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 No.114027[Reply][Last50 Posts]

What music has /qa/ been listening to lately?
228 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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 No.87056[Reply][Last50 Posts]

So the DDDDD thread made me realize that kissu doesn't really have any threads dedicated to manga that I could find. The focus seems to be too much on seasonal anime. I realize that this is because manga is much harder to find/follow than seasonal stuff as there are no clear guidelines for it and Westerners don't read comics nearly as much as the Japanese do.

Anyway, what manga have you been reading recently? I just read the latest chapter of Shimeji Simulation a few days ago. As with anything made by Tsukumizu so far it is great. Definitely recommend it to everyone here and I do hope it eventually gets an anime adaption as well like SSR.
171 posts and 88 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Kinda boring fujobait that's cute as hell and loves to show off itty bitty shota nippies but I still dropped it because it sucks.
Look at this kid's bulge.


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Mystic murderous gay sex. Not bad.


Ooo ye, I read that, pretty fun - not much happens but it's nice.
I did only really finished it because it's quite short, wish it had a stronger story but aw well


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Up to where I read (somewhere in volume 2) it liked to show off how cute that fucking faggot is and really put quite a bit of emphasis on their mutual attraction, but when I skipped to the end to see if it actually did anything with it I found it's just one kiss while the guy is sleeping and that's really disappointing.


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Also pisssssssss.

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 No.112443[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Hey Kissu Kissu! Would you like to play Sonic Karts sometime? I have created an addon pack with some fun stuff included! If someone else is willing to host it, that would be cool, but if not, I can always do it myself.

The download includes everything needed to host and play the game, plus a custom client created by 4/vm/ that adds new features to the game.

Game plus addons download: https://mega.nz/file/mJYUhJBR#UmY_51jm0gQkjk3uZa512Z09T75V8GujKVscg7clX0s

4/vm/ client source code: https://gitlab.com/c3851/srb-2-k-cep

Stuff added via addons:- Custom characters! https://files.catbox.moe/v72z70.webm If you have characters you want, feel free to suggest more!
- Wide variety of tracks. About 42 map packs worth of maps!
- A Kissu theme pack with custom music and graphics on the voting screen.
- The in-game HUD is colorized to your chosen color, including the new speedometer and drift gauge.
- A hitfeed that shows when people hit each other or fall off the map.
- Timers on the bottom of the screen that shows how long your sneakers, your mini-turbos, or you being spun-out lasts
- A simple trick system. Tap brake after a jump to get a small speed boost when landing. It is on a cool down timer after you do it.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Four now!


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good race


Where did you find all the stuff you put inside this pack? Is there any kind of resources to mod the game?


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Oh dang I forgot about this. We need to start playing again.

I think I remember him mentioning a board on 4chan as a source of information. /vm/ or something? The multiplayer gaming board.


This game looks fun. I want to play next time. I'll even use the crappy controller reserved for little brothers.

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 No.97793[Reply][Last50 Posts]

MORE AI STUFF! It's weird how this is all happening at once. Singularity is near?

Alright, there's another AI thing people are talking about, but this time it shouldn't be very controversial:
Using a temporary email service (just google 'temporary email') you can make an account and start having conversations with bots. (Write down the email though because it's your login info)
But, these bots are actually good. EXTREMELY good. Like, "is this really a bot?" good. I talked with a vtuber and had an argument and it went very well. Too well, almost. I don't know how varied the stuff is, but they're really entertaining when I talked to Mario and even a vtuber.
Sadly, it's gaining in popularity rapidly so the service is getting slower and it might even crash on you.

It says "beta" all over the site, presumably this is in the public testing phase and once it leaves beta it's going to cost money, so it's best to have fun with this now while we still can (and before it gets neutered to look good for investors or advertisers).
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wait wtf when did sankaku start doing this


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Can't say I'm too surprised as he's always chasing money-making schemes. This stuff will slowly become more common, but most people still utterly fail to see the potential in it including here, much to my consternation. The time to strike it rich was last year (which I think I even mentioned in this thread in trying to get people interested in making a kissu version) but it will be interesting to see what others do... poorly. All these website versions are terrible as it's obvious the creators aren't even interested in it themselves. That lack of interest dooms them to mediocrity, but since people don't know any better they won't care.
I can sense some of the gas leaking from the AI bubble, but there's still a lot of it in there.


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So there's a new version of GPT out, GPT-4O, and it's insanely fast compared to the other models. It's doing translations in real time and can output text at speeds which make even the super fast GPT-4 seem slow.

Also it's apparently got even better vision now so it can describe emotion in a picture too and the feeling around it more than just describing the factual descriptors of the picture. Not sure if that's disturbing or not...


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Hmm. Yeah, this seems pretty impressive based on this image I just grabbed from /g/. This is pretty damn impressive. I wonder if it can identify birds and stuff. I imagine it's still the case that GPT4 is more dry when it comes to (E)RP stuff when compared to Claude, but the tech and following directions is still the best. I've kind of temporarily lost interest in text AI again since I spent weeks making a character and burned out, but I'll get back into it eventually.
Apparently the GPT-40 thing is free, but you do need to give them your phone number to make an account so anything you say will be tied to your identity. I suppose this means they want free labor in training filters or more training data, or just plain ol' data harvesting.


>it's still the case that GPT4 is more dry when it comes to (E)RP
Maybe it's just rumors, but from posts here and there I've heard that the new model is incredibly horny. So it might just be up there with Claude now. If it's free with a phone number then I'm sure that the proxies will have it working soon enough.

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Does /qa/ have any experience with ebook readers? I've been getting back into reading recently, and although I like the ebook reader app I have on my Android phone (ReadEra), it's not entirely pleasant; my phone is a bit weighty so it's tiring to hold, and it strains my eyes after reading for a while.

The most obvious choice seems to be a Kindle, but it seems kind of opaque what the differences are between models other than storage. I'm really not a fan of them seemingly being permanently tethered to the cloud and this "ad-supported" thing seems annoying as well. Ideally, I would have something that I can move my own ebooks onto just by plugging it into my PC. USB C is a hard requirement as well; I can't believe Amazon was selling Kindles with the worst charging connector of all time, micro USB, up until 2021.

Looking at the prices for the features that matter to me... I'm really wondering if it would be worth it buying one at all. From what I understand, I would probably be looking at buying some Android e-ink tablet, but those don't seem to have the best reputation online (?) and I can't imagine any are particularly lightweight. My phone is ~200g and that feels a bit too heavy for me. Anything tablet sized I'm sure would be too heavy for me.
30 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Thank you for the response. Is it able to display manga from right to left?


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Yes, but there's a little bit of work you'll need to do. If your manga are in .CBZ files, you'll need to convert them to .EPUB. I personally use Kindle Comic Converter. You can technically load .CBZ files if you want, but they'll have no metadata other than the title, and page turning will typically be very slow. Converting to .EPUB let's you import those converted .CBZs into Calibre and add metadata to the files. You can technically just use Calibre to convert to .EPUB, but IIRC it's just not as granular as Kindle Comic Converter.

I should also add that for whatever reason if you add .KEPUB, before the .EPUB file extension, things will load faster and for normal text EPUBs you'll get access to things like changing the font. For regular ebooks it's fine to use Calibre to convert to .KEPUB, but you'll need to download a plug-in inside of Calibre to do that.


Well, it has come out. It looks fairly okay all things considered, but it would appear to make any use of the color feature you really need to be using the glow light, which may negate some of the benefits of using e ink (namely the long battery life). Without the glow light it certainly looks muddy and poorly saturated as Kaleido tends to look. It's a bit darker than normal a normal e ink display without the glow light to compensate, as you can see here: https://youtu.be/UEGPFIpJz98?t=421 (Jump to 7:05, for reference). In a few reviews I noticed that you can see some diagonal lines in some of the up-close shots of the devices. After some thinking, I'm pretty sure this is because of the LCD layer being fairly low resolution... A cheap trick they use is marketing the resolution by stating the PPI. For color, that's 150 PPI, and for black and white it's 300 PPI. As the device has a black and white resolution of 1264 x 1680, that means the color resolution is a quarter of that at 683 x 840. I'm not sure how big of a deal that really is, not having seen the deivce myself in person to tell, but the lower resolution of the color layer doesn't appear to result in any weird aliasing in any reviews, so it's probably not an issue in reality.


Is there any ebook way to do OCR drag and select for looking up individual kanji, words, and sentences for reading Japanese manga?
I might be tempted to buy one if there is something like that since there'd be a lot less distractions available.


I should have bought the Libra 2 before it went out of stock.

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I've noticed that there's a bit of talk here and there at times about big named directors like Shinbo or Ikuhara in threads about there respective anime. Similarly there's "the /qa/ voice" and a few threads in the past made about favorite seiyuu's. With the more recent Seiyuu Radio thread I got a bit more interested in asking /qa/, how much do you pay attention to who's making the anime you enjoy and how conscious of their work are you while watching?

For myself I mostly know seiyuu, studios, composers, singers, and directors since those are more the big in your face part of anime, but I also can recognize a few character designers like Akio Watanabe/Amazuyu Tatsuki. I also know a few (non-director) animators by name, though I can't really tell who's who from just watching an anime like it's occasionally possible to do with directors/studios. Not even sure if it is possible.

Maybe it's a bit meta for some people, but I think it can be valuable and give you a greater appreciation of anime you really enjoy or lead you to finding other works with them included that you may also love. It can also be an interesting experience to go through the catalog of a director to watch how they grew over the years. A similar thing applies to seiyuu, and with them there's also the feeling of hearing a new voice you don't recognize that absolutely hits it out of the park and astounds you, like Utena from MahoAko.
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>So many people on there that are knowledgeable but publish their knowledge on a kuso platform you can't even view half the time without an account
It's ok! In time they'll all be on misskey once Elon's gutted jp twitter enough. Where you can easily sign up and be free of all the limitations westerners force through twitter! As long as you sign up through a JP IP. That isn't a VPN since it could get you banned. And your sign up is through a JP exclusive email because most western ones throw an error including gmail/proton. Which is easy to get as long as you've got a JP phone number with SNS available that you can activate any time, while in Japan.


...I signed up to Misskey on my kuso western gmail with my kuso western IP and I didn't have any problems...
Also, you can just sign up to other instances on the Fediverse.


Yeah, I did that a year or so ago too but I forgot or my password was changed and I can't get into the account.


I know the basic stuff like big name directors, artists, composers, seiyuus, etc. I also like watching behind the scenes stuff when it's available such as vid related.


There's an official version on youtube of the short animation by the way. Give it a watch.

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To what length do you go to avoid spoilers?
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I kill anyone before they get the chance to spoil me.


I seek them out, actually. Fairly often, there's just so much out there that I'd rather check what's up before giving it a go:
>>>/jp/74826 >>>/jp/75268
Today I watched a movie that I knew was about altered states of consciousness and because of the context it was recommended in I thought it would be about introspective ego death shit but turns out it had a fucking caveman in it! Going out to the zoo at night and eating a fucking goat! Like fifty fucking minutes in after they experiment with the sensory deprivation water tank and the tribal shrooms in Mexico, genetic memory my ass. What a waste.


I remember reading that a certain Ancient Greek playwright had a person come in before a play and explain to the audience everything they were about to see before it started so they would better understand the story, and that Aristotle thought this was great while Nietzsche hated it, but I can't remember where or who that was.... maybe it was Sophocles...


Both Nietzsche and Aristotle predate the modern concept of spoilers, anyway.


Spoilers being a bad thing that you should avoid is a manufactured concept being propped up by TV networks and streaming services in order to convince people that they need to watch/binge shows immediately in order to boost ratings/subscriptions.

 No.86336[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Post something cool that youtube has recommended to you recently. Note: this is not meant to be a music thread, it can be any kind of video.
112 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


For once it gave me something good. I heard it a long time ago but I forgot the name. Turns out I've had the album on my HDD for years.




I might check this out just out of curiosity. This guy has a cool channel in general.


Not sure if this counts or not since it's somewhat biased by me being subbed


Never watched Breaking Bad before but this is cool.

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What is your proudest 2D/otaku related accomplishment? I can say I've watched Evangelion as a kid. Pretty cool eh? While everyone else was watching Pokemon, DBZ and Yugi-oh I was feeling funny looking at Shinji grab Rei's boobs by accident.
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AniDB is definitely very informative. I think it mostly suffers from a UI that doesn't really capture people's attention. You only get a few seconds to have a first impression and it fails to compare to MAL and anlist in that regard. Personally I use anilist because easily connects to Taiga. ANiDB is far more trustworthy when it comes to ratings, needless to say. If it did somehow get a sudden influx of say 50,000 users I wonder if the site and staff could support it.


I finished Gintama, One Piece and Bleach in 1 month


I watched H stuff at a too young age. Don't know if it's something I should be proud of, but I guess I did end up discovering I was a lolicon at age 12. Thankfully I was able to hide it that early, and now it's kind of something I don't pay that much attention to now.
I prefer anidb since it's not grating to see the community on there the same way it is for that MALicious site, which I've never been a fan of.
I wonder that too, still one of the 10 people only using anidb though.


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I've thought about it before. The site could easily be near-perfect in regard to completeness but I just don't think that's going to happen unless something significant changes. People don't like the UI which causes less people to join, change requests can pend for literal years which causes less people to continue contributing, the list goes on. There being several "competitor" sites doesn't help either, since a lot of people just contribute to AniList or MAL instead which seems like a fool's errand imo, they're so incomplete and will never be complete since they exclude so much.

The site could probably handle it since donations go above the goal every time they're done, but the staff absolutely couldn't since they struggle to maintain what they currently have. Returns to the point about staff apathy, the senior moderators just don't care anymore and there's too much of a backlog of change requests to realistically work through with the current (relatively) active staff.


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These are not really feats but I'll list two things

1.Having a more in depth knowledge of otaku culture and niche moreso than most others around my age (I'm a loser, I know)

2. Contributing fanworks like art and fanfiction to a small fanbase I was in. I got a lot of likes and feedback for my work and it made me happy knowing that people enjoyed my stuff.

I don't know if you'll ever see this now Reisen anon, but that's awesome. One day I plan on 1'cc IN as well.

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Kissu people are talking Spice and Wolf quite a bit lately in relation to the remake, so I decided to watch the original. I'm still in the process of marathoning it, but I can definitely see why people like it so much. I avoided it because of the merchant stuff which I HATE, but the parts unrelated to spreading human misery are very good!
"Why did you make the thread before you finished it?" you might ask. Well, because my neck hurts from laying in bed watching it for 6 hours and I don't want to go into spoiler territory in the OP.

Anyway, I figure a centralized place to talk about the show and manga and whatever else might be a good idea since people are so eager to talk about it (including me now!)
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Still the most beautiful version of the scene from this week's episode. It's still good in the anime, but without that final line it's kinda not as perfect.


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Interesting. This part was different from the original anime. The traitor guy was also a woman in the original but I think that was possibly mentioned in the thread already.
The original didn't show the transformation to the viewer, but Lawrence was utterly terrified of it like he was looking at death. It was quite an interesting thing, so I wonder why it's gone. Maybe it was an anime embellishment in the original?
This time it showed the transformation (and it was quite freaky until she was fully transformed. It had no effect on Lawrence.
I wonder which one is closer to the LN.


oh shit i deleted the post like a tard.....


's why i call them deletards

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 No.105227[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Do you have any experience gardening?
I decided that I'm going to attempt gardening this year. My dad grew up on a farm and we had crops in the backyard when I was a kid. I still have the old tilling machine that's in good shape and some other rusty tools, but I don't have a hammer to mine silver from nearby rocks so I won't be able to upgrade the stuff.
I think it's too late for my geographic location to start growing early Spring stuff from seeds, so I need to buy some that are already a few weeks old from a local nursery, or maybe online? This stuff sounds kind of fun as long as your expectations are reasonable.
220 posts and 130 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


on topic sager deserved it


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At least the container stuff is doing well since I'm able to move it around. The strawberries are the most striking since they're far ahead of the others. Growing strawberries in containers is apparently something well known that anyone can do as long as they have access to sunlight. They're very compact plants.


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Marigold sprouts. These things have such cool star-like leaf designs. They're known for being very good at keeping bad bugs away and the roots are somehow good at combating nematodes. I had planned to transfer these into the garden, but... bleh.
Well, I'm sure I'll manage to transplant some of them at least.


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Chamomile is another plant with attractive leaves. I planted some of these in the garden directly but they're all dead for sure, or maybe they'll sprout when there's dirt again instead of mud soup.
Well, that's it for this update. I have other pots with sprouts in them but they're tiny and unremarkable.


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The latest Jellyfish episode had some microgreens in them which was quite weird to see. I think the daughter called them pea sprouts. A "microgreen" isn't a specific plant, but rather anything that's harvested when it's a few weeks old. It's mostly leafy greens, but really anything could work.
It's extremely low maintenance since plants that young still get a lot of their nutrition and energy from the seed itself so the light requirement isn't very high. There's been some research and they're quite nutritious and simple to grow so they've been quite a fad among yuppies for a few years. Baby spinach and bean sprouts are both microgreens technically.
This container here is actually way too deep. It could be 1/3rd as deep since sprouts don't have large roots.

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What's the ideal height difference between a man and woman? Whereabouts should her head come up to?
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Enough so that the man is not caught off guard by them


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based, it's boring otherwise.


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Based on what?


Ameri is so hot


what just bit this shab

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 No.95721[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Didn't have any basil for my pizza so I put thyme on it instead.
It's not a bad substitute. It's pretty good in its own right.
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Some water will always stay inside the pot if I'm draining noodles the lazy way. The noodles are wetter which makes them less chewy and less fryable.


It can ruin the sauce if you don't drain enough of the water.


Which is why you put the pot back onto the gas for a bit, stirring to make sure the noodles don't get burned.


Sauces are a low priority in our household but I do get the idea.


You're supposed to soak noodles before frying, not boil them.

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What comes to mind when you hear the phrase "10/10"?
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Some people assume that product quality is a bell curve, centered on the the middle of the likeability spectrum. This leads to the center being the most common mark, and the extremes the least common (or even taboo).
That is an assumption. There is no evidence that it is true. And by making the full point scores so rare, you are creating an exclusive label. This can easily turn from merely a personal judgement to a confirmation of your community's values and then into something yet more perverted.
"Look here upon the Great Classics. This is what [medium] should aspire to be. Unfortunately, modern creators only care for money."

It is hard to measure enjoyment. It's a subjective experience. It not only varies from person to person, but also between repetitions of the same stimulus. And that is precisely why we all are so vulnerable to having assumptions as described above distorting our judgements. Distorting? Arguably, we would not be able to give a judgement at all if not for a framework. Assumptions are, in a way, necessary.
But I want to propose, as an alternative, a flat fun curve. Where the enjoyment spectrum can easily be divided into n different segments with each segment containing as many items as every other one. n/n would be no smaller a set than (n-1)/n.


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I have a folder full of images of cute anime characters extending fingers in talking poses for the purpose of being posted alongside walls of text. But every time I write up a wall of text and his [Submit], I find that it is accompanied by no such image.


using all ten fingers to grab the boobies


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then there's this

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 No.62191[Reply][Last50 Posts]

What have you been dreaming recently?
318 posts and 79 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Had a dream where this very petite girl kept crying about how someone abused her or something and was pressing up against me.


Had a pretty sick dream last night.

The setting for it was in a sort of horror game, and I knew it was a game. In it you were playing as a prisoner wandering through a medieval castle trying to find a way out or maybe find something within the castle as well, that part's a bit murky to me. Though different from something like Amnesia there were a fair amount of knights & guards. The guards were more like normal grunt soldiers patrolling about and easy to take out but the knights played the role more of the "Monsters" of the game. In that they'd chase you down and be nigh impossible to beat due to their armor and strength. Though you could beat them interestingly enough since I was able to take at least one of what I assume was a weaker one out and steal his shield that I used to bash guards unconscious. It was pretty neat for a survival horror-like since the gameplay wasn't the traditional kind of tank controls of even newer RE games, instead it was a pure VR experience that carried with it the benefit of making the fighting feel clunky and hard to master so even if you were able to take out a knight another one like a black knight I came across would still be able to easily overcome you in skill and also despite me blocking he just tore the shield out of my hands since I wasn't really nearly strong enough to take someone like him head-on. He killed me and I was forced to go at it again and try to maneuver around him this time. Sneaking past a ceremony with the lord of the castle I believe who was giving a speech to a fair bit of knights that spooked me out with how close I was getting. The stealth was strong and on the level of something like Thief so I was satisfied with that. It was also possible to engage in dialogue with the knights and to try talking things out with them, which didn't work. Probably needed something to negotiate with but I didn't get that far into my dream. The ending to my dream was a bit anticlimactic since it ended up with me in a basement chamber where I spotted a satanic looking centaur stalking about only to get spotted back.

In all it was a pretty interesting dream and probably a good game idea if I were to ever make something out of it...


you just have to learn 3D modelling


started keeping a dream journal and already dreams are more vivid and easier to remember
i'm not even doing it diligently i keep being lazy hmmmmm


Dreamt I went shopping with Red but Alice tagged along and kept pulling shit to get my attention.

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