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I'm 33 years old, and from elementary school up until now I've had a huge crush on Kinomoto Sakura and I think I will keep loving her until the day that I die.
Is there something wrong with my brain?
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Having a crush on Sakura is a sign of a healthy, working mind. She is, in a few short words, as cute as it gets.

Seriously, everything comes together perfectly with her. Cute voice, a cute, believable personality, and she's just also very cute in appearance. It's hard to describe without repeating the word cute a bunch, but you also seem to already understand in your heart anyway, so I don't need to try and get you to do so.




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Cute stompers.


I just bit this shab.

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5 years of hard work, huh...


working hard or hardly working, son?


They only had to do four episodes.


>Episode 1 was directed by Hiroshi Nagahama (Mushishi, The Flowers of Evil) and animated by studio Fugaku. However, Episode 2 was directed by Yuji Moriyama and animated by studio Akatsuki.
That kinda speaks for itself, I think


>The Flowers of Evil
Nice to see Mr Rotoscope has evolved to survive into the modern era by tracing 3d models instead of 3d pigs.

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I'm a latin american BR working remotely "with" U.S. companies, not "at" them. Essentially, I'm a middle manager between Latin American contractors and U.S. clients. I make $50k a year in what's basically a NEET job, just doing 1:1s with developers, clients, and handling invoicing. I barely work 2 hours a day.

You’d think I have it pretty good, being from a third world country and barely working, but then I look at the FAANG managers and directors I deal with and they're making anywhere from $250k to $500k a year. With that kind of salary, I could retire in a year in my country.

How do they even get into these positions?

When I check their LinkedIn profiles, most of them started as directors or program managers right off the bat... Meanwhile, I had to start as an intern. Honestly, I feel like where I’m at now is as good as it gets if I want to keep this a NEET job. But if you think differently, enlighten me
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>They're hiring foreign because you're basically making a lot more after currency exchange
I mean, yeah, 50k a year is like top 1% salaries here in BR considering 90% of brazilians make under 1k a month I'm doing pretty well for myself I would say... but I can't help but be jealous of the fortune 500 managers I work with that make up to 500k a year


1. Just because it's the first thing on their profile doesn't mean that's where they started, there's no point cluttering your resume with a decade of low-level grind when you're looking for high-paying project management positions.
2. That pay is exceptional for the first world too everywhere except a handful of extremely high cost of living areas and I could retire in a few years off that, even with the government stealing half of it.
3. They are probably doing a lot more actual work than you and you're probably happier watching anime all day. Or they're lucky enough to have found a team that holds them up and hasn't collapsed under their weight yet.
4. If you get into a company early you can get an important-sounding title right away and, as long as the whole thing doesn't collapse around you, you'll be set there for life.

Parties aren't strictly necessary, but it is key that you get people to like you socially. This is a lot easier in an office because just taking a few hours a week to chat with the people around you will impress you on them as someone who is good at their job and easy to work with. Parties do supplement this, though, and let you create those connections outside of your immediate sphere. You can also do this with friends outside of your professional sphere. Once you have some rapport with someone, just make sure they know you're looking for something more and hope they run across something you'd fit into. Or, alternatively, find something they're having a hard time with and come up with a way you could be the solution.


Move to the US and you will be fucked living the way you probably do in BR because in the US you have to pay for basically everything yourself. No government subsidization of your quality of living. So not only do you need to be payed equivalent between BR vs US, you also have to make extra to compensate.
That's why you are hired in the first place compared to a local US worker.

FYI I'm CAN payed in USD so US-CA exchange rate and standard of living are fairly good. I get paid about same that a mid range dev would be payed in Canada for the price of a high-junior level. And I would not want to move to the US on my salary if I were consuming at least 60% of my month to month. Because I would have to pay for health insurance and then I have to get a car. And living in US appartments is shit so I would need to buy a house


>Move to the US and you will be fucked living the way you probably do in BR because in the US you have to pay for basically everything yourself
That's already my situation here in Brazil. Government social services are shit, and the "free healthcare" is abysmal. Additionally, I’m a hikikomori and use zero (0) services provided by the government.
To be honest, I invest 90% of my salary in safe stocks and crypto with the hope of becoming financially independent and a real NEET again someday. At this rate, I’ll probably be able to retire in around ten years, by that time I'll be in my early 40s.
I also don’t want any additional responsibilities if it means commuting and putting actual effort into my work, so I guess the U.S. is off the table for me for now.


You might be right then. Because Canada has a lot of benefits and I can mouche off of family if need be. If Brazil maybe only has the family benefits then dunno.

The main thing to be considering here is that you can't just blind jump into a country, especially the US, and you need a job lined up.

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 No.82826[Reply][Last50 Posts]

media screenshot/video thread for stuff you don't necessarily want to make a thread for
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so many faces


Yanami ラブ


As expected of Meister Rozen!


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The Memories of Phantasm gets shit, but I really liked it. It's fun and their renditions of the music have this almost nostalgic way of getting you immersed with Touhou.

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Just saw a


hadukichang kawaii


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I for one, am glad to be her servant


saw it

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>2 years into quiet quitting
>still with the company
I'm basically a NEET and no one can stop me.
Any of you doing the same?
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i am mentally defective


it makes actually doing w*rk hard from time to time but nobody seems to notice


100% effort is zero effort.
top management wants you to put 200% effort into your work


Idiots should pay for 200% then.


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To add on, gambling based jobs don't require you to act in any manner that makes you feel like less of a human for doing. They just like when you make money and if you can make money you're good. Which is mutually beneficial for me because I like when I hit it out of the park and make money too. Only downside is that there's a bit of stress involved in it when the other thing is happening, but that's what humanity has alcohol for.

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Hello again. I made this request twice last year but no one had the time. I'm making it again hoping someone wants to be the hero we need.

We are working towards this year's Christmas present for anon: A "restored" version of Onimai that will have many improvement's over last years' release. A revised English translation, corrected color, many scenes that were "censored" on the BD restored to the TV version and many other things. One thing I _really_ want to include is a restored panty shot from episode 2. But so far I haven't been able to get anyone willing to edit/redraw these 30 or so frames. I am dumping these frames again with corrected colors/chroma today in the hopes that someone will rise to the challenge.

This archive has all the frames (and a few on either side) of the censored pantsu shot. It's the typical modern day "black void" pantsu shot being used in most modern anime. We would like to restore it to what it was intended to be. If you're willing please let us know. You have a chance here to insert your own little easter egg (perhaps a cute picture of a rabbit?) on the pantsu.

Link to archive: https://files.catbox.moe/c9u1al.7z

They are in uncompressed .bmp RGB32 format. I ask that you please do not change the color space and return them in the same image format if possible. If these are not workable for you let me know and I will try to dump them in whatever image format you prefer. Whatever you send back is going to have to be re-inserted into the episode itself and converted back to YV12 color space. I've attempted to properly convert them to RGB32 for you. If I fucked up do let me know. They are 123MB in .7z compressed archive and will uncompress to about 500MB. Please be mindful not to rename any of the files. As the number is linked to frame numbers on my end!

There are only about 20-30 frames total that need to be edited. The rest are duplicates or appear before or after the pantsu would.

Thanks for your attention!
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>The panty shot was censored in production to appease the mass market because that's a big no-no now.
Well hopefully with how much of a sales success both it and Mahoako were we'll start to see a resurgence of those shots since obviously the market wants them and is willing to reward good productions that don't shy away from what's supposedly 'mass appeal'.


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It occurred to me that showing the difference between the BD itself and my corrected color version might be a good idea. Pic related is straight from the BD. Next post will have the modified version.

I am hopeful the industry might go back to its roots but I know better than to bank on it. We saw with both of these shows that the western distributors couldn't help themselves. With Onimai they censored several scenes and ruined their translation on purpose (and even went as far as bragging about doing it). With MahoAko they simply refused to carry the show at all. Which goes to show they don't give a damn about money.

The crazy thing is outside of the American market they were willing to carry both. Onimai got a proper translation in all languages but English and only mild censorship in some regions (much less than the American version at least). MahoAko was carried everywhere and even got a dub in several languages that I've heard was decent but I won't judge something in a language I can't speak. It also got very mild censorship in select regions.

What I find odd is with shows like this the people claiming to hate them and demanding censorship is the same group that insists it be involved in the western distribution. It's like asking a bunch of hardcore devout Christians to get a death metal album and a season of something like South Park ready for release. It makes no sense and the only reason such people would want anything to do with a show like this is to push an agenda.


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Here is the fixed color version. Note that this isn't anywhere near what I would release. Most of the filtering I use has been displayed to allow for quick seeking to search out errors. So it isn't a perfect merge. With my usual filter chain for this show I can only process about 4fps with the CPU pegged at 100%. I need to clean up the noise and correct some minor errors in the WEB sources I'm using before taking the color from it. But this serves as a good example. In other words. All the noise, banding, blockyness etc. from the low bitrate WEB releases hasn't been corrected. It has also been overlaid on the artificial injected grain on the BD.

You may not be able to tell the difference on a monitor that hasn't been calibrated correctly. Basically, colors look less vivid due to some filtering they applied before sending the masters out for BD pressing. It's most noticeable on shades of red/pink.


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When it comes to things like this, I always just hold faithful that the free market will sort things out. No matter how much investment money an agenda gets, capitalism always comes out on top. With somebody somewhere eventually asking why there's an unprofitable money sink which has no current or future monetary purpose, and with the amount of money being lost across the board I think those questions will come sooner rather than later.


i'll help once i learn how to draw


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spermed website


I might blow my brains out because of this post, thank you!


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What did I miss?


just an ad for a bread-tan site


A disappointment.

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patchy eat


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Eating a whole pizza in one go is basically like eating an unwrapped burrito, nothing wrong with that.


what an absolute dweeb

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So /qa/, which is it? Do you stay true to your Japanese spirit or are the enticements from the west just too alluring?
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>so why is it suddenly weird to do that with games?
that's what was discussed above...


I don't play WRPGs too often, but I'll play female if I can play third person and use lots of different sexy armor, I guess. If there's romance stuff then I'll usually play a guy, especially if it's first-person and/or you make a lot of decision to make him "you". This is also a bigger deal in Japanese games when romance is locked to opposite gender, so you can't be a cute girl in Harvest Moon games and marry a cute girl. I guess that's not really an RPG, though.


I get more invested into JRPGs and explore more, read all the lore I can, unlock all the content I can etc. But with western games I don't really do that as it's not as interesting.


It is in a way but it's hard to get people to understand what genre you mean without it, but also "RPG from japan" can mean a lot of games. "jrpg" has stereotypes associated with it (most of which have faded since the 2000s), but I guess the association still remains? See Yahtzee. I'm kind of surprised he's never faced accusation of xenophobia or outright racism for the way he feels about Japanese games as whole.
They should complain about this more.


I like JRPGs more just because they're usually simpler. I've always enjoyed games that let you get into them with less effort on your part more.
WRPGs are generally more intricate affairs that try and give you a lot of mechanics to work with and immerse yourself in the world, but that far too often comes at a major playability cost.

honestly, I always thought line-of-descent was the most useful one (at least, most useful for defining JRPGs -- any game that is structurally or mechanically descended from Dragon Quest is probably a candidate to be called a JRPG)
it's not perfect, but genres are almost never perfect

it probably is, but that doesn't make it less usefully descriptive
it could be worse, you could absolutely be calling these games "DQ-likes", which is way harsher of a label

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Kissu people are talking Spice and Wolf quite a bit lately in relation to the remake, so I decided to watch the original. I'm still in the process of marathoning it, but I can definitely see why people like it so much. I avoided it because of the merchant stuff which I HATE, but the parts unrelated to spreading human misery are very good!
"Why did you make the thread before you finished it?" you might ask. Well, because my neck hurts from laying in bed watching it for 6 hours and I don't want to go into spoiler territory in the OP.

Anyway, I figure a centralized place to talk about the show and manga and whatever else might be a good idea since people are so eager to talk about it (including me now!)
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oh shit i deleted the post like a tard.....


's why i call them deletards


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I haven't posted in this thread in a while, but the remake is going pretty well. I like how you see furry Holo more, and the music is of course fantastic.
I don't think the recent episodes changed much from the original, but my memory for this stuff isn't the best. The purple lighting was an interesting style choice, but not one I would have chosen. It of clashes with the muted colors, but that's probably the intention.
The cute moments are still good, but the romantic stuff really isn't here yet so I can't judge that part. Her voice is still amazing.
I liked the second part more so I guess the true test is yet to come.


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I have to say that the second half of this been a bore to me. Lots of economic/merchant stuff that bores me to death. However, the second to last episode had some nice focus on Holo again.
But, there's some MAJOR news!


The past few episodes have been different from the anime (never read the LN) so it already seemed like it was going in a new direction, so now a second new season is going to bring forth lots of new anime content! PLEASE FOCUS ON HOLO AND NOT STUPID MERCHANTS!


There is the spice part of spice and Wolf...

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Would you pick freedom over love?
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Wihtout love it cannot be seen.


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I choose both


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You cannot. Love is constriction, the only way to have it is to give up your wandering and return home.


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the love of freedom, the freedom to love
wow, I'm poetic


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Love, but first:

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weensperm boson
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this tenshi spermed all over me with her corndog then flew away.......


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Flan has your back


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Why is she making that face?


what is that left hand placement, its not going to catch anything that's gonna fall off of the doggy

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People have complained in the past about a catalog-centric way of viewing boards on /qa/, but is it really that bad of a thing for some people to have it as their default view? As a primary benefit, I'd say that browsing from the catalog tends to increase the use of threads past the first page and keeps new eyes on threads. I think that this really helps to promote more long lasting discussion than pure index viewing does.
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>at the expense of only seeing responses if the OP image/initial text grabs you enough to make you hover over it.
That is precisely what I was referring to, implicitly.
That's why there was a "therefore" at the start of the sentence.
I omitted a comparison to indexed view because I was not sure if there was a decent generalization to make.


I've found that how much I feel inclined to use the catalog is an accurate indicator of a board's overall quality. On good sites I enjoy scrolling through the index, but on shitboards I'll almost always use the catalog to single out the couple of threads I'm actually interested in.


I read over GNUS


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The catalog is good and I use /all/ a lot. What I really like is the thread viewer thing above the reply box where you can tab through older threads. It's how I found this one, just wish it would show latest replies when you hover over them.


That might be a neat feature to insert as well, and would probably give people more ideas for things to reply to.

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If vern likes Chinese culture so much, how come he hasn't played the new Taiwanese metroidvania to show his support for their indie studios? Or does the sight of a fox make the vermin scatter?
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Also the final boss is fucking impossible


I've been on this boss for at least 6 hours and I can get to phase 3 semi-consistently...


This looks really fun. Been looking for something like this since I finished Hollow Knight. Parry mechanics look sexy and I'm all for the aesthetic.
My only problem is that I can't take the chinese language seriously because it sounds like onomatopoeia salad; like any tension in the story is instantly deflated when you know the guy's name is something like Ding Dong. But it's just a minor qualm and wont stop me from playing.


That was my one worry going into it too, but there's not really that much fully narrated dialogue, and the style of it is usually more Zelda-ish so I treat it like that.


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I have... improved.

That final boss (the true ending version) was so fucking hard and beyond the difficulty of anything else in the game it's not even close holy crap. THREE PHASES that are all on their own more difficult to get used to and overcome than all of the other bosses combined. I really feel accomplished now.

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