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File:53079130_p0.jpg (231.26 KB,480x889)

 No.89870[View All]

Whenever you see this thread go and get some exercise! You can't just laze around all day as a NEET!
217 posts and 82 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You are either overtraining or not ready for running yet, try cycling or swimming and see if the soreness is as bad


You'd think, but this is an issue that just started to happen after I took a week's break from running every day for the same amount. I'm not really sore or in that much pain afterwards, but it keeps beating me down mentally now whenever I try to run.


exercise is gay and a waste of time a rigid 3-hour workout only burns like 100 cal which is nothing just eat less and don't eat processed junk


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Uh, I don't know what kind of exercise you're doing but my 30 minutes of running usually burns around 500cal.


it doesn't, more like 50




*pokes u in the tum*


*kills you*
nothing personnel, kid


EAUGH i'm dead


It's not a waste of time if you use new anime for those three hour sessions.


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Proud owner of a /qa/ belly.


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Been really slacking on my exercise lately so I'm going to have to try and force myself into doing it against my will. I hate how the motivation can just completely leave me at random even when I was making good daily progress.


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It takes a minute to do 50 pushups. Why can't I work up the motivation to spend a minute on my health...


At my current pace, it will take me years to do 50 push ups. I can't even remember when I did the last one.

But push-ups aren't much a health thing. You should find hobbies that involve you moving your body or, if a hobby is unrealistic, perhaps substitute one of your means of travel with a bike, or even your feet.


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A minute? That can't be right. Like other exercises, push-ups should be slow. The controlled descent against gravity is an important part of it. It's similar to how you shouldn't use momentum while doing curls and such. And numbers don't matter, exhaustion and tissue tearing is what matters. 20 slow pushups with methodical muscle control is better than 50 fast ones with poor form that ignores half of the routine.


Oh, I don't ignore form at all when doing pushups, but even with perfect form I can still do about 1 every second or two, though it goes down the more I do to where some of the last ones on an endurance push will take me about 10 seconds each.


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It's a terrible feeling to train for endurance. It feels like you're about to pass out while doing it. I'd rather just place a massive cement block on my back than do more than 20 pushups.


eating under 1000cal a day makes the motivation go away bleh


You shouldn't go under 1200cal or you start risking malnutrition...


god I wish I was a NEET. maybe then I would put effort into not being a fat fuck.


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92, feels like 97... Perfect temperature for a walk/jog!

And then a swim afterwards so I don't overheat...


Isn't it easier for a wagie? Make your own healthy-ish packed lunch, then, even if you're hungry you have to wait until you get home to eat something. This worked pretty well for me


the very second I got a job I gained 10 kilos


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Of course not. Having a j*b means you're always in a hurry and have no time for anything, so you eat garbage of little nutritional value because it's easier to prepare. We NEETs can easily afford to be healthier than j*b-havers since we have so much free time. You can take your time to prepare healthy meals instead of eating frozen, canned or instantaneous garbage. NEETs also have lower levels of stress.


You can jog to your w*rkplace, or at least to the station or parking lot.


*pokes you in the tum*


I've lost around 10 lbs in the past month so I think that my daily walk/swim is doing me well.


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Time to wage war against heat stroke....


Actually genuinely impossible, I'd die if I did my normal hour walk in this...


thats a nice day down here mate


where the flip do you live where that's a nice day...


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Not great, but not terrible. It's humid because it's cloudy and might rain, so that's nice. Very different from the swamp-like humidity of a summer day with full heat and no wind.


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At the beach for vacationing so getting a lot of walking in since the town I go to is extremely walkable. I can understand the plight of that one anon when his dream does exist here in some form.


learned what starfish crunches are


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also, today i start running, i don't know what im in for


are you still running? for how long?


i just spent an hour running around my local football oval


makes me want to go out for a run but I'd die of heatstroke...


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You should try swimming instead, can't get heatstroke doing that!


Actually on that note I've been swimming about 800m a day and it's been working pretty well as an exercise routine.


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This site/app is pretty good for tracking calories, macronutrients vitamins, minerals, etc if you guys don't know about it.

This is a typical day for me. I went 210 calories over (from a sedentary baseline), meaning I will have to exercise a bit to burn this or else I'll get fatto.


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Doing 5 pushups every time I die to Radiant Absolute Radiance until I beat her, was doing 10 but needed to cut it down once I reached 80...

I'm going to be so f*cking buff..............


whats your least favorite stroke?


Oh yeah, I don't know when but eventually I stopped doing pushups because my arms were becoming noodles and it was getting harder to use my controller. Had to have passed 300 pushups total though...


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worked out today
aiming for this physique


Was going to do my normal workout but for some reason my kneecap feels off today and walking on it sorta hurt and felt a bit pressured. Not sure why but I think it's a good sign to give it a rest day.


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haven't exercised in a week because of stupid NEET sleep cycle


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The first physical game I've bought since... Dungeon Travelers 2 on vita I think. The cat looks really bad and even sick here for some reason (must be the light not hitting his eyes).
Going to be a short while before I have it set up, but looking forward to it!



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