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File:Sengoku-Youko-11-27.jpg (23.95 KB,827x465)



Stuff related to the gut seems to be linked to a lot of stuff. It's weird that there's all this recent info on stuff like how the gut microbiome is linked to stuff like mental health, general health, and all sorts, but I haven't heard of any real medicines or treatments that target it. Seems like an area with huge untapped potential.


Good girl keep spitting on it


Gut stuff is so counterintuitive because everyone's gut flora are different and some people get inflammation from otherwise healthy things due to allergies or conditions like IBS.

For example, my experience is basically:
Junk food -> feel like shit
Veggies -> feel ok
Veggies plus chocolate XOR wine -> feel amazing for the first few days, then feel like shit until I switch between the chocolate and the wine
Veggies plus chocolate AND wine -> might as well eat junk food
No veggies plus chocolate OR wine -> feel amazing for one day, then horrible nightmares
Anything with garlic -> PAIN for the next 48 hours


So if I forget to eat, I won't get Alzheimers?
Noted. Because I won't remember.


File:[SubsPlease] Sengoku Youko….jpg (236.51 KB,1920x1080)

heh, I know that show


People who diet confirmed for smarts


Die, vampire.


Joke's on you, I don't leave the house. You'll have to cross an ocean and brave sunlight to reach me.


I don't know much about the subject but it seems that the microbes in different people's gut reacts differently to different food. So it's not a matter of people who eat sh*t having sh*t brains.

Having said that, they probably do but not for that reason. Correlation does not mean causation. Lower socio-economic background 'people' eat bad food but they also treat themselves terribly in general so there is a lot that could contribute to it.


good things are good and bad things are bad


sage posts are sage and age posts are age

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