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File:1.jpg (2.03 MB,2048x1536)

 No.102927[View All]

I tend to nag people to post their cat pictures here so it's only fair that I post some of my own. Here is the (late) kitty I had when I lived with my parents. I had her since I was eight years old and she lived to around 15 years.
450 posts and 195 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I guess I can upload a couple more pics of my cat, although he's not doing anything amazing in them apart from being naturally cute.


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When I tell him that it's time to leave so I can go to bed he'll lay on his back and move around like a snake. I have no idea why.


File:[Nyanpasu] Kareshi Kanojo ….mp4 (7.98 MB,718x526)

Official anime cat ED.


The cat is writhing in agony from being made to get off the bed.


he's such a good friend


>although he's not doing anything amazing
cats, their mere existence is amazing, don't have to be doing anything special


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'tis the season for cat cleaning


is it ok for them to eat mice? wont they catch a disease or something?


More of a thing for wild mice


I usually throw it outside if I can catch it or they're done playing with it. My cats don't generally 'eat' mice, just eventually play with them too hard until they die and then they leave it as a present for me.


>My cats don't generally 'eat' mice, just eventually play with them too hard until they die


mine eats silverfish when bored. Dunno how that does the cat's digestion


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Just because you can do that with little girls, does not mean that it's okay to do with cats.


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literary fatard


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Cat has brain problems


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File:cat milk.mp4 (1.6 MB,640x492)

I love catards.


incredible self control to not pull that tail


maybe you have mice or something nesting back there/in the walls?


cute cat but god I hate that sound


spank that cat


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this one escaped prison and got a white eye for it
was hard to take a pic of, a passerby had to help me and it still came out blurry


it's a girl highly possible judging by color


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Koko suki.


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Neighbour's cat seeing me through the window.


damn that's a great pic


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SUPER cutes!


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Looks quite human


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whats the difference?


the cats have been SO GOOD lately



I think that's it.


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Cat connection protocol whiskers:




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just adopted this cutie


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big paws.


Is that an eye on her belly?


apparently they're good at catching mice (she already caught one!)
poor thing was pregnant when she was a stray, before she got rescued not too long ago. that's a little stitching from when she had her c-section, her belly fur still hasn't come back yet.


You opened your house to a non-virgin cat?


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