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 No.114027[View All]

What music has /qa/ been listening to lately?
183 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


13 year old me would have fallen in love with this song. Current me still kinda vibes with it, but I rarely listen to fast paced music anymore.




this one is interesting that you might want to check out, according from what i heard, there was a japanese musician who went to north korea to teach a group of school girls instruments in 2006, then the girls made the most greatest piece of music lol.

there is a whole rabbit hole of north korean music that goes beyond propaganda songs and there are some great songs to listen to, unfortunately it is very niche due north korea being north korea and what not. you got bands like moranbong band, ponchobo etc etc.



The album this is from turns 12 today.


The GAR must continue.



Hitagi was not lying when she said her voice actress was excellent


She has a great vocal range.


t+ is being weird again


Dang feel like I've made this exact post before, I completely agree her Seiyuu's amazing. If /qa/ were more astute in their research they'd realize she deserves to be a /qa/ voice too.













I like their songs about seclusion.



When assembling the Utawarerumono 2 and 3 music collection thing (>>124013) I of course had to listen to it again.
The dream of love... a truly fantastic theme deserving of Kuon.









Keep getting these songs recommended






File:GIKB3NEbsAAiY_q.jpg (544.79 KB,1972x2048)


File:[ASW] Seiyuu Radio no Urao….jpg (242.24 KB,1920x1080)

Man eat shit youtube. It was made private for some reason. Here's a NND version: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm43444228


Translated version




File:1512276789957.png (87.77 KB,219x423)

I don't know if you meant to post that parody version, but it's pretty hilarious.





File:07 The Waiting Hearth.flac (15.32 MB,175x175)


File:1-03. TAM, Gensou Gakudan….flac (34.81 MB,175x175)




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