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File:20240327_021420.jpg (324.1 KB,1344x2048)


How do you feel about all the different versions of Miku? Does it get on your nerves if people don't stick to a general mold of the character that feels appropriate or are you fine with the artists vision being expressed through her freely? I'm more in the latter camp since I feel it fits better with vocaloids in general being for people to make their own music with, and not for people to make music for the vocaloid.


the version of miku that got the quints


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I don't mind. Miku is a program and programs can be easily modified


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I'm not bothered by them, but I don't really consider them to be Miku. They're their own things, like a doujin Reimu with gigantic breasts that does... things.
There's also all sorts of crazy official Miku stuff like "2016 Winter Racing Miku by artist ___ featuring clothing by ___" or whatever which I dismiss as lame cash grabs, but I like seeing her different costumes in the Diva games.
Due to her Vocaloid hologram nature I think it makes more sense that she would have various forms, more so than aforementioned Reimu. It's a pretty cool thing, but yeah it's not the Miku to me.


I like it when Miku gains weight.


Miku is my wife and I love her


A EULA agreement is not the same as a marriage contract.


I don't think Rabbit Hole Miku actually resembles Miku in basically any way, but also she's hot and I'm glad for her existence.


I personally don't have any fixed beliefs about what Hatsune Miku is, and don't think it makes much sense to try and pin them down. Soapland Miku is not the same as nyanyanya Miku, meta self-aware Miku, loli dancing Miku, future consumerist Miku, I'm-going-to-fucking-kill-myself Miku, or whatever the hell Kikuo is doing Miku. What would even be the point of trying to find a canon personality for the most popular and widely used voice synthesizer?


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dont know but kaai yuki is better


Her name is Pure Pure she is not Miku


Is there even any proof of this? The original video is pretty clearly Miku and the only reference to a character are with the
>feat. 初音ミク
Which still isn't some "Pure Pure" character. In fact the only reference I can find of it is in the line 「死ぬまでピュアピュアやってんのん?」where「ピュアピュア」is more in reference to being a pure shojo with mocking derision rather than a name.


there is zero proof it was made up to excuse the sexual stuff


Not all programs give you Freedom 1.


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What about Freedom 2?


Deco said so in the release stream


You need nuclear weapons for that.


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This was a lie, by the way.
She's also just called Miku on the merch from his website.
Spreading misinformation isn't as fun as I thought, sorry.

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