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 No.136312[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Kissu's Palworld server is now online!


We last played in January and there's been some big patches since then. For those who don't know, it's a third person building/Pokemon capturing game. I think the term is "open world crafting survival" or something, but it's Japanese so it's cute and quirky. People called it "Pokemon with guns", which is kind of true for the atmosphere but it's more than that.
For those that did play last time, here's the patch notes for the second major patch: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1623730/view/518574472406499342
233 posts and 70 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


pal goon[s |][/s]er


Before you quit do you want to try fighting Xenolord glitched? I feel like its possible but I'd need another person with me...


Do you have the legendary plasma cannon recipe? I could probably do Xenolord if I had that.


Someone took it from my flea market earlier...


I think Cool may have taken it, so I'll wait for him to get back on I guess and have him lend me it

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 No.4165[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Post interesting or unusual stuff concerning imageboards, textboards or related stuff here. This thread is for a more centralized place of limited discussion, but please feel free to make new threads if you want something more thoroughly discussed.
Imageboard Happening Archives

This thread is cyclical with old replies removed as new posts are made.
Last Archived: October 21st, 2024
595 posts and 126 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


This is pure placebo. Nothing changed.


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think bunbunmaru.ca is dead, oh well
cant think of any good touhou-centric boards left


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It's not dead, but it might as well be.


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I still have access, but to be fair it's image dumping for the few threads that are active. I also don't intend to be mean, but when they were talking about a sekrit club board on /japan/ I thought they were talking about a different board I was not aware about, not bun.
There's still nenpo which I believe you just posted that same image in, but it's not touhou centric despite its theming.

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I'm thinking about hosting a tabletop game, we're going to be playing in GURPS (it's really fucking simple to play, I will help with character creation if needed, use GURPS character sheet [https://gurpscharactersheet.com/] instead of doing it manually.)
I'm thinking it'll be a short campaign; probably 4-6 sessions, more if wanted.
If you are interested please post in this thread.
7 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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GURPS, more like BURPS


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I got the room set up:

We're going to start playing on the 7th of February at 7pm EST*


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Characters are due by the 31st.


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hope you guys have fun.

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It's time to FREEZE with the 2025 Winter season!
Does anything catch your eye? Do you think you'll fall in love with a show? Do we need more isekai?
73 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I like zenshuu




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Cute workplace romance show but they're hiding the romance in the workplace, show.


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New episode is out and watched this ED again... I love it a lot. It conveys a sorrowful sort of romantic feeling. Especially with the early reveal making this season center around Nene's limited lifespan it feels more like a representation of her deviation from the rest of them. That she'll keep the fond memories of their time together with her as she draws out their adventures in the solitude of her fate. Comforted in the final moments only by Hanako, who's the only one that could possibly be beside her in the end. In a way, I feel like this ED could be a trick into making me appreciate the overarching narrative more and give it more credit than it's due if I'm inevitably disappointed by what the actual developments of the story are. It's a high bar for an anime to really maturely handle such a topic, but it's not like I've not seen it done well before so I guess I'll hold out some hope.


how are the feeters in that show?

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I was not expecting this from Tasokare Hotel at all. Thought it was going to be a fun mystery show, all the guests solve their mysteries and go back to their respective worlds; but the latest episode turned pretty dark...
A serial killer manipulating one JK to kill her BFF by telling her her death wasn't an accident but her BFF's ploy to kill her. Only for the BFF to commit seppuku from the guilt of having accidentally killed the JK. Which then leads the JK to go to HELL for killing someone in the hotel... very much unexpected turn of events.
Might be the best anime this season.


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The last episode I watched was 3, so I guess someone major happens? I'll have to watch 4 soon.
It's definitely one of the more interesting shows this season and I'd agree that it's one of the best. I wonder if anything is going to relate to hotel's ambiance and outfits being tied to the early 20th century while the people outside of it are modern with smartphones and such.
It was originally a Japanese phone game so I'm imaging something like Ace Attorney, but I have no idea.


>originally a phone game
Oh, did not know it started off as a game, might have to give it a try.


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I have watched episode 4. Hmm, yeah, it is a little bit different. It doesn't seem too different from what I was expecting when it comes to the atmosphere. It's about life and death and stuff so it seems on point.
I really do like this show. Neko makes good sounds, too.


File:[Erai-raws] Tasokare Hote….webm (1.49 MB,1920x1080)

Yeah, love Neko's voice. By the looks of it (on MAL), the VA has only done a handful of VAing. Hope she gets more roles going forward.

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 No.88567[Reply][Last50 Posts]

329 posts and 185 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i was inspired to fast as a weight loss measure when my dad went on a vodka binge eating nothing in a week and i saw that he lost five or ten kilos


Drunk as skunk.


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durnk and watching anime


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I wanna be a VIPSTAR


argh I don't want to get it stuck in my head again

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Since someone posed the idea to me after the Lost Highway stream, and I liked the idea myself, I'll be holding more streams on the rest of David Lynch's films until we've made it through them all. I've got no set time for any of this and when I start will be based on a whim, but I'll make sure to give at least 2 days notice for anything I do decide to stream.

I may stream Fire Walk With me as well, but if I do please be prepared for heavy spoilers concerning anything Twin Peaks. Unless there turns out to be a large enough gathering of people interested in watching it I don't know if I'm prepared to rewatch the entire first two seasons yet.


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Please do a twin peaks marathon stream, that would be super cool and awesome and would improve the moral of the site.


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You know in retrospect this scene really opens up more on rewatch. Considering the ending. Who really was the mystery man and how was he in both places at the same time? What was the implication of him only being where he's invited? At first I was thinking he's a vampire or something, but I feel like he's probably a more spiritual being. In defiance of the concept of space and time, it feels like he exists above the meta of the story being a weird sort of loop. I think he represents the malevolence of Fred after finding out about his wife's infidelity and that's why he says that Fred invited him, and why at the end when Fred's taking out Dick he's tagging along despite supposedly having been working for Dick in the Pete fiction. They have met before at Fred's house. Where he loses himself in rage and kills his wife for her infidelity.

Although it only makes sense when you understand the motivation behind the killing why it happened. The Fred in the beginning is not the Fred that went through all that and found out about the cheating, or is he? How long has that loop been going on and where did it start? It seems like with the opening, it starts off just how it ends with the highway chase (though it's not shown to be the chase at the start).


Nice, I am excited. Get the YIFY rips if we're going on giko.


hi roon

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 No.66481[Reply][Last50 Posts]

i've seen dedicated drawthreads and writethreads here, but never once saw a music creation thread. considering you can post sound files here i wonder why it happens, because i did see several posters here said they made music. is it because many consider the stuffs they make have no merit to be posted? or because many have some musician profiles that they want no connection to this place...?
anyway, post some musics you made!
163 posts and 61 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Created something putting together cuts from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZI1DiyNPUA using Ardour...


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Neat! Although, it kind of feels like it's a song that's about to start but never does. This is just my own personal tastes speaking, though.
Well, it might also be my familiarity with the source song, too.


Really like the tobyfox synth pack


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Can't help but wonder if I unconsciously ripped this melody off something


Picked up a loop from another song, this sampling stuff is fun!
>it kind of feels like it's a song that's about to start but never does
Yeah, I kind of hear what you mean. Probably just familiarity with the source...

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 No.62191[Reply][Last50 Posts]

What have you been dreaming recently?
391 posts and 99 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Dreamed I woke up to a huge spider making half my room its base (´・ω・`)


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Had a dream where I was cleaning out and around the house just because stuff needed to be cleaned. Some other people were helping but I forgot who one of them was, but I feel like they’re probably not someone I knew and just a dream character. Anyways, I was in the basement watching some stuff when that character came up to me and told me there was an issue. So I eventually came up and looked in the backyard they were cleaning to see what was up and there was a body buried there they’d unearthed that seemed to be facing up smiling. For some reason my dream self felt like it was natural to find this and so I was asking whether we should report it to 911 or not. Also was debating this while drinking a chocolate milkshake, it was pretty good in the dream. Then I woke up and it was 3am, and then I remembered parts of a dream I had long ago where my house was still just a structure being built when someone either fell off the same place or was pushed off. Weird connection to me since I don’t think there’s any actual bodies outside.


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I've been seeing what I've started calling the Observer in my dreams the last 3-4 days. I was going to post about this yesterday but I waited too long and forgot most of the dream. I just woke up so I still remember most of the one I just had.

This one is kind of wacky so forgive the fact that it's all over the place. I'll skip the first part since I don't remember it well.

For some reason I'm on a bus with 3 or 4 other people. The bus isn't a normal bus. It has multiple passenger cars like a train. We're in the 3rd or 4th car near the back of the train. My best friend is on the car along with his brother and some black guy I'd never seen before. They're are all obviously intoxicated. I have a cane with me for some reason (don't use one IRL yet) and they're making fun of me for playing with it. I explain that it's impossible to have a cane next to you and not play with it. I hand it to my friend's brother and as expected in a few minutes he's playing with it without realizing.

Lots of other stuff happened here but it isn't important so I'll skip it.

The bus/train is slowly making its way up a massive mountain. We have TV screen in our car that is showing us a camera view of what's in front of the bus. When get to the top of the mountain and start down. The brakes on the bus fail and we're going down the mountain faster and faster.

I tell everyone to buckle up because we're going to crash. The bus is running over 100mph by this point and the driver is shouting stuff at us over the intercom. We brace for impact. The bus goes out of the side of the road and off the side of the mountain. We hit on-coming traffic, trees and other things on the way down. The passenger cars start to break apart from each other and it isn't long before we're tumbling blind down the mountain by ourselves.

After flipping a bunch of times we come to a top in this small down. We hit several buildings and a massive wall on our way in. We crawl out and we're on main street of this town. My friends and I get separated. Somehow I manage to crawl out with my cane.

The people in this town start to pour out into the street to see wtf is going on. I limp my way into a small business on the street. Not sure what kind but they're working on cars in the back. I ask if I can use a phone to call EMS and the police to report the crash. They don't have a phone but say they can direct me to someone that does.
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We end up back near the crash and now police are swarming everywhere. They're rolling in deep with AR-15s and 30+ cars. Impressive response from a small town police force... I finally get one of the police officers attention. I tell him my boots and wallet are in one of the cars and I'd like to go back to the crash and get them. It's only at this point that I realize that I've been walking around in wet socks since leaving the bus/train. I remember that I'd taken my boots off while relaxing in it earlier.

The police officer gives me a hard time and informs me that no one is going back to the crash until they complete their investigation and clear it. I tell him to relax and that I just want my boots and wallet. Then I remember that my friends were with me and I want to make sure they're okay too since I don't know if they made it out. The police officer gets angry for no reason over this and threatens to arrest me if I don't back off.

The Observer is still with me and takes me by the hand and leads me away. I tell her
>You know, a police officer's IQ is typically 20 points lower than average right?
She laughs. She assures me that my friends are okay and says
>Don't worry I'm going to take care of you

She leads me into this bar/restaurant. Suddenly, the Observer has two female friends with her. As we enter this place I notice that it has three levels. For whatever reason I jump from the top level down to the first level without any thought. I don't even think it unusual until I land on my bad knee. But it doesn't hurt. This should have clued me in that I was dreaming but I think nothing about it. I look up and the Observer is shaking her head in disappointment. At the time I think it's because they wanted to sit at a table on the top level.

The three of them come down the stairs and take a seat in a booth near where I'm standing. I take the only empty seat near the Observer. But it's one of those wrap-around booths 6+ people can sit in so I'm far away from the Observer and everyone else.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


hi thumbcat

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 No.125141[Reply][Last50 Posts]

mamoru blog
1971 posts and 407 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


After you create the repo you don't need to use the github website anymore. You can clone the git repo onto your local computer and you can just use git cli tool to update the repo/website.


what about neocities?


Using a command line interface thing seems even more complicated. I don't really know what I'm doing and am just trying to follow guides, but I've found that even when I do find the often hidden step-by-step ones, they provide no explanation for what to do if the guide doesn't work or there's an error in installing something. For example, I like this template
but the video guide I'm following only explains how to upload website files and I'm unsure what to use when I download from that repository. When I try to use Static to build the website I get errors and would prefer to keep it as simple as possible rather than installing a bunch of stuff I'm only going to use once. I understand that I'm the ignorant one here but it's still annoying. For now I'm going to use a different template that I have gotten working and play around with it in Dreamweaver. I'd ideally like to end up with a site that looks like this
with no or minimal script bloat.

My cousin mentioned it's possible to get a free domain name by using Cloudflare, and I felt more confident given this is the method he used. Although he has alot of experience with this sort of thing while I have none outside of very basic HTML4 writing in high school. I might see if I can ask him for help the next time he visits.

Sorry for rambling


the founding github team introduced a lot of features that are still around


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my new onahole is so tight i can't even get my ween in

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So with the new year coming what are your New Years Resolutions /qa/? Of course, you actually made some and they're of some actual significance, right?
36 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


¥ smug
more like slut


drats, he evaded my cunning trap


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My resolution has been to get more sleep and see if it improves anything for me since I don't really sleep a lot. So far I've been doing okayish, sleeping earlier than usual but still had a pretty bad week. I want to be sound asleep in bed before midnight ideally and it's already past midnight now.


I hope you can manage to sleep, Anonymous. I struggle with the same.

I must say, though, this Yuno you've posted is quite intimidating! She looks determined to square up and knock the daylights out of whoever is looking down at her!


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It's hard not to look down on Yuno when she's this small.

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 No.102559[Reply][Last50 Posts]

pouting at the fact that kissu has a bump limit
463 posts and 392 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


JPEG artifacts help add character to an image.


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reaching an unprecedented level of pout with this one


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forgot about this pout

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 No.123829[Reply][Last50 Posts]

This is a thread for discussing and planning streams that people can host using kissu's own anonymity-supporting cytube fork at https://theatre.kissu.moe/! People can and should make threads for the big day so they can post images and stuff and be more in control, but a thread to talk about stuff was suggested and I think it's a good idea.
Current stream plans:
133 posts and 50 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Decided that I'm going to stream Whiplash tomorrow (or today maybe if it's Sunday where you're at) at 8pm est, probably in https://gikopoipoi.net/ and maybe this time I'll choose one of the anon bars for the stream. I'll announce it before I start.


It turns out season 2 is coming up in the spring season, so I'll be streaming Sentai Daishikkaku S1 sometime in March.
The voting injustice must be corrected!


Guess we may be in https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri after all, if this stream thingy works

Also in an hour


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15 minutes!


official stream starting warning, putting whiplash on now

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 No.89870[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Whenever you see this thread go and get some exercise! You can't just laze around all day as a NEET!
267 posts and 100 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Getting back into exercising, just did an hour on the treadmill+>>103898

Going to be squatting nerds by New Years


I've been neglecting my exercises again...

At least this time I tried to do 50 pushups after having done none for weeks and I was able to eek out 48, nearly there but certainly I need to start working out again. Don't like the fact that I feel so lazy.


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I guess somewhat a follow up to >>>/jp/85208

I was doing my normal workout routine today and noticed that the pushups were a bit tougher than usual, but I just cracked it up to being normal soreness. Then I went to do my situps and hooooly shit, it was impossible. Forget doing even a single one, even getting onto the bench in the situp position hurt like hell. I tried my best to do one but it just hurt way too much to even tough it through. Trying to fix your posture is a real bitch.




dumb editard.

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It used to come up a lot more when an anime came out, whether anime should try to be more faithful to the source material when adapting even if they weren't going to cover the rest of the story of a manga. I think back then I was more partial towards the faithful camp, because I had more hope for sequels to good series back then that'd continue the series towards its more intended end.

Now though, that wish has been more or less fulfilled with most adaptations sticking close to the source material whether they end on a more conclusive note or not. But at times it feels like that was a monkey paw of sorts. Since now series simply last forever, and there's an infinite amount of different LN/Manga adaptations flowing out the gates each season with zero hope of getting a sequel. They'll always end feeling half-finished (because they are) and plenty of buildup there could be that's packed into the adaptation that has no relevance til later arcs is also left untouched. This leading to the entire anime somewhat suffering for it because it feels more like you wasted your time watching a "Read more by buying the source!" ad than anything. And honestly, when it comes to what studios are adapting nowadays, I feel like scriptwriters in these anime studios could do a far better job with the source material given to them than the majority of LN authors could do with their work.
8 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


what was the piccy


>The original is a series of actual novels.
Sorry, I meant LN. If I remember right, there is a PC game, but that's neither here nor there.


Not LNs, actual novels.


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Whatever you want to call them... I have them sitting on my bookshelf.


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LN is light reading, nta but it's considered a novel because it isn't light reading.

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