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File:r544xd copy.png (734.05 KB,849x809)

 No.127496[View All]

Have you watched anything neat on youtube or similar sites lately? Don't just link it, mention why you like it!
This is a re-enactment of the American Psycho dubs man scene with Weird Al and Huey Lewis. There's some very nice attention to detail and the humor is great. Somehow it's 7 years old and I never saw it.
768 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:You_Look_Lonely_-_Bocchi_….webm (12.36 MB,1280x720)




File:[SubsPlease] Shiro Seijo t….jpg (256.06 KB,1920x1080)

Found a couple more channels of speedrun event content:

Also RPG Limit Break 2023 is going on now, but due to the nature of RPGs I don't really watch this one live because the odds are you'll never get to watch something from the beginning.
Hooray for a lot more second monitor material!


boson hole


still amazed that mechagamezilla still gets so little views despite having extremely high effort and quality videos


File:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtl….mp4 (4.8 MB,810x540)

At its root it's an ad, but there is something satisfying about seeing stuff like this. I guess it's the social part of the brain doing its thing


heh, nice


a quality IGN video??


isn't that daily destin from screwattack


https://www.twitch.tv/rtainjapan How about a japanese speedrunning event?


I remember seeing some AI things before, but this Family Guy one is genuinely hilarious because people are feeding it prompts and it's just soooo good.
I hope I can find a way to download them, because god damn some of these are really hilarious.


This speedrun history stuff is so dumb and yet it's somehow enjoyable


Why does Iggy look like a STALKER Controller.


free my AC


When I mentioned I started using speedrunning history/facts on youtube to help me fall asleep apparently it's close to an existing genre:


2 hours of /qa/ blogs to fall asleep to


don't make fun of my blogs



I like your blogs……but maybe you won’t like mine……


i really like this guys space videos, they are the perfect level of technical to be interesting if you've played KSP before but not too boring either


the teens



I've never seen such a long one of these before - 25 years.



Spooky, they gachaa'd Amazon and successfully gamified consumerism


>JK takes a photo everyday for 25 years




File:[Erai-raws] Megami no Cafe….jpg (302.37 KB,1920x1080)

Found another older-video-game-monotone-voice channel to watch/listen to before falling asleep. If I was rich one of the things I'd do is fund more people to make these because it's a comforting nostalgia thing that envelops my soul into escapism before drifting off to sleep. https://www.youtube.com/@UCanBeatVideoGames




I think you need to get the 'code' from the shorts url and paste it in a regular url.
Shorts url: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TzOgUtnamgc?feature=share
Beginning of 'regular' url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=
Fixed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzOgUtnamgc


I tried to modify it from vichan to see if it worked but the UI isn't receiving it right



I can agree with this, funneling all creativity into a lens of "What makes the most productive worker" is one of the key points of creating a perfect corporate dystopia where everyone is a depressed drone slaving away all their life.


Please, no politics.


then delete the video, half of it is about the policies from regan to bush to present day policies around defunding public education


I could tell from the thumbnail that it wasn't worth watching.


nice foresight




one of the best parts of being in the 2020 era is that people are being much less retarded about farming. It's no longer about dumping chemicals into fields, but trying to maximize land efficiency.

Well, probably not so much on the mega-crops. But it's good to see a more scientific approach to embracing nature rather than an emotional one or a chauvinistic one.



I've watched almost all of these videos now, and they're really nice to watch while in bed and drifting off to sleep. He releases a new video every week and he seems to be picking up more patreon supporters, so hopefully he keeps doing it for a long time. There's just something very soothing about a guy playing a game thoroughly and narrating it and making occasional dry jokes. I'm not going to watch it 'actively', but yeah, amazing bedtime material.


Actually, nevermind, it's not every week. Still good, though.


Easy little challenge


I drink off brand redbulls called red thunder but this is great advertising!
The locale for the video shoot looks like Nebraska or Kansas, but it's not. Uncanny similarity and the American style freight train didn't help dispel that first impression.


Heh, this reminds me of classic TV in that the event is 20 seconds long at the end, but now I can skip ahead... so I did!
I wonder how these people manage to care so little about self-preservation, but it does look cool.



think i lived in something about this size in Toronto as a student


I found this video a couple of years ago at which time it had about 30000 views. Not only is it ancient but it's also one of the highest quality Youtube videos I've watched.



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