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What would you do if you were evil?
11 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I've called this series Acro Bike more times than I care to admit...


Probably nothing different. I am quite cautious so I would not do anything that would get me in trouble or make me a target even if I was evil.


so weird of the Hoenn people to build something like that over a river...


If your kid won't risk his life on sick BMX stunts, he isn't elite four worthy.


i'd sexually harass the magical girls

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How do you keep track of your favorite artists' new pics?
Back in the good old days of 2008, you could just hop on Danbooru or Gelbooru, and you were set. But now, you've got Twitter, Pixiv, the boorus, patreons, paywalls... It's a mess of crappy sites that make it impossible to keep things organized.
Most of my favorites are saved on SankakuBooru, but that site is turning into absolute garbage with its limited searches, limited blacklist options, and to top it off, it’s slow as hell.
>inb4 "Shitkaku"
Yeah, yeah, I get it. Their clickbait news site sucks, but the booru USED TO BE GOOD.
14 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it has a high requirement of tag quality and the uploads need to be manually approved, but it doesn't have nonsense requirements and all you need to do is upload image and tags


gelbooru is great for uploading stuff that is still alright but not likely to get approved at db though


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they got me banned on pixiv, where else u can post teh pics i wonder


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I really don't have the motivation to bookmark artists and follow them the way I used to. I follow some on pixiv, but that's about it. I'm not going to make a social media account. Dan/gelbooru is pretty good at finding new artists to look up by searching for characters or something and finding good images in the results and that's mostly how I "discover" artists, but if I see a "source: twitter" I just forget it. I don't care about food blogs or all the garbage associated with social media itself. I don't know how you'd find an artist that only makes original works.
I'm sure the furries have made a better system, they're always ahead in this kind of thing.

Pixiv allowing AI was a huge mistake. Filters do a decent job, but the damage has been done.


Back in the day I used people's booru.org boards for the hyper specific shit but that site's been dying since the beginning of the decade. These days I use Twitter and Bluesky even if I'm not a fan of either.

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I'm Brazilian and just found out that my father's great-grandparents were Polish and my mother's great-grandparents were Italian. Is it worth pursuing dual citizenship from either of those countries? I don't really plan on living in the EU, and my lawyer mentioned it would cost around $1,000 just to initiate the process. He would need to research the documents and find definitive proof of my ancestry, but even then, my request could be rejected due to the records being too old or complications like my great-grandparents having given up their citizenship when they left their home countries for other reasons
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>skills based immigration
Not really interested. I already have a cushy semi-NEET job at an American company.
I can't imagine working in Italy or Poland would pay better than my remote position. Even if it did, I wouldn’t want to, because commuting to a workplace again is something I never want to do. Working from home as a semi-NEET is the ideal setup for me.


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I can't speak to what the process looks like for Polish citizenship, but I do know a bit about the claims process for Italian citizenship. Since it was your great grandparents, I'm going to assume they probably emigrated some time in the 1880s to 1920s ish. From what I understand, you can claim citizenship from any ancestor of yours that was or is an Italian citizenship. Obviously, claims from living ancestors are much more likely to succeed compared to claims from deceased and very old ancestors. One particularity about pursuing Italian citizenship, particularly if its from that time period I mentioned, is that I have heard the constitution of that area was explicitly sexist, so women did not have the same citizenship rights and may not have been able to renounce their citizenship. In that case, you may be able to claim citizenship through a great grandmother, for example. But, as you mentioned, the process isn't a guarantee to citizenship and it can take a rather long time. Last time I looked into this, it seemed that the process would take 1-2 years and cost somewhere in the ballpark of $6000 USD.

Unless you have a reason to pursue citizenship abroad, I'm not sure whether I would recommend it considering the cost. The only reasons I can really think of for why you would want to pursue is if you want to live or travel abroad. It goes without saying, but citizenship to an EU country would allow you to live and work in any other EU member state, but you did say you don't plan on living in the EU... The only other thing I can think of is that an EU passport is a bit better than a Brazilian one, and it may be better if you need to access consular services abroad for whatever reason.


>I can't imagine working in Italy or Poland
I mentioned it here >>134619, but this is a misconception I sometimes hear. If you live in an EU country, you can live and work in any EU country. So, even if you have Italian or Polish citizenship, you would be able to live and work in Spain, or Germany, or Sweden, etc. Pre-Brexit, I remember hearing that a lot of British pensioners for example would move to Spain in their retirement, and lots of Polish people would move to the UK to work manual labor because the pay was better than in Poland and the UK had a shortage of workers in that area.


You're Brazilian, you don't need to create more reasons for people to mock you.


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I wanted to look into this because my great grandpa was German, but since he moved moved in the 50s it isn't applicable. You'd think it would make more sense if it was recent. Disappointing.

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Less than a month left for ARTS11.

Are you planning to go? What releases are you looking forward to?

The previous day, there is also a concert by ButaOtome, Sekkenya and Reirou no Hydrangea: https://tiget.net/events/326809
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It's definitely something I'd visit and plan a trip to Japan around if I were to ever visit Japan. Or Futaket, you know, just to make sure to collect every Yukari artistic work.
I hear summer events in Japan are a nightmare of sweat and heat, so I'd probably stick to autumn or winter for sure. Well, if I could tolerate crowds. I think the VR comiket stuff they have (had?) are pretty cool, especially when you get your own offline local copy of the booths.
Uhh, what was I saying again? Oh, yeah, Restaisai is cool, but just not something I'd ever attend.


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Did anyone go?

The 2hu events look fun and it's at times like these I wish I wasn't an autistic coward who's too afraid to travel abroad alone.


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I didn't go, but I have a image file dump upload of someone who did.


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Glad to see Mannosuke getting some love. Truly the 2hu i wud b.


I sorely miss the 4/jp/ upload threads. I never explored music much when I was younger, so they provided a gateway into various genres of music that I've now explored further.

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What kinds of tea does /qa/ like or enjoy? Usually I have black milk tea with honey in the mornings, but recently I've been somewhat trying out different blends and leaves, trying to delve deeper into the world of tea since it's one of the few things that can calm and relax me. Right now I'm enjoying some delicious lavender tea sweetened with lavender honey. It's very smooth down the throat and is working wonders at unraveling the tenseness in my nerves from the cold I'm starting to suffer. Didn't even need to add any milk too for the smoothness of the sip. I find it lovely.

What I'm really interested in at the moment is going deeper into green teas since I've always seen so much on brewing it and whatnot but I don't know what's really reliable info for it.
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if it's warmer than room temperature I can't drink it sorry
but then it is no longer real tea if it's not hot


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Sometimes I want to get into drinking tea, the healthy stuff, but I just never get around to it. I even grew some stuff to make tea-like stuff, like mint and chamomile and stuff but just never got around to it. It's basically like cooking, but cooking is supposed to provide me with lots of food to eat.


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I sometimes make this using sencha teabags. It's a nice alternative to plain water though I'm not sure if drinking it before bed is such a good idea like with any caffeinated teas.


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I'd recommend matcha more if it wasn't so expensive. Relaxed focus compared to coffee, and much quicker to prepare than loose leaf once you get the hang of it.


It also attracts Japanese spirits.

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Have you seen the storytime generals on 4/a/? I ended up checking out the ShimSim one after the manga ended and it looks like a qualitatively new thing. A new historical epoch.
They're basically a chain of chapter dumps, sustained by a dedicated OP and a group of people interested in reading whatever manga manages to get traction, a notoriously rare thing to happen. At the end, the OP may announce what they're going to dump next, and the community will move on to that as well. They differ from regular ol' dumps in that they carry around in-jokes and all that as well as getting perpetually bumped and remade like a standard general. Right now there's even some friction between /tkmiz/ and the storytime's community, mainly over the former's liberal use of spoilers.

It's like, rather than a segregated topic growing a micro-community, it's a micro-community hopping from topic to topic. Turned the whole thing on its head.
61 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The biggest thing that's driven away people from 4chan is the cultural shift from OC is king to the current moderation's deification of their extremely narrow view of what's "on topic".
The original mission statement of 4chan has been lost. It's not supposed to be an ossified discussion forum, it's an "image"board. A great deal of why 4chan's devolved into the toilet for discussions people aren't allowed to have on the civie internet (hello every racist thrown off of reddit welcome to your new home~~~) is because that's what the mods have made the place into.
I don't think you're all wrong. The general thread is in some respects self defense from the mods. All the traditional cultural threads on /a/ for example have been expunged in the name of them being off topic. DBS, for example, can tap the OP and say they're a thread about an anime/manga and while individual posters are frequently banned for going off topic, the general as their forum for those tangents remains. And so they evolve.
When I look at storytimes that aren't one anons autistic necrobump vigil, that's closer to what I see. A little circlejerk from ye olde days given license to not be deleted by the OP and the dumps.


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>And so they evolve.
And evolved it has. Since then it's gone through a lot of invading posters throwing their own characters into the mix, particularly Gigi, and at one point they were making edits of them getting pregnant with x-ray saiyan babies. Seems to have been effective, funnily enough. I can't say if the lolisho and homosexuality has changed in this last year, but it does look like Krillin's yabba dabba doo NTR has become ubiquitous in other shonen threads like CSM and OP.


Sounds kinda gay


No u, most definitely.


That reddit thing is kind of interesting. r/anime would naturally be downwind of 4chan, so a blog thread telling people not to do the ronery thing kind of makes sense.
I remember back on 4/qa/ we'd talk about the "hima-fication" of generals- language dulling down to small words in short sentences unrelated to the thread's subject matter until a general thread becomes indistinguishable from another. I think reddit's awful UI would probably prevent that from happening, but I don't really care enough to look.
Kissu has definitely had quite a bit of discussion over its blog thread. It's a force of nature that must be corralled occasionally, but I think it's in a decent enough spot. It's allowed to exist as long as people keep it to blogging. People must do everything in their power to resist the desire to follow the path of least resistance and contain everything into one thread.

>I don't know the details of how /jp/'s originated either, maybe someone could expand on that. The only thing I know for sure is that it was already fully-formed by the time it reached /qa/.

I think it just transferred the ronery threads from /a/ with the creation of /jp/. I thought all that ironic "floor-shitting NEET" stuff is stupid and I couldn't tell you its origins.

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Does anyone know what happened to all the channels that were in Theatre?
16 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


allows web embedding but not video... anyways, yes, it's that github I posted. I think setup isn't too hard


Sadly.... seems to be less and less Cytube platform sites, and even fewer that still work from within this platform.

Thank you for the github link... I will give that a shot in the morning. :-)


It was late.. but tried to get the files loaded into one of my spare linux boxes. It kept asking for a username and password to authenticate with GitHub... going to try again today.


eh, sounds like github strangeness. You should just be able to clone or download the source code then follow the wiki instructions https://github.com/calzoneman/sync/wiki/CyTube-3.0-Installation-Guide


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welcome to kissu

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 No.129059[Reply][Last50 Posts]

The scorching heat of summer has arrived and it's time for a new round of shows to distract us from our bodies melting!


What are you going to watch?
Will Oshi no Ko give Kana official main character status as she deserves? Is the time of /qa/ belly anime finally here? Will the fansubs of Dedede save us from mediocrity?
326 posts and 152 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Preview of you're into that


Thank you, I ended up not doing something else today so I kept watching it. I had seen up to and including episode 7 before and intended to finish it today, but didn't realise it had 25 episodes - I only had up to 11 downloaded. It's really good and I like this sort of setting and theme. I should finish reading Higurashi and Island as well.


oh shit..... it's 6am and the sun is coming out.... and i have to work.....


i posted this in the wrong thread....


Thank you for your recommendation
Just whatever is worth watching

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 No.67883[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I want to nakadashi *girl* has become a popular phrase on imageboards (mostly 4chan). But it's a mix of Japanese and English. If I was going to say "I want to cum inside Holo" fully in Japanese, how would I go about doing that? In the English sentence, nakadashi is a loan word and it is the action being done, but in Japanese I don't think 中出し is a verb. Can it be verbified by adding する to it? And then you conjugate it to say you "want" to do it. So the end result would be 私はホロで中出ししたい which would translate to I want to cum inside Holo. Am I correct?

Japanese is fun to learn.
361 posts and 88 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


How many words synonymous with "Bill" are there in Japanese... How do you know which one to use....


English isn't that much easier apart from the writing system.
As a generic advice, consume more Japanese and contexts will make sense and patterns emerge.




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¥ 2:56
>Later hiragana took over katakana's function in mixed writing, and by later I mean less than a hundred years ago
>and katakana was repurposed to encode loanwords.
There were already instances prior to then of hiragana being used in mixed writing and katakana being used for loanwords.

But overall, this seems like an okay overview.


solid vid

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I was feeling bad that I'm not able to appreciate some kinds of art. Music, paintings, animation, food, games, sports. But maybe it's not so bad. If I don't know what I'm missing out on, I won't crave it when I can't have it.


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Well, getting into a a form of art doesn't necessarily mean you're going to turn into a hyper-elitist with super narrow tastes. There's a lot you can appreciate without needing to go off the deep end.

Lately I've been looking a lot at illuminated manuscripts, from the somewhat goofy Romanesque of the Codex Manesse (I'm sure you know this one) to the elaborate books of hours like the Duke of Berry's or the black books. Bible moraliseé, too, and fencing manuals a bit. Lots of scenes accompanies by floral patterns and fancy borders and marginalia monsters that inspired Bosch's depiction of hell with its hideous abominations. I'd like to be able to draw this kind of stuff one day and use them in the fiction I wish to write, though that's a long ways off for now.


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Look at the difference between it and the Duke of Berry's, what a difference a century makes.


It's interesting coming back to this video over a decade later. 4chan is still terrible (obviously) but I'm not sure if it's for the same reasons as the video originally described. Rather, it seems that his complaints now apply more to the mainstream internet as a whole, especially social media.
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I'm not going to watch this video but why is Suigentou holding a razor?
1. How does that relate to the video or is the the infamous clickybait I keep hearing about?
2. Why does she need a razor if she is a doll? She can't grow body hair.


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Suibuntu just got done shaving some mutant bushy lolis, and no, it is infamous but not baity.


Now you have raised even more questions. What is the backstory behind that image?


I don't know, actually. The source is futaba.


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>There's no shortage of people joking about how they NEED to watch this two-hour video on Peruvian rodents at 3AM
Found an example while looking up how to correctly season mah skillet.

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It's been a while since I've actively used this site.

Something that struck me on my return was just how much more imageboard-y it had become in my absence. Posts like >>133721 contain a kind of real-lifey cynicism that I generally didn't see that much before. There's also more social media speak, although I can't find any specific examples off the top of my head. I remember someone saying "bend the knee" though. It's not a huge difference, mind you, but it's definitely there, and I don't like it.

I've also noticed that there's a lot more generals, which I'm not a fan of. A large part of what I liked about Kissu was the site's hostility to them, where you were encouraged to either make new threads for new topics. Again, not a huge increase, but it's something that stood out to me just casually browsing

I'm probably not going to stick around. Partially because of the cultural shift, but also I'm just not interested in topicless imageboards as a whole anymore, and Kissu has been very much that since pretty early in its existence.
27 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


If you're complain about posts by using an example it's probably best to use a post by a person that shows up more than once per a month. It's my post. I stick by everything said within it. I don't have to re-read it to know what it says. You need to accept that some things in life just suck and there is no harm in moaning about those things from time to time. If there was a magic happy pill or supplement without horrible side effects that actually solved the issue of insomnia I would have tried it by now and I would have suggested it.

If you don't like my tone. Too bad. I could pull the old
>I've been here longer than you
>I've been wasting my life longer than you on the internet
>I was probably using the internet before you were born
cards but I won't. Since such things are depressing to bring up anyway.

If you're accusing the author (me) or being a social media addict I have bad news for you. I'm 99% sure I'm both the only person here that doesn't have any social media accounts and also 100% sure I'm the only person that posts here from time to time that doesn't use a cell phone. I am a hermit that can type 155wpm and the main reason I even continue to use places like this is the fact that it's impossible to interact with anyone anywhere else without said cell phone. Soon I won't be able to any longer or be allowed to access my old accounts like steam. Since with each passing month more and more of them are taken away from me thanks to shit like 2fa via cell phone and all the major anti-ddos services labeling my web traffic as "suspicious". So don't get your pantsu in a twist when I notice someone doing something to promote such things and pointing out how stupid that is.

Soon the only thing I'll have left is Fidonet over HAM radio. At least until the FCC shows up to throw me in federal prison for encrypting my traffic.


>I am a hermit that can type 155wpm
Like the ring to it.


But can she do with SEVENTYFIVE magic points?


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me pwning the norps


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>I am a hermit that can type 155wpm

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 No.72689[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you played any "ero" (a Japanese word meaning 'erotic') games lately?
409 posts and 156 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Played an eroge written in Godot. Rare


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There's an interesting NTR game coming out which I played the demo of, but it's in Wolf RPG. In the struggle between learning how to translate compiled games and using the game as a way to learn some simple Kanji.... I dunno, but it seems like a good female-protagonist "self NTR" corruption game.



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VP must be up there with one of the greatest selling ero games of all time


It's a shame that VP is far from what VH was going to be. I like it and all, but it's just rape. No real allowable customization in the way you play. Maybe with the money made in sales of VP someone will be interested in taking up the mantle of finishing VH, who's actually competent enough to do it.


Serena is a dumbass, but the rest of it is your fault!

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Once AI becomes good enough to truly replace lawyers, would it be ethical to deploy them for the task?
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Yeah, you would. But that's where I'm wondering if it's ethical or not, to automate the judicial process. It feels like having no human representation is wrong.


I don't think they will ever be good enough, because AI is not actually intelligent, it would be relying on an algorithm of previous court cases instead. That might work in some cases but in many it would not as many cases throw up their own unique aspects so you can't really just rely on precedent for all of them. Otherwise you might end up with cases where somebody is sentenced far harsher than they would be because the AI could not understand the circumstances of the crime or maybe far less than they would be because of the same reason.


real dumboob hours


Ethical is debatable. From a legal standpoint yes AI would be good. Laws are a confusing mess of codes and rules and Lawyers are already soulless automatons, what difference would a literal machine make for reading and arguing on the basis of dense legal code?
Judgment is a different story. It's easy enough to judge things in black and white. Either they broke the law or they didn't. But judges are human and can sympathize. A machine would not question the law even if it was nonsensical and outdated, a judge could throw a case out because it's fucking stupid and a waste of time to prosecute.
A judge can also incorporate the intent of the defendant in whether wrong was done. For example: speeding in a school zone. You were going through at 50 mph and you got caught. A judge may be lenient and let you off with a warning if the reason you sped was a valid concern, like rushing to your sickly grandmother's house after she missed several calls.
AI cant do this, and it shouldn't do this. Shit's already loose enough it doesn't see anything wrong with ordering 1000 cheesy rolls at a drive through kiosk, it lacks common sense.


Having an AI judge is a terrible idea, it will repeat whatever biases are in the training data. If, say people with French names got convicted more often (due to real-life reasons or bias), an AI judge trained on those outcomes would gladly judge someone guilty for having a French name. They're statistical inference machines and they don't care about causation, only correlation.


In 1 hour and 30 minutes I'm going to be streaming DDD DDDD D episodes 1 to 9. (no episode 0 for today since it breaks the chronology and pacing)

On https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri

We'll be using a new locally hosted video stream system, so if you want you can open up the stream in VLC directly by using the files in https://rtmp.kissu.moe/streams/verniy.json when it's ready
It's a 1080p stream so I might switch to individual 720P files(the traditional method) if it doesn't work out.

The anime? It's by the author who did Oyasumi PunPun. It's better if you know less about it, but the animation and music are great.
75 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


this series sound super interesting maybe i should read it


If a person believes in something and acts accordingly after getting power then they were not corrupted, they were enabled.
The quintessential allegory for power corrupting is Tolkien's One Ring, where characters do greatly deviate from their original goals because of its influence. Schizman doesn't.


The One Ring is different because it has a will of its own and is actively influencing the bearer's mind to achieve its ends. You can argue that Schizoman and Kadode were fundamentally evil and just smart enough not to show it until they thought they could get away with it, but the fact remains that they would have gone their whole lives as simple disillusioned losers had they not gained power and reevaluated their course of action based on that. I think Kadode not becoming a terrorist in the timelines where she didn't get the sonic screwdriver shows that the author's perspective is that the power is what turned her down the wrong path rather than simply allowing her to achieve goals she already had.


With Kadode we absolutely agree that power corrupted her or at least led her down a dark path, I don't think anyone could interpret it any other way. Ten pages after experiencing the power of the blaster she's derailing a train, in the two other timelines where that doesn't happen she's fine, the correlation is statistically significant. But your response to Schizman having ill intent from the start is to shift to hypotheticals. He didn't say "if only I had a gang of people to help back me up, then and only then I would take revenge on the invaders, oh well too bad." He did it himself, actively, starting from nothing, unlike Kadode. There are prior events (reading /pol/, Kiho's death) that make him go down that path well before any change in power occurs, independently from it. Moreover, Ontan's mother going derelict is unrelated to power or acting out of a sense of justice (on the contrary, she is forsaking her child), and if you want to argue that the self-serving government has been corrupted then you have to pretty much take an anarchist stance and reach back well before the start of the story to say it's been that way all along.

I think it would be easier to say that Asano's message is that power corrupts if he had shown any of his characters as upstanding prior to obtaining it, if he had brought attention to a clearer distinction between the before and after, or if he had shown a standard for responsible usage that others failed to follow, but they're mostly flawed from the get-go. What he does explicitly criticize is justice itself, and for you or I to say that their usage of power is irresponsible we're left to do so with our own sense of justice, which he doesn't endorse.


wouldn't mind naming my son schizman
he can be warm water's little brother

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