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File:C-1701381587276.png (6.94 KB,380x380)

 No.116690[View All]

New feature just landed.
Better than paint, allows you to add another layer on top for a simple CSP style image editor.
60 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:tegaki_2023_12_02_18_12_00.png (33.95 KB,1000x500)

Attention: Despite appearance, this image of Vermilio-chan is neither wide nor a potato, and is in fact merely a "funny faec". Thank you for your understanding.


no, thank YOU, respectable citizen, for this crucial PSA


but her head is wider than her shoulders


File:tegaki-1701598318375.png (9.83 KB,380x380)

There. It adds it to the form now. I hope you never can enjoy having it open in a tab now


File:tegaki-1701599752633.png (5.5 KB,380x380)


width is not just a measurement, it's a ~mode of being~
regularly consistent across time, which vermilio lacks


File:tegaki-1701619675318.png (6.21 KB,380x380)

cool thanks


File:Hidamari.Sketch.X.Hoshimit….png (1.7 MB,1920x1080)

but the whole point of hidamari wides is that they aren't like that normally


it's complicated, see >>111498


oh its a drawing of that one-off funny faec


File:tegaki-1701638033642.png (12.17 KB,380x380)



more like overt agressiveness


File:tegaki-1701638564430.png (7.34 KB,380x380)


File:tegaki-1701685397818.png (12.62 KB,380x380)



File:tegaki-1701697488141.png (12.62 KB,380x380)

oops made a small mistake


possibly mistake


nice, very nice
admittedly a bit hard to notice


you did that on purpose


File:tegaki-1701732981145.png (7.2 KB,380x380)


File:tegaki-1701733541701.png (8.06 KB,380x380)


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File:tegaki-1701734304833.png (15.92 KB,380x380)




File:tegaki-1701738756308.png (16.06 KB,380x380)

Feeling sick...


tummy hort?


Fever and a cold. The fever subsided since yesterday, although it's still there a bit.


File:tegaki-1701805922151.png (50.21 KB,380x380)

shab just bit




File:tegaki-1701866548983.png (12.24 KB,380x380)

i like this fun drawing toy


Looks good but it doesn't recognize pressure for me
I am on firefox


File:I_can't_draw.jpg (149.89 KB,480x370)

I can't draw. Any tips for getting started? I always wanted to learn but I could never get beyond very basic stuff.

I do enjoy lurking this thread.


When you start where and who you learn from will infuence your style.
For example if you look up a tutorial on how to draw thing you will the copy style of the person who made the tutorial. Similarly if you try to copy artists that you like it will be an influence. Copying certainly is a way but before you do it just ask yourself if you want your artstyle to look like this.

Good way to start is drawing your favorite anime characters. And if you find that you have no idea how to draw a certain thing or a bodypart look at pictures by your favorite artist to see how they do it, but try to do it yourself first.

Other people can also point out your mistakes or points to improve.


File:tegaki-1703248793114.png (15.16 KB,380x380)

I certainly understand that it's supposed to be simple, but ability to delete and duplicate layers would be very good.
Lasso tool to select and move things around would be nice.
Ability to add custom colors to pallete would be nice but you can work around not having it.
And ability to change canvas size would expand the possibilities.


Learn construction first and foremost. This means building the subject of your drawing out of basic shapes and then adding the details afterward; drawing the head first and then adding the face and hair on top.

You should also learn by studying. Try and recreate drawings by artists you like step-by-step as you think they might have drawn them. Once you feel confident in your studies, try drawing the characters from your studies in your own poses but as on-model as possible. This hammers home the skills you learned from copying, and also tells you whether the skills are actually sinking in or not.

People will say to study anatomy, and while that's good advice in the long run, in the short term it'll just slow you down. Human anatomy is full of ton of tricky shapes and attempting it before you have a solid grasp of construction is a waste of time.


File:R-1704846946879.png (122.3 KB,1000x800)

Proof of concept. I have a pressure-sensitive tablet but for whatever reason Tegaki doesn't register said pressure...


File:waterfox_cy1vpSe5Nj.png (1.5 KB,211x67)

I don't have mine plugged in right now, but did you hit the buttons at the top to 'activate' one or both of these?


Yeah I did.


Hmm, weird. I'm just a guy with a tablet so I can try it out, but I don't know any programming stuff so I could just see if it's limited to you or not.
But, bleh.. drawing tablet is unplugged while I did some monitor testing...
Guess I can test it out later.



Are you on firefox?


File:Untitled.png (10.58 KB,380x380)

tegaki feature


If you're asking me (>>118472), yes. I'm also using an XP Pen tablet, if that helps.


What is some place with many drawfags where I could show my drawings to get tips on how to get better?


As the primagen says... no one is going to be able to teach you. You gotta just want to hone your own vision by striving to immitate the people you consider masters.


its prime time with theprimeagen


The only one I know of is on 4chan, but I'm not sure if it's any good. It's bad to always receive fluffy, non-committal praise, but /ic/ seems to be too far in the other direction. Apart from that, artists seem too scattered.


do people still use conceptart.org forums
edit: apparently not the site is gone noew


I am also on firefox and it also doesn't work here and in some other browser drawing app so maybe firefox just does not support pressure.


Chrome tends to be more ahead of the curve with programmer apis


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