I've been seeing what I've started calling the Observer in my dreams the last 3-4 days. I was going to post about this yesterday but I waited too long and forgot most of the dream. I just woke up so I still remember most of the one I just had.
This one is kind of wacky so forgive the fact that it's all over the place. I'll skip the first part since I don't remember it well.
For some reason I'm on a bus with 3 or 4 other people. The bus isn't a normal bus. It has multiple passenger cars like a train. We're in the 3rd or 4th car near the back of the train. My best friend is on the car along with his brother and some black guy I'd never seen before. They're are all obviously intoxicated. I have a cane with me for some reason (don't use one IRL yet) and they're making fun of me for playing with it. I explain that it's impossible to have a cane next to you and not play with it. I hand it to my friend's brother and as expected in a few minutes he's playing with it without realizing.
Lots of other stuff happened here but it isn't important so I'll skip it.
The bus/train is slowly making its way up a massive mountain. We have TV screen in our car that is showing us a camera view of what's in front of the bus. When get to the top of the mountain and start down. The brakes on the bus fail and we're going down the mountain faster and faster.
I tell everyone to buckle up because we're going to crash. The bus is running over 100mph by this point and the driver is shouting stuff at us over the intercom. We brace for impact. The bus goes out of the side of the road and off the side of the mountain. We hit on-coming traffic, trees and other things on the way down. The passenger cars start to break apart from each other and it isn't long before we're tumbling blind down the mountain by ourselves.
After flipping a bunch of times we come to a top in this small down. We hit several buildings and a massive wall on our way in. We crawl out and we're on main street of this town. My friends and I get separated. Somehow I manage to crawl out with my cane.
The people in this town start to pour out into the street to see wtf is going on. I limp my way into a small business on the street. Not sure what kind but they're working on cars in the back. I ask if I can use a phone to call EMS and the police to report the crash. They don't have a phone but say they can direct me to someone that does.
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