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File:[SubsPlease] Hananoi-kun t….jpg (124.33 KB,1280x720)


How much should you change your appearance to match your partner's preferences?
Would you be willing to cut your hair if your girlfriend liked it better short? Get piercings? Lose weight? Gain weight? Hit the gym? Become a gyaru-oh?
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What kind of question is this? You're talking about hypothetical 2D ones right? Otherwise fuck off.


No to piercings and gyaru-oh, don't mind changing my weight or hitting the gym more, on the fence about growing out my hair.


The kind of question posed by the pictured anime. You know, that thing people who aren't too busy posing on the internet watch for fun. If your 2D girlfriend were more than hypothetical, you'd understand the question better.


Sounds good, but if you're doing something you don't like just because it was a deal that would create friction. I think it's a function of how attached you are to your own appearance, or parts of it, measured against how much you want to please a certain person. Depending on what it is, it could also mean going against social standards from the other people in your life, which requires a higher level of devotion, I think.

Just because a girl looks cute with her contacts in doesn't mean you wouldn't want her to wear her glasses more, right?


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That's a tough question then, because I view my relationship with her as platonic. I mean, there are people who don't? Platonic love is the only type of love that makes sense for 2D.

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What is /qa/'s raison d'être?
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Dunno. Stuff, I guess?


Man doesn't need a reason to exist, he exists and that is reason enough to live.


I live for the sake of accomplishing my objectives. And although there's a lot of them, it's pretty fuzzy, and I've taken a solid amount of detours along the way, I think it's going decently.


it's long gone now


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 No.100268[Reply][Last50 Posts]

There's two threads on /qa/ for different AI generation content and help. A thread on the morality and ethics of AI. One about the future potential AI holds. One on >>>/megu/ for more in-depth help with specifics. Then scattered about across all the boards some threads using AI generation for image openers and such. However, none of these actually encompass kissu's opinion on AI!

So, what do you /qa/eers think of AI currently? Do you like it, dislike it, find it useful in any meaningful way at all? Or are you simply not interested in the output of algorithms?

I myself find AI to be a useful tool in generating the kind of content I've either exhausted the available stock of or are gated off by some hurdle I need to spend more time overcoming. When it comes to text/story generation, it's like a CYOA playground where I play the role of DM and set up all the lore/situations/characters, and then the AI acts out events as I lay out the flow of the story. This creates a more interactive experience for me than just writing out a story myself for some reason, and I find it highly addictive. Then for AI art generation, I find that AI works wonders for filling a specific niche taste I have, or specific scenario I want to create an image for. It really is quite amazing in my eyes, and I have hopes for it getting even better in the future.
225 posts and 51 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



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For those unaware, the go-to joke for GPT3 was "What did the fish say when it hit a wall?" or however it went.
That 2023 is no longer entirely true, although it's up to opinion. Claude3 is pretty good at humor stuff and it makes you wonder where it's scraping the data from (there's obviously lots of 4chan and forum stuff). It's a weird situation because it can't actually be novel since it's an LLM and an important thing about humor is novelty. Basically it's funny to you as long as the data it's referencing isn't directly known to you.

I'll be able to show some examples soon, I think...


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Some people said that Claude isn't good at coding stuff, but I like it's tech analysis more


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<- Opus


I wonder how I could feed it some information about newer tech problems I have a hard time to understand and digest them to being youtuber-tier

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 No.118337[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Are tabletop games a good way to make friends
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Is the campaign still going?


Yeah, it's just life keeps fucking me over and I keep having stuff happening to me.
Saturday is probably the last session for the mini-campaign but we'll still be playing afterwards with the same characters.


Is it 1pm EST?


Does your computer not have a clock?


I will be late

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The new league starts in a few hours so I thought I'd advertise the /qa/ mansion guild here in case anyone wants to play it. We're around 6-7 right now, but I have enough guild slots so that we can accommodate pretty much the whole /jp/ spinoff population that still plays games (upper limit of 30-ish if I'm assuming generously). The bulk of us are going to be playing on softcore-ruthless so I'd recommend doing that too if you want to reap the benefits of a shared use stash. But, anyone that just wants a bunch of free space can join to use it in normal/hc too. We have a good deal of space https://files.catbox.moe/b6cox8.jpg so poor NEETs can enjoy the convenience of paying without needing to spend a dime.

So if you're interested post your userid or character name ITT if you want me to invite you, we're fine with anyone that's not a complete subhuman.
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Also, the current /qa/ stash in case anyone's interested in playing in the guild. (I pocketed 4 divines so I can flip more if I need to)


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Finally got a build that can clear these juiced maps... I feel so accomplished I've never reached this point before. (Also funnily enough I didn't add the music to this it just so happened to be playing naturally and hit the chorus as soon as I started the excavation)


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who the fuck would run this


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So a bunch of content creators were flown out to have hands-on experience with and record footage of PoE2, the results seem to have been overwhelmingly positive and talk about it makes the game seem revolutionary for the ARPG genre. I'm more excited for this than I've ever been after having seen a bit of how it plays and the details that have been shared about that 'how'. We should definitely have a /qa/ mp session for this once it comes out, I've a feeling it'll be an absolutely epic blast to enjoy for the first time before anyone starts to really map out how the game should be played.

Though I'll probably be playing the beta with a bit of /qa/ come the time for it to release.


sorta wonder if it's going to be better to play the game with controller now vs typical mouse and keyboard with the inclusion of wasd movement

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This says a lot about society.


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This says a lot about society.


The layers of this palace are NOT for your kind.


i have two sides.... most generous catpicture sharer youve ever met.... and the most tightarsed catbragger who you never want to meet


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Cat just uploaded 20 pages of food blogs instead of his art on twitter again.

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How is this board related to /qa/(4chan)?




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Oh no, someone is going to be VERY upset at that thin Yuno!
I just woke up so my mind is a bit foggy and unmotivated, but the gist of things is that once upon a time /qa/ was a good board (2015) and then it became a bad board (late 2015-2016) and then through some communal cleaning, bots, the power of positive thinking and people switching from "why does 4chan suck" to "let's instead make /qa/ our version of a good 4chan" it became a good board again in early 2017 with a strange "retirement home" like atmosphere combined with chaos. It ended up with a 2D/Random (nijiura) flare because it seemed to be unifying interest of people there (/jp/-aligned people love meta it turns out). Then in 2019 it became a bad board again when mods decided to flex their muscle for the final time and went nuclear with rangebans, even against people that were merely regular posters posting stuff that simply wasn't the new type of /qa/ they envisioned.
Long story short, this is the older /qa/ that most people don't actually know about. I guess I typed more than I thought I would.


um erm uhhh lurk moar fag :3


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This is missing the stuff that happened afterwards though. We stayed there for three more years and finally moved to kissu once the mods started going full hotpockets and deleting/banning a lot of things at random and rangebanning posters. We don't have anything to do with the soyjak spamming vultures that came afterwards and caused its closure. So it has been 4 years since we started using kissu.

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 No.100569[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Server isn't up

We're fast-approaching the time of year where plenty of people are available, and there's a lull in media content to keep people entertained. So, I was thinking it'd be a great time to start up a Factorio server and play with Kissu! The plan is to play on a really big modpack known as Space Exploration which should ensure the server lasts a long while, and also that every person can be helpful even if they're new and it's late into the game. You see, this particular Factorio modpack revamps and expands Factorio beyond the typical endgame where you need to build a rocket out of the world, to where you will now need to escape the entire stellar cluster! Utilizing multiple planets and a space base in the process to reach this goal, Space Exploration forces the players to learn every aspect of it to keep their factory properly running. Especially with the added feature of bot decay which really changes the dynamic of the late game.

With all that said, I think it'd be good to get a head start and begin to discuss things related to Factorio related to optimizing Factories, or maybe even teaching new players/people that want to test things out how it all works. There's a lot to learn about the game and it can make it feel a bit daunting to new people at the start, so if you want to try starting up a world and seeing what makes sense and what doesn't initially I highly recommend it! Also remember that the server will be a group effort so there's no need to worry if you're not particularly good at one aspect since others should be able to help out as well!

I'll be available in the steam chat ( https://s.team/chat/NUIbnP7U ) to give anyone who may want to try out the game a copy, or you can pirate it and download the mods yourself if you so wish to do so. I plan on actually opening up the server sometime a little after Christmas, so there should be plenty of time to talk in here before then.
105 posts and 66 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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It's more here than it's ever been


This is probably one of the best additions they've announced so far. Making refueling stations for each deposit/drop-off caused so many unnecessary headaches in getting the fuel all around up until you have bots capable of doing it, and even then sometimes you'd have the conditions for coming and going from stations be fulfilled causing the trains to eventually blow past stations too fast to refuel and then run low while in the middle of the tracks. Even more than that though, you could probably make an entire train system based on interrupts and the new grouping system for trains will make scaling up infrastructure a breeze if adjusting a group will adjust the path for an entire system of trains. Probably will be amazing to combine this with switches.


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 No.117644[Reply][Last50 Posts]

The winter season is upon us. It will be difficult to match the quality of the autumn season, but hopefully there's some good stuff to watch.

136 posts and 49 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>the story
I've not found a single dungeons-appear-in-reality or tower-conquest story that had a story worth its time.
You'd probably be better off picking up a random cultivation webnovel.


Anime. The comic is still a good leveling story.


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Anyone that waited to watch Undead Unluck once all the episodes are out...
Well, they're out.


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A good quote to leave off the past 2 seasons with.


Sengoku really knows how to work with power levels

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How do you feel about all the different versions of Miku? Does it get on your nerves if people don't stick to a general mold of the character that feels appropriate or are you fine with the artists vision being expressed through her freely? I'm more in the latter camp since I feel it fits better with vocaloids in general being for people to make their own music with, and not for people to make music for the vocaloid.
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Not all programs give you Freedom 1.


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What about Freedom 2?


Deco said so in the release stream


You need nuclear weapons for that.


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This was a lie, by the way.
She's also just called Miku on the merch from his website.
Spreading misinformation isn't as fun as I thought, sorry.

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Do 2d girls give you "Strength"?
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Yes, you wouldn't be reading this if it weren't for them.


I would say so. Mai waifu helped me through the times in life when I was all alone against the world.


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I've tried to find ways for them to give me strength but they only give gay stats like dex or int


Use Int to become a wizard.
Use wizardry to make yourself strong.

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 No.72101[Reply][Last50 Posts]

*shouts into the sky*


100% /qa/
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Not to mention only 4hp


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It does seem that way compared to old characters. I didn't buy her, though, so I wonder if it's the 'free character of the week' thing where you get to demo characters. I've never liked characters that are simply strong, though, because they're boring. She's basically just a stronger version of Kae, but also one that's less fun because there isn't double-dipping with specifics cards and the hyper is boring as well.


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>It does seem that way compared to old characters.
Marc is one of the best wins-focused characters in the game. Her hyper is great for either picking off low HP players or for weakening players before attacking them. And then you have Aru and Marie Poppo for star hoarding.


Don't forget Sugu for PURE BS


>old characters
*base game characters

Sugu is just probability. If you crunched the numbers, you'd have seen she was the character most likely to win in the long run. Her victories just leave a mark because her results are almost always either winning big or losing big, which is what makes her fun to play.

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That's gonna be a lot of dust.


I hope she's strong enough to put the kimo posters in line.


More than dust the main issue will be getting them all to be friends. Someone's gonna have to do the research.


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Seems like there are quite a few posters here who drives so a dedicated itasha parking lot might be a good idea.


I'd want some vespas. Ever since FLCL I wanted to try one of those...

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Does it upset you when characters you like are mistreated in doujinshi? How much do you sympathize with them and how invested do you need to be before it starts bothering you?
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>Love tardsperming to boobhus
And what do they think of that?


But if you only lewd series you aren't familiar with or don't enjoy, you only add to the mass of surface level horniness. You should strive to put affection and understanding into your lewdposting.


>Does it upset you when characters you like are mistreated in doujinshi?
I don't dislike it. Sometimes I'm in the mood to see a girl be tormented. When you like a girl, you want to see all sides of her, not just when she's happy.


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>you only add to the mass of surface level horniness
True, but the breadth of well-informed stuff vs generic lewd is so wide that I think it's unreasonable to disregard the latter. Affectionate + in-character sex is great. But sometimes a wank is just a wank, and good art of some random girl you stumbled across will suffice.
That's why original characters are best.

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Anything fighting games can go here.
Going to post here whenever I'm up for some games, feel free do to the same if you want.
71 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Also I forgot to include the audio in the recording feed so that was the biggest issue with clakclakclqk


Just bought Uni2 and GBVSR. Open to playing w/ anyone. I also have MBTL and Melty AACC if anyone wants to play.


Haven't been doing much of anything recently so I kind off fell off as far as fighting games go. The one I'd want to play the most would be soku probably but I have all the ones you mentioned too and wouldn't mind playing any of them.
Organizing it in a thread seems like a pain, you can add me on steam if you want to play. Friend code is 78442473, never used it before but it should work I think.


I can also play Soku though I'm far from what you'd consider good at the game. Though I'm always down to play against people better than me. If anything I'm usually worried if I'm wasting people's time by being worse. Sent an invite btw but it's a tad too late for me rn to play games.


I'm new to soku myself and it's pretty different from other fighting games I played. As far as skill gap goes it's fine for me either way.

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