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9 Episodes: Janken arc.

If anyone has an issue with 6PM EST let me know and we can do 7PM EST.

8PM EST is likely not possible

Stream on https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri


still no suggestions of starting in 2 hours, 3 hours or 4 hours...


op makes it seem like 6PM is the default so i suppose that
although i personally won't be able to attend today


well maybe I shouldn't even stream it today


Do it tomorrow and I'll be there.


i dunno if that's possible because the problem with sunday(is probably, no one will ever tell you) is that people have jobs they're preparing for across the timezones


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I don't have a time preference, but 3 stream days in a row does make me tired


what do you even do that watching a stream makes you tired...


Well. I'll probably just do some menial data entry / play fighting games today instead


What the fuck why isn't there a stream?


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Because we decided to wait until Gurren Lagann is streamed


because no one said if they wanted it at 6pm, 7pm or 8pm. And it seemed very likely that no one cared. So I'm not going to waste my time on a gamble when I have some other tings to do. I could still run it at 8pm, but it's unlikely


Either I have to download a different version or someone else is going to have to convert them to mp4 because I don't want my computer to break.


Oh. I thought it was implied that the stream would take place at 6pm because that's how normally streams happen?


anyways. I said I'd do it Friday instead


today we stream the first arc of Kaiji


roger roger


I'm going to sleep but I think 6pm unless there's some problem... Episodes were uploaded last week


fine with me


seems good to me


Streaming Kaiji in an hour!


Streaming in 30


bleh gotta do something and will miss first episode, but I'll be joining later


Streaming in 15 min


I have to correct the uploads so it might be a bit longer. Should be fine though


Starting now!


Pretty cool. This is another thing I'd never watch on my own, but it was fun with other people. I could understand this story because RPS/Jenken is really simple, but once it moves to Mahjong or whatever I'll have to zone out and just pretend like I did with Saki


kaiji doesn't do mahjong(technically).
The next one is barely a gamble and more about how people behave under stress.
The ones after are more gambling.

But Kaiji is more of an anime about cheating I'd say


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what the fuck


that's wild. I did get banned by an AI that was detecting hentai


I have to read the manga to understand this damn thing and maybe read an explainer. Something about rock paper swords and star sprites and naked men huddled together.


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Thank you for the stream!


That's hilarious. It's presumably aimed at streamer girls, but it's good enough to detect 2D butts


There is no way Twitch would let an AI harass their streamer girls. They wouldn't be able to fleece teenagers without them.


Have you tried streaming directly to kissu? I remember there was that one imageboard stream with a chat from around 2008, called like awesome something? It had like 4 different continuous streams with anime and toku if I recall and adult swim like bumps. Does anyone else remember this? It was part of some board, but anyway it wasn't subject to bans because of nude men discussing game theory.


we normally have other means but the processing the videos ahead of time didn't work and I wound up waking up one hour before the stream and couldn't check things over


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It was really fucking good. I think its structure is impeccable.

It sets up the rules of the match clearly from the outset, and for the duration of the game these do not change, there are no secret reveals or introduced anything, it's what it says on the tin. Rather, the way it ramps up is by continuously foiling Kaiji's plans, by showing that, as clever as they may be and meeting initial success, there's a way in which they can go wrong, and then forces him to come up with a new plan of escalating complexity that stacks on top of what happened before. So what it has is a constant cycle of victory and defeat, which forces him to change his approach at every turn.
You can see this as early as the first encounter: first Funai clues him in on to a way to cheese it (win), then it backfires for Kaiji (loss), and now his resources aren't enough to make it on his own, so he despairs until being inspired to pursue Furuhata and group up with him. And it simultaneously establishes the importance of trust, which proves to be relevant several times up to the conclusion. Then, when they're later buying up all those rocks, I predicted there'd be a second group hoarding paper cards for two reasons: because there would then be someone else manipulating the flow and tampering with them, showing the weakness of relying that they'd be the only ones to do it, and because paper > rock. It makes sense, it's a reasonable development. I don't know if other gambling series are also like this, but in any case I really liked that.


>I don't know if other gambling series are also like this
Oh and I'm saying this because reading Usogui they literally did not know how to play the game in multiple dimensions and there WAS a secret rule and even a secret second game being played on top of the first one without their awareness to confirm the validity of the moves and whoever of the two playing the extra game failed to make the math they'd be shoved into an iron maiden connected to their brain where they'd feel the torture of being burned alive or torn apart limb from limb while remaining physically safe.
It was balls to the walls and super enjoyable, but also an entirely different experience.


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>I don't know if other gambling series are also like this
Expect great visuals, and receive utter disappointment.


You should read the manga 'Liar game'




I think we'll continue from episode 10 - episode 22 tomorrow friday.

Sunday... maybe run something earlier for 23-26... is there any time that works


Does that mean a subplot ends at 22? If so, yeah, sounds good.


Basically yes. It's the end of technically three parts of a second arc.

The second arc lasts an entire night so it's somewhat continuous and doesn't have great ending points other than the end of episode 26.


We'll be picking up at 6PM EST on the normal channel.
12 episodes


Streaming in an hour


Streaming in 30



streaimin in 5min


Stream startin now!


you got subs working. hooray


Pretty great, but I don't really have much to say about it. Some of the stuff made me mentally squirm, but not as much as Higurashi. I completely misread what this series was like


I think that the Steel Beams and E-Card arc goes a ways to show that there's bastards in this world. But even if they are bastards you can't just assume because you're righteous that you can underestimate them. Tonegawa was a truly snakeish and cunning bastard but he had more guts than most of the people we've seen yet. He's willing to do whatever in order to get ahead in life.


I can't say I liked Steel Beams much, it's a simple game whose threat of falling is repeated tons of times while the pushing thing is neutralized for Kaiji without much trouble, and the later reveal of the glass stairs is... eh. The stronger draw is Tonegawa's speeches, but there's a lot reiteration there too. For E-Card I had been spoiled about Tonegawa's cheating and Kaiji's metal as fuck sacrifice which means I can't give a fair assessment of it, but I do think it undermines the earlier theorizing which even without that was drastically different from Janken's given that he was grasping at straws in comparison ALTHOUGH the twist is still fucking cool as shit.
Yeah, Tonegawa's an absolute bastard but not stupid.


Kaiji does have a tendency to go off with some moments where there's not much of a theatrical depth to the games, but instead talks generally about society and the meaning of being human.

For the majority of the story Kaiji is doing games against villains, but the past 3 years of the story has been him coming to realize that the life he lives is really atypical and unhealthy.


I just came across this in an interview:
>Fukumoto: So, what you’re asking about is how, say, Tonegawa goes on tirades in Kaiji about how the characters are absolutely pathetic, and do other manga do that kind of thing? I suppose not many do. I consider one of the characteristics of my manga to be that the bad guys say these really cruel things, and yet you feel like maybe what they’re saying is true. You could say that I use the bad guys in my manga as a sort of wall that stands in for society or something like that, which Kaiji then bumps up against and wins or loses against. Manga have had walls like that in the past, like, say, Ittetsu Hoshi [from Kyojin no Hoshi], but the thing is, Ittetsu had affection for Hyuma, whereas Tonegawa has zero affection. (laugh) He’s just pure wall. I sort of like that.

Also this towards the end:
>Otsuki: Kaiji is very anti-establishment in that sense. The money involved isn’t actually all that much, though, is it? The money he’s gambling with is just in the tens of millions, so even while he may be standing up against the evil establishment, to them it’s just a drop in the bucket, whereas Kaiji loses his fingers and ear, and it’s really sad. (laugh) I think readers who are still students will be doubly shocked once they become adults and realize that, thinking back on it, Kaiji never even had that much money on the line.


I'll be busy in the evening, so running these in the afternoon would be good. Maybe 2 or 3?


3PM most likely then.


Maybe it's a little too late but can you consider using another release? The BD release has frame pacing problem which results in lots of stuttering. TV source releases like [Triad] don't have this problem.


Never noticed. Can't say I do. I thought at some points the lip syncing was off, but that might have just been the way it was.

I guess I'll see. I like how this release uses different text color for out of focus voices and the standard yellow for main dialog. Not a lot of subs do this.


It's most noticeable for panning scenes. The panning stutters and isn't smooth. I think it's normal that people not familiar with stuttering like this won't notice, but once you compare it with a good source you won't be able to unsee it again.

>I like how this release uses different text color for out of focus voices and the standard yellow for main dialog. Not a lot of subs do this.
Most subs place these voices on the top of screen instead.


The colored system is nice. But I'll check when I'm burning the subs for alternatives


[Triad] is hardsubbed so there is no need for baking subtitle for that.


Alright. I'll do the final episodes at 3pm


Thread's reminding me that I never got around to watching Kaiji S2....


There are no seeders on the triad subtitles so changing from what we have isn't likely to happen unless I'm given some shady url to download


Which one are you looking at? This one has 10 seeders at the moment.




This one is the one I mentioned.


feels like there's a problem with the image quality on the TV release, but whatever, I'll use it for you


going to be streaming the last 4 episodes of Kaiji in 2 hours


won't be here so -1 person


I literally asked for what times would have worked for you. The least respect you could give is a number, even if I wouldn't use it.


i can't at any hour i'm leaving in a bit
i could've mentioned it yesterday, that's true though


anyways streaming the last 4 episodes of kaiji in an hour


I'm curious to see the numbers of a stream at this time of day on a Sunday
I'll be there, even if it's just two people


Oh, these subs are in 1024 x 576... we can't use these...


Should be fine with time, but I'm using what we've been using already


Streaming Kaiji in 10 minutes https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/yukkuri


Stream starting now!


I really love how the Hyodo gamble is resolved with Kaiji losing after praying to god and hoping to win over trying to think things over logically. He let himself get caught up in the weight of the gamble and Hyodo outsmarting him, and didn't even consider what Hyodo himself did to rig the game. The loss, however, was necessary for Kaiji to cement those lessons taught to him by E-Card and Steel Beams.

Maybe I was wrong, but I see it as more a failure to respect Hyodo the same way he did Tonegawa, and a perfect farce played to lead Kaiji into making that underestimation. Always thought of Hyodo as the evil version of Kaiji, just as cunning but without the kindness. It seems like from all his backstory he lost it through dealing with people snaking him in the past.


https://anilist.co/anime/5040/One-Outs/ One Out's is like the only direct comparision series. But it's more like BaseBall Akagi than Kaiji


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funnily enough the kaiji/akagi va also voices toua
>In 2018, he became a Riichi Mahjong professional affiliated with the Japan Professional Mahjong League. In the same year he was drafted by the Team RAIDEN professional Mahjong team for the participation of the team Riichi Mahjong tournament M-League.


That was great, although a little bit drawn out at times to build suspense which I don't always enjoy.
Since we didn't actually see any splats, I was expecting a reveal that the people that fell were actually falling into netting and hidden away. I guess a little public mass murder is alright when that much money is involved.
It's good, storywise, that Kaiji fails so much while he's simultaneously a genius. It makes him very relatable and it keeps you engaged. The villains are good, too, not simply cartoon villains but are believable in their twisted minds. Realistic?
Good stuff.


It takes place in an under construction hotel so I think the assumption is that this would be swept under the rug as work-place accidents


The moment he let Hyodo keep his hand inside the box for longer than him while expecting the guy to be unable to counter, that's where he lost. That's the point where he let things slip from his grasp, and yeah, a good deal of that comes down to underestimating Hyodo.
I remember we streamed part of that, but I'm not sold on baseball sadly. Don't recall in what way, though.

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