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File:16cd7e2926999d826c9bb2a811….png (6.29 MB,4000x4000)

 No.88567[View All]

213 posts and 112 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I was drunk yesterday on some rum and liquor. And yeah, I wish I could poke and jiggle their plump bellahs.


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mangos and peaches tonight


Gonna drink vodka and carve a jack-o-lantern


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Went out to top golf with my otouto and let him order me a bunch of different drinks I didn't even know the names of. Was fun.


agh i was insanely drunk yesterday and i forgot to bump
what a shame


at least you didnt on-topic sage


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Got alcohol before and now during my flight and still my nerves are acting up. Can't imagine flying sober...


Recomend me sake to buy from amazon.jp


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At Thanksgiving I was with my family and within my family I've got a cousin who's a former bartender. So recently I've been enjoying old fashions when I go out or have them prepared for me and I asked him how to make one of them myself. Learned that you just need a few drops of angostura bitters, and that bitters are like the salt of the alcohol world, you add them to any cocktail to make it proper. With that knowledge in mind, while I was out shopping with imouto I came across some bitters in the store and knew I had to get them. They were right next to some maraschino cherries as well! So I grabbed them and at home I've already got a nice selection of bourbons and whiskey and made myself a nice old fashioned to relieve myself of the melancholy I was in.

I've got to say I absolutely love the way the old fashioned isn't that complex or hides the flavor of the whiskey/bourbon, in fact I think for the proper type it really accentuates the flavor! Not to mention that the cocktail-ifying of it makes the whiskey much easier down the throat than drinking it normally. And then the boozed up cherries are such a treat after its finished. I add 2 since I love them so much. Happy drinking, /qa/!


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I need /qa/'s help. I got some bourbon eggnog, and I'm really digging some hot cocoa. Would they mix well?


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I wanted to get beer but I overslept.


too much booze, now im tired


I find that 'nog mixes with only a few things because of how thick it is, but cocoa should work as long as there's more nog than cocoa.


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One and a half shots of some bad slivovitz. I hope that's enough to get me a little bit tipsy.

Damn alcohol regulations depriving me of my beer.


Alcohol regulations? The heck is that


Some places stop the sale of alcohol past a certain time (doesn't affect restaurants or bars to my knowledge). It's not that uncommon.


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Things like a monopoly on hard liquor and no alcohol sales after a certain hour, usually 8 on weekdays and 6 on saturdays.


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Bought some fancy beer under the "malty" section but it just tastes like normal pilsner.

Oh well, at least it got me drunk. Cheers!


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Guinness-kun, my trusty friend.


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R-Rika chama!!?


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has some red rice ale, it looks literally red
very unique taste


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drunk og liquid bread


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Day was really cold.



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Wish I had more beer.


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drinkeng for the streen!


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10% alcohol beer sure is something, was sipping one down with the lights on and the oppressive nature of the room along with my inebriation lead to me passing out in my chair.


i really like this image


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had the most amount of alcohol ever for me last week with various kinds of beer, wine, and cocktail
this included a whole tall glass of avocado margarita
it tasted very nice with some mexican food
started getting a little dizzy after that but i still rode a scooter for 3 miles along with heavy traffic, fortunately it worked out and there were no near misses


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>had the most amount of alcohol ever for me last week
Funnily enough, me too. Was out on a special occasion with brother and because that little shit knew I was paying and that he doesn't drink anymore he ordered whatever he could, which included an irish car bomb, a shot of brandy, a moscow mule, some cocktails and a beer. Most expensive trip to the toilet I've had, but at least he was happy at the end of the night.


cute stories guys


I drank a bottle of wine to cope with the urge to redose my ADHD medication but I don't feel that good. I have benzos, but meh. I wish I could be stimmed all the time because it gives me the drive to do things and be social and I'm cursed with the feeling I need to do something productive every day.


I also think I can't stand my own thoughts which are not really conscious and I can't figure out what they are, this could be why not being always distracted by something makes me feel such dread.


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Drunk on cheap beer.


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Yesterday was the one annual event where I would drink any alcohol at all.
My mom insists that I join her feuerzangenbowle every winter.
So I drank a large cup as instructed and left, because I dislike both alcohol and any crowd larger than 4 people.
And I know nothing about this whole thing reflects well on me.


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I must admit that looks cool as heck. Sucks about the being forced into it part, though. Nobody should be forced to drink if they don't want to.


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Drunk again.
Time to game.


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Cheap (but good) white wine, wakame salad and Rozen Maiden.

love wakame salad


some smelts and beer for the stream


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been drinking to the hidamari stream since last week and opened a bottle of malbec to complement it and had some steak on sunday that paired well but today had some chili and it did NOT pair well with the wine

someone recommend me something to salvage this blunder


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What do I have for food/drink haven't eaten all day...


stupid shab should put on her seatbelt or she'll go flying through the windshield


shabs are so stupid


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saw two cats today while on my way to get beer: one brown tabby and one black and I got to pet the tabby one

i wish the landlord wasn't so anal about pets, the guy brings his dog when he's doing maintenance stuff on the house but won't allow others to keep pets


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Beeru umai!



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4 hours "napped"
canned dolma eaten
10% alc beer in glass


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einstök umai


Drinking to sleep


Can't walk.


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im dwunk


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drunk on mead
i hope the 2hus get to taste real mead some day and not that swill marisa made

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