos about this?


Veritasium is more of an entertainment channel than a science one and a lot of his content is made up of ads for companies. This guy made a video about that. I don't know that I like this guy, he comes across as a bit arrogant but he does make some good points and if you can't be bothered watching it Veritasum does try to defend himself in an exchange with this person in the comment section which is equally as enlightening on Veritasium's credibility(it's a pinned comment, not hard to find).


Yeah, professional youtubers do what pays the bills. Older people here in the US will remember that things like the Discovery, History, and Learning channels were actually about those things back in the day, but they changed their programming for better profitability with the growing popularity of the internet.
Just like with TV, on youtube the best stuff is independent (or publicly funded) so it isn't beholden to shareholders. Hell, even the same groups are involved like BBC (UK) and PBS (SA).
People post PBS Spacetime now and then and that's a good example, I think it uses a combination of government grants and personal donations.




I was debating whether to post this here or in music thread, but decided here because it's visually great, too.
I can only imagine the amount of work this way to create- you've got some basic voice lines from Oblivion and then you turn it into a song and do some great editing with the clip. The "commercial" at the end is great, too.
Man, talented people are really amazing


It doesn't look that hard. It's just chopping voice lines and using an audio program to change how they sound. The visuals too are simple, just a man dancing over a sideshow with some filters really.



I know Touhou looks hard, but this just looks impossible


He's just jumping up and down and moving side to side. All the enemy attacks are too slow to do anything.


That's very interesting, but consider the following:


That's very similar, only this time he does not have to jump or move side to side so much, he can just run straight ahead, also the enemies are mostly further away which makes their slow moving projectiles even harder to hit, I think you would have to actually intentionally stand still and let yourself get hit for them to hit.


They're not too slow, and they're coming from all directions. But more he makes it look easier than it is by having good awareness, just randomly jumping about would eventually land you in front of an attack, if the HUD were there you'd be able to see more of how chaotic that run is. Also he's making precise shots to parts of the enemies extremely fast to disable some of their more dangerous weapons, all while managing ammo, health, armor, and swapping between weapons to deal ideal damage to each individual enemy before it becomes too much. This is all to say, it's a whole lot harder than it looks.


They are slow... I could throw a tennis ball faster than that. Do you know how fast bullets are? I don't but probably at least twice as fast. It is just random, because they aim at him and they are so slow, all he has to do is just not be where he was a minute ago and they miss.


Maybe if you're blind.


He's doing exactly what I said... Only he seems to get hit a lot by enemies that he is not looking at too, he probably should move in a more circular pattern so the enemies at the side miss when they shoot at him as well as those in front.


File:Touhou Hong Meiling and Sa….jpg (94.42 KB,775x1000)

I can't believe you would compare this kids game to Touhou... Touhou is real, it's visceral, it's deadly. Fairies don't mess around, they attack in formations and saturate the area so you can't just side step from the one spot where you were before, they are trained killers, they work as a team, they are not playing around and that's just the fairies, the bosses saturate the whole screen in precisely executed attack patterns meticulously designed solely for the purpose of killing the player, they don't just account for side stepping they account for forwards, backwards and diagonal movement as well, they are bloodthirsty cannibals that think of you only as their next meal. And you can't just get shot 10 times and then be back to full health 10 seconds later because you get a health pack, this is real life you die if you get shot and you can only come back to life 3 times.


File:9c445e83667c799d2fcd63330d….png (2.74 MB,1600x1120)

Getting murdered by an organized group of killer fairies~


Pay him no mind, he's doing the same as those who watch DMC combo vids and complain that the enemies don't do anything.


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I've found some good second monitor fodder that eats up a lot of time!
GDQ, the speedrunning event isn't nearly as good as it was back in the day, but the channel at least added some novel "shows" that happen between the events and I think some of them are pretty good. "Super Boss Brothers" has two people compete in old game mini-events (like "gather the most coins in SM3 in 10 minutes") and the commentors are Big Jon (my favorite speedrunner) and TheBlacktastic and they're really entertaining.
This is a link to it in playlist format:


File:waterfox_HZ45AvZUc9.png (1.09 MB,1256x706)

Example of one of the challenges. I guess I should have used this as the image


>Big Jon
I think I remember you mentioning this guy looking like he potentially might have had a stroke. Is he doing better?


Oh, yeah that was a theory of mine but it turned out to be that his jaw was partially paralyzed in a rare side effect from covid vaccination. He's not on camera, but I think he seems to have recovered judging by his speech being clear.
I really wish him the best because life has given him so much terribleness and yet he's the friendliest guy you'll see at those events


Decided to split my post into two separate threads.

I loved Rift so much. I'm not much for the competitive stuff, but the soul system and the amount of non-combat stuff for a modern MMORPG was really good. Alas, it didn't last long and people started getting fired and... well, I actually saw a video about this that you've now reminded me of.
I vowed never to go back to those addictive theme park MMORPGs and Rift was the last one I played, but I can acknowledge that it really got some things right.


Seems like Facebook might die.

They stopped growing for the first time and privacy laws are causing them to lose billions. They've also lost a few billion on overspending in VR and AR attempting to poach talent from Google, Microsoft and Apple


That's a fucking hideous thumbnail.


the video author is a bit of a herd follower so it's about expected. He presents the content well and offers the perspective of a grass grazing troglodyte.



Unfortunately, crappy thumbnails like that are one of the easiest* paths to professional youtuber money. Ideally you'd also include a title that gives no concrete information, but offers a tantalizing hint to something significant.

*It's still extremely unlikely that any given channel will be successful


Anyways, Mozilla is working with Facebook now to try and create an advertising system that can get around privacy laws.



oh wait, this isn't the news thread


I don't know why but this is really funny for some reason.


Holy heck is the battleship version of those AMVs of characters that died in Final Fantasy?


First off, that's a destroyer. They're very different to battleships. You can tell from the smoke stack that that is Obviously nothing less than a light cruiser. Do you see those gun caliber? That is nothing less than Type 3 127 mm 50 caliber naval guns. Torpedo tubes were not mounted to battleships, they were designed for long range bombardment.

Now on to your main point. No. These are World War Two ships. Final fantasy did not take place in Japan. Final fantasy takes part in various worlds called Gaia. Gaia, though it may look like it is not Earth and there is NO Japan. Therefore, no there is no resemblence between this video and Final Fantasy


Oh yeah?
Final Fantasy games have the Earth elements, Earth dungeons and even Earth crystals. Gaia Magic? Never heard of it. Not only that, but there's earthquakes! Who's ever heard of a gaiaquake?


Many battleships did have torpedo tubes as well, he is talking nonsense.


Also battleships float in the sky with propellers


Boy, this is getting out of hand. Near the end they even talk about him preparing a 120 star run blindfolded. It's really cool to see the the various methods used for positioning, but man I can't imagine all the memorization required.


He should get a job.


Thrilling old video on scaling brick chimneys. Great narration of the whole ordeal. Really makes you think about all the skill old-timers must accumulate when devoted to their trade.


Gee this guy really is something else.


He's mad. But it seems that some people are like that, they just don't care about heights at all.


I can see why "slow" floods are as dangerous as they are now. The methodical pace of the rushing water makes it seem less intense than it truly is when in fact hundreds and thousands of pounds of water are moving by every instant.


Probably one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time. Love the screams of absolute joy from the engineers while the narrator stoically comments on it too.


brilliant pebbles was an amazing and rare success of the star wars program and had it been deployed would have been a really formidable missile shield

one worrisome capability the US has with the new generation of large, reusable spacecraft is the ability to quietly manufacture an entire skys worth of brilliant pebbles. and then quickly dump them all into LEO at all at once without warning. which would be a huge pain in the ass for anyone who relies on ICBMs for nuclear security.
you can see from starlink how quickly huge constellations can be placed into orbit.


From what I've heard, I would imagine these are not nearly as much of a concern as they would have been at their inception due to the recent development of hypersonic missile systems which would largely travel through the upper atmosphere rather than low earth orbit, which also makes them considerably more difficult to identify in time for an adequate response. On the one hand, I would say, "hopefully some counter can be found for them," but on the other hand a technological arms race for nuclear weapons isn't exactly something to champion either...


File:gundam.mp4 (6.33 MB,404x298)

Gundam walking test.




I get to play the role of old man posting things no one else knows again.
Was looking at the Windows 10 screen dimming feature and "Night Light" and this commercial from 30 years ago popped in my head.
This thing was so cool, I wonder if this is why I love glowing gems in video games so much


I think everyone on the internet knows of the "hydraulic press guy" but I'm linking a random video of his anyway

also nice title


I don't think these things ever went away. I remember my imouto getting one of those things in the early 2000s. I'm pretty sure it was pink and advertized to girls as a Disney thing, maybe? You're still an oji-san, though.


File:video0_-_2021-08-22T184102….mp4 (1.05 MB,640x1138)


I don't like this... don't lower rimuru with gross tiktoks..


She's not real


his character was already lowered by that comedy spinoff


They did it with precure on /qa/ as well... It's a problem.

That doesn't matter!!

No it wasn't!!


It's a he. Also, I don't care. I don't want to see or watch stupid tiktoks.


File:''Fidgeting''.mp4 (2.03 MB,1280x720)

Take it back!!


File:Autism-Speaks.webm (957.65 KB,1280x720)

That was a tiktok? I thought it was just a weirdly cropped clip taken from an AMV, ignorance really is bliss sometimes.


i think i made this webm...


File:letthebodies.webm (3.65 MB,460x258)

That's particular because that webm was on an old SATA that was dying that was one of very few files that lived that and this one.


A cow got lost on a beach during a flood in Australia. Sad.



he's rocking out


These guys have done some amazing satire and weird stuff over the years.
"You Must Respect Copyright" is another good one that and "Gimme the Mermaid"


"I'm gonna sue yo-look at this stuff isn't it neat!"


This channel does timelapses of plants growing


That's a lot of time for three tiny little potatoes


Well, yeah. The growing season is from Spring to Fall.


In addition to what the other guy said, the growth might be inhibited by the size of the container, too.
I guess he stopped it because the potatoes weren't even visible so there wasn't much to see at that point


Aside from the lyrics being a bit off, I can't really tell the difference between this and other Eurovision songs


In terms of speedrunning Elden Ring looks like it's going to be a really fun game to watch people run in a bunch of different ways. I'm epsecially looking forwards towards an all bosses run.


Tiny tank for tiny lizards


sleep tight, lizzer


These videos are pretty cool, but the heights scare me.


weatherman... ;_;




Saw about this guy a while ago. He's been making his own boat from scratch, apparently for 14 years now, and he just finished and was able to launch it.


The follow-up


Nice investment blogger


Why do these people feel the need to stick their ugly mugs in the thumbnail?


posting it before watching

Because streamers and youtubers are brands as people. Just because you're a broke loser doesn't mean you need to make other people feel bad for trying to sell themselves


>Just because you're a broke loser
Rude, also highly presumptuous.

Anyway, I understand the youtube meta, but that doesn't mean I have to like or even respect it.


dont mind him, hes a dumb argumentative shitposter


I wonder how much of that "brand" money goes towards paying "broke losers" to white knight for them in obscure niche anonymous message boards.


I find their content more interesting than your angry sages


So you just white knight for them for free? Makes sense that you're a broke loser then. There are people who get paid to do this, you know.


the angry sage


I like knights a lot, I wish I could become a knight one day. Maybe Santa will give me a knighthood for Christmas.


We don't need to retread the "youtubers have awful clickbait thumbnails" argument every other day.

Posting some tamers


Don't make me post the spreadsheet


I genuinely thought it was a /secret/ meme and not an actual grievance


Strange how AI is claimed to be able to write news articles, replace programmers and artists yet it's chatgpt applications are very sloppy and error prone.

Reminds me of the trouble of outsourcing, where your product will come out as garbage and require more effort of corrections from local engineers who require the education and experience to writs quality products.


RPGMaker forever



Useful winter knowledge


witches get riches



Like a sir


I don't understand the point of any of this


just imagine the possibilities of being able to control a your home appliances from a Windows Server 2000


hi mary


I get stupid videos


I got that too, even though I dislike him and don't watch his videos...




I remember watching that a while ago, and I don't disagree with him.
However, having mum often watch TV while I am cooking or something else. I think that it's TV in general that is bad rather than just Japanese TV.


For live action TV, there's a reason people cherish the same 20 series or so


I don't think he talks about that, more the studio kind of TV like breakfast TV and game shows.
I don't really watch 3d series but I think Japan probably produces similar content to what most TV series are as well, they have their own crime and drama shows.

They have a historical drama series every year called a Taiga drama, I have seen two of them. They have fairly interesting topics, I saw Yae no Sakura which is about a Samurai's daughter and Gunshi Kanbei which is about a strategist in the Sengiku Jidai, I thought they were both quite good. But it can be difficult to find them online in English and in good quality.


File:Gunshi Kanbei 24.mp4_snaps….jpg (291.85 KB,1280x720)

Oh and as a side note.
The Person that plays Hideyoshi in Gunshi Kanbei is actually also the person that Hideyoshi is modelled on and voiced by in Nioh 2.


From what I have seen on japanese TV, studio television just seems like an excuse to have pretty girls do mundane things under the guise of "comedy" rather than ogling


PBS put a documentary on youtube on the much-maligned Pegasus spyware software used by governments and it's pretty great. It's not happy news, so be forewarned.
There's a part two as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYMWTXIkANM
On a related note, does anyone have any good channels for documentaries or educational stuff in general? I'm guessing it's pretty rare to see hour-long stuff since google doesn't reward it


vlogger warning


nerd video


Sorry, cant trust anyone that has a NA (or british tbf) accent like that on anything regarding the former warsaw pact countries


i don't think it's all that deep. It could be summarized in a single line.
Oil extraction in Siberia provided a lot of profit when people most needed it. But the extraction came at a cost.
Then he gives numbers to back up his opinion


Funpost conlangs are a very sophisticated kind of stupid.


The above is an entry to the circus, which I'm watching right now. Gonna be fun.


random song


Cool video about how the stable diffusion stuff works


It's not as good as it used to be hence why I didn't even pay attention when it was happening, but AGDQ had a Terraria speedrun which I started watching. The multiple teleport location trick using a falling sand block is quite interesting



TAS is really neat


You're gonna look at this thumbnail and you're gonna like it




This channel is kind of dumb, but also kind of interesting?
The questions can be pretty dumb, but the info is neat. Like this one is "What if we nuke Jupiter" which is ludicrously dumb, but I learned it'd take the missiles 550-650 days for them to travel if we launched them from Earth and that groups of asteroids in the asteroid belt are called "families", among other stuff. It uses a lot of movie footage as filler, but it works.
Not bad


I want to learn to solder one day. Well, I guess it's not really that complicated, but you need confidence and respect for the dangers and I'm not sure if my hands are steady enough


Yes it's not complicated. I learnt to do it in middle school, I even made some stick figure people with it but then somebody in my class came along and soldiered pen*ses to them...


Yeah, that was me.


That guy drooled while he did it and he used to stare at my crutch in class, so I hope not...


I'm staring at it right now.


Great animator


hehehe (by nature of it showing Elden Ring bosses it can be considered spoilery)


Seacat episode 1 in a nutshell.


The Pikmin hacking scene is getting nuts


File:waterfox_XyL050rxHO.png (1.24 MB,954x686)

Don't really want to make a thread for it and it's live instead of youtube, but the European Speedrunner Assembly is going on. It's like GDQ, but closer to the old versions instead of the modern sanitized version. (I think it's heading that direction though)
Someone is doing a blind Breath of the Wild run right now. 15 minutes into a 2 hour estimate



bocchi the V6...


Just ripping into particle physicists for 20 whole minutes...


I only hear an engine. What's it supposed to sound like?




She's actually too optimistic. She thinks particle physicists could be doing something better whereas the most likely issue is there being not much left to discover within the energy scales humans can feasibly reach. In particle physics this pessimistic scenario is called the "desert."





sleepy bald eagle


thats a lot of chlorine bonds


love making fun of khan academy


10 years ago, interesting topic.
Deleting posts relating to "the unsaid topic"


Well, that's sad. Looks like the eggs aren't going to hatch and they're abandoned. I wonder if they were duds to begin with or if the extreme weather put a damper on things


silly newborn humor done by someone around my age


Honestly, I find vowels vexing. Much harder to articulate than consonants.


Nice. I honestly don't think these videos do a very good at showcasing this stuff, they feel a bit stiff and hard to appreciate, but I'm happy that it exists.
A neat thing to note is the number of phonemes. People commonly say Japanese pronunciation is easy due to the small amount of sounds it has (usually because they ignore allophones) but Rioplatense Spanish actually has even fewer, with less restrictive but still fairly simple phonotactics (unless you treat devoicing as a source of heavy syllables, then they're more or less on par with each other).


File:phono comparison.png (69.7 KB,1649x338)

For reference, comparison between phoneme charts. Allophone count for Jap refers exclusively to the ones that can occur in a vacuum, except for /N/'s [ŋ]. I think the gap may widen if you were to add all possible allophones, English would at least double in size. This is without counting vowels.





Cool analysis on the benefits of Adblock for Google's advertisement revenue


This guy does in-depth story things of speedrunning history for specific games. You may like it or it will put you to sleep.
Anyway, here's one for Super Mario World that just came out


He makes an offhand comment that the 11 exit path is the most direct path to Bowser's castle, reached by beating every secret exit in the levels that have them. Never realised that the shortest path has that property, it's really elegant and feels like something the designers put there on purpose.


The ABC stuffs are really good, covering the whole history and mechanics extensively. Sadly it's already outdated...
His videos aren't really sleepers for general retro game audiences in my opinion, unlike RGMechEx.


Good examples of language change based on interactions between dialects.


machine sliding a triple pendulum back and forth along a rail does some really cool feats of balance


You may want to repost this on /spg/ soon


File:waterfox_mm1BTfTVyj.png (2.59 MB,1986x1072)

Don't want to make a thread for it and don't know where else to put it, but Japan's version of GDQ/ESA is going on: https://www.twitch.tv/RTAinJapan
It's kind of funny that the game I see right now is a Western one


/spg/ - Sports General


This is a really good video


It's cool how skilled people can be


hehe this channel has a few good Simpsons video game edit things


You or may not be aware of a guy called TheMexicanRunner (or TMR) that did a big event nearly a decade ago where he beat every US licensed NES game. What I didn't know is that it's all on youtube and in a handy playlist. He's not particularly charismatic or anything, but it's crazy to see him keep at it on games that are ludicrously difficult that people used cheat codes to beat back in the day.
For instance it took him 40 hours to beat Ikari Warriors and it's all there, with him practicing with save states and pulling out maps and so on. It's a reminder that something that may sound fun at first is really a nightmare.




But why?


He used to speedrun Battletoads and other NES games before, people who speedrun usually do it for the challenge or because something could be possible, even if it sounds insane. I know him because his name used to pop up in the speedrunning community which I used to follow back then
I think this is the appeal of GamecenterCX, the editing and charisma of the host helps to make it fun.



It might lean a bit too much on modern ironic humor for some, but I find this video really funny. It reminds me of early YTPs.



Interestingly, that old Winnie the Poo baseball flash game is still getting fan creations


More modern YTP stuff along the lines of >>127913. This one's a bit more traditional, but it's a similar style of humor.

I'm glad to see the format survive beyond people like me that grew up with it. This isn't someone making a high-effort YTP in the grand tradition of poops; it's someone throwing together a stupid shitpost for fun, and in my mind, that's the truest form of YTP.


I was more into the musical kind of poops, and I even made a few (horribly out of tune) ones myself.


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Have you been surfing the information superhighway and found a video that you don't want to make a thread for, but it doesn't fit anywhere else? You can post it here


I don't know why, but I clicked "how to make cubed baguettes" even though it seemed simple and I guess it really is simple. I guess I was hoping for some sort of trick that only experts know




Those baguettes look so fucking bad !


boson magic


Apparently cities are physically damaging to live in, who could have guessed.


/jp/ duck thread reminded me of this video.



Seeing these tiny people near huge machines, and rolling them around while clad in anonymizing clean suits heavily reminds me of the scene of the Spacers Guild in the old Dune movie.



Nuclear explosions to stop a gas fire? Yep...


Nukes for peace!


20 years ago the inventor of the smiley passed away


deer licking cat


gonna learn how to use zspheres for some rudimentary rigging in zbrush


Posting a classic.


Was this a flash originally or was it originally a clip that was turned into a flash so long ago? I remember seeing a second and third flash, so it was episodic at the time.


I'm pretty sure it was a flash first, and probably uploaded to NND second, and then uploaded to youtube from someone who saw on it NND third. But, you forget that flash was commonly used to make videos, so the answer is it was probably always a flash.



Neat indie animation




hehe a post on another board lead me to this
I remember these autotune guys being pretty popular


Saya no Uta: The Animation


feel like I need to watch this at least once a year
I remember seeing this on MTV


Science has gone too far this time.




unhelpful NERD video


A video about our brains getting smaller.


idiocracy lol



This just popped up in my mind after a gazillion years.


I can't believe people do speedrun categories of the Castlevania games that are about 'collect all __'. These are games where enemies have .4% drop rates of stuff, so it's a few hours of rolling the dice and hoping it lands on 6 fifty times in a row.


Dedication like this is really admirable


what version did you watch finally


File:[HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-s….jpg (772.51 KB,1920x1080)

Theatrical cut because it downloaded first and was the shortest. It was really good and I'll probably rewatch one of the other cuts later.


Posted this guy before. Still, really impressive.


I don't like the ending ;x;
So needlessly cruel...




wow it's been at least a decade since I've last seen that video. wonder how this dude is going



I thought getting the switch joy cons to work with PC was more involved than this. Huh, this is cool and could be pretty handy.


File:for_you.webm (3.61 MB,480x270)


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Hah I love this one.


File:C6hbfkpwl34CKKwB.mp4 (2.22 MB,1280x720)

No problem I'm here forever.


The first ten or so minutes of this wasn't anything new to me (and the covered videos might have even been linked here), but it's a nice general summary of research into corvid intelligence.
Birds are very important!


that bird has too high of an intelligence!


holy heck is that new wikipe-tan art?!


NES Sim City port that was never released. Very impressive.


Bonus CES footage
Those late 80s/early 90s neon colors really were something. I think I like it more than the gloomy black and greys of today.


nice little eldritch horror animation


Bah. I was watching this video to see how this add-on works and at 24:00 I noticed a problem and was eagerly waiting to see how he would go about fixing it.
Then at the linked time you can see him recognizing it and his brain scrambling for a solution, but sadly there wasn't one. I remember getting into these situations a lot and I still do.
I was hoping there'd be some easy trick to remember, but alas geometry is cruel.



Rheinmetall released a new tank.


Looking through my ooooold bookmarks and found this from seismic, the creator of that Liru ero game* that people joked about with the "never ever" thing.
It's showing the MassFX thing in 3DS Max for physics. This stuff is so much more simplified these days.

*Well, more like menu-based animations


I really enjoyed this video. It's some indie game developers (the ones from 10 years ago) talking about their experiences with mysteries in video games in arcades and stuff before the internet was a thing. You know, secret characters in arcade games spread by rumor and did not actually exist, that kind of thing.
Really nostalgic.


and it leads into this video about the making of Spelunky, which is more of a mini-documentary about its lead creator.
He also made Aquaria and that's such a beautiful and fantastic game.
I also remembered the 'make your own game' Maxis game in this that he talks about. Maybe I should have gave it more attention, huh...


Title caught my attention


can't stop smiling watching this


File:8116Ebdb5b9f.mp4 (3.1 MB,568x320)




Every time I see a thumbnail with a 3D face in it I get angrier, especially if it's about something serious.


I don't mind it depending on how it's done. These two are okay it's the ones where they have exaggerated reactions that bother me.


this is literally just politics. what the hell.


Yeah, I don't see any issue with those at all. They're channels/videos centered on one person talking, there's really nothing else they can do with the thumbnails. If anything, they're being honest and that's commendable in the age of clickbait


it's polisci!



bit melodramatic


Well they said there were other issues that myopia can cause. But yes, restricting homework to combat this is interesting and not something I expected. I thought it would be a matter of 'you'll have glasses, so what, get back to study'.


glasses are just a part of the way my life is. That he calls it a serious condition is funny, like someone saying that a person who is 20lb over the average weight is going to die of a heart attack


Same for me, but I have astigmatism not myopia.

I did not check how serious the conditions are that he mentions and what the chances are of getting them, maybe it is quite an issue, maybe not. I know cataracts can be quite bad if it's not treated but we do have the ability to treat it now.


These render compilation videos are pretty nice. Shame there are not many of them but I guess it takes a lot of work.


Beeenie Babies were so pokemon


cool tactics


very well structured video essay. Held my full attention for 15m





I'm six hours into this after a watching it for a couple hours each day. I have no interest in the "guy talks about a game for 8 hours" genre, but this guy is listing and describing almost every (excludes some limited time Japanese-only mobile games) Bomberman media so it's kind of interesting since I played some Bomberman games over the years and knew that I was missing a lot of stuff that never left Japan. The Bomberman Jetters anime seems pretty nice, I'll have to download it later.
It's also giving me the urge to play that one free online fan game we played on kissu a couple years ago...


That was a great video, but I had to cringe when he said he was desperately obsessed with Undertale as a kid. Dude has to be like, 20 at most. I imagine most childhood Undertale fans are teenagers right now. It really wasn't that long ago.

Nonetheless, I liked it. At times I thought the commentary was a bit too neurotic and romanticized, but it was interesting.


that author's out some good work this year


File:1629372616855.png (978.88 KB,767x877)

2015, the good old days of early internet.


Yeah, when I think of anything "good old days" the latest I think of is 2001.


I was a childhood undertale fan and I'm 24. Maybe that's pushing it, because I was 16 when it came out, but still. 2015 was longer ago than you'd think.


Is there no peak to realistic graphics!


thought this was a joke at first using real life footage to look like a game


love cool weapons channels


Not sure if anyone linked this guy recently, but I started watching him again. He does old American/British food stuff and this one is on mushroom ketchup again. I wonder what it's like...

Death to reactor content!


Incredibly good channel in general, proper historian stuff for the Roman Empire, Japan, and lesser known civilizations.


A short news story about fancy military funerals for 14 recently discovered bodily remains from the American revolutionary war. Might not be interesting itself (although I think it is), but the 14th man was British and they flew soldiers over to do their own military rituals and they will eventually all be buried together.
I think that era was the peak of solider uniforms


Its a nice enough gesture, I'm glad it was done like this rather than put in a museum


I think he should have been buried in a British military cemetery, burying him alongside Americans is kind of insulting considering that he died fighting against them.


Tell the British military. Graves these old are moved often


I was thinking that at first, too, but I imagine the majority of British and other foreign soldiers that died here back then never had their bodies repatriated across the ocean. This is something I'm completely ignorant of, but my assumption is that the repatriation of bodies is a very recent phenomenon, at least for the common man.
When I think of what would be the "moral" decision here, I think it would be for him to be buried here in the US alongside his compatriots. I'm not sure if there's such a thing as a US cemetery for British war dead of the revolutionary war, but I assume he's rejoining his compatriots in some way.


You are right in the dead were rarely repatriated, usually soldiers would be buried bear the battlefield(like in this case) or they might set up a military cemetery, like how there are Soviet Military cemeteries located in Germany and vice versa. I am not sure what the practice was at the time but you would think there would be cemeteries for British people somewhere in the US.


Cool little documentary piece about a key animator who created a lot of the mainstream anime opening style.




A rather interesting video on a historical staple food for people such as sailors or soldiers for a long time


Gotta love lithium ion battery fires


Speaking of creaky voice, there's this video from the other day that briefly visualizes it as it occurs in Danish, before moving on to [ð̠˕ˠ] (which is not actually a [ð]).


Nice Youtube animation


reminds me of that one fighting game character with awesome face, a top hat, and a cane


like videos like these


Nice video


fate of the west



??? What is the fate of the west? Making comics?

I'm not interested in comics but I have seen videos like that about them on Youtube. I think the difference between the industries of comics and Manga and the follow on effects that has are interesting.

The Manga industry is fairly similar to the industry of writing and publishing books. An Artist has an idea and if a publisher likes it they will publish it.

But the comic industry is a lot different to that. It's generally a publisher deciding on the project and hiring artists to then work on it and they don't treat IPs as a series of works by an author but as a brand.
So what ends up happening is you get these huge well known Characters that have been around for decades that have had a myriad of different people working on them over time, creating different versions of the character and different stories with them that often are not in continuity with the other versions. It's like if the publisher of Lord of the Rings decided to make a new book set after the Lord of the rings with no input from Tolkein, kept going with that for decades under several new authors, ret-conning everything Tolkien wrote into oblivion and then deciding one day to reset the Lord of the rings series and now Tolkien's Middle earth is no longer the current cannon one.
It's absurd, Tolkien's world is Tolkien's world. Just like Hunter X Hunter is the property of Togashi Yoshihiro, sure, the nature of that does mean we are probably never going to see it finished but people accept that and I don't think anybody would want somebody else coming in and taking it from him. Yet that's just the norm for comics.

It even occurs in this smaller indie comic in this video, there are numerous versions made and he says they follow different stories and are not connected to each other with numerous different artists having worked on different editions and even the original creators don't seem to care about sticking to one cannon story and world.

This all seems to cause multiple problems. Firstly, the west doesn't care about anybodies property and is more than happy to do what they want with it such as what happened to the LOTR Amazon series and games.
But secondly, because of the way the industry is set up there doesn't seem to be much room for new material, everything revolves around established brands and there isn't the same mechanism for authors to create their own stories.
However because of the way it works in Japan we get a huge amount of different stories by people with their own ideas who can be given a place to published it and be given the freedom to own the world they create. This follows through to the anime industry as of course most anime is just animated manga. The West could never create an animation industry to compete because it lacks the industry to create the source material to begin with.


File:calvin_and_hobbes_comics_f….jpg (356.5 KB,1600x1200)

For what it's worth, most of the money in American comics has traditionally been in comic strips, published in newspapers and magazines and then compiled into books later. The heavily episodic format encourages simpler, more accessible stories, and it's low-risk enough from a publisher's perspective that they're much more willing to try something new.


Or kuso 1 panel political/current event cartoons that still havent died off yet


I include those among comic strips, because they are/were usually printed along-side them.

It's worth noting that webcomics are an extension of traditional print comic strips, so a lot of the latter's cliches are kept undead thanks to the internet and social media.


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Is that true? It seems that there would not be much money in those strips. I looked Garfield up on Wikipedia and it did not say much about profits, just that it sold from $750 Million to $1 Billion in Merchandise in 2004. Which is a lot but it also says it's the most syndicated comic strip ever, others probably are not as successful.

But also it says
>While retaining creative control and being the only signer, Davis now only writes and usually does the rough sketches. Since the late 1990s most of the work has been done by long-time assistants Brett Koth and Gary Barker. Inking and coloring work is done by other artists, while Davis spends most of the time supervising production and merchandising the characters

So it's still different than the standard comic book industry as he is still the one managing it even after 44 years.





I've mentioned it before, but it's really weird to think of there being live stormchasing on youtube. There's a tornado outbreak in the Southeast US and you can see people covering it live. I didn't do any research so I don't know what channel is good, but here's an example. Normally you need to actually live around such storms to see this kind of thing live on local stations, so people outside of it might find it interesting.


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The cat does not oppose the human, for they know their wishes mean nothing to them. But to one of their own kind, they forcefully rebuke. To an animal, might makes right.



DUCK SONG FOUR JUST CAME OUT TWO HOURS AGO! This is a historic moment!



Five guys is more affordable than McDonalds if you have 5 guys!


If you have seventy and five guys, you can build a dragon ship and pillage coastal villages. That's even more affordable.


Got recommended something good for once.


File:GKue9oObcAALod5.jfif (210.27 KB,1100x1920)

he didn't take the mcdonalds app into account
I frequently bring home 2 mcdoubles (buy 1 get 1 for 1, so roughly 4.50), a 20piece nugget+2 fries (6bucks), and 2 drinks (3 bucks) for my brother and I for roughly 15 bucks post tax...


*pokes you in the tum*




miku fans a bunch of animals


great one


I think a fair amount of people have seen this recommended or linked to them by others, but it hasn't been linked here! I watched all of it over a few days and it was pretty good. It's nice to see him doing voiced videos again because from what I understand he was overwhelmed by the success/viralness of the A Press video and kind of went away for a while. The fact that he did video with his voice while knowing it will receive a lot of attention means he conquered that anxiety. His idea of monetization with the part at 3:37:40 (https://youtu.be/YsXCVsDFiXA?t=13063) is also quite interesting.
TJ "Henry" Yoshi is even in there in the comments with a donation ($50, pretty good) that made me smile.

I also watched this video of his which was more like a programming course and I now know what 'floats' are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYDmBdUalgo

Cool stuff.


Gunbuster's so good


Reminded me of this documentary about the New York Times' last printing with linotype machines.


This is 'live' stuff, but I thought I'd link this storm chasing thing. There's potential for a major tornado outbreak in the next few hours. I don't know which live channel is best, so here's the one that has the most viewers. People that far away from this tornado weather might find watching this stuff live interesting.


It's no fun without hearing the sirens in the background and really feeling the tension as mother nature's equivalent of Russian roulette slowly descends from the sky right outside.


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It warms my heart to see this stuff. Normally this superchat stuff is associated with youtube celebrities and stuff, but they're raising money to help the victims since it's an official 501k charity thing. And it just keeps flooding in. From the time I took this picture a couple minutes ago it's risen to $22k. Awwww....
(they should find a way to bypass google's cut, though)


Geez, was looking at this on the weather channel this morning and it was a pretty devastating storm. Apparently even turned deadly which is awful. Yeah I don't know how I'd deal with living out in tornado valley, I'd always be worried about losing everything in the span of a bad storm.


Oh dear god, almost two hours of Tetris world record history. Yep, this will help me sleep (in a good way)


Cave Johnson saves the world.


are storms cool?


Yep, that's Montreal


nice comedy


real life creepypasta stuff


This thing is really cool. There's one near me for a reasonable price, but I'm broke. Would absolutely snatch one up if I could.


Have you watched anything neat on youtube or similar sites lately? Don't just link it, mention why you like it!
This is a re-enactment of the American Psycho dubs man scene with Weird Al and Huey Lewis. There's some very nice attention to detail and the humor is great. Somehow it's 7 years old and I never saw it.


Been watching cute cosplay girls doing instrumental covers of various songs. I like it because
a) cute girls
b) they do some pretty damn good cover work


also have been watching some non-girls as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ot5zRrEYbps


I recently found this old video of Japanese dudes doing the Haruhi dance for a school festival. This video fills me with inexplicable happiness for some reason. I think seeing them do the dance with such passion and hearing the entire audience cheer them on makes this video more enjoyable for me than other ones.


I found this pretty cute.


She's great, really got into the flow of that watching her fingers dance everywhere


Today on Petit tube
dancing teenagers



What is this? Random youtube videos? Or is it the ones with default camera filenames?


It pulls up videos with zero views. Or somtimes like 7 views if it can't catch up to reality.


it's out


I was looking up Rumi stuff, and wild YwO appeared. I never knew of this.


>One of the earliest developer notes for Final Fantasy 7
>Make a story that's relatively quick to finish
yeah, okay


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Curiously, they did pretty much what I've been hoping for Sonic Adventures and 06 remake to be like, perfect to tone and exactly to a t. Fingers crossed.


Interesting interview to see what valve had been doing for all this time


I like to check people's profiles on YouTube every so often, one time I looked at some wrasslefag and found this very odd playlist dedicated to hearts beating: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBcEY3rgM2iHnoLhp5jRzm0yxRkqQ-QiL
Strangest fetish I've come across in a while, do read the comments.

Also very recently found some WTC stuff.
Freshly translated Umi songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa6OtL7Yo6LUa3sZvyx4DqtyznmLEpHrm
Side story preluding Ciconia: https://haworthia.home.blog/links/ (I found the videos first and then looked it up, I'm pasting this 'cause it has the booklet)


I've posted this channel before, but it gets a new video every week and I still love it. It's all about microbes and bacteria and other very tiny forms of life. The video is really good and it's almost soothing to watch even if you were to mute the sound.


Been listening to the philosophical, theological, and socio-political ramblings of a guy that likes to grill for a while. He's been making quite a bit of sense when it comes to certain topics and has brought forth some ideas that I had never considered. Albeit, no matter how right I find his points, it's somewhat a shame how fringe they are. Definitely interesting to listen to, but I think he's kinda way too beyond the pail for /qa/, especially given the frequent and overt political rhetoric.


Like this channel for the relaxing meal reviews, and variety of MREs


I like this channel because he talks about how things evolve and such.


Videos like these are really surreal. It's absolutely fascinating being able to essentially look back in time. Honestly, though, stuff like this makes me wonder how various societies would have turned out had they simply modernized instead of also westernizing.


When I'm too tired for any real paying attention I just put on videos about neat history things. This video has been nice for that purpose so far.


This has been on my watch later playlist since it came out 2 years ago, I used to speedrun vanilla smw so this is really entertaining to me, definitely prefer this kind of commentary without donations or fake hype like GDQ


Looking at the change that happened as westernization is false. It is so much so that your own sentence proves it.
Nations change as time goes on, affected by others or not. For example, if you look at the streets of new york in late meiji, you can see that they look so far from what we have today that it would be believable to the ignorant that it is from a different country altogether.
There is a very good reason why I mentioned that this is late meiji. Even though you consider this to be the epitome of japanese culture, to the people who lived in this time period, japan at that time just finished going from japanese to completely western, the japan that you usually hear about and think of as classical is edo japan which would be completely different from this.
I think, especially considering just how much japan has kept of its roots, that what we are seeing in japan isn't westernization, but simple evolution. I can't think of any contry other than japan that kept so much of its roots without staying stuck in time like the amish, the bhutan, and dprk
Besides, I'm fine with giving up samurais for anime


You misunderstand. I did not mean to idolatrize Japanese culture or history, but rather posit how different various societies would look were they to modernize without Western influence. For instance, it could hardly be claimed that the dominant, modern architectural style is not inherently Western. What then might the architecture of a modernized Aztec society look like, for instance?

Obviously history is a story of contact between groups and societies, so it's foolish to wonder what the product of one society might look like without recognizing that the instruments and knowledge necessary to create anything have always come from across the world and not just one country or culture. Nevertheless, I still wonder what such an isolated society might produce and how different they might look from our own.


Interesting video that breaks down the methods of which states are represented federally in the US.


I really like this channel. It's kinda nice to just space out and watch and listen to this guy diagnose problems with vintage electronics. Vintage electronics in general just have a lot more character to them by virtue of being analog-based, I think. Unlike with discrete electronics, analog stuff has a lot more in the way of varying behavior, whereas with discrete stuff it tends to just be a matter of "it works" or "it doesn't work."


Really like listening to astronomical stuff, it's amazing how things operate completely out of our expectations outside of earth.


This is blowing up on Japanese youtube right now thanks to the algorithm. I don't get it, but it seems like a dumb instagram meme from some years ago that's resurfacing. The comments are all panicking about exposing this sort of stupidity to the world, but of course it's only being recommended to Japanese region accounts which is fairly clear. Pretty funny altogether


Japanese gangsta rap. Didn't know it existed, but now that I know, I can't stop listening to it (just ANARCHY though)






That's pretty funny.


Remember the short manga about loan shark /qa/ shared back then?
Now it has an English dub!


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Okay, now I'm scared. I've cleared cookies a few times but google still knows I love this song so much.



I love this manga, this is a very cute dub


brings back memories
fuck the cheating cpu


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Clearing your cookies doesn't do much. Even if you don't have an account, Google makes IP-based shadow accounts for serving ads and recommendations. If it's really bothering you, you can use the three dots to the side and then click "Not interested." That should remove that video from appearing in your recommended feed anymore. You can also do the same thing for channels you don't like too. If you're going to use that feature, I'd recommend doing so in moderation, since you can "over-train" the algorithm and start getting weird recommendations.


'Not interested' never shows up for me, I think you need an account for it. I was pretty much joking, I actually do love the duck song


Happy gator fren.




Never really thought about cleaning my earpads until now


A neat fact I heard once is that the probability for two randomly chosen integers to be relatively prime is 6/π². While learning about why that's the case, I found this video which explains a very lovely of seeing that

1/1² + 1/2² + 1/3² + 1/4² + 1/5² + ... = π²/6.

(Euler's original derivation is also quite nice.)


Video showing the differences between Quebec and France.

I heard that French people make fun of Québécois due to the way they speak, and indeed, that woman has a weird intonation to her accent while the man sounds more fluid despite not being a native speaker of the language. That's probably why she made the comment about French people being arrogant too.



I finally gave this MRE guy reviewer a shot and I do see the appeal. It's pretty relaxing and it's interesting to see how various things are prepared. I kind of wish I had food like this..


Voice's of the Past is a great channel, good place for english translations of primary sources.


new core a gaming video, its high quality stuff


Very cool video showing off Nvidia's GauGAN.


this video seems pretty boson, but i'm not sure


Comfy deep sea SoL.


This channel is interesting, but their art style kind of disturbs me.


Linguistics is neat. Kinda funny how people in England tend to claim ownership of the language when the speech patterns of the Southern US and Appalachia is closest to the English of yore.


Rewatching the entire Madness Combat series there. Good memories.


I can't remember if I've posted about this on kissu or not, but this is a channel dedicated to videos of trucks failing to respect the clearance of an overpass nicknamed "the can opener". They actually raised the height last year and it's still happening. There's a short documentary about it here: https://vimeo.com/271945574 (I can't figure out how to embed vimeo, if it's possible)


I don't know how the Youtube algorithm picked this up.


Sorry, I only watch anime.


They raised it? I thought they couldn't raise it due to the railroad tracks.


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Also, it's pretty sad that the bridge has not only a blinking sign warning that tall trucks must turn, but an orange safety bumper installed as well as the two fairly large clearance signs to either side.


That bridge has a higher k/d than most shooters. Very cool.


probably because you listen to anime and/or vocaloid music. not really that much of an algorithm oddity, I got recommended it months ago when I was listening to a lot of kuragep songs.


cute birbs
I can't imagine having birds this colorful just hanging around outside my house, it must be amazing.


bird get!


when my parents first moved to Australia from the UK and saw rainbow lorikeets they thought they must have escaped from the zoo
there's certainly no shortage of interesting birdlife around


This put a genuine smile on my face for the first time in a while.
It warms me to see that youtubepoop style continues on in some form even today buried under the an infinite algorithm decided roulette of trivia and reaction personalities.


With Source 2 out I won't be surprised if old style meme-ing came back but now in 4K


I really like these art animations.


This AMV is pretty good



Probably all around one of my favorite channels


Speaking of favorite channels..
I noticed this video has 5x the views as some other ones he's done in the past, and in only after two months. I guess fighting game stuff on youtube is pretty popular.


The future is looking brighter


Wonderful little video on analysis. And Vermin shouldn't watch it because I know he'll take one of the lines spoken and run miles with it...


HATE this niwaka and his generation of early 2010s youtube link spammers.


hate pretentious youtube videos about something stupid like videogames


These cow outfits keep getting more erotic


I can't believe it broccoli isn't even real it's all lies...


hope my sense of humor never matures


This dude is pretty interesting. I watched this video and his train hopping one. Felt like I was watching a playthough of a horror game. I also learned some interesting things about the island.


I still remember seeing Mario 64 for the first time at a playable demo thing at Toys'R'Us and really do love that game, but sometimes I think people are too obsessed with it to the point that there's now a blindfold speedrunning category thing for it.


Blindfolding is nothing compared to A Button Challenge, anon...


I never played Final Fantasy 11 and don't have a desire to even if I could go back in time (UO forever!), but the atmosphere of this area combined with Uematsu's music seems really nice. It was a rule of mine to never listen to a video game's music before playing it so I never listened to FFIX's, but I know now I never will so I should probably start listening to it all since Uematsu is a god.


A short and fun informative video about sounds. I like how the videos are edited so well. The end joke is kind of shitty though




Watched some Leonard Bernstein videos recently. I like the way he explains music concepts.


just kissu~ ♫
just kissu~ ♪


Disney is... fairly powerful


Don't mess with the mouse. Sucka.


speedrunners are engineers


I really love old films like these. Film of Japan in particular is particularly striking. It's amazing to consider just how far they had come when only two decades prior millions were left homeless and the majority of buildings were destroyed due to firebombings. I wonder what the rebels and student activists of that era think of their actions looking back? Do they still think they were justified, or do they think their actions were quaint compared to the endless and monotone conformity of their coming future? Its hard to imagine living during a time of such transformation. In many ways, the Japan of then seems very similar to the China of now. I wonder, then, what will Chinese counter-culture look like? Student activists on the other hand, don't seem so likely...


speedrunners are fucking gross...


Starting to feel like learning some geometry...






it's a strange feeling seeing something good coming from marketing material



fabfilter eqs are really good. I'm really missing them on linux


NEET math


Came across this video which caught my interest while surfing youtube.


Oh, Tantacrul is very good channel if you are into music production! I like the ones where he breaks down DAWs and other production software, really liked the Sibelius video.


>It's ridiculously complicated. It's a partition problem: How many ways can you add up numbers to get to 20? ... So I ran a script on Python to calculate some of this. It got to 22 by running over a weekend, and I couldn't get it to go any further.

The trick to calculating this efficiently is to instead think about the expected end-of-turn score given that you have reached some current score. Suppose your strategy is to stop at 20. If you reach a score of 20, you will stop, so your expected end-of-turn score given your current score is 20. Simiarly, if you reach a score of 21, your expected end-of-turn score given your current score is 21, and so on. If you reach a score of 19, we can calculate your expected end-of-turn score given your current score by averaging the expected outcomes of your next die roll. If you roll a 1, you get 0. If you roll a 2, we have to look up the expected end-of-turn score given a current score of 19+2=21, which we already know is 21. And so on for 3 through 6. Using this method, we can calculate the expected end-of-turn score for lower and lower current scores until we finally reach what we want, the expected end-of-turn score given a current score of zero, as you have when you start your turn.

Letting expectation(score, stopping_point) be the expected end-of-turn score given a current score of "score" using a strategy where you stop at a score of "stopping_point", we can calculate as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from fractions import Fraction
from functools import cache

def expectation(score, stopping_point):
if score >= stopping_point:
return score
return Fraction(1, 6) * sum(expectation(score + roll, stopping_point) for roll in range(2, 7))

for n in range(41):
print(n, float(expectation(0, n)), expectation(0, n))

Runs in a fraction of a second.

This trick is very useful for solving otherwise hard probability problems.


nice game dev video


Very nice mini documentary on an old piece of rail technology: barcodes for keeping track of rail cars.


Innovation gets passed around. Rarely does a good idea ever stay in the same place


This is a channel has some airplane crash animation recreations taken from TV.
This video in particular is well well made animation-wise and the music goes well, too. It's practically theatrical, but something that happened in real life.
Experts are confident almost everyone died in the initial explosion and hopefully the others were incapacitated, really don't want to think about being conscious during this...


I saw a commercial for a mini air conditioner which seemed to promise way too much (I.E a scam) and googled it and eventually found this guy's channel that goes into technical detail about home appliances like air conditioning, telephones and such.


tard sex



This is genuinely one of the coolest and most informative demonstrations I've ever seen. The see through model perfectly encapsulates the operation of a carburetor, and the slow motions shots they got of it in action are seriously phenomenal. Most slow motion videos are typically really gimmicky and you can't really learn anything from them, but this really did teach me how carburetors work.


hate how long these videos are


there's a link to an extended cut version in the description :P



neat, someone with a good voice and microphone reviewed this disaster





With all that goes into archery just imagine how this'd work for guns. And if some engineer in his garage is doing this I bet the US Government sure has.


Holy fuck that is so COOL. Made me wonder what the fuck I'm doing with my life pausing my openCV learning, a huge boost of motivation.


the strength of robotics is something that hasn't been televised/sensationalized much aside from Boston Dynamics, but it's quite amazing what modern sensors can do.


Guns and missiles are just point and shoot. Aircraft have had targeting for decades, missile launch systems are completely computerized, heck computer-operated flak batteries were even a thing back in WWII on the German side.

I remember watching a military documentary from either the 90s or early 20s on "smart guns". It's been a long while since I watched it, but I think the gist was that the aiming sight was computerized and would give aiming information to the operator, and then the bullets themselves would somehow course correct mid-flight to ensure contact with the target. Ultimately the documentary revealed that the project was canceled, likely due to cost and the end of the Cold War, but also as a pragmatic decision; if you're only going to be fighting farmers with AKs, it scarcely makes sense to invest in a new weapon when the current one works fine. If the new Cold War with China heats up, though, I wouldn't be surprised if that project gets taken off ice and we start seeing crazy auto-targeting rifles in actual combat usage.

Unfortunately, wars are a great impetus for progress.


bleh. "Early 2000s", not early 20s.


Saw some diving in Love Live so I went to watch some high dives and I have to wonder how it is to jump from this high into water with no safety. Looks terrifying.


I'll never get used to seeing real life people doing the voices they do in cartoons. This is Dan Castellaneta on an old Conan episode. It's just so... so... man how does he do that?


It's one of those crazy talents some people have.


An interesting video on human ingenuity...


Back in the day hacking meant something


currently interested in revealing IRL sad video about homeless people and drugs.


Feel free on this board


Press ctrl+windows+shift+b


wrong video...


Glad YouTube poops never died, even if there's only a few people making them.


It hid my bookmarks bar, is that it?


do they browse imageboard?



Really, really nice lecture.


I give to you early 2000's style machinima done with the ID Software engine.


These videos are pointless, but I like them


Wonder which animals we'll be watching videos in the future of that have gone extinct


Whoa he did SotN and it just came out!


how many species have gone extinct in the past decade?


A lot, but most of them have been insects rather than mammalian species IIRC.



Been kinda half-watching this on second screen and it's really a shame how bad this game is since I loved the real Lunar games. Entertaining to watch in a marathon setting, but what a bad game otherwise



have you ever parried a shark?


This makes me happy


It's really cool seeing old planes like this fly. It's a bit sad that planes like these won't be able to be preserved forever in flight-worthy condition.


No! Not the bees!


Skill speedruns are neat


File:STEM - A smart way to chan….mp4 (808.6 KB,404x720)






It's always fun listening to exaggerated British slang.


Came across Sandy motherfucking Petersen's channel. I can't believe this absolute legend gets so few views, what a crime.


After 3 years, the A Button Challenge finally made progress, this time 3 A Button saves at once!


For those who want an introduction to ABC I find this 6-part series (more to come) "The History of the A Button Challenge" a good overview of it with key technical explanations


the /qa/ tutorial


Soyjacks are actualy /(pol)jp/ culture


i watched that series. the autism is absolutely fascinating. i can't wait for part 7 to come out. he does such a great job of explaining everything.


It's only two hours.
Trust me bro, it's a good video essay


Youtubers think they're the smartest people in the world, and the ones who pretend to be investigative journalists are even worse


I dunno if it's journalism. It's more just him explaining that famous streamers release useless lectures on how to become famous ecelebs... then stretching it out to two hours in length, repeating the same points every 30 minutes


>Trust me bro


Super Eyepatch Wolf has manga and anime related video essays as well. Though, to be honest, I find them a little lacking. Their length feels unjustified for generally how little they say about their subject. And it always tends to venture in the "oh wow this manga so ScaRryyyy" or the "oh no this internet subculture was so MessEd uP". To be as constructive as possible, I think he certainly has a skill for introducing normies to more niche media (some of my friends have finally given certain manga a chance due to his recommendation), I just also think his portrayal of more niche and cult media is a little... well it's like those music Youtubers that call breakcore "mysterious".

If you're still into long video essays to put on in the background and listen to,(and especially if you're /jp/) I couldn't recommend Hazel more. She typically makes videos about obscure media and the history of various subcultures (and when I say obscure I mean, some of her work is actively dealing with lost media). Here's a video where she talks about around 24 different OVAs; I'd say you should give it a try if anything I said sounds appealing.


The video essay format is basically way too much repetition, not out of trying to game algorithms or viewers, but lack of proficiency in script writting.

A good argument needs bones in the form of the structure and composition of arguments and meat being how you portray it. In many cases repetition is done too much creating fat. The worse the video essay is the more fat it has on the bone.


getting recomended a bunch of anime video essays I'm never going to click on


File:848074d91c.png (276.47 KB,2383x1254)

never knew there was a hotkey menu


UE5 looks cool


Could have sworn I've seen these effects a while ago in some echii.iwara dances.


I've seen similar, but never on the level in that video. Maybe now it'll be common though.


I checked/searched for some and yes, what I found is not that high fidelity


Neat little presentation about how the lack of oversight on tax exemptions have a larger effect on the residential quality of areas more than the productivity of industry


literally tried to do the examples he described as negative teachings from game tutorials and it sucked ass


Mm, same conclusion as most fields. "Stop watching youtube videos and listen to the professionals instead, including reading books." When everyone has an equal voice it's impossible to know whether you're learning the best solution. It's really nice to see different ideas or opinions on how to approach things, though.

Not bad for a frogposter. Man, those reaction image insertions that people do drive me nuts.


Nothing can top peer reviewed publications in the end.


I was randomly recommended this and it reminded me of newgrounds. I wouldn't exactly call it "good", but I'm glad stuff like it still exists.


pretty interesting


also another interesting learning video


> For a lot of tasks in life, we can become competent in a fairly short period of time; take driving a car for example, initially it's challenging, it takes up all of system 2, but after 50 hours or so it becomes automatic. System 1 takes over and you can do it without much conscious thought. After that, more time spent driving does not improve performance.
Boy have I been a victim of that. Before I totally quit it, I had almost 10,000 hours in DotA 2, but almost all of my game play was in autopilot mode after a certain point, so I never improved past said point. Takes a lot of effort to force your "System 2" to take control. Same with my typing speed/style. Learning sure is hard...


That's an incredible amount of time, I'm impressed.


you guys watch a lot of garbage


I had about the same number of hours, and I can attest that happened to me as well. The interesting thing is that when I stopped playing for a while, I usually completely stomped after coming back (with scores like 30/1/15 or so), but the more I played, the more the performance started to drop, and I could even point around where I completely switched to automatic and started under-performing hard. I could never consciously bring myself to perform like I did after a break, even if I made effort to do so. If there was a trick to it, I'd really love to learn it.


>The interesting thing is that when I stopped playing for a while, I usually completely stomped after coming back (with scores like 30/1/15 or so), but the more I played, the more the performance started to drop, and I could even point around where I completely switched to automatic and started under-performing hard.
Same! Wonder what's up with that. I went up a thousand MMR in a week or so of playing after a one year long break, then I started to lose it all after a while.


I think it's possible that the more you burden your automatic side, the less responsive it is, therefore when you really need it, for reacting to things you didn't expect, it reacts slower.
And the more actions you perform automatically, the more you enter a dream-like state, becoming less rational and engaged in the activity. Fatigue probably also matters, further pushing you into the unconscious side. You can usually tell you are tired when you are getting irrationally angry at things, albeit if you are a big gamer it might be a pathological normal for you.


>Fatigue probably also matters, further pushing you into the unconscious side. You can usually tell you are tired when you are getting irrationally angry at things
I did notice that I was more irritable in the last few games I played (before I stopped playing again), than the first games I played after the hiatus. By the end I was just flaming people left and right, so I stopped playing it again. I guess this goes to show how important mental health/stability is when it comes to this game. Maybe I'll go up another thousand MMR next year when I inevitably come back to it.


That slab of butter would have lasted for weeks here.


always wanted to know what to do if my rug has earth worms in it


what the hell...


mad how well this can guy restore rugs





neat video about some neat structures




File:77fb2583d234436658662257b5….png (2.37 MB,1000x1000)

Fuck this guy, pancakes rule.


it's a very silly video idea that he's taking ultra seriously


I really don't know why I watch stuff like this. Well, it's good background for when you're focused on something else


Because we're addicted to youtube. I was watching a video about TF2 weapon balance the other day when I haven't played that game in years and have no interest in doing so.


File:You_Look_Lonely_-_Bocchi_….webm (12.36 MB,1280x720)




File:[SubsPlease] Shiro Seijo t….jpg (256.06 KB,1920x1080)

Found a couple more channels of speedrun event content:

Also RPG Limit Break 2023 is going on now, but due to the nature of RPGs I don't really watch this one live because the odds are you'll never get to watch something from the beginning.
Hooray for a lot more second monitor material!


boson hole


still amazed that mechagamezilla still gets so little views despite having extremely high effort and quality videos


File:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtl….mp4 (4.8 MB,810x540)

At its root it's an ad, but there is something satisfying about seeing stuff like this. I guess it's the social part of the brain doing its thing


heh, nice


a quality IGN video??


isn't that daily destin from screwattack


https://www.twitch.tv/rtainjapan How about a japanese speedrunning event?


I remember seeing some AI things before, but this Family Guy one is genuinely hilarious because people are feeding it prompts and it's just soooo good.
I hope I can find a way to download them, because god damn some of these are really hilarious.


This speedrun history stuff is so dumb and yet it's somehow enjoyable


Why does Iggy look like a STALKER Controller.


free my AC


When I mentioned I started using speedrunning history/facts on youtube to help me fall asleep apparently it's close to an existing genre:


2 hours of /qa/ blogs to fall asleep to


don't make fun of my blogs



I like your blogs……but maybe you won’t like mine……


i really like this guys space videos, they are the perfect level of technical to be interesting if you've played KSP before but not too boring either


the teens



I've never seen such a long one of these before - 25 years.



Spooky, they gachaa'd Amazon and successfully gamified consumerism


>JK takes a photo everyday for 25 years




File:[Erai-raws] Megami no Cafe….jpg (302.37 KB,1920x1080)

Found another older-video-game-monotone-voice channel to watch/listen to before falling asleep. If I was rich one of the things I'd do is fund more people to make these because it's a comforting nostalgia thing that envelops my soul into escapism before drifting off to sleep. https://www.youtube.com/@UCanBeatVideoGames




I think you need to get the 'code' from the shorts url and paste it in a regular url.
Shorts url: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TzOgUtnamgc?feature=share
Beginning of 'regular' url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
Fixed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzOgUtnamgc


I tried to modify it from vichan to see if it worked but the UI isn't receiving it right



I can agree with this, funneling all creativity into a lens of "What makes the most productive worker" is one of the key points of creating a perfect corporate dystopia where everyone is a depressed drone slaving away all their life.


Please, no politics.


then delete the video, half of it is about the policies from regan to bush to present day policies around defunding public education


I could tell from the thumbnail that it wasn't worth watching.


nice foresight




one of the best parts of being in the 2020 era is that people are being much less retarded about farming. It's no longer about dumping chemicals into fields, but trying to maximize land efficiency.

Well, probably not so much on the mega-crops. But it's good to see a more scientific approach to embracing nature rather than an emotional one or a chauvinistic one.



I've watched almost all of these videos now, and they're really nice to watch while in bed and drifting off to sleep. He releases a new video every week and he seems to be picking up more patreon supporters, so hopefully he keeps doing it for a long time. There's just something very soothing about a guy playing a game thoroughly and narrating it and making occasional dry jokes. I'm not going to watch it 'actively', but yeah, amazing bedtime material.


Actually, nevermind, it's not every week. Still good, though.


Easy little challenge


I drink off brand redbulls called red thunder but this is great advertising!
The locale for the video shoot looks like Nebraska or Kansas, but it's not. Uncanny similarity and the American style freight train didn't help dispel that first impression.


Heh, this reminds me of classic TV in that the event is 20 seconds long at the end, but now I can skip ahead... so I did!
I wonder how these people manage to care so little about self-preservation, but it does look cool.



think i lived in something about this size in Toronto as a student


I found this video a couple of years ago at which time it had about 30000 views. Not only is it ancient but it's also one of the highest quality Youtube videos I've watched.



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