Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 17:28:50 No. 135533 >>135547
Going to be completely frank I don't give two shits about 4chan anymore. But if you could post the logs that would be appreciated.
Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 17:51:51 No. 135535
mootykins shitting on AoC, lmao (17:32:52) ‹~moots› i have no idea which mod decided it was magically okay to nuke jp based on a handful of users in q, but it wasnt me (17:33:05) ‹~moots› you already know i am at my wits end with you (17:33:27) ‹~moots› if they hate what you're doing again, you will be removed, i am sick of constantly dealing with them being angry at you (17:33:33) ‹~moots› it's your gamble (17:34:22) ‹~moots› "Thanks for officially ruining /jp/, I seriously hate you. The board is now nazi Germany where absolutely nothing is tolerated but strictly on topic threads." first email in my inbox (17:34:57) ‹+BluRay› >nuke (17:35:25) ‹+Azatsu› we did have many meta threads complaining that /jp/ didn't have any specific rules for years... (17:35:43) ‹+Kyoubro› Well, to look at it one way... are those people the ones we want on 4chan? Are they the userbase we're catering to? (17:35:54) ‹+Kyoubro› It's very possible that they're just a vocal minority. (17:36:09) ‹+Azatsu› if users were okay with /jp/ being completely free and userbase decisive there wouldn't be metathreads talking about how we should have mods and everything (17:36:09) ‹+Bloom› is /jp/ supposed to be about otaku culture or 2D/random (17:36:16) ‹+Bloom› i think thats the issue here and nobody knows. (17:36:17) ‹+BluRay› no no, pretty sure it IS a vocal minority (17:36:23) ‹+BluRay› hell no at the latter (17:36:51) ‹+AoC› And the posters have been responding positively to the sticky. I will take the gamble, posters want a cleaner /jp/ and spammers are the first to bombard you with negative emails since its easier. (17:37:14) ‹+Kyoubro› ^agreed (17:37:32) ‹+AoC› Give me 2 weeks, people will be happier. I bet my role here on it
Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 17:54:06 No. 135537 >>135540
/jp/ had an actual BRONY janny, lmao (03:01:20) <+McNuggets> oh ... they want more moderation? ok ... I'll hand out more BRs instead of just deleting (03:01:47) <+McNuggets> >janny's sliding (03:02:20) <+McNuggets> they always accuse /jp/ janis of being /a/ janis ... wonder how they'd react if they knew a jani hired for /jp/ is also an /mlp/ jani .... (03:07:23) <+McNuggets> See ... I took this position not because I love the users, but because I love 4chan. I want to make it a better place. To help it become something better. I believe the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. I will never regret my "Kleenex" comments. (03:07:25) <+VCR_Working> a-fucking-men (03:07:47) <+McNuggets> Oh god ... 10 Talis (03:07:59) <+McNuggets> Er 10 Trevors (03:08:06) <+McNuggets> 10 of any of them (03:08:11) <+VCR_Working> inorite (03:08:19) <+VCR_Working> they're all terrible people (03:08:19) <+McNuggets> (cue Scanner head explosion) (03:09:58) <+McNuggets> I sometimes wonder if people on warosu actually believe themselves or they're just being deliberately stupid. (03:10:42) <+VCR_Working> i think there's one or two people that are legit autistic (03:10:43) <+McNuggets> HA! (03:10:49) <+VCR_Working> like full on autismbux autistic (03:11:18) <+VCR_Working> lol (03:11:19) <+McNuggets> I am so glad nobody actually knows who I am ... (03:13:13) <+McNuggets> Someone on /mlp/ posted the other day, "The janitors aren't here to protect us. They're here to protect 4chan *from* us." (03:14:05) <+VCR_Working> heh (03:14:55) <+McNuggets> I've always said ... "I do this for 4chan, not for you." ... but, then, I'm a Communist. (04:16:39) -!- Quit: +Azatsu [] [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] (04:41:26) -!- Quit: ~moots [] [Remote host closed the connection] (04:49:08) -!- Join: moots [] (04:49:09) -!- ChanServ [+qo] moots moots (05:17:15) <+McNuggets> sleepy time? (05:17:41) <+McNuggets> wanted to say hi to moots (pinged) (05:18:04) <+McNuggets> and now I'm off to bed ... hiya fearless leader XD *kiss kiss* moots (05:18:49) -!- ChanServ [+b] *!*@takeit.easy (05:18:49) -!- +McNuggets was kicked by ChanServ [User has been banned from the channel (akick)] (05:20:32) <+VCR_Working> no bullying (05:23:31) <+VCR_Working> sigh (05:28:17) <+VCR_Working> fsdfdsf (05:33:10) -!- moots [+k] janititan (05:33:40) <+VCR_Working> ... (05:45:46) <@RapeApe> welp (05:59:35) <@ALTERNATIVE> RapeApe: what happened? (05:59:56) <@RapeApe> mcnuggets got re-fired (06:00:02) <@ALTERNATIVE> why? (06:00:35) <@RapeApe> pissed moot off one too many times
Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 18:04:56 No. 135538
Yeah, I've seen tons about it and discussed a bunch about it too back on 4/qa/ and /jp/.
Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 18:09:40 No. 135540 >>135558
>>135537 >(04:16:39) -!- Quit: +Azatsu [] [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] >(04:41:26) -!- Quit: ~moots [] [Remote host closed the connection] >(04:49:08) -!- Join: moots [] >(04:49:09) -!- ChanServ [+qo] moots moots What's the significance of this? My IRC clique tea leaf reading skills are a bit rusty.
Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 18:38:31 No. 135542
>Aug 02 22:01:24 <VCR_Working> [18:00:29] <Kanery> * You have been invited to #tokiko by pope_urban ( [18:00:39] <Kanery> who the fuck It seems like VCR_Working might have posted this accidentally? Could this be one of his alt accounts? Kanery was a tripfag and guild leader in Tera back when the game was popular on 4chan. Could he and VCR_Working be the same person? I actually have this Kanery guy added on steam. I can't believe he's a janny. Was everyone I know a janny at some point?! FUCK
Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 18:42:54 No. 135543
(15:01:31) ‹+AoC› (15:01:51) ‹+AoC› Some days I just want to burn a crater into jp and see what happens (15:02:23) ‹+AoC› but then I remember to take it easy A few days later (20:15:26) ‹+AoC› I feel like I could burn /jp/ down to a smoking crater (20:17:48) ‹+pr0x› Easily enough for NY Beam (20:20:12) ‹+AoC› fuck it. If the top thread is shitposting on this refresh then brace for a full wipe, moot be damned (20:20:23) ‹+AoC› >Cum Stain Sam !Z2MGvjUFME (20:20:35) ‹+AoC› >Please bury me with my shitposts. (20:20:36) ‹+AoC› welp
Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 19:04:22 No. 135545 >>135560
AoC was one of the only ones in the channel who was actively advocating for janitors not receiving a salary, haha!
(00:22:04) +AoC: >I wonder if 4chan would be better with a handful of paid moderators, developers, etc.
(00:22:22) +AoC: Don't make me bring up the social vs. actual payment divergence again
(00:22:31) +AoC: we work hard because we don't get paid
(00:23:06) +AoC: get a salary involved and it becomes a soulless grind that everyone would hate
The funniest shit about this is that one of the head moderators actually has a salary:
(17:58:47) %RapeApe: is it just me or is today a particularly trying day on 4chan
(17:59:21) %RapeApe: i can't remember the last day when i've banned this many people
(18:03:28) %RapeApe: shit. if every day is going to be like this, moot better put me on salary.
>The senior moderator, sometimes referred to as “GrapeApe,” has exercised an enormous influence on 4chan over the past decade. As one former moderator told Motherboard in 2020, “RapeApe has an agenda: He wants /pol/ to have an influence on the rest of the site and [its] politics.” >Documents turned over to New York investigators reveal that 4chan signed an agreement to pay RapeApe $3,000 a month for their services in 2015. By May 2022, that fee had risen to $4,400 a month. (RapeApe is one of very few 4chan staff who receive a salary.)
Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 21:00:43 No. 135552 >>135560 >>135562 >>135584
>>135548 its not negative at all, bro
its fucking hilarious
it actually confirms a bunch of 20 year old shitposters were giving 4chan staff severe mental anguish by spamming the board with anime, cats, flanfly, doubles, bawson, frodo, kircheis and w2hoefk posts
Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 21:07:41 No. 135556
canonically steamed
Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 21:16:12 No. 135557
2013, Aug 17 (16:39:22) +AoC: I believe it's time for me to retire (16:39:26) +AoC: it's been fun (16:39:35) » Part: +AoC (AoC@ministry.of.arcane.knowledge) ((ノ ゚Д゚)ノ ======= ┻━━┻) 2013, Nov 16 (03:15:50) <%kami`> what happene dto aoc KusKus? (03:16:05) <%KusKus> Not much just got done slaving away at work, AoC is taking a sanity break (03:16:24) <%KusKus> He asked to have some time to himself (03:16:31) <%KusKus> You can still talk to him on steam though 2014 Feb 05 21:23:34 <yetsturdy> Where's AoC? Feb 05 21:23:37 <yetsturdy> Where's McNuggets? Feb 05 21:23:40 <yetsturdy> Where's duanemoody? Feb 05 21:23:43 <yetsturdy> where's uh Feb 05 21:23:49 <Axism> nikka? :^D Feb 05 21:23:49 <yetsturdy> who else was good? Feb 05 21:31:28 <Scrubadour> aoc left due to mental health issues, nuggers and duane and nikka were booted, and dongs quit for personal reasons Apr 06 16:22:03 <KusKus> AoC is the only jani who has gotten away with wiping a board, getting fired and coming back Apr 06 16:22:50 <KusKus> AoC was a great janitor but the stress was getting to him a little and he had some medical issues too May 10 13:18:44 <Zakuro`> I think AoC put "global janitor who dedicated several hundred hours in upholding the quality of a forum" on his resume once>I think AoC put "global janitor who dedicated several hundred hours in upholding the quality of a forum" on his resume once >I think AoC put "global janitor who dedicated several hundred hours in upholding the quality of a forum" on his resume once >I think AoC put "global janitor who dedicated several hundred hours in upholding the quality of a forum" on his resume once I can't breath-AHAHAHAHAHAH Poor guy... I hope he found a real job, or at least that he stayed a truNEET and never went back to being a janitor.
Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 21:18:56 No. 135558 >>135561
>>135540 Azatsu was disconnected due to a timeout, and moots briefly disconnected and rejoined, regaining operator privileges upon re-entry.
Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 21:59:11 No. 135560 >>135591 >>135592
>>135545 paid $52,800 a year to spread /pol/, harrowing
>>135552 I gave it major thought before but I can't imagine being a janitor these days, between moderation themselves being cancer and the shit one must put up with it's a raw deal. There's a whole world of mod politics and drama the bright eyed janitor applicants are unaware of.
Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 22:03:25 No. 135561 >>135572
>>135558 So it's just IRC functioning normally, no drama implications?
Anonymous 11/27/24 (Wed) 22:07:58 No. 135562 >>135573
>>135552 Mods won in the end.
Anonymous 11/28/24 (Thu) 03:25:01 No. 135572
>>135561 Yeah, you can ignore those lines in specific. IRC has those kinds of system messages hundreds of times a day whenever someone logs in or disconnects due to idle.
Anonymous 11/28/24 (Thu) 03:30:03 No. 135573 >>135585
>>135562 Mods "won" in the sense that one of them, “GrapeApe”, now actually has a salary (he actually seems like a chill guy and jannys hate him and are envious of him so I don't mind)
Everyone else still does it for free and most /jp/ janitors have dropped out of the imageboard moderation sphere.
Anonymous 11/28/24 (Thu) 05:21:50 No. 135576
>>135574 You could just hide the thread, but I think you're misreading the vibe here. We're just having a laugh, mate.
Nobody's actually ANGRY at the mods from 10 years ago.
Anonymous 11/28/24 (Thu) 07:10:50 No. 135578
>>135577 I'm sensing some frustration in your post. Want to talk about it, anon?
Anonymous 11/28/24 (Thu) 09:43:09 No. 135584
>>135552 >it actually confirms a bunch of 20 year old shitposters were giving 4chan staff severe mental anguish by spamming the board with anime, cats, flanfly, doubles, bawson, frodo, kircheis and w2hoefk posts A lot really underestimate the power of simple shitposting.
You have to realize the average janitor is a lolcow. They have much more in common with the most infamous mentally ill posters like Barry or ACK than random anons, and these types are notorious for how easy it is to set them off. It takes a certain kind of obsessive person to moderate an imageboard, or any internet community in general.
Internet communities rise and fall by their own hand, and by their own. Deferring this responsibility to users with elevated privileges like moderators and steamyjeannies (a.k.a. rulecutie supreme) will only end in disaster, as it is shown time and time again. Or we could look at real life for example where power is handed to a few groups ruling in the shadows who choke everything with rules and societal norms at the expense of those who want to take it easy and freely post eeems and catshatpost (and they will hunt you down if you personally tick them off, no different than a jannyturd...), but I digress...
Or is that Gensokyo?
Anonymous 11/28/24 (Thu) 12:03:01 No. 135585 >>135587
>>135573 Both sides have changed, the shitposting culture of /jp/ like cat look like janny, niggy, which 2hu would you fuck and personalities like trev and tokiko are gone from 4chan. Whatever resembling it now is contained in generals and it's completely different people. Mods kinda have it under control in the sense that the catalog isn't shit up with garbage threads now.
OP, instead of postin on warosu you should take this to /ota/, that's about the only place that might care.
Anonymous 11/28/24 (Thu) 19:10:42 No. 135587
>>135585 >/ota/, that's about the only place that might care. Nah, /ota/ is too slow. This topic has already gotten plenty of engagement here on Kissu, and I’m good with that.
Anonymous 11/28/24 (Thu) 19:51:50 No. 135591 >>135592
>>135560 Just from how often they do recruitment drives the turnover rate must be really high. I even applied during the moot years, but needing to give your real name and info to Hiro is retarded and I wouldn't do it even if being a janitor was more than being a mindless drone for mods with a completely different vision for the site. I can't imagine anyone signing up for it out of goodwill or wanting to improve the community these days, it's only worth it if you're an autist who can't have peace of mind without settling some petty vendetta against random shitposters.
I sympathize with the task of picking out good mods from a community based around anonymity, but just throwing bodies at it only makes the problem worse.
Anonymous 11/28/24 (Thu) 20:11:30 No. 135592 >>135606
>>135560 Several times over the years I thought of applying to be the janitor of 4/fa/, but each time was reminded that there's no saving the board without heavy handed moderation and ultimately no point in doing so. As far as I can tell, the board has no dedicated janitor with someone else occasionally deleting blatently off topic or NSFW posts once a day at most.
>>135591 This as well, I recall something about having to sign a contract and provide your real world information.
Anonymous 11/29/24 (Fri) 11:17:19 No. 135606
>>135592 >This as well, I recall something about having to sign a contract and provide your real world information. I thought this only applied to mods?
Anonyaamous 11/30/24 (Sat) 04:47:05 No. 135621 >>135637
Yeah I read them. They were leaked by a janitor who had a healthy reaction to moot demanding he dox himself and sign an NDA to keep working for the soon to be sold 4chan LLC. That janny won. Imagine doxing yourself to moot only to realize he did it so he could exit scam.
Anonyaamous 12/01/24 (Sun) 00:47:00 No. 135637 >>135638
>>135621 just found out moot left google. what did he even do ther-
>product manager everyone I
know that's in IT has a useless role (myself included)
Anonyaamous 12/01/24 (Sun) 00:50:07 No. 135638 >>135639
>>135637 You know me, Anonymous, and I make web apps for 10s, sometimes 100s of users!
Anonyaamous 12/01/24 (Sun) 00:57:04 No. 135639 >>135641
>>135638 I stand by what I said
IT is dead
our industry is just endlessly recycling trendy apps that add minimal societal value and its all run by greedy corporates that prioritize profit-driven features over transformative innovation or meaningful contributions to humanity
Anonyaamous 12/01/24 (Sun) 01:16:19 No. 135642
>>135641 if you get within 5 meters of a computer at work you work with IT