What I posted on Git is really out of date and I have golang components I haven't posted. I'm not sure if it even truly works.
What I posted is intended to be supplementary material. So you would install NPFChan or Vichan and then find what I did to make the pollboards work or changes to the catalog and use them.
Like the UI and Golang services(hazuki) aren't going to be published until kissu has a new engine. That's in hiatus btw.
So you could take the banner application, adjustments to vichan themes, the catalog, pollboards(potentially?) the archive. But you'd have to do it from a more stable base in vichan
>>128918Oh, okay, thanks.
I like how smooth notifications about new posts are (when lurking only board) but that function probably won't work with NPFChan only.
aren't new post updates (if we're talking about the ones that show up in the tab) vanilla vichan? pretty sure gnfos had it before kissu was even a thing, but it might be something trevor added himself
>And I just need a VPS, domain and database, right?
technically you just need any kind of computer running linux, a web server, and a database
>>128922Trevor made it using a .PHP file and I replicated it by placing it into the UI using various JSON mechanisms.
>>128921Replies are handled through a pretty straightforward notification API. it's not the webworkers one.
The tab notifications, You could have a PHP file that you check every N seconds which tells you the number of posts that have occured between a set number of seconds, then you add in some JavaScript to send it GET data. If it detects a new post you change the title.
>>128930not that guy. I'm testing every imageboard software right now to get my altchan back and running.
>It's weird vichan is still chugging along; something a teenager made like 15 years ago, right?Yeah but there's not that many good alternatives. There's a lot of abandoned ones, and when something like Lynxchan is updated it looks really bad and is hard to use.
>>128932Cool! More than I'd ever be able to do. And yeah, there really isn't much to choose from. You could try the meguca thing, although I'm not sure where you'd go for that. I'm not a fan of that format personally.
>>128935I made a temporary board on shamiko but anons also weren't fond of that format, meguca kinda forces you to post in one general thread instead of making new ones.
>>128936Yeah, I really can't say I enjoy the blog-general format, but I guess it works for them. It has unfortunately become a dominating form for the modern 2D imageboard outside of 4chan. But, uh, I guess that's a subject for another day.
there's also jschan if you haven't tried it out already, it's pretty nice