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 No.123829[Reply][Last50 Posts]

This is a thread for discussing and planning streams that people can host using kissu's own anonymity-supporting cytube fork at https://theatre.kissu.moe/! People can and should make threads for the big day so they can post images and stuff and be more in control, but a thread to talk about stuff was suggested and I think it's a good idea.
Current stream plans:
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Decided that I'm going to stream Whiplash tomorrow (or today maybe if it's Sunday where you're at) at 8pm est, probably in https://gikopoipoi.net/ and maybe this time I'll choose one of the anon bars for the stream. I'll announce it before I start.


It turns out season 2 is coming up in the spring season, so I'll be streaming Sentai Daishikkaku S1 sometime in March.
The voting injustice must be corrected!


Guess we may be in https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri after all, if this stream thingy works

Also in an hour


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15 minutes!


official stream starting warning, putting whiplash on now

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It used to come up a lot more when an anime came out, whether anime should try to be more faithful to the source material when adapting even if they weren't going to cover the rest of the story of a manga. I think back then I was more partial towards the faithful camp, because I had more hope for sequels to good series back then that'd continue the series towards its more intended end.

Now though, that wish has been more or less fulfilled with most adaptations sticking close to the source material whether they end on a more conclusive note or not. But at times it feels like that was a monkey paw of sorts. Since now series simply last forever, and there's an infinite amount of different LN/Manga adaptations flowing out the gates each season with zero hope of getting a sequel. They'll always end feeling half-finished (because they are) and plenty of buildup there could be that's packed into the adaptation that has no relevance til later arcs is also left untouched. This leading to the entire anime somewhat suffering for it because it feels more like you wasted your time watching a "Read more by buying the source!" ad than anything. And honestly, when it comes to what studios are adapting nowadays, I feel like scriptwriters in these anime studios could do a far better job with the source material given to them than the majority of LN authors could do with their work.
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what was the piccy


>The original is a series of actual novels.
Sorry, I meant LN. If I remember right, there is a PC game, but that's neither here nor there.


Not LNs, actual novels.


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Whatever you want to call them... I have them sitting on my bookshelf.


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LN is light reading, nta but it's considered a novel because it isn't light reading.

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 No.87056[Reply][Last50 Posts]

So the DDDDD thread made me realize that kissu doesn't really have any threads dedicated to manga that I could find. The focus seems to be too much on seasonal anime. I realize that this is because manga is much harder to find/follow than seasonal stuff as there are no clear guidelines for it and Westerners don't read comics nearly as much as the Japanese do.

Anyway, what manga have you been reading recently? I just read the latest chapter of Shimeji Simulation a few days ago. As with anything made by Tsukumizu so far it is great. Definitely recommend it to everyone here and I do hope it eventually gets an anime adaption as well like SSR.
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Trial before the /qa/-12, with maximum sentence ranging from expulsion from the /qa/ continuum to death


I don't know yet (this is the latest release) but I imagine she'll get what she deserves. Either Onii-chan stands up for his imouto, or imouto-chan goes nevada-tan on her.


Bump - Apologies, I haven't read much recently except a very poor quality (possibly poorly translated too) danmei webnovel. Will be getting up to date on TRUMP


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Actually no, I did read Ryoto killed his brother. It's reminiscent of The Summer Hikaru Died. Pacing is very quick though and makes be nervous for its future.


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New fuckin GUNNM: mars chronicles chapter baayyyybbeee

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¥ let's take all the bad parts of Pikmin 3
¥ then take all the bad parts of Pikmin 2
¥ replace all the good parts with pointless RPG elements and constant overly long dialogue
¥ and stick it all together with a completely nonsensical story
¥ oh, and make sure to include a post-game mode that shows what the game could have been with good design decisions
¥ but make sure to ruin that too a few days in
What were they thinking? It's like they couldn't figure out how to make a full-length game so they just split into five different teams and stuck all the resulting minigames together to pad things out. It's super frustrating because the core gameplay is still fun and they clearly proved they could have made a much better game, but they just didn't and covered all the good stuff in as much tedium and distraction as possible.


too purple
who are you paraphrasing


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I'm going to kick your ass.


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The RPG-ification of gameplay elements is really weird, even though I like RPGs. I guess it's an easy way to pad out a game, and they even call it stuff like "gamification" now when they apply it to other things.


I think it's because it's something you can add to make it seem like there's more to any game and it gives a sense of progression, but it seems like it takes away more than it adds. Half the upgrades in this game are completely pointless, like a bunch of HP increases and making the stupid dog marginally better at things he's never going to be doing, a few are critical to the core gameplay and make the first bit of the game feel really awkward until you can get them, and then the rest are OP shit that negates the strategy and technique you spent the earlier bits learning. Maybe they want to have that dopamine hit from a big "side quest complete" and need a spendable resource to enable that, but when the gameplay itself is fun you don't need to encourage players to interact with it.

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Finally started my "buyfag" life; albeit not anywhere near the level I've dreamt of, with only second hand stuff so far.
What anime goods have you bought /qa/?
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post stealing sager


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I just ordered an Arisu figure.


nice butt


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Man fuck customs and their gay ass 25% duties. I had to cough up another $10 for them to deliver my figure, and I have some onaholes on the way too which costs way more and will undoubtedly be taxed as well. There used to be a $30 tax free limit on imported goods here but they scrapped that last year.

It ain't easy being a NEET.


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I got a bishonen(blue lock) mug for Christmas but I would have strongly preferred to get a Bishoujo (Senshi Sailor Moon) mug.

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Thanks to a link from a guy that lead to discussion and a link from another guy, we have links to software that makes cute voices!

I'm using the first link personally because it has Zundamon, which is the absolute cutest artificial voice. I'm making a thread here on /qa/ because the original thread is on /jp/ and /jp/ threads can fall off after a couple weeks and this is too cool to lose that quickly.
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Anyone tried using this for english? Just copy/pasting the text doesn't work too well, but converting it to katakana first works a lot better. Haven't found a way to do it locally, though.


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I tried, but it's an exercise in frustration. I think I did try the katakana thing, but it was still hard to do the pitches and such. I think I also tried general TTS tricks, which I can't quite remember. (I think it was like typing "hoo" instead of "who". I didn't fully understand the UI either, but I guess part of the whole "unable to understand Japanese" thing.
After seeing all the AI cover stuff I don't know if this has any chance to gain traction outside Japanese; it's just too much work.


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i have better lucks with voice cloning tools and 10 seconds of reference audio
it's not perfect but really sounds like how japanese speak english


Ohh, I forgot about this thread.

By voice cloning you mean the AI stuff, right? Yeah, it's made vocaloid stuff seem like backbreaking labor by comparison, but vocaloid still has superior charm and special sounds I think.


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yes, i generated the audio with https://github.com/fishaudio/fish-speech
ai is progressing so fast, now the large language models are being integrated for text to speech so i don't have to care about language-specific models and preprocessing anymore, i can enter text in any language and it just works

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 No.74491[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Does /qa/ know any fun facts?

One I just learned is that copper is actually more dense than iron.
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I have a foot.
I have a yard.
I have never even SEEN the meter.

And any system that requires you to use decimals for day-to-day usage is a bad system. Fuck off, use real numbers.


from on we will round down the numbers on your pay check


>I have a foot.
>I have a yard.
Pics or it didn't happen.


Most people mainly use measurement to measure food so a better system would be to use foods like sugar cubes or american cheese squares as the basis for a new, better imperial measurement system. Temperature should be based on how hot meat needs to cook to kill the germs and parasites in it.


But the parasites add flavor...

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Say you're interested in researching an old mummy that's "cursing" people. Wouldn't you want to, you know, take some more safety precautions there's something in the grave you can't account for like old pathogens or viruses? Wasn't there something in King Tut's tomb killing people that they weren't able to cure? It just seems unwise to be going into this naked.


One of my favorite fabricated screenshots is from a guy talking about people unearthing a mummy in 2020 and the guy was saying stuff like "PUT THAT NIGGA BACK IN WE"RE DEALING WITH ENOUGH ALREADY".
Good stuff.

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 No.129768[Reply][Last50 Posts]

General video games thread. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to?
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probably a lot because there's like a billion games out there you can do that with


super smash bro's melee
mario kart wii
tf2 sorta
any resident evil or silent hill game.


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I've got nothing to play until MH wilds. This wait is gonna suck.


WOW seems to be a real tried and true way to convert your real life into an all consuming parallel life.


Tried to name a character Custard. The game stopped me and said that wasn't very nice.

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 No.95721[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Didn't have any basil for my pizza so I put thyme on it instead.
It's not a bad substitute. It's pretty good in its own right.
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I made rumbledethumps today. It was pretty good. It's basically just fried cabbage and mashed potatoes baked in the oven.


Simple oatmeal recipe

instant oats (no added sugar)
rolled oats (old-fashioned)
steel-cut oats (traditional)

spices (cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom, nutmeg, pumpkin spice, ginger, cocoa)
sweeteners (maple syrup, agave syrup, brown sugar, stevia, honey)

protein powder (whey, pea)
nuts (peanuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans)
seeds (flax, chia, pumpkin, sunflower)
nut butter (peanut, cashew, almond)
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


I just put a little bit of honey or banana in some steel cut oats nothing much.


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Made a giant bowl of granola to last another couple weeks again. This time I used about 60% as much honey and maple syrup and I can really tell. I never measured it, but I have a feeling for it. I also added more nuts this time: walnuts, cashews and pecans. I wanted to add almonds but I need to get something to chop them up. Do people use a mortar or something? I don't want to turn them into tiny things that will lodge in my throat, but pea-sized things. Granola, nuts, and raisins, raisins, cranberries, peach. Good stuff, but I need to expand. I want to get some flax seed and other boring nutritious stuff I can hide in it.
Anyway, granola is good. When you assemble your own it's like 25% of the price of the "premade" stuff. It's amazing that there's so much of a premium when it's just throwing stuff together in a bowl and crisping them in an air fryer/oven if desired. Good lazy food.


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Vanilla ice cream and microwaved banana makes for a pretty good dessert.

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Have you ever gotten any money from class action settlements? Even though most of them would be pocket changes, it would still be free money to buy a new game or figure for the many hikineets here.

I have found $43 from current opening settlements just in the food category alone which don't require any proof of payment.
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¥ underdeveloped
¥ third world
That's not how this works. America is the paramount, the hegemon, the big bad booty daddy. First world means its part of NATO.

Fucking retard. Neck la neck yourself.


Take it easy, Mr. Freeedom.


Never thought you were. That anon understood how stupid such a claim was and only said it to emphasize the ridiculousness of using free housing as a metric for first-world membership since THE first-world country doesn't do that commie shit.


a free country does do that because it provides upwards mobility for people at the bottom to take jobs from those above them. A totalitarian country does not


but america does do section 8 housing

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 No.67883[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I want to nakadashi *girl* has become a popular phrase on imageboards (mostly 4chan). But it's a mix of Japanese and English. If I was going to say "I want to cum inside Holo" fully in Japanese, how would I go about doing that? In the English sentence, nakadashi is a loan word and it is the action being done, but in Japanese I don't think 中出し is a verb. Can it be verbified by adding する to it? And then you conjugate it to say you "want" to do it. So the end result would be 私はホロで中出ししたい which would translate to I want to cum inside Holo. Am I correct?

Japanese is fun to learn.
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English isn't that much easier apart from the writing system.
As a generic advice, consume more Japanese and contexts will make sense and patterns emerge.




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¥ 2:56
>Later hiragana took over katakana's function in mixed writing, and by later I mean less than a hundred years ago
>and katakana was repurposed to encode loanwords.
There were already instances prior to then of hiragana being used in mixed writing and katakana being used for loanwords.

But overall, this seems like an okay overview.


solid vid


I'm going to be taking a Chinese class this spring. It seemed like a fun idea, but I will probably suffer.

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what romance anime should i watch next /qa/?
i loved quintessential quintuplets recently.


imouto likes Kimi ni Todoke


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I don't really watch much romance stuff since it's usually high school setting stuff that bores me. The Madome show that aired about a year ago was quite nice, although its atmosphere is more relaxed and silly instead of heavy.


romance is filled with an abundance of lazy cliche writing but i think a good romance anime, crushes me after.


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Kaichou wa Maid-sama! It's funny and makes my heart flutter.
My Little Monster is also good.

>romance is filled with an abundance of lazy cliche writing
I like this.

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Words of "native" or "germanic" origin in Modern English that start with a "g" all use the hard-g sound as in "gift". While "foreign" words of "latin" origin use the soft-g as in "giraffe". The debate between "gif" or "jif" should be seen as an extension of the French linguistic imperialism, imposed upon the common English people since 1066.

"gif" is pronounces with a hard-g, unless you are French sympathizer; in which you deserve to be shot.
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It's definitely a J sound. I don't really know why I know it, but it's been that way for as long as I can remember it. It sounds much more pleasant, too.


Oh noo! I forgot how I pronounce it. I think it's gif but I might say jif as well.


Hard G. Soft G is foolishness beyond compare!

honestly, I've never met anyone in real life who used soft G GIF, not even people who are actually technologically literate


Wasn't it confirmed it was gif that sounded like "jiff"?


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Hard G as in gif that keeps on gifing.

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I can barely use 4chan these days because of all the captcha fuckery. But even when I still lurk it, from time to time, I find the place just as mentally draining as any big social media site. How do people put up with the constant aggro and bickering over whatever the latest big culture war thing is? Don’t they ever get tired of that? Or making every single piece of media fit into some console war style faggotry with another?

It’s honestly begun to stress me out looking at the place more than ever. I don’t get how people are able to stick to this loop every day.
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It's a mix of boredom and constant gratification. Not instant, constant. If you don't notice it early enough and cut it out, you might get caught in this spiral where you check several pages and sites on a loop of sorts where you switch tabs or apps until something catches your eye where you suck it up and move to the next thing the instant your interest in it wanes. Anger is just something that catches interest very easily and if you've browsed 4chan for long enough you might've on more than one occasion started writing a reply falseflagging as the type of response you yourself would hate the most, as an extreme version of what you're stealth mocking in hopes that other people call you out, only to then double down yourself on the message you hate.
It's really weird how things turn out this way, but the average twitter user could spend all day scrolling increasingly faster down some hashtag about a thing they never even heard of just to catch some post they dislike and spend more time getting angry at it.

I don't think people can stay in this state for particularly long though. I didn't bite this cycle too hard myself but I got burnt out on being angry at nobodies online and just stopped going to places full of people being angry on their free time, though it might have something to do with my free time being limited because i'm a filthy wageslave. There's probably a ton of people who burnt out as well and quietly disappeared, only to be replaced with 10 more anger addicts. Whether this effect plateaus on a grand scale or not is yet to be seen, though so far its only been getting worse and more common.


>but those topics are just a part of the world now
But I don't care about the world or politics or whatever. I just want to talk about anime without ever discussion devolving into political shitflinging.


personally I only seek out political opinions I agree with, life's too short to listen to [outgroup elided for Kissu harmony]


I think everyone can agree that renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America was the right call, but the question remains of what the state of New Mexico should be renamed to?


Join a monastery if you want to be an island. Getting mad and doomposting every time someone uses an offensive term for a group of sexual ideologues currently in the social spotlight just spurs on the negativity you're complaining about. It never should have received the attention it has, but it's too late to stop that now and the sooner we accept it's just a generic buzzword insult the sooner we can all stop pretending like the issue matters.

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