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File:[SubsPlease] 2.5-jigen no ….jpg (94.54 KB,1280x720)


Are authors gods or should they just die?


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Well, it's their work...


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The author is there to give you something to think about and the material therein is wholly subjective to your opinions on it. There's many things I agree with which define the work they are writing, and many things I think are fucking retarded and make me thing they're sabotaging their own work.
At the end of the day they're just writing the things they want which isn't always what you want. If they write things you like they're gods, when they write dumb shit you don't like they should kill themselves.


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I am the Demiurge of my worlds, all the suffering that happens are for my pleasure and the strife that I create is sublime.

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 No.100569[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Server is now UP:


Legacy OP text We're fast-approaching the time of year where plenty of people are available, and there's a lull in media content to keep people entertained. So, I was thinking it'd be a great time to start up a Factorio server and play with Kissu! The plan is to play on a really big modpack known as Space Exploration which should ensure the server lasts a long while, and also that every person can be helpful even if they're new and it's late into the game. You see, this particular Factorio modpack revamps and expands Factorio beyond the typical endgame where you need to build a rocket out of the world, to where you will now need to escape the entire stellar cluster! Utilizing multiple planets and a space base in the process to reach this goal, Space Exploration forces the players to learn every aspect of it to keep their factory properly running. Especially with the added feature of bot decay which really changes the dynamic of the late game.

With all that said, I think it'd be good to get a head start and begin to discuss things related to Factorio related to optimizing Factories, or maybe even teaching new players/people that want to test things out how it all works. There's a lot to learn about the game and it can make it feel a bit daunting to new people at the start, so if you want to try starting up a world and seeing what makes sense and what doesn't initially I highly recommend it! Also remember that the server will be a group effort so there's no need to worry if you're not particularly good at one aspect since others should be able to help out as well!


So it's been over a year since the expansion was announced on the Friday facts for Factorio >>113631 and ever since every Friday the team has had blog posts giving updates on the content and changes of the expansion. Some of them extremely promising and posted in this thread like >>114141 that shows how completely reworked everything is being to make base building an even more enjoyable experPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>120 second lifetime of the bots
I'd take a more expensive crafting recipe for one that could be charged off roboports. Like a combat area around the port where they automatically deploy and kill stuff. Could make combat spidertrons more deadly as it vomits out robots to zap things along with their rockets, or a passive defense network where an outpost can be defended by a few roboports stocked with combat robots.


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So for this quality factory, it took an ungodly amount of time for me to set it up and even then I still struggle with blockages at times. I attribute most of the technical difficulties with it to being my first crack at quality. With the foresight I have now, if I had to choose a planet to start with quality I'd probably take Vulcanus next time instead. Scrap is already a bitch to deal with normally, but adding quality to that just introduces an entirely new layer of complexity and contingency preparation for how to make the operation work smoothly. The only saving grace is that Fulgora offers you infinite power if you build enough accumulators so you're free to utilize as many bots as you want. And you'll definitely want to be using bots for this planet. My spaghetti still remains for the initial design, but most everything higher quality related now is done via bots.


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>but most everything higher quality related now is done via bots.
And funnily enough right as I was looking at it to detail in my post a bit, one of the reasons I use mostly bots appeared. I was checking on the belts and normal quality holmium was congested because I filled up entirely the epic holmium chests I was using to store its plates. The initial idea was to train over scrap from a quality scrap mine and then let it be processed at a rate which could allow for continuous drilling of scrap, but that didn't really pan out, it only sorta works now because I made a secondary processing area for normal and uncommon scrap. Would be much better to just have the drills all storing to chests.

Then the main thing after is just figuring out how to deal with the byproducts of scrap recycling. I was tinkering with that for the longest while, but I'm pretty sure I've figured it out now. You just need to learn circuitry and conditionals, then have the byproducts sorted into chests, probably with buffers in-between for higher qualities, and once you're getting close to full on a chest have a requester chest that reads that value on the logistic network and send the materials into a big quality scrapper contraption to either attempt to get lower materials or the same thing at a higher quality. Once you get to legendary though I don't really like destroying anything unless I'm turning it into other materials, in that case just have a lot more buffer chests.

Though before any pure recycling to reduce quantity you should really be turning the materials into anything you can in other quality moduled assemblers. The advantage of scrapping more expensive buildings and such is whatever you get in return is all of the same quality. So say you scrap an Electromagnetic Plant and it rolls legendary, now you have a bunch of extra legendary materials for free that'd otherwise take you forever to attain through traditional means or trying to scrap raw materials into legendary.


it was around the end of space exploration that I realized these bots are incredibly strong, especially when combined with cars.


Yeah, that's my plan for whenever I get back to it. I'm going to cut off the mines from the greater logistic network and instead have a bunch of bots dedicated solely to a patch that take ore and sort them out into different chests that transport into trains that will then take them to different areas that probably will connect to the rest of the logistic network. Will most likely take a bunch of energy though, but it'll be well worth it to have an efficient quality sorting method that doesn't get backed up all the time.


ME!ME!ME! just turned 10 years old. Does your outlook on otaku culture still remain unchanged a decade later? >>>/poll/3187
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Can't really say my opinion has changed at all in thinking it wasn't that big of a deal, unlike Puniru which is changing everything.


10 years... No way...


Oh, but things like dandadan and others are really mainstream works that challenge the idea that Otaku culture has to be the virgin wish fulfillment industry and focus on more pressing issues like aliens searching for penises


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Ironically, from a perspective of other things it has. The cultural paradigm shift occurring seems to be leaving censorship of fun things behind as more productive issues are to be focused on. Mostly in the US, but because of that it's impacting each of its close allies as well, including Japan. That alongside the massive successes of media which bucks the trend of kneecapping itself for 'broader' appeal that in turn appeals to nobody has me hopeful for the future of otaku culture once again becoming more akin to the escapism establishment ME!ME!ME! sought to paint it as.

Did my views on that otaku culture change? No, I value it more than ever. Fuck gay humans in their gay world.


Well I gave it a watch, since I've never gotten around to doing so before. It's some nice animation, but TBH I really don't have any idea what it is trying to say about otaku culture (or anything else).

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Anyone interested in a match of Advance Wars DoR? I used to play it a lot when I was a kid and apparently there's a browser version of it now.

I made a lobby with the name qa and password set to 1123. I'll wait for a bit to see if someone joins. You may need to register an account but you don't need to link an email.
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all ur bases are belong to us

Did you really have nothing in the back factories to attack with? I didn't think that screen would be strong enough to really protect it, just force you to stay still while I reinforced the position.


i wasted money on a missile system on the far left corner because i thought i could bait your copter into picking off the 1hp tank/infantry trying to take the city but the copter went north and my nearest anti air was sitting on the factory too far away im always one step behind


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You should have been able kill the 8 infantry with the AA and then used the tank to cripple the bike. The copter was just there to neuter the md tank after you had to waste its turn attacking infantry again.


So does this have the CO powers or not? Ideally with the DoR power-up music I linked early in the thread.


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yes, but no idea how to use it

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STALKER 2 is out now! Has /qa/ played the previous games? Are you going to play this one? Initial reviews seem very positive.

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STALKER doesn't have jumpscares. It's more just the atmosphere and ambiance that can be a little creepy.


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I have nearly shat myself on multiple occasions playing STALKER, not from getting ambushed by mutants but the from angry Ukrainians shouting at me.


i just want to say that i don't understand why the FLIP they chose chickenscratch-tier runes for words as short and simple as 撃つ or 蹴る


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I expected jank, but Stalker 2 is practically unplayable and a-life, the main selling point of the game to me, seems to be severely gimped.
they also switched to UE5 instead of their in-house jank engine and aren't a small indie dev anymore so i expected more quality control.
I'll wait for a year or so until it is playable i guess

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Does NBR really matter if the sister is still beaming with brocon energy? Sure, being related by blood is ideal, but if the siblings are highly compatible with each other then isn't that just as good?
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dude I would write a yuricutie third wheel
shabs deserve it


the destroyer of le shabine lesbiche...... all gaylies shall be romanced.............


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I don't like this at all


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It's only natural for Sae's unrivaled megane charm to enthral both boys and girls alike.


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I think it's acceptable so long as they don't know they're not related, or grew up together from birth or thereabouts.

It's just not the same if it's one of those situations like "My Parents Remarried And Now I Have a Genki Little Sister Who Loves Me?!"

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 No.73454[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you been working on anything? Art, programming, etc.
326 posts and 165 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Thank you. I don't want to treat it as something that I have to spend hours practising instead of just drawing for enjoyment - before I purchased my tablet I was drawing on paper and a friend linked me a website with drawing exercises that quickly sucked the fun out of it. I do intend to do some, although I'd rather learn by trying to emulate artists I like, and there are plenty of those.

For this picture I was just following some guides I found on Pixiv, although I do like his art style.
Getting used to the tablet is another factor and I've already damaged my pen nib while trying to draw clouds


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I'm using my tablet that sat for too long as well; still can't get into a regular habit of daily usage yet. I find that if I stop for any reason it's so hard to get back into the rythm. Been working on Pippa in my own style off and on for two weeks now.
I had a face I liked more and all her hair decorations done but somehow I hit something I don't quite understand that deleted or covered my page and I accidentally closed it without saving which was a huge demotivator.
Lets goooo self improvement!


pippa the self-ripper


if you open up the pen there are nibs inside


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just released my youtube client as a mpv plugin!
now i can search and play youtube videos in the player

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why my peepee almost explodes when women look at me with disgust?
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it's sentimental bdsm


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A girl looking at you this way means she pays enough attention to you to let her emotions show rather than just ignoring you as you would a stranger. There's a particular scene in the Cinderella Girls anime where Rin gives the Producer an angry look that makes my heart lurch for the same reason. I don't find it erotic, but I don't know the right way to describe it. It just gives me a nice feeling.


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Don't conflate your feelings with your dreams.


don't conflate your ideals with reality


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follow your weens!

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 No.20137[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I'm a VR now.
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cool, it works like mecha displays


Vision suck PRO


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The future is bright.


At some point there will be a convergence of several key technologies and VR will never be the same.
I think AI assistants will soon be possible with text generation, not true AI, but an illusion. The real issue is creating the illusion of emotion and spontaneity that a real sentient being would have. And of course general memory, and price of hardware.
There are many paths to take. Truly I say to you, the field is wide open.
If the vtuber fans are smart they will be backing up and hoarding every single millisecond of video and audio and every twitter post and every comment, every single datapoint. Forget cryo, computers will be the new resurrection, as long as you have the data. And the more data you have the more precise and "real". The NSA is in an envious position because they can spy on anyone willy nilly.
For myself I think it’s too late. I would rather explore the limitless mind and be free of playing by this world’s rules, where there is no sadness and unhappiness. Where you can see things from the past in the present as they used to be. We already do it unconsciously when we dream at night it’s only a matter of regaining control.

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DEFCON 3 : US-based doujin site, pururin.to, was seized by the Feds. This is a fairly significant event. The obscenity laws surrounding drawings have largely been unenforced at the Federal level.

The banner itself claims that this was done on the grounds of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1466A and 1467; per the banner itself, "It is unlawful to produce, distribute, receive, or possess an obscene visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct. Individuals who do so can face significant criminal and civil penalties, including imprisonment, fines, and forfeiture of property."

But... The banner also shows the seal of the Intellectual Property Rights Center, which is suggestive of this being brought by foreign rights holders claiming copyright infringement, but then pururin being seized and prosecuted under obscenity law. Sites being seized for obscenity are typically done by the FBI, whose seal is conspicuously missing in this case.
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I just bumped this shab


>there aren't a whole lot of sites that are on clearnet involved with CP that aren't hijacking some sort of free hosting platform
what do you mean by hijacking a free hosting platform?


Any website that allows email/phone number-free file uploads I'm guessing. The scum are like locusts and will eventually find such places and hammer it with illegal content until the provider yanks the site or the admin does it himself. Anonfiles was the most recent victim that I'm aware of, but it hits everything eventually.


must have confused it with AnonTalk wwwwwwwww


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by who?

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 No.132183[Reply][Last50 Posts]

It's funny how Oshi no Ko seems to have forgotten that Ruby existed, which is kind of good. But, I feel like Kana isn't getting enough focus. I think it's obvious to everyone that she's the best character.
When Kana isn't on screen the other characters should say "Hey, where's Kana?"
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love thinking about how much hate Akasaka is getting right now


haven't read it yet, but maybe if Akasaka sucks at writing endings he should have let his artist decide on how to end it instead
she's made some great manga


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Isn't it nice when you're browsing kissu and then you see Kana on the front page?


only mengo had the ovaries to write a proper dark supernatural idol incest story three years before aka
it's sad because it reminds me that kana DIED in the eyes of the public during the scandal arc


women are crazy

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Die, vampire.


Joke's on you, I don't leave the house. You'll have to cross an ocean and brave sunlight to reach me.


I don't know much about the subject but it seems that the microbes in different people's gut reacts differently to different food. So it's not a matter of people who eat sh*t having sh*t brains.

Having said that, they probably do but not for that reason. Correlation does not mean causation. Lower socio-economic background 'people' eat bad food but they also treat themselves terribly in general so there is a lot that could contribute to it.


good things are good and bad things are bad


sage posts are sage and age posts are age

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Has the internet been a net benefit for society? Going by the access it gives us to all information, it could seem so on a technical level. However, with so much information out there it's impossible for a normal human to sort through, and as such many rely on small feeds to get their information that motivates them most emotionally. This stewing of outrage culture seems like it's lead to perpetuating and even stoking more violence and hatred.

On the other hand, the vast sea of information has also given opportunity for those in research to collaborate and build off each others work at lightning speed, and even help to raise new generations on material that teaches them well. Not to mention the entirety of github. In my own personal experience I feel as though I've learned to connect better with others through my use of the internet.
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And then Google and Meta follow the lead of piracy sites and move all their servers to eastern Europe while the west builds its own great firewall. Sounds like fun.


I still hate the EU for ruining nearly every website with their dumb cookies popups.
Russia never did anything like that to the internet.


Websites ruin themselves with their dumb cookies


Anon is right, it made the web worse.
Now they secretly track us anyways while pretending not to, but we also have to deal with annoying popups.

The worst part is 90% of them aren't even compliant and still break the law they're pretending to follow. You are required to make an incredibly easy to click reject all without having to open any extra menus or click anything extra and the agree button should not use dark patterns to make you think it's the reject button. Regardless, pretty much all websites force you to go through an annoying process so you're more likely to just press click agree to not get incredibly frustrated by a slow declining process. This is knowingly not following the EU regulations on how the banner is required to be and they may as well just not do it at all.


I'm not terribly bothered by it, I have never ever found a worthwhile website behind a dark pattern banner. So if I see one at this point I just don't use the website.

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Since switching from IT to Dev Manager, I’ve realized the insane amount of bureaucratic processes we have to follow (this is just related to dev performance, I have hundreds of other processes I have to follow daily).

- Monthly self-eval: Devs must submit a detailed monthly self-evaluation
- Manager evaluation: Dev’s manager evaluates them monthly too.
- Weekly team evaluation: Dev's direct manager evaluates the "team" as a single unit every week.
- Quarterly upper management review: The direct manager’s manager steps in every quarter to assess the team as well.
- Each dev's “buddy” (more senior dev they're partnered with) performs a monthly evaluation of their performance too
- TL assesses sprint quality after each sprint.
- TL's manager reviews sprint quality too (non-technical manager)

Now, management expects me to sift through all this data weekly toghether with Jira to identify any "underperformers". They don’t see the redundancy—they just want more.
When I pointed out that the sheer volume of surveys and performance checks is beyond redundant, my manager brushed it off, accusing me of trying to "work less."
In his eyes, productivity means creating more processes. Only colleagues who add extra layers of bureaucracy get rewarded, never those who streamline.
Am I being a baby?
Feeling disillusioned... Is this really what management is supposed to be?
Because if so, I’m tempted to just go wild creating even more pointless processes—like they seem to want—and drown everyone in surveys and meaningless reports.
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i really really wish that was the case
i stopped being one a year and half ago
while not a dev i work in IT support and this whole review corpo talk reminded me of my own reviews (i'm the one being reviewed though)


360 noscope reviews


OP here.
You reminded me I also get reviewed:
- Every quarter: by the client, my manager, my peers, PMO, people from other areas (finance, IT, account managers, etc) and also by the devs that report to me.
(Also every week I'm audited by PMO for process compliance)

What a wonderful world!!!!


That sounds like some strait up East German or Elan School petty control.

The few times I was ever given a self review I always would put just the maximum score for everything, because it was time wasting and they were going to knock me down a peg and tell me what they want me to do anyways.


>The few times I was ever given a self review I always would put just the maximum score for everything, because it was time wasting and they were going to knock me down a peg and tell me what they want me to do anyways.
That's what I always do because I know for a fact that salary reviews are directly linked to these scores. I also know for sure that my manager never gives me full marks, no matter what because "nobody is perfect"

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 No.67182[Reply][Last50 Posts]

/qa/! It's time to show off your MS paint skills! Try drawing a character and seeing if others can guess at who it is. Starting off with an iconic one so that the first picture isn't impossible...
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nii nii


sextoko, the most infamous tardsexer of all animanga


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Puniru fanart
I probably should have checked to see if the blue part was on top


Eroi slime...


slimy sager

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